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# -*-perl-*-
$description = "The following test tests that if you specify greater \n"
."than one '-f makefilename' on the command line, \n"
."that make concatenates them. This test creates three \n"
."makefiles and specifies all of them with the -f option \n"
."on the command line. To make sure they were concatenated, \n"
."we then call make with the rules from the concatenated \n"
."makefiles one at a time. Finally, it calls all three \n"
."rules in one call to make and checks that the output\n"
."is in the correct order.";
$makefile2 = &get_tmpfile;
$makefile3 = &get_tmpfile;
open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile");
# The Contents of the MAKEFILE ...
print MAKEFILE "all: \n";
print MAKEFILE "\t\@echo This is the output from the original makefile\n";
# END of Contents of MAKEFILE
# Create a second makefile
open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile2");
print MAKEFILE "TWO: \n";
print MAKEFILE "\t\@echo This is the output from makefile 2\n";
# Create a third makefile
open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile3");
print MAKEFILE "THREE: \n";
print MAKEFILE "\t\@echo This is the output from makefile 3\n";
# Create the answer to what should be produced by this Makefile
$answer = "This is the output from the original makefile\n";
# Run make to catch the default rule
&run_make_with_options($makefile,"-f $makefile2 -f $makefile3",&get_logfile,0);
# Run Make again with the rule from the second makefile: TWO
$answer = "This is the output from makefile 2\n";
&run_make_with_options($makefile,"-f $makefile2 -f $makefile3 TWO",&get_logfile,0);
# Run Make again with the rule from the third makefile: THREE
$answer = "This is the output from makefile 3\n";
"-f $makefile2 -f $makefile3 THREE",
# Run Make again with ALL three rules in the order 2 1 3 to make sure
# that all rules are executed in the proper order
$answer = "This is the output from makefile 2\n";
$answer .= "This is the output from the original makefile\n";
$answer .= "This is the output from makefile 3\n";
"-f $makefile2 -f $makefile3 TWO all THREE",
# sv 62118.
# Validate all sorts of -f etc. options
my $hello = 'hello.mk';
my $bye = 'bye.mk';
my $byesrc = 'bye.mk.src';
create_file($hello, 'all:; $(info hello, world)
create_file($bye, 'def:; $(info bye, world)
bye.mk: bye.mk.src; touch $@
bye.mk.src:; touch $@
# These invocations use the empty filename string so that the test framework
# doesn't add any -f options on its own.
# Incorrect order of options. -R follows -f.
# Invocation of make is equivalent to
# echo 'all:; $(info hello, world)' | make -f bye.mk -fR - all
# There is bye.mk, but there is no 'R'.
# make runs the recipes from bye.mk and prints the error about missing 'R'.
# Ensure the newly created bye.src.mk is newer than bye.mk.
&utouch(-600, $bye);
run_make_test('', "-f$bye -fR - all", "#MAKE#: R: No such file or directory
touch bye.mk.src
touch bye.mk
#MAKE#: *** No rule to make target 'R'. Stop.
", 512);
my @opts;
my $answer;
# Test double -f-.
@opts = ('-f- -f-', '-f - -f -', '-f- -f -', '-f - -f-',
'-f- --file=-', '-f- --file -', '-f - --file=-', '-f - --file -',
'-f- --makefile=-', '-f- --makefile -',
'-f - --makefile=-', '-f - --makefile -',
'--file=- --makefile=-', '--file=- --makefile -',
'--file - --makefile=-', '--file - --makefile -');
for my $opt (@opts) {
# We shouldn't need this; if the options are wrong then make shouldn't try
# to read from stdin.
open(STDIN, "<", $hello) || die "$0: cannot open $hello for reading: $!";
run_make_test('', "-f$bye $opt", "#MAKE#: *** Makefile from standard input specified twice. Stop.\n", 512);
# -f is not followed by filename.
@opts = ('-f', '--file', '--makefile');
$answer = "/requires an argument/";
for my $opt (@opts) {
run_make_test('', $opt, $answer, 512);
# Test that make correctly parses all possible syntaxes to pipe make code to
# the standard input.
$answer = "touch bye.mk.src
touch bye.mk
hello, world
#MAKE#: 'all' is up to date.\n";
@opts = ('-f- all', '-f - all', '-Rf- all', '-Rf - all',
'--file=- all', '--file - all',
'--makefile=- all', '--makefile - all');
for my $opt (@opts) {
open(STDIN, "<", $hello) || die "$0: cannot open $hello for reading: $!";
# Ensure the newly created bye.src.mk is newer than bye.mk.
&utouch(-600, $bye);
run_make_test('', "-f$bye $opt", $answer);
# This close MUST come at the end of the test!!
unlink($hello, $bye, $byesrc);
# This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly.