mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 01:30:31 +08:00
Create a new file, output.c, and collect functions that generate output there. We introduce a new global context specifying where output should go (to stdout or to a sync file), and the lowest level output generator chooses where to write output based on that context. This allows us to set the context globally, and all operations that write output (including functions like $(info ...) etc.) will use it. Removed the "--trace=dir" capability. It was too confusing. If you have directory tracking enabled then output sync will print the enter/leave message for each synchronized block. If you don't want that, disable directory tracking.
322 lines
27 KiB
322 lines
27 KiB
@echo off
rem Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
rem This file is part of GNU Make.
rem GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
rem the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
rem Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
rem any later version.
rem GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
rem ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
rem FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for.
rem more details.
rem You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
rem with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
if "%1" == "-h" GoTo Usage
if "%1" == "--help" GoTo Usage
if not exist config.h.W32.template GoTo NotSCM
sed -n "s/^AC_INIT(\[GNU make\],\[\([^]]\+\)\].*/s,%%VERSION%%,\1,g/p" configure.ac > config.h.W32.sed
echo s,%%PACKAGE%%,make,g >> config.h.W32.sed
sed -f config.h.W32.sed config.h.W32.template > config.h.W32
echo static const char *const GUILE_module_defn = ^" \> gmk-default.h
sed -e "s/;.*//" -e "/^[ \t]*$/d" -e "s/\"/\\\\\"/g" -e "s/$/ \\/" gmk-default.scm >> gmk-default.h
echo ^";>> gmk-default.h
copy config.h.W32 config.h
rem Guile configuration
set OPT=-O2
if "%1" == "--debug" GoTo SetOpt
if "%1" == "--without-guile" GoTo NoGuile
if "%1" == "gcc" GoTo SetCC
if "%1" == "" GoTo ChkGuile
set OPT=-O0
GoTo ParseSW
echo "Building without Guile"
GoTo ParseSW
set COMPILER=gcc
echo "Building with GCC"
GoTo ParseSW
rem Build with Guile is supported only on NT and later versions
if "%NOGUILE%" == "Y" GoTo GuileDone
if not "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" GoTo NoGuile
pkg-config --help > guile.tmp 2> NUL
echo "Checking for Guile 2.0"
if not "%COMPILER%" == "gcc" set PKGMSC=--msvc-syntax
pkg-config --cflags --short-errors "guile-2.0" > guile.tmp
if not ERRORLEVEL 1 set /P GUILECFLAGS= < guile.tmp
pkg-config --libs --static --short-errors %PKGMSC% "guile-2.0" > guile.tmp
if not ERRORLEVEL 1 set /P GUILELIBS= < guile.tmp
if not "%GUILECFLAGS%" == "" GoTo GuileDone
echo "Checking for Guile 1.8"
pkg-config --cflags --short-errors "guile-1.8" > guile.tmp
if not ERRORLEVEL 1 set /P GUILECFLAGS= < guile.tmp
pkg-config --libs --static --short-errors %PKGMSC% "guile-1.8" > guile.tmp
if not ERRORLEVEL 1 set /P GUILELIBS= < guile.tmp
if not "%GUILECFLAGS%" == "" GoTo GuileDone
echo "No Guile found, building without Guile"
GoTo GuileDone
echo "pkg-config not found, building without Guile"
if not "%GUILECFLAGS%" == "" echo "Guile found, building with Guile"
if not "%GUILECFLAGS%" == "" set GUILESRC=guile.c
if "%COMPILER%" == "gcc" if "%OPT%" == "-O0" echo "Building without compiler optimizations"
cd w32\subproc
echo "Creating the subproc library"
%ComSpec% /c build.bat
cd ..\..
