mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 07:20:09 +08:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io
import kotlinx.io.charsets.Charset
import kotlinx.io.core.*
import kotlin.experimental.or
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
internal val CharsetGBK = Charset.forName("GBK")
internal val CharsetUTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF8")
inline fun buildJcePacket(stringCharset: Charset = CharsetGBK, block: JceOutput.() -> Unit): ByteReadPacket {
return JceOutput(stringCharset).apply(block).build()
inline fun BytePacketBuilder.writeJcePacket(stringCharset: Charset = CharsetGBK, block: JceOutput.() -> Unit) {
return this.writePacket(buildJcePacket(stringCharset, block))
fun jceStruct(tag: Int, struct: JceStruct): ByteArray{
return buildJcePacket {
writeJceStruct(struct, tag)
fun <K, V> jceMap(tag: Int, vararg entries: Pair<K, V>): ByteArray {
return buildJcePacket {
writeMap(mapOf(*entries), tag)
* From: com.qq.taf.jce.JceOutputStream
@Suppress("unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
class JceOutput(
private val stringCharset: Charset = CharsetGBK
) {
private val output: BytePacketBuilder = BytePacketBuilder()
fun build(): ByteReadPacket = output.build()
fun close() = output.close()
fun flush() = output.flush()
fun writeByte(v: Byte, tag: Int) {
if (v.toInt() == 0) {
writeHead(ZERO_TYPE, tag)
} else {
writeHead(BYTE, tag)
fun writeDouble(v: Double, tag: Int) {
writeHead(DOUBLE, tag)
fun writeFloat(v: Float, tag: Int) {
writeHead(FLOAT, tag)
fun writeFully(src: ByteArray, tag: Int) {
writeHead(SIMPLE_LIST, tag)
writeHead(BYTE, 0)
writeInt(src.size, 0)
fun writeFully(src: DoubleArray, tag: Int) {
writeHead(LIST, tag)
writeInt(src.size, 0)
src.forEach {
writeDouble(it, 0)
fun writeFully(src: FloatArray, tag: Int) {
writeHead(LIST, tag)
writeInt(src.size, 0)
src.forEach {
writeFloat(it, 0)
fun writeFully(src: IntArray, tag: Int) {
writeHead(LIST, tag)
writeInt(src.size, 0)
src.forEach {
writeInt(it, 0)
fun writeFully(src: LongArray, tag: Int) {
writeHead(LIST, tag)
writeInt(src.size, 0)
src.forEach {
writeLong(it, 0)
fun writeFully(src: ShortArray, tag: Int) {
writeHead(LIST, tag)
writeInt(src.size, 0)
src.forEach {
writeShort(it, 0)
fun writeFully(src: BooleanArray, tag: Int) {
writeHead(LIST, tag)
writeInt(src.size, 0)
src.forEach {
writeBoolean(it, 0)
fun <T> writeFully(src: Array<T>, tag: Int) {
writeHead(LIST, tag)
writeInt(src.size, 0)
src.forEach {
writeObject(it, 0)
fun writeInt(v: Int, tag: Int) {
if (v in Short.MIN_VALUE..Short.MAX_VALUE) {
writeShort(v.toShort(), tag)
} else {
writeHead(INT, tag)
fun writeLong(v: Long, tag: Int) {
if (v in Int.MIN_VALUE..Int.MAX_VALUE) {
writeInt(v.toInt(), tag)
} else {
writeHead(LONG, tag)
fun writeShort(v: Short, tag: Int) {
if (v in Byte.MIN_VALUE..Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
writeByte(v.toByte(), tag)
} else {
writeHead(SHORT, tag)
fun writeBoolean(v: Boolean, tag: Int) {
this.writeByte(if (v) 1 else 0, tag)
fun writeString(v: String, tag: Int) {
val array = v.toByteArray(stringCharset)
if (array.size > 255) {
writeHead(STRING4, tag)
} else {
writeHead(STRING1, tag)
fun <K, V> writeMap(map: Map<K, V>, tag: Int) {
writeHead(MAP, tag)
if (map.isEmpty()) {
writeInt(0, 0)
} else {
writeInt(map.size, 0)
map.forEach { (key, value) ->
writeObject(key, 0)
writeObject(value, 1)
fun writeCollection(collection: Collection<*>?, tag: Int) {
writeHead(LIST, tag)
if (collection == null || collection.isEmpty()) {
writeInt(0, 0)
} else {
writeInt(collection.size, 0)
collection.forEach {
writeObject(it, 0)
fun writeJceStruct(v: JceStruct, tag: Int) {
writeHead(STRUCT_BEGIN, tag)
writeHead(STRUCT_END, 0)
fun <T> writeObject(v: T, tag: Int) {
when (v) {
is Byte -> writeByte(v, tag)
is Short -> writeShort(v, tag)
is Int -> writeInt(v, tag)
is Long -> writeLong(v, tag)
is Float -> writeFloat(v, tag)
is Double -> writeDouble(v, tag)
is JceStruct -> writeJceStruct(v, tag)
is ByteArray -> writeFully(v, tag)
is Collection<*> -> writeCollection(v, tag)
is Boolean -> writeBoolean(v, tag)
is Map<*, *> -> writeMap(v, tag)
is IntArray -> writeFully(v, tag)
is ShortArray -> writeFully(v, tag)
is BooleanArray -> writeFully(v, tag)
is LongArray -> writeFully(v, tag)
is FloatArray -> writeFully(v, tag)
is DoubleArray -> writeFully(v, tag)
is Array<*> -> writeFully(v, tag)
is String -> writeString(v, tag)
// is ByteReadPacket -> ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
// v.readAvailable(it)
// writeFully(it, tag)
// }
else -> error("unsupported type: ${v.getClassName()}")
fun write(v: Int, tag: Int) = writeInt(v, tag)
fun write(v: Byte, tag: Int) = writeByte(v, tag)
fun write(v: Short, tag: Int) = writeShort(v, tag)
fun write(v: Long, tag: Int) = writeLong(v, tag)
fun write(v: Float, tag: Int) = writeFloat(v, tag)
fun write(v: Double, tag: Int) = writeDouble(v, tag)
fun write(v: String, tag: Int) = writeString(v, tag)
fun write(v: Boolean, tag: Int) = writeBoolean(v, tag)
fun write(v: Collection<*>, tag: Int) = writeCollection(v, tag)
fun write(v: Map<*, *>, tag: Int) = writeMap(v, tag)
fun write(v: ByteArray, tag: Int) = writeFully(v, tag)
fun write(v: IntArray, tag: Int) = writeFully(v, tag)
fun write(v: BooleanArray, tag: Int) = writeFully(v, tag)
fun write(v: LongArray, tag: Int) = writeFully(v, tag)
fun write(v: ShortArray, tag: Int) = writeFully(v, tag)
fun write(v: Array<*>, tag: Int) = writeFully(v, tag)
fun write(v: FloatArray, tag: Int) = writeFully(v, tag)
fun write(v: DoubleArray, tag: Int) = writeFully(v, tag)
internal companion object {
const val BYTE: Int = 0
const val DOUBLE: Int = 5
const val FLOAT: Int = 4
const val INT: Int = 2
const val JCE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 104857600
const val LIST: Int = 9
const val LONG: Int = 3
const val MAP: Int = 8
const val SHORT: Int = 1
const val SIMPLE_LIST: Int = 13
const val STRING1: Int = 6
const val STRING4: Int = 7
const val STRUCT_BEGIN: Int = 10
const val STRUCT_END: Int = 11
const val ZERO_TYPE: Int = 12
private fun Any?.getClassName(): KClass<out Any> = if (this == null) Unit::class else this::class
internal fun writeHead(type: Int, tag: Int) {
if (tag < 15) {
this.output.writeByte(((tag shl 4) or type).toByte())
if (tag < 256) {
this.output.writeByte((type.toByte() or 0xF0.toByte()))
throw JceEncodeException("tag is too large: $tag")
class JceEncodeException(message: String) : RuntimeException(message)
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io
interface JceStruct
interface JceStruct {
fun writeTo(output: JceOutput) = Unit
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.JceStruct
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.withUse
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.readString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toIoBuffer
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
internal val CharsetGBK = Charset.forName("GBK")
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ fun <T> ByteArray.loadAs(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>, c: JceCharset
return Jce.byCharSet(c).load(deserializer, this)
fun <T : JceStruct> T.toByteArray(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>, c: JceCharset = JceCharset.UTF8): ByteArray = Jce.byCharSet(c).dump(serializer, this)
fun <T : JceStruct> T.toByteArray(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>, c: JceCharset = JceCharset.GBK): ByteArray = Jce.byCharSet(c).dump(serializer, this)
enum class JceCharset(val kotlinCharset: Charset) {
@ -104,7 +103,6 @@ class Jce private constructor(private val charset: JceCharset, context: SerialMo
override fun <T> encodeSerializableValue(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>, value: T) = when (serializer.descriptor) {
is MapLikeDescriptor -> {
val entries = (value as Map<*, *>).entries
val serializer = (serializer as MapLikeSerializer<Any?, Any?, T, *>)
val mapEntrySerial = MapEntrySerializer(serializer.keySerializer, serializer.valueSerializer)
@ -115,24 +113,26 @@ class Jce private constructor(private val charset: JceCharset, context: SerialMo
ByteArraySerializer.descriptor -> encodeTaggedByteArray(popTag(), value as ByteArray)
is PrimitiveArrayDescriptor -> {
if (value is ByteArray) {
this.encodeTaggedByteArray(popTag(), value)
} else {
when (value) {
is ShortArray -> value.size
is IntArray -> value.size
is LongArray -> value.size
is FloatArray -> value.size
is DoubleArray -> value.size
is CharArray -> value.size
else -> error("unknown array type: ${value.getClassName()}")
}, popTag(), this
// if (value is ByteArray) {
// this.encodeTaggedByteArray(popTag(), value)
// } else {
when (value) {
is ShortArray -> value.size
is IntArray -> value.size
is LongArray -> value.size
is FloatArray -> value.size
is DoubleArray -> value.size
is CharArray -> value.size
is ByteArray -> value.size
is BooleanArray -> value.size
else -> error("unknown array type: ${value.getClassName()}")
}, popTag(), this
// }
is ArrayClassDesc -> {
@ -260,13 +260,13 @@ class Jce private constructor(private val charset: JceCharset, context: SerialMo
internal fun writeHead(type: Int, tag: Int) {
internal fun writeHead(type: Byte, tag: Int) {
if (tag < 15) {
this.output.write((tag shl 4) or type)
this.output.write((tag shl 4) or type.toInt())
if (tag < 256) {
this.output.write(type or 0xF0)
this.output.write(type.toInt() or 0xF0)
@ -274,6 +274,45 @@ class Jce private constructor(private val charset: JceCharset, context: SerialMo
private open inner class JceMapReader(
val size: Int,
input: JceInput
) : JceDecoder(input) {
override fun decodeCollectionSize(desc: SerialDescriptor): Int {
return size
override fun SerialDescriptor.getTag(index: Int): Int {
// 奇数 0, 即 key; 偶数 1, 即 value
return if (index % 2 == 0) 0 else 1
private open inner class JceListReader(
val size: Int,
input: JceInput
) : JceDecoder(input) {
override fun decodeCollectionSize(desc: SerialDescriptor): Int {
return size
override fun SerialDescriptor.getTag(index: Int): Int {
return 0
private open inner class JceStructReader(
input: JceInput
) : JceDecoder(input) {
override fun endStructure(desc: SerialDescriptor) {
input.readHead() // STRUCT_END
private open inner class NullReader(
input: JceInput
) : JceDecoder(input)
private open inner class JceDecoder(
internal val input: JceInput
) : TaggedDecoder<Int>() {
@ -291,73 +330,134 @@ class Jce private constructor(private val charset: JceCharset, context: SerialMo
override fun decodeTaggedString(tag: Int): String = input.readString(tag)
override fun decodeTaggedBoolean(tag: Int): Boolean = input.readBoolean(tag)
override fun <T> decodeSerializableValue(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>): T = when (deserializer.descriptor) {
is MapLikeDescriptor -> {
deserializer as MapLikeSerializer<Any?, Any?, T, *>
val tag = popTag()
this.input.skipToTagOrNull(tag) {
check(it.type.toInt() == 8) { "type mismatch: ${it.type}" }
val size = this.input.readInt(0)
val map = HashMap<Any?, Any?>(size)
repeat(size) {
val key = deserializer.keySerializer.deserialize(this)
val value = deserializer.valueSerializer.deserialize(this)
map[key] = value
return map as T
} ?: error("cannot find tag $tag")
ByteArraySerializer.descriptor -> input.readByteArray(popTag()) as T
ShortArraySerializer.descriptor -> input.readShortArray(popTag()) as T
IntArraySerializer.descriptor -> input.readIntArray(popTag()) as T
LongArraySerializer.descriptor -> input.readLongArray(popTag()) as T
FloatArraySerializer.descriptor -> input.readFloatArray(popTag()) as T
DoubleArraySerializer.descriptor -> input.readDoubleArray(popTag()) as T
CharArraySerializer.descriptor -> input.readByteArray(popTag()).map { it.toChar() }.toCharArray() as T
BooleanArraySerializer.descriptor -> input.readBooleanArray(popTag()) as T
is ArrayClassDesc -> {
deserializer as ArrayListSerializer<Any?>
val tag = popTag()
input.skipToTagOrNull(tag) { head ->
return Array(input.readInt(0)) {
} as T
} ?: error("cannot find tag $tag")
is ListLikeDescriptor -> {
deserializer as ListLikeSerializer<Any?, T, *>
val tag = currentTag
input.skipToTagOrNull(tag) { head ->
val size = input.readInt(0)
val list = ArrayList<Any?>(size)
repeat(size) {
this.pushTag( 0)
list.add(deserializer.typeParams[0].also { println(it.getClassName()) }.deserialize(this))
return list as T
} ?: error("cannot find tag $tag")
else -> {
if (input.peakHead().type.toInt() == STRUCT_BEGIN) {
deserializer.deserialize(this).also { input.readHead() }
} else deserializer.deserialize(this)
override fun decodeTaggedEnum(tag: Int, enumDescription: SerialDescriptor): Int =
* 在 [KSerializer.serialize] 前
override fun beginStructure(desc: SerialDescriptor, vararg typeParams: KSerializer<*>): CompositeDecoder {
println("beginStructure: desc=${desc.getClassName()}, typeParams: ${typeParams.contentToString()}")
when (desc) {
// 由于 Byte 的数组有两种方式写入, 需特定读取器
ByteArraySerializer.descriptor -> {
// ByteArray, 交给 decodeSerializableValue 进行处理
return this
is ListLikeDescriptor -> {
if (typeParams.isNotEmpty() && typeParams[0] is ByteSerializer) {
// Array<Byte>
return this // 交给 decodeSerializableValue
val tag = currentTagOrNull
@Suppress("SENSELESS_COMPARISON") // 推断 bug
if (tag != null && input.skipToTagOrNull(tag) {
if (it.type == SIMPLE_LIST) {
input.readHead() // list 里面元素类型, 没必要知道
return when (it.type) {
SIMPLE_LIST, LIST -> JceListReader(input.readInt(0), this.input)
MAP -> JceMapReader(input.readInt(0), this.input)
else -> error("type mismatch")
} == null && desc.isNullable) {
return NullReader(this.input)
is MapLikeDescriptor -> {
val tag = currentTagOrNull
if (tag != null && input.skipToTagOrNull(tag) { popTag() } == null && desc.isNullable) {
return NullReader(this.input)
if (tag!=null) {
return JceMapReader(input.readInt(0), this.input)
if (!input.input.endOfInput) {
val tag = currentTagOrNull
if (tag != null && input.peakHead().tag > tag) {
return NullReader(this.input)
if (desc.kind == StructureKind.CLASS || desc.kind == UnionKind.OBJECT) {
val tag = currentTagOrNull
if (tag != null) {
@Suppress("SENSELESS_COMPARISON") // 推断 bug
if (input.skipToTagOrNull(tag) {
return JceStructReader(input)
} == null && desc.isNullable) {
return NullReader(this.input)
return this // top-level
return super.beginStructure(desc, *typeParams)
override fun decodeTaggedNull(tag: Int): Nothing? {
return null
override fun decodeTaggedNotNullMark(tag: Int): Boolean {
return !input.input.endOfInput && input.peakHead().tag <= tag
