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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# -*-perl-*-
# Test driver for the Make test suite
# Usage: run_make_tests [testname]
# [-debug]
# [-help]
# [-verbose]
# [-keep]
# [-make <make prog>]
# (and others)
# Copyright (C) 1992-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Make.
# GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Add the working directory to @INC and load the test driver
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
our $testsroot = $FindBin::Bin;
require "test_driver.pl";
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
$cwdpath = cwd();
($cwdvol, $cwddir, $_) = File::Spec->splitpath($cwdpath, 1);
# Some target systems might not have the POSIX module...
$has_POSIX = eval { require "POSIX.pm" };
AR => undef,
CC => undef
$valgrind = 0; # invoke make with valgrind
$valgrind_args = '';
$memcheck_args = '--num-callers=15 --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --suppressions=guile.supp';
$massif_args = '--num-callers=15 --tool=massif --alloc-fn=xmalloc --alloc-fn=xcalloc --alloc-fn=xrealloc --alloc-fn=xstrdup --alloc-fn=xstrndup';
$pure_log = undef;
$make_path = undef;
@make_command = ();
$command_string = '';
$all_tests = 0;
# Shell commands
$sh_name = '/bin/sh';
$is_posix_sh = 1;
$CMD_rmfile = 'rm -f';
# rmdir broken in some Perls on VMS.
if ($^O eq 'VMS')
require VMS::Filespec;
sub vms_rmdir {
my $vms_file = vmspath($_[0]);
$vms_file = fileify($vms_file);
my $ret = unlink(vmsify($vms_file));
return $ret
*CORE::GLOBAL::rmdir = \&vms_rmdir;
$CMD_rmfile = 'delete_file -no_ask';
# Find the strings that will be generated for various error codes.
# We want them from the C locale regardless of our current locale.
$ERR_no_such_file = undef;
$ERR_no_such_file_code = "2";
$ERR_read_only_file = undef;
$ERR_unreadable_file = undef;
$ERR_nonexe_file = undef;
$ERR_exe_dir = undef;
$ERR_command_not_found = undef;
#$SIG{INT} = sub { print STDERR "Caught a signal!\n"; die @_; };
sub valid_option
local($option) = @_;
if ($option =~ /^-make([-_]?path)?$/i) {
$make_path = shift @argv;
if (! -f $make_path) {
print "$option $make_path: Not found.\n";
exit 1;
return 1;
if ($option =~ /^-all([-_]?tests)?$/i) {
$all_tests = 1;
return 1;
if ($option =~ /^-(valgrind|memcheck)$/i) {
$valgrind = 1;
$valgrind_args = $memcheck_args;
return 1;
if ($option =~ /^-massif$/i) {
$valgrind = 1;
$valgrind_args = $massif_args;
return 1;
# This doesn't work--it _should_! Someone badly needs to fix this.
# elsif ($option =~ /^-work([-_]?dir)?$/)
# {
# $workdir = shift @argv;
# return 1;
# }
return 0;
# This is an "all-in-one" function. Arguments are as follows:
# [0] (string): The makefile to be tested. undef means use the last one.
# [1] (string): Arguments to pass to make.
# [2] (string): Answer we should get back.
# [3] (integer): Exit code we expect. A missing code means 0 (success)
$makefile = undef;
$old_makefile = undef;
$mkpath = undef;
$make_name = undef;
$helptool = undef;
sub subst_make_string
my $wd = cwd();
local $_ = shift;
$makefile and s/#MAKEFILE#/$makefile/g;
s/#HELPER#/$perl_name $helptool/g;
return $_;
sub run_make_test
local ($makestring, $options, $answer, $err_code, $timeout) = @_;
my @call = caller;
# If the user specified a makefile string, create a new makefile to contain
# it. If the first value is not defined, use the last one (if there is
# one).
if (! defined $makestring) {
defined $old_makefile
or die "run_make_test(undef) invoked before run_make_test('...')\n";
$makefile = $old_makefile;
} elsif ($makestring) {
if (! defined($makefile)) {
$makefile = &get_tmpfile();