if exist link.dbg del link.dbg
if exist link.rel del link.rel
echo "Creating GNU Make for Windows 9X/NT/2K/XP/Vista/7/8"
if "%COMPILER%" == "gcc" GoTo GCCBuild
set make=gnumake
echo on
if not exist .\WinDebug\nul mkdir .\WinDebug
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D TIVOLI /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c variable.c
echo WinDebug\variable.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c rule.c
echo WinDebug\rule.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c remote-stub.c
echo WinDebug\remote-stub.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c commands.c
echo WinDebug\commands.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c file.c
echo WinDebug\file.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c getloadavg.c
echo WinDebug\getloadavg.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c default.c
echo WinDebug\default.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c signame.c
echo WinDebug\signame.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c expand.c
echo WinDebug\expand.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c dir.c
echo WinDebug\dir.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od %GUILECFLAGS% /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c main.c
echo WinDebug\main.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c getopt1.c
echo WinDebug\getopt1.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c job.c
echo WinDebug\job.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c output.c
echo WinDebug\output.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c read.c
echo WinDebug\read.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c version.c
echo WinDebug\version.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c getopt.c
echo WinDebug\getopt.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c arscan.c
echo WinDebug\arscan.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c hash.c
echo WinDebug\hash.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c strcache.c
echo WinDebug\strcache.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c remake.c
echo WinDebug\remake.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c misc.c
echo WinDebug\misc.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c ar.c
echo WinDebug\ar.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c function.c
echo WinDebug\function.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c vpath.c
echo WinDebug\vpath.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c implicit.c
echo WinDebug\implicit.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c loadapi.c
echo WinDebug\loadapi.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c load.c
echo WinDebug\load.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c .\w32\compat\dirent.c
echo WinDebug\dirent.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c .\w32\compat\posixfcn.c
echo WinDebug\posixfcn.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c .\glob\glob.c
echo WinDebug\glob.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c .\glob\fnmatch.c
echo WinDebug\fnmatch.obj >>link.dbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c .\w32\pathstuff.c
echo WinDebug\pathstuff.obj >>link.dbg
if "%GUILESRC%" == "" GoTo LinkDbg
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /Zi /YX /Od %GUILECFLAGS%% /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D _DEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinDebug/ /Fp.\WinDebug/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinDebug/ /Fd.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /c guile.c
echo WinDebug\guile.obj >>link.dbg
echo off
echo "Linking WinDebug/%make%.exe"
rem link.exe %GUILELIBS% kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib w32\subproc\windebug\subproc.lib /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:console /INCREMENTAL:yes /PDB:.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /DEBUG /OUT:.\WinDebug/%make%.exe .\WinDebug/variable.obj .\WinDebug/rule.obj .\WinDebug/remote-stub.obj .\WinDebug/commands.obj .\WinDebug/file.obj .\WinDebug/getloadavg.obj .\WinDebug/default.obj .\WinDebug/signame.obj .\WinDebug/expand.obj .\WinDebug/dir.obj .\WinDebug/main.obj .\WinDebug/getopt1.obj .\WinDebug/job.obj .\WinDebug/output.obj .\WinDebug/read.obj .\WinDebug/version.obj .\WinDebug/getopt.obj .\WinDebug/arscan.obj .\WinDebug/remake.obj .\WinDebug/hash.obj .\WinDebug/strcache.obj .\WinDebug/misc.obj .\WinDebug/ar.obj .\WinDebug/function.obj .\WinDebug/vpath.obj .\WinDebug/implicit.obj .\WinDebug/dirent.obj .\WinDebug/glob.obj .\WinDebug/fnmatch.obj .\WinDebug/pathstuff.obj
echo %GUILELIBS% kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib w32\subproc\windebug\subproc.lib >>link.dbg
link.exe /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:console /INCREMENTAL:yes /PDB:.\WinDebug/%make%.pdb /DEBUG /OUT:.\WinDebug/%make%.exe @link.dbg
if not exist .\WinDebug/%make%.exe echo "WinDebug build failed"
if exist .\WinDebug/%make%.exe echo "WinDebug build succeeded!"