override fun <T : Any> decodeNullableSerializableValue(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T?>): T? {
println("decodeNullableSerializableValue: ${deserializer.getClassName()}")
if (deserializer is NullReader) {
return null
when (deserializer.descriptor) {
ByteArraySerializer.descriptor -> {
return input.readByteArray(popTag()) as T
is ListLikeDescriptor -> {
if (deserializer is ReferenceArraySerializer<*, *>
&& (deserializer as ListLikeSerializer<Any?, T, Any?>).typeParams.isNotEmpty()
&& (deserializer as ListLikeSerializer<Any?, T, Any?>).typeParams[0] is ByteSerializer
) {
return input.readByteArray(popTag()).toTypedArray() as T
} else if (deserializer is ArrayListSerializer<*>
&& (deserializer as ArrayListSerializer<*>).typeParams.isNotEmpty()
&& (deserializer as ArrayListSerializer<*>).typeParams[0] is ByteSerializer
) {
return input.readByteArray(popTag()).toMutableList() as T
return super.decodeSerializableValue(deserializer)
is MapLikeDescriptor -> {
// 将 mapOf(k1 to v1, k2 to v2, ...) 转换为 listOf(k1, v1, k2, v2, ...) 以便于写入.
val serializer = (deserializer as MapLikeSerializer<Any?, Any?, T, *>)
val mapEntrySerial = MapEntrySerializer(serializer.keySerializer, serializer.valueSerializer)
val setOfEntries = HashSetSerializer(mapEntrySerial).deserialize(this)
return setOfEntries.associateBy({ it.key }, { it.value }) as T
val tag = currentTagOrNull ?: return deserializer.deserialize(this)
return if (this.decodeTaggedNotNullMark(tag)){
} else {
override fun <T> decodeSerializableValue(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>): T {
return decodeNullableSerializableValue(deserializer as DeserializationStrategy<Any?>) as? T ?: error("value is not optional but cannot find")
@ -606,23 +706,23 @@ class Jce private constructor(private val charset: JceCharset, context: SerialMo
internal const val BYTE: Int = 0
internal const val DOUBLE: Int = 5
internal const val FLOAT: Int = 4
internal const val INT: Int = 2
internal const val BYTE: Byte = 0
internal const val DOUBLE: Byte = 5
internal const val FLOAT: Byte = 4
internal const val INT: Byte = 2
internal const val JCE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 104857600
internal const val LIST: Int = 9
internal const val LONG: Int = 3
internal const val MAP: Int = 8
internal const val SHORT: Int = 1
internal const val SIMPLE_LIST: Int = 13
internal const val STRING1: Int = 6
internal const val STRING4: Int = 7
internal const val STRUCT_BEGIN: Int = 10
internal const val STRUCT_END: Int = 11
internal const val ZERO_TYPE: Int = 12
internal const val LIST: Byte = 9
internal const val LONG: Byte = 3
internal const val MAP: Byte = 8
internal const val SHORT: Byte = 1
internal const val SIMPLE_LIST: Byte = 13
internal const val STRING1: Byte = 6
internal const val STRING4: Byte = 7
internal const val STRUCT_BEGIN: Byte = 10
internal const val STRUCT_END: Byte = 11
internal const val ZERO_TYPE: Byte = 12
private fun Any?.getClassName(): KClass<out Any> = if (this == null) Unit::class else this::class
private fun Any?.getClassName(): String = (if (this == null) Unit::class else this::class).simpleName ?: "<unnamed class>"
override fun <T> dump(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>, obj: T): ByteArray {
@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.serialization
import kotlinx.io.core.readBytes
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.JceOutput
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.JceStruct
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.buildJcePacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.contentToString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toUHexString
