1999-09-15 22:23:35 +00:00

204 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File

# -*-perl-*-
# Test driver for the Make test suite
# Usage: run_make_tests [testname]
# [-debug]
# [-help]
# [-verbose]
# [-keep]
# [-make <make prog>]
# [-work <work dir>]
# (and others)
require "";
sub valid_option
local($option) = @_;
if ($option =~ /^-make([-_]?path)?$/)
$make_path = shift @argv;
if (!-f $make_path)
print "$option $make_path: Not found.\n";
exit 0;
return 1;
elsif ($option =~ /^-work([-_]?dir)?$/)
$workdir = shift @argv;
return 1;
return 0;
sub run_make_with_options
local ($filename,$options,$logname,$expected_code) = @_;
local($command) = $make_path;
$expected_code = 0 unless defined($expected_code);
if ($filename)
$command .= " -f $filename";
if ($options)
$command .= " $options";
$code = &run_command_with_output($logname,$command);
# Check to see if we have Purify errors. If so, keep the logfile.
# For this to work you need to build with the Purify flag -exit-status=yes
if ($pure_log && -f $pure_log) {
if ($code & 0x7000) {
$code &= ~0x7000;
# If we have a purify log, save it
$tn = $pure_testname . ($num_of_logfiles ? ".$num_of_logfiles" : "");
print("Renaming purify log file to $tn\n") if $debug;
rename($pure_log, "$tn")
|| die "Can't rename $log to $tn: $!\n";
else {
if ($code != $expected_code)
print "Error running $make_path ($code): $command\n";
$test_passed = 0;
return 0;
if ($profile & $vos)
system "add_profile $make_path";
sub print_usage
&print_standard_usage ("run_make_tests", "[-make_path make_pathname]");
sub print_help
&print_standard_help ("-make_path",
"\tYou may specify the pathname of the copy of make to run.");
sub get_this_pwd {
if ($vos) {
$delete_command = "delete_file";
$__pwd = `++(current_dir)`;
else {
$delete_command = "rm";
chop ($__pwd = `pwd`);
return $__pwd;
sub set_defaults
# $profile = 1;
$testee = "GNU make";
$make_path = "make";
$tmpfilesuffix = "mk";
$pwd = &get_this_pwd;
# Find the full pathname of Make. For DOS systems this is more
# complicated, so we ask make itself.
open(MAKEFILE,"> makefile.tmp");
print MAKEFILE 'all: ; @echo $(MAKE)' . "\n";
$make_path = `$make_path -f makefile.tmp`;
chop $make_path;
unlink "makefile.tmp";
sub set_more_defaults
$string = `$make_path -v -f /dev/null 2> /dev/null`;
$string =~ /^(GNU Make [^,\n]*)/;
$testee_version = "$1\n";
$string = `sh -c "$make_path -f /dev/null 2>&1"`;
if ($string =~ /(.*): \*\*\* No targets\. Stop\./) {
$make_name = $1;
else {
if ($make_path =~ /$pathsep([^\n$pathsep]*)$/) {
$make_name = $1;
else {
$make_name = $make_path;
# prepend pwd if this is a relative path (ie, does not
# start with a slash, but contains one). Thanks for the
# clue, Roland.
if (index ($make_path, ":") != 1 && index ($make_path, "/") > 0)
$mkpath = "$pwd$pathsep$make_path";
$mkpath = $make_path;
# Get Purify log info--if any.
$ENV{PURIFYOPTIONS} =~ /.*-logfile=([^ ]+)/;
$pure_log = $1 || '';
$pure_log =~ s/%v/$make_name/;
$purify_errors = 0;
$string = `sh -c "$make_path -j 2 -f /dev/null 2>&1"`;
if ($string =~ /not supported/) {
$parallel_jobs = 0;
else {
$parallel_jobs = 1;
sub setup_for_test
$makefile = &get_tmpfile;
if (-f $makefile) {
unlink $makefile;
# Get rid of any Purify logs.
if ($pure_log) {
($pure_testname = $testname) =~ tr,/,_,;
$pure_testname = "$pure_log.$pure_testname";
system("rm -f $pure_testname*");
print("Purify testfiles are: $pure_testname*\n") if $debug;
exit !&toplevel;