if not exist .\WinRel\nul mkdir .\WinRel
echo on
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /D TIVOLI /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c variable.c
echo WinRel\variable.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c rule.c
echo WinRel\rule.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c remote-stub.c
echo WinRel\remote-stub.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c commands.c
echo WinRel\commands.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c file.c
echo WinRel\file.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c getloadavg.c
echo WinRel\getloadavg.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c default.c
echo WinRel\default.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c signame.c
echo WinRel\signame.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c expand.c
echo WinRel\expand.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c dir.c
echo WinRel\dir.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 %GUILECFLAGS% /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c main.c
echo WinRel\main.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c getopt1.c
echo WinRel\getopt1.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c job.c
echo WinRel\job.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c output.c
echo WinRel\output.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c read.c
echo WinRel\read.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c version.c
echo WinRel\version.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c getopt.c
echo WinRel\getopt.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c arscan.c
echo WinRel\arscan.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c remake.c
echo WinRel\remake.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c hash.c
echo WinRel\hash.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c strcache.c
echo WinRel\strcache.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c misc.c
echo WinRel\misc.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c ar.c
echo WinRel\ar.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c function.c
echo WinRel\function.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c vpath.c
echo WinRel\vpath.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c implicit.c
echo WinRel\implicit.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c loadapi.c
echo WinRel\loadapi.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c load.c
echo WinRel\load.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c .\w32\compat\dirent.c
echo WinRel\dirent.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c .\w32\compat\posixfcn.c
echo WinRel\posixfcn.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c .\glob\glob.c
echo WinRel\glob.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c .\glob\fnmatch.c
echo WinRel\fnmatch.obj >>link.rel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c .\w32\pathstuff.c
echo WinRel\pathstuff.obj >>link.rel
if "%GUILESRC%" == "" GoTo LinkRel
cl.exe /nologo /MT /W4 /GX /YX /O2 /I . /I glob /I w32/include /D NDEBUG /D WINDOWS32 /D WIN32 /D _CONSOLE /D HAVE_CONFIG_H /FR.\WinRel/ /Fp.\WinRel/%make%.pch /Fo.\WinRel/ /c guile.c
echo WinRel\guile.obj >>link.rel
echo off
echo "Linking WinRel/%make%.exe"
rem link.exe %GUILELIBS% kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib w32\subproc\winrel\subproc.lib /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:console /INCREMENTAL:no /PDB:.\WinRel/%make%.pdb /OUT:.\WinRel/%make%.exe .\WinRel/variable.obj .\WinRel/rule.obj .\WinRel/remote-stub.obj .\WinRel/commands.obj .\WinRel/file.obj .\WinRel/getloadavg.obj .\WinRel/default.obj .\WinRel/signame.obj .\WinRel/expand.obj .\WinRel/dir.obj .\WinRel/main.obj .\WinRel/getopt1.obj .\WinRel/job.obj .\WinRel/output.obj .\WinRel/read.obj .\WinRel/version.obj .\WinRel/getopt.obj .\WinRel/arscan.obj .\WinRel/remake.obj .\WinRel/misc.obj .\WinRel/hash.obj .\WinRel/strcache.obj .\WinRel/ar.obj .\WinRel/function.obj .\WinRel/vpath.obj .\WinRel/implicit.obj .\WinRel/dirent.obj .\WinRel/glob.obj .\WinRel/fnmatch.obj .\WinRel/pathstuff.obj
echo %GUILELIBS% kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib w32\subproc\winrel\subproc.lib >>link.rel
link.exe /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:console /INCREMENTAL:no /PDB:.\WinRel/%make%.pdb /OUT:.\WinRel/%make%.exe @link.rel
if not exist .\WinRel/%make%.exe echo "WinRel build failed"
if exist .\WinRel/%make%.exe echo "WinRel build succeeded!"
set make=
GoTo BuildEnd
echo on
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c variable.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c rule.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c remote-stub.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c commands.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c file.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c getloadavg.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c default.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c signame.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c expand.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c dir.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H %GUILECFLAGS% -c main.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c getopt1.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c job.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c output.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c read.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c version.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c getopt.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c arscan.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c remake.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c hash.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c strcache.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c misc.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c ar.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c function.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c vpath.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c implicit.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c loadapi.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c load.c
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c ./glob/glob.c -o glob.o
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c ./glob/fnmatch.c -o fnmatch.o
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c ./w32/pathstuff.c -o pathstuff.o
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c ./w32/compat/posixfcn.c -o posixfcn.o
@echo off
if "%GUILESRC%" == "" GoTo LinkGCC
set GUILEOBJ=guile.o
echo on
gcc -mthreads -Wall -gdwarf-2 -g3 %OPT% %GUILECFLAGS% -I. -I./glob -I./w32/include -DWINDOWS32 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c guile.c
@echo off
Rem The version NN of libgnumake-NN.dll.a should be bumped whenever
Rem the API changes in binary-incompatible manner.
@echo on
gcc -mthreads -gdwarf-2 -g3 -o gnumake.exe variable.o rule.o remote-stub.o commands.o file.o getloadavg.o default.o signame.o expand.o dir.o main.o getopt1.o %GUILEOBJ% job.o output.o read.o version.o getopt.o arscan.o remake.o misc.o hash.o strcache.o ar.o function.o vpath.o implicit.o loadapi.o load.o glob.o fnmatch.o pathstuff.o posixfcn.o w32_misc.o sub_proc.o w32err.o %GUILELIBS% -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 -Wl,--out-implib=libgnumake-1.dll.a
@GoTo BuildEnd
echo Usage: %0 [options] [gcc]
echo Options:
echo. --debug For GCC only, make a debug build
echo. (MSVC build always makes both debug and release)
echo. --without-guile Do not compile Guile support even if found
echo. --help Display these instructions and exit
@echo off
set OPT=
echo on