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
fun main() {
class JceDecoderTest {
@ -18,23 +26,113 @@ class JceDecoderTest {
@SerialId(4) val long: Long = 123,
@SerialId(5) val float: Float = 123f,
@SerialId(6) val double: Double = 123.0
) : JceStruct
fun testEncoder() {
) : JceStruct {
override fun writeTo(output: JceOutput) = output.run {
writeString(string, 0)
writeByte(byte, 1)
writeShort(short, 2)
writeInt(int, 3)
writeLong(long, 4)
writeFloat(float, 5)
writeDouble(double, 6)
fun testEncoder2() {
class TestComplexJceStruct(
@SerialId(7) val byteArray: ByteArray = byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3),
@SerialId(8) val byteList: List<Byte> = listOf(1, 2, 3),
@SerialId(9) val map: Map<String, String> = mapOf("哈哈" to "嘿嘿"),
@SerialId(10) val nestedJceStruct: TestSimpleJceStruct = TestSimpleJceStruct()
@SerialId(8) val byteList: List<Byte> = listOf(1, 2, 3), // error here
@SerialId(9) val map: Map<String, Map<String, ByteArray>> = mapOf("哈哈" to mapOf("哈哈" to byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3))),
// @SerialId(10) val nestedJceStruct: TestSimpleJceStruct = TestSimpleJceStruct(),
@SerialId(11) val byteList2: List<List<Int>> = listOf(listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf(1, 2, 3))
) : JceStruct
class TestComplexNullableJceStruct(
@SerialId(7) val byteArray: ByteArray? = byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3),
@SerialId(8) val byteList: List<Byte>? = listOf(1, 2, 3), // error here
@SerialId(9) val map: Map<String, Map<String, ByteArray>>? = mapOf("哈哈" to mapOf("哈哈" to byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3))),
@SerialId(10) val nestedJceStruct: TestSimpleJceStruct? = TestSimpleJceStruct(),
@SerialId(11) val byteList2: List<List<Int>>? = listOf(listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf(1, 2, 3))
) : JceStruct
fun testEncoder() {
fun testEncoder2() {
buildJcePacket {
writeFully(byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3), 7)
writeCollection(listOf(1, 2, 3), 8)
writeMap(mapOf("哈哈" to mapOf("哈哈" to byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3))), 9)
writeJceStruct(TestSimpleJceStruct(), 10)
writeCollection(listOf(listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf(1, 2, 3)), 11)
fun testNestedList() {
class TestNestedList(
@SerialId(7) val array: List<List<Int>> = listOf(listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf(1, 2, 3))
println(buildJcePacket {
writeCollection(listOf(listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf(1, 2, 3), listOf(1, 2, 3)), 7)
fun testNestedArray() {
class TestNestedArray(
@SerialId(7) val array: Array<Array<Int>> = arrayOf(arrayOf(1, 2, 3), arrayOf(1, 2, 3), arrayOf(1, 2, 3))
println(buildJcePacket {
writeFully(arrayOf(arrayOf(1, 2, 3), arrayOf(1, 2, 3), arrayOf(1, 2, 3)), 7)
fun testSimpleMap() {
class TestSimpleMap(
@SerialId(7) val map: Map<String, Long> = mapOf("byteArrayOf(1)" to 2222L)
println(buildJcePacket {
writeMap(mapOf("byteArrayOf(1)" to 2222), 7)
fun testSimpleList() {
class TestSimpleList(
@SerialId(7) val list: List<String> = listOf("asd", "asdasdasd")
println(buildJcePacket {
writeCollection(listOf("asd", "asdasdasd"), 7)
fun testNestedMap() {
class TestNestedMap(
@SerialId(7) val map: Map<ByteArray, Map<ByteArray, ShortArray>> = mapOf(byteArrayOf(1) to mapOf(byteArrayOf(1) to shortArrayOf(2)))
println(buildJcePacket {
writeMap(mapOf(byteArrayOf(1) to mapOf(byteArrayOf(1) to shortArrayOf(2))), 7)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user