# Make sure it ends in a newline and substitute any special tokens.
$makestring && $makestring !~ /\n$/s and $makestring .= "\n";
$makestring = subst_make_string($makestring);
# Populate the makefile!
open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile") or die "Failed to open $makefile: $!\n";
print MAKEFILE $makestring;
close(MAKEFILE) or die "Failed to write $makefile: $!\n";
# Do the same processing on $answer as we did on $makestring.
if (defined $answer) {
$answer && $answer !~ /\n$/s and $answer .= "\n";
$answer = subst_make_string($answer);
run_make_with_options($makefile, $options, &get_logfile(0),
$err_code, $timeout, @call);
&compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));
$old_makefile = $makefile;
$makefile = undef;
sub add_options {
my $cmd = shift;
foreach (@_) {
if (ref($cmd)) {
push(@$cmd, ref($_) ? @$_ : $_);
} else {
$cmd .= ' '.(ref($_) ? "@$_" : $_);
return $cmd;
sub create_command {
return !$_[0] || ref($_[0]) ? [@make_command] : join(' ', @make_command);
# The old-fashioned way...
# $options can be a scalar (string) or a ref to an array of options
# If it's a scalar the entire argument is passed to system/exec etc. as
# a single string. If it's a ref then the array is passed to system/exec.
# Using a ref should be preferred as it's more portable but all the older
# invocations use strings.
sub run_make_with_options {
my ($filename, $options, $logname, $expected_code, $timeout, @call) = @_;
@call = caller unless @call;
my $code;
my $command = create_command($options);
$expected_code = 0 unless defined($expected_code);
# Reset to reflect this one test.
$test_passed = 1;
if ($filename) {
$command = add_options($command, '-f', $filename);
if ($options) {
if (!ref($options) && $^O eq 'VMS') {
# Try to make sure arguments are properly quoted.
# This does not handle all cases.
# We should convert the tests to use array refs not strings
# VMS uses double quotes instead of single quotes.
$options =~ s/\'/\"/g;
# If the leading quote is inside non-whitespace, then the
# quote must be doubled, because it will be enclosed in another
# set of quotes.
$options =~ s/(\S)(\".*\")/$1\"$2\"/g;
# Options must be quoted to preserve case if not already quoted.
$options =~ s/(\S+)/\"$1\"/g;
# Special fixup for embedded quotes.
$options =~ s/(\"\".+)\"(\s+)\"(.+\"\")/$1$2$3/g;
$options =~ s/(\A)(?:\"\")(.+)(?:\"\")/$1\"$2\"/g;
# Special fixup for misc/general4 test.
$options =~ s/""\@echo" "cc""/\@echo cc"/;
$options =~ s/"\@echo link"""/\@echo link"/;
# Remove shell escapes expected to be removed by bash
if ($options !~ /path=pre/) {
$options =~ s/\\//g;
# special fixup for options/eval
$options =~ s/"--eval=\$\(info" "eval/"--eval=\$\(info eval/;
print ("Options fixup = -$options-\n") if $debug;
$command = add_options($command, $options);
my $cmdstr = cmd2str($command);
$command_string = "# $call[1]:$call[2]:\n$cmdstr\n";
if ($valgrind) {
print VALGRIND "\n\nExecuting: $cmdstr\n";
my $old_timeout = $test_timeout;
$timeout and $test_timeout = $timeout;
# If valgrind is enabled, turn off the timeout check
$valgrind and $test_timeout = 0;
if (ref($command)) {
$code = run_command_with_output($logname, @$command);
} else {
$code = run_command_with_output($logname, $command);
$test_timeout = $old_timeout;
# Check to see if we have Purify errors. If so, keep the logfile.
# For this to work you need to build with the Purify flag -exit-status=yes
if ($pure_log && -f $pure_log) {
if ($code & 0x7000) {
$code &= ~0x7000;
# If we have a purify log, save it
$tn = $pure_testname . ($num_of_logfiles ? ".$num_of_logfiles" : "");
print("Renaming purify log file to $tn\n") if $debug;
rename($pure_log, "$tn") or die "Can't rename $pure_log to $tn: $!\n";
} else {
if ($code != $expected_code) {
print "Error running @make_command (expected $expected_code; got $code)\n$call[1]:$call[2]: $cmdstr\n";
$test_passed = 0;
&create_file(get_runfile(), $command_string);
# If it's a SIGINT, stop here
if ($code & 127) {
print STDERR "\nCaught signal ".($code & 127)."!\n";
($code & 127) == 2 and exit($code);
return 0;
if ($profile & $vos) {
system "add_profile @make_command";
return 1;
sub print_usage
&print_standard_usage ("run_make_tests",
"[-make MAKE_PATHNAME] [-memcheck] [-massif]",);
sub print_help
&print_standard_help (
"\tYou may specify the pathname of the copy of make to run.",
"\tRun the test suite under valgrind's memcheck tool.",
"\tChange the default valgrind args with the VALGRIND_ARGS env var.",
"\tRun the test suite under valgrind's massif tool.",
"\tChange the default valgrind args with the VALGRIND_ARGS env var."
sub set_defaults
# $profile = 1;
$testee = "GNU Make";
$make_path = "make";
$tmpfilesuffix = "mk";
if ($port_type eq 'UNIX') {
$scriptsuffix = '.sh';
} elsif ($port_type eq 'VMS') {
$scriptsuffix = '.com';
} else {
$scriptsuffix = '.bat';
$ENV{LC_ALL} = $makeENV{LC_ALL};
$ENV{LANG} = $makeENV{LANG};
use locale;
my $loc = undef;
if ($has_POSIX) {
# Windows has POSIX locale, but only LC_ALL not LC_MESSAGES
$loc = POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL);
POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL, 'C');
if (open(my $F, '<', 'file.none')) {
print "Opened non-existent file! Skipping related tests.\n";
} else {
$ERR_no_such_file = "$!";
if ($osname eq 'os390') {
$ERR_no_such_file_code = "129";
chmod(0444, 'file.out');
if (open(my $F, '>', 'file.out')) {
print "Opened read-only file! Skipping related tests.\n";
} else {
$ERR_read_only_file = "$!";
$_ = `./file.out 2>&1`;
if ($? == 0) {
print "Executed non-executable file! Skipping related tests.\n";
} else {
$ERR_nonexe_file = "$!";
if ($^O =~ /cygwin/i) {
# For some reason the execute here gives a different answer than make's
print "Skipping directory execution on $^O\n";
} else {
$_ = `./. 2>&1`;
if ($? == 0) {
print "Executed directory! Skipping related tests.\n";
} else {
$ERR_exe_dir = "$!";
chmod(0000, 'file.out');
if (open(my $F, '<', 'file.out')) {
print "Opened unreadable file! Skipping related tests.\n";
} else {
$ERR_unreadable_file = "$!";
unlink('file.out') or die "Failed to delete file.out: $!\n";
$_ = `/bin/sh -c 'bad-command 2>&1'`;
if ($? == 0) {
print "Invoked invalid file! Skipping related tests.\n";
} else {
$ERR_command_not_found = $_;
$loc and POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL, $loc);
$ENV{LC_ALL} = $origENV{LC_ALL};
$ENV{LANG} = $origENV{LANG};
# This is no longer used: we import config-flags.pm instead
# sub parse_status
# {
# if (open(my $fh, '<', "$_[0]/config.status")) {
# while (my $line = <$fh>) {
# $line =~ m/^[SD]\["([^\"]+)"\]=" *(.*)"/ and $CONFIG_FLAGS{$1} = $2;
# }
# return 1;
# }
# return 0;
# }
sub find_prog
my $prog = $_[0];
my ($v, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath($prog);
# If there's no directory then we need to search the PATH
if (! $d) {
foreach my $e (File::Spec->path()) {
$prog = File::Spec->catfile($e, $f);
if (-x $prog) {
($v, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath($prog);
return ($v, $d, $f);
sub get_config
return exists($CONFIG_FLAGS{$_[0]}) ? $CONFIG_FLAGS{$_[0]} : '';
sub set_more_defaults
my $string;
# Try to find and load config-flags.pm. They may be in the local directory
# or in the $srcpath if we're remote.
my $d = $cwd;
my $cfg = File::Spec->catfile($d, 'config-flags.pm');
if (! -f $cfg) {
# Nope, so look in the srcpath
my $d = $srcpath;
$cfg = File::Spec->catfile($d, 'config-flags.pm');
-f $cfg or die "Can't locate config-flags.pm in $cwd" . ($cwd eq $srcpath ? '' : " or $srcpath") . "\n";
unshift(@INC, $d);
require "config-flags.pm";
# Find the full pathname of Make. For DOS systems this is more
# complicated, so we ask make itself.
if ($osname eq 'VMS') {
$port_type = 'VMS-DCL' unless defined $ENV{"SHELL"};
