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synced 2025-03-15 04:10:35 +08:00
If a resource compiler is available, use it to add a UTF-8 resource to the GNU Make executable on Windows. As a result, GNU Make will use UTF-8 as its ANSI code page, enabling it to work with UTF-8 encoded Makefiles, understand UTF-8 paths passed to it, etc. These build process changes apply to all 3 ways that GNU Make can be built for Windows: 1) configure 2) Basic.mk 3) build_w32.bat When building with Visual Studio the resource compiler should always be available. When building with GCC or TCC, it depends on the availability of 'windres'. If a resource compiler is not available, don't fail the build but just proceed without the UTF-8 resource, effectively ignoring this feature. The UTF-8 resource only has an effect when GNU Make is running on a minimum target version of Windows Version 1903 (May 2019 Update). When the built GNU Make is running on an earlier version of Windows, the embedded UTF-8 resource has no effect. Code page information is added to --version output to tell users what code pages are being used by any combination of GNU Make build (with or without the UTF-8 resource) and Windows version that GNU Make is running on (earlier than 1903 or not). * README.git: Fix a typo. * configure.ac: Search for windres and set WINDRES / HAVE_WINDRES. * Makefile.am: Add manifest and resource files to EXTRA_DIST and add a windres invocation to build them. * build_w32.bat: Add support to build resource files. * src/main.c (print_version): Add codepage info to Windows output. * src/w32/utf8.manifest: Add a windres manifest file. * src/w32/utf8.rc: Add a windres resource file. * Basic.mk.template: Add support for building resource files. * mk/Windows32.mk: Support windres resource files. * .gitignore: Ignore TCC output directories.
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140 lines
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# GNU -*-Makefile-*- to build GNU Make on Windows
# Windows overrides for use with Basic.mk.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Make.
# GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# TARGET_TYPE can be either "release" or "debug"
TARGET_TYPE = release
# TOOLCHAIN can be either "msvc" or "gcc"
# Translate a POSIX path into a Windows path. Don't bother with drives.
# Used only inside recipes, with DOS/CMD tools that require it.
P2W = $(subst /,\,$1)
prog_SOURCES += $(loadavg_SOURCES) $(glob_SOURCES) $(w32_SOURCES)
utf8_SOURCES = $(src)w32/utf8.rc $(src)w32/utf8.manifest
BUILT_SOURCES += $(lib)alloca.h $(lib)fnmatch.h $(lib)glob.h
w32_LIBS = kernel32 user32 gdi32 winspool comdlg32 advapi32 shell32 ole32 \
oleaut32 uuid odbc32 odbccp32
# --- Visual Studio
msvc_CC = cl.exe
msvc_RC = rc.exe
msvc_LD = link.exe
msvc_CPPFLAGS += /I$(OUTDIR)src /I$(SRCDIR)/src /I$(SRCDIR)/src/w32/include /I$(OUTDIR)lib /I$(SRCDIR)/lib
msvc_CFLAGS = /nologo /MT /W4 /EHsc
msvc_CFLAGS += /FR$(OUTDIR) /Fp$(BASE_PROG).pch /Fd$(BASE_PROG).pdb
msvc_LDFLAGS = /nologo /SUBSYSTEM:console /PDB:$(BASE_PROG).pdb
msvc_LDLIBS = $(addsuffix .lib,$(w32_LIBS))
msvc_C_SOURCE = /c
msvc_RC_SOURCE =
msvc_OUTPUT_OPTION = /Fo$@
msvc_LINK_OUTPUT = /OUT:$@
release_msvc_OUTDIR = ./WinRel/
release_msvc_CPPFLAGS = /D NDEBUG
release_msvc_CFLAGS = /O2
debug_msvc_OUTDIR = ./WinDebug/
debug_msvc_CPPFLAGS = /D _DEBUG
debug_msvc_CFLAGS = /Zi /Od
debug_msvc_LDFLAGS = /DEBUG
# --- GCC
gcc_CC = gcc
gcc_RC = windres
gcc_LD = $(gcc_CC)
release_gcc_OUTDIR = ./GccRel/
debug_gcc_OUTDIR = ./GccDebug/
gcc_CPPFLAGS = -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I$(OUTDIR)src -I$(SRCDIR)/src -I$(SRCDIR)/src/w32/include -I$(OUTDIR)lib -I$(SRCDIR)/lib
gcc_CFLAGS = -mthreads -Wall -std=gnu99 -gdwarf-2 -g3
gcc_LDFLAGS = -mthreads -gdwarf-2 -g3
gcc_LDLIBS = $(addprefix -l,$(w32_libs))
gcc_C_SOURCE = -c
gcc_RC_SOURCE = -i
gcc_OUTPUT_OPTION = -o $@
gcc_LINK_OUTPUT = -o $@
debug_gcc_CFLAGS = -O0
release_gcc_CFLAGS = -O2
# ---
CHECK.cmd = cmd /c cd tests \& .\run_make_tests.bat -make ../$(PROG)
MKDIR.cmd = cmd /c mkdir $(call P2W,$1)
RM.cmd = cmd /c del /F /Q $(call P2W,$1)
CP.cmd = cmd /c copy /Y $(call P2W,$1 $2)
OBJEXT = obj
EXEEXT = .exe
# I'm not sure why this builds gnumake rather than make...?
PROG = $(OUTDIR)gnumake$(EXEEXT)
BASE_PROG = $(basename $(PROG))
extra_CFLAGS = $(call _CUSTOM,CFLAGS)
$(OUTDIR)src/config.h: $(SRCDIR)/src/config.h.W32
$(call CP.cmd,$<,$@)
w32_UTF8OBJ = $(OUTDIR)src/w32/utf8.$(OBJEXT)
$(w32_UTF8OBJ): $(utf8_SOURCES)
$(call RES_COMPILE.cmd,$<)
ifneq (, $(shell where $(RC) 2>nul))