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synced 2025-03-15 16:10:12 +08:00
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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlinx.atomicfu.AtomicRef
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.Node.Companion.equals
@ -15,7 +16,10 @@ inline fun <E> lockFreeLinkedListOf(vararg elements: E): LockFreeLinkedList<E> =
inline fun <E> lockFreeLinkedListOf(): LockFreeLinkedList<E> = LockFreeLinkedList<E>()
* 无锁链表实现. 元素值不能为 null
* Implementation of lock-free LinkedList.
* Modifying can be performed concurrently.
* Iterating concurrency is guaranteed. // TODO: 2019/12/13 ADD MORE
class LockFreeLinkedList<E> : MutableList<E>, RandomAccess {
@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ class LockFreeLinkedList<E> : MutableList<E>, RandomAccess {
internal fun getLinkStucture(): String = buildString {
@ -253,9 +257,10 @@ class LockFreeLinkedList<E> : MutableList<E>, RandomAccess {
private inline fun <E> E.asNode(nextNode: Node<E>): Node<E> = Node(nextNode).apply { nodeValueRef.value = this@asNode }
* 使用 [iterator] 进行自我迭代, 直到 [mustBeTrue] 返回 false 时停止迭代. 返回最后一个满足条件的元素
* Self-iterate using the [iterator], until [mustBeTrue] returns `false`.
* Returns the element at the last time when the [mustBeTrue] returns `true`
private inline fun <N : Node<*>> N.childIterate(iterator: (N) -> N, mustBeTrue: (N) -> Boolean): N {
private inline fun <N : Node<*>> N.childIterateReturnsLastSatisfying(iterator: (N) -> N, mustBeTrue: (N) -> Boolean): N {
if (!mustBeTrue(this)) return this
var value: N = this
@ -272,7 +277,8 @@ private inline fun <N : Node<*>> N.childIterate(iterator: (N) -> N, mustBeTrue:
* 使用 [iterator] 进行自我迭代, 直到 [mustBeTrue] 返回 false 时停止迭代. 返回第一个不满足条件的元素
* Self-iterate using the [iterator], until [mustBeTrue] returns `false`.
* Returns the element at the first time when the [mustBeTrue] returns `false`
private inline fun <E> E.childIterateReturnFirstUnsitisfying(iterator: (E) -> E, mustBeTrue: (E) -> Boolean): E {
if (!mustBeTrue(this)) return this
@ -291,7 +297,8 @@ private inline fun <E> E.childIterateReturnFirstUnsitisfying(iterator: (E) -> E,
* 使用 [iterator] 进行自我迭代, 直到 [mustBeTrue] 返回 false 时停止迭代. 返回满足条件的元素数量
* Self-iterate using the [iterator], until [mustBeTrue] returns `false`.
* Returns the count of elements being iterated.
private inline fun <E> E.countChildIterate(iterator: (E) -> E, mustBeTrue: (E) -> Boolean): Int {
var count = 0
@ -330,6 +337,9 @@ private open class Node<E>(
val nodeValueRef: AtomicRef<E?> = atomic(null)
* Short cut for accessing [nodeValueRef]
inline var nodeValue: E?
get() = nodeValueRef.value
set(value) {
@ -338,6 +348,10 @@ private open class Node<E>(
val nextNodeRef: AtomicRef<Node<E>> = atomic(nextNode ?: this)
* Short cut for accessing [nextNodeRef]
inline var nextNode: Node<E>
get() = nextNodeRef.value
set(value) {
@ -345,28 +359,61 @@ private open class Node<E>(
inline fun iterateWhile(filter: (Node<E>) -> Boolean): Node<E> = this.childIterate<Node<E>>({ it.nextNode }, filter)
* Returns the former node of the last node whence [filter] returnes true
inline fun iterateBeforeFirst(filter: (Node<E>) -> Boolean): Node<E> =
this.childIterate<Node<E>>({ it.nextNode }, { !filter(it) })
this.childIterateReturnsLastSatisfying<Node<E>>({ it.nextNode }, { !filter(it) })
* Returns the last node whence [filter] returnes true.
inline fun iterateStopOnFirst(filter: (Node<E>) -> Boolean): Node<E> =
* Returns the former node of next node whose value is not null.
* [Tail] is returned if no node is found
inline fun iterateBeforeNotnull(): Node<E> = iterateBeforeFirst { it.nodeValue != null }
* Returns the next node which is not [Tail] or [Head] and with a notnull value.
* [Tail] is returned if no node is found
inline fun nextValidElement(): Node<E> = this.iterateBeforeFirst { !it.isValidElementNode() }
* Returns the next node whose value is not null.
* [Tail] is returned if no node is found
inline fun nextNotnull(): Node<E> = this.iterateBeforeFirst { it.nodeValueRef.value == null }
inline fun allMatching(filter: (Node<E>) -> Boolean): Boolean = this.iterateWhile(filter) !is Tail
* Check if all the node which is not [Tail] matches the [condition]
* Head, which is this, is also being tested.
* [Tail], is not being tested.
inline fun allMatching(condition: (Node<E>) -> Boolean): Boolean = this.childIterateReturnsLastSatisfying<Node<E>>({ it.nextNode }, condition) !is Tail
* Stop on and returns the former element of the element that is [equals] to the [element]
* E.g.: for `head <- 1 <- 2 <- 3 <- tail`, `iterateStopOnNodeValue(2)` returns the node whose value is 1
inline fun iterateBeforeNodeValue(element: E): Node<E> = this.iterateBeforeFirst { it.nodeValueRef.value == element }
* Stop on and returns the element that is [equals] to the [element]
* E.g.: for `head <- 1 <- 2 <- 3 <- tail`, `iterateStopOnNodeValue(2)` returns the node whose value is 2
inline fun iterateStopOnNodeValue(element: E): Node<E> = this.iterateBeforeNodeValue(element).nextNode
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