# On VMS pre-setup make to be found with simply 'make'.
$make_path = 'make';
} else {
create_file('make.mk', 'all:;$(info $(MAKE))');
my $mk = `$make_path -sf make.mk`;
$mk =~ s/\r?\n$//;
$mk or die "FATAL ERROR: Cannot determine the value of \$(MAKE)\n";
$make_path = $mk;
($mpv, $mpd, $mpf) = File::Spec->splitpath($make_path);
# Ask make what shell to use
create_file('shell.mk', 'all:;$(info $(SHELL))');
$sh_name = `$make_path -sf shell.mk`;
$sh_name =~ s/\r?\n$//;
if (! $sh_name) {
print "Cannot determine shell\n";
$is_posix_sh = 0;
} else {
my $o = `$sh_name -c ': do nothing' 2>&1`;
$is_posix_sh = $? == 0 && $o eq '';
$string = `$make_path -v`;
$string =~ /^(GNU Make [^,\n]*)/ or die "$make_path is not GNU Make. Version:\n$string";
$testee_version = "$1\n";
create_file('null.mk', '');
my $redir = '2>&1';
$redir = '' if os_name eq 'VMS';
$string = `$make_path -f null.mk $redir`;
if ($string =~ /(.*): \*\*\* No targets\. Stop\./) {
$make_name = $1;
} else {
$make_name = $mpf;
# prepend pwd if this is a relative path (ie, does not
# start with a slash, but contains one). Thanks for the
# clue, Roland.
if ($mpd && !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($make_path) && $cwdvol eq $mpv) {
$mkpath = File::Spec->catpath($cwdvol, File::Spec->catdir($cwd, $mpd), $mpf);
} else {
$mkpath = $make_path;
# Find the helper tool
$helptool = File::Spec->catfile($srcpath, 'thelp.pl');
# It's difficult to quote this properly in all the places it's used so
# ensure it doesn't need to be quoted.
$helptool =~ s,\\,/,g if $port_type eq 'W32';
$helptool =~ s, ,\\ ,g;
# Get Purify log info--if any.
&& $ENV{PURIFYOPTIONS} =~ /.*-logfile=([^ ]+)/) {
$pure_log = $1 || '';
$pure_log =~ s/%v/$make_name/;
$purify_errors = 0;
$string = `$make_path -j 2 -f null.mk $redir`;
if ($string =~ /not supported/) {
$parallel_jobs = 0;
else {
$parallel_jobs = 1;
create_file('features.mk', 'all:;$(info $(.FEATURES))');
%FEATURES = map { $_ => 1 } split /\s+/, `$make_path -sf features.mk`;
print "$make_path FEATURES: @{[%FEATURES]}\n" if $verbose;
# Find the default values for different built-in variables
my $s = "all:;\n";
foreach (keys %DEFVARS) {
$s .= "\$(info $_=\$($_))\n";
create_file('defvars.mk', $s);
foreach (split "\n", `$make_path -sf defvars.mk`) {
my @e = split /=/, $_, 2;
$DEFVARS{$e[0]} = $e[1];
# Set up for valgrind, if requested.
@make_command = ($make_path);
if ($valgrind) {
my $args = $valgrind_args;
open(VALGRIND, "> valgrind.out") or die "Cannot open valgrind.out: $!\n";
# -q --leak-check=yes
@make_command = ('valgrind', '--log-fd='.fileno(VALGRIND));
push(@make_command, split(' ', $args));
push(@make_command, $make_path);
# F_SETFD is 2
fcntl(VALGRIND, 2, 0) or die "fcntl(setfd) failed: $!\n";
system("echo Starting on `date` 1>&".fileno(VALGRIND));
print "Enabled valgrind support.\n";
if ($debug) {
print "Port type: $port_type\n";
print "Make command: @make_command\n";
print "Shell path: $sh_name".($is_posix_sh ? ' (POSIX)' : '')."\n";
print "#PWD#: $cwdpath\n";
print "#PERL#: $perl_name\n";
print "#MAKEPATH#: $mkpath\n";
print "#MAKE#: $make_name\n";
sub setup_for_test
$makefile = &get_tmpfile;
if (-f $makefile) {
unlink $makefile;
# Get rid of any Purify logs.
if ($pure_log) {
($pure_testname = $testname) =~ tr,/,_,;
$pure_testname = "$pure_log.$pure_testname";
system("rm -f $pure_testname*");
print("Purify testfiles are: $pure_testname*\n") if $debug;
exit !&toplevel;