mirror of https://github.com/mirror/make.git synced 2025-03-10 09:40:36 +08:00
Paul Smith a581146562 tests [WINDOWS32]: Support Strawberry Perl on Windows
Strawberry Perl has some different behaviors from ActiveState Perl
which impact the test suite:

- Avoid Perl's chomp() as it may not remove CRs; chomp() may remove
  only the final NL but not the CR in a CRNL line ending.
- Strawberry Perl doesn't support ActiveState's system(1, ...) form.
- Strawberry Perl (or msys?) does something weird with "/tmp" when
  provided to exec(), replacing it with the user's %TEMP%.
- Strawberry Perl uses msys paths like /c/foo instead of C:\foo.

* tests/test_driver.pl (get_osname): Strawberry Perl uses 'msys' as
its $^O so if we see that use a port of 'W32'.
(_run_with_timeout): Strawberry Perl doesn't support the special
system(1, ...) form of system() so use POSIX standard fork/exec.
(compare_answer): Paths generated by Strawberry Perl use msys path
format (e.g., /c/foo instead of C:\foo); check for those differences
and compare RE against both the unmodified and modified log.
* tests/run_make_tests.pl (set_defaults): Switch from chomp to s///
to remove CRNL and NL line endings.
* tests/scripts/features/errors: Executing directories on Strawberry
will give an error; translate it to Windows error output format.
* tests/scripts/features/output-sync: Ditto.
* tests/scripts/features/temp_stdin: Ditto.
* tests/scripts/functions/realpath: Ditto.
* tests/scripts/options/dash-I: Ditto.
* tests/scripts/variables/INCLUDE_DIRS: Ditto.
* tests/scripts/misc/close_stdout: /dev/full is reported as existing
on Strawberry Perl, but it doesn't do anything.  Skip the test.
* tests/scripts/variables/MAKEFLAGS: When an argument containing
/tmp is passed to a program via exec(), something replaces it with
the expansion of the %TEMP% variable.  Instead of using /tmp create
a local directory to use.
2022-12-20 02:14:18 -05:00

388 lines
10 KiB

# -*-perl-*-
$description = "Test --output-sync (-O) option.";
$details = "Test the synchronization of output from parallel jobs.";
# If we don't have output sync support, never mind.
exists $FEATURES{'output-sync'} or return -1;
# Output sync can't be tested without parallelization
$parallel_jobs or return -1;
# The following subdirectories with Makefiles are used in several
# of the following tests. The model is:
# foo/Makefile - has a "foo" target that waits for the bar target
# bar/Makefile - has a "bar" target that runs immediately
# - has a "baz" target that waits for the foo target
# So, you start the two sub-makes in parallel and first the "bar" target is
# built, followed by "foo", followed by "baz". The trick is that first each
# target prints a "start" statement, then waits (if appropriate), then prints
# an end statement. Thus we can tell if the -O flag is working, since
# otherwise these statements would be mixed together.
@syncfiles = ();
sub output_sync_clean {
rmfiles('foo/Makefile', 'bar/Makefile', @syncfiles);
# We synchronize the different jobs by having them wait for a sentinel file to
# be created, instead of relying on a certain amount of time passing.
# Unfortunately in this test we have to sleep after we see the sync file,
# since we also want to make the obtaining of the write synchronization lock
# reliable. If things are too fast, then sometimes a different job will steal
# the output sync lock and the output is mis-ordered from what we expect.
sub output_sync_wait {
return subst_make_string("#HELPER# -q wait ../mksync.$_[0] sleep 1");
sub output_sync_set {
return subst_make_string("#HELPER# -q file ../mksync.$_[0]");
@syncfiles = qw(mksync.foo mksync.foo_start mksync.bar mksync.bar_start);
$tmout = 30;
mkdir('foo', 0777);
mkdir('bar', 0777);
$set_foo = output_sync_set('foo');
$set_bar = output_sync_set('bar');
$set_foo_start = output_sync_set('foo_start');
$set_bar_start = output_sync_set('bar_start');
$wait_foo = output_sync_wait('foo');
$wait_bar = output_sync_wait('bar');
$wait_foo_start = output_sync_set('foo_start');
$wait_bar_start = output_sync_set('bar_start');
open(MAKEFILE,"> foo/Makefile");
all: foo
foo: foo-base ; \@$set_foo
\t\@echo foo: start
\t\@echo foo: end
foo-job: foo-job-base ; \@$set_foo
\t\@echo foo: start
\t\@echo foo: end
\t\@echo foo-fail: start
\t\@echo foo-fail: end
\t\@exit 1
open(MAKEFILE,"> bar/Makefile");
all: bar baz
bar: bar-base ; \@$set_bar
\t\@echo bar: start
\t\@echo bar: end
bar-job: bar-job-base ; \@$set_bar
\t\@echo bar: start
\t\@echo bar: end
baz: baz-base
\t\@echo baz: start
\t\@echo baz: end
# Test per-make synchronization.
# Note we have to sleep again here after starting the foo makefile before
# starting the bar makefile, otherwise the "entering/leaving" messages for the
# submakes might be ordered differently than we expect.
all: make-foo make-bar
make-foo: ; \$(MAKE) -C foo
make-bar: ; #HELPER# -q sleep 1 ; \$(MAKE) -C bar!,
'-j -Orecurse',
"#MAKEPATH# -C foo
#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#/foo'
foo: start
foo: end
#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#/foo'
#HELPER# -q sleep 1 ; #MAKEPATH# -C bar
#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#/bar'
bar: start
bar: end
baz: start
baz: end
#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#/bar'\n", 0, $tmout);
# Test per-target synchronization.
# Note we have to sleep again here after starting the foo makefile before
# starting the bar makefile, otherwise the "entering/leaving" messages for the
# submakes might be ordered differently than we expect.
\$xMAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory
all: make-foo make-bar
make-foo: ; \$(MAKE) -C foo
make-bar: ; #HELPER# -q sleep 1 ; \$(MAKE) -C bar!,
'-j --output-sync=target',
"#MAKEPATH# -C foo
#HELPER# -q sleep 1 ; #MAKEPATH# -C bar
#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#/bar'
bar: start
bar: end
#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#/bar'
#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#/foo'
foo: start
foo: end
#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#/foo'
#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#/bar'
baz: start
baz: end
#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#/bar'\n", 0, $tmout);
# Rerun but this time suppress the directory tracking
run_make_test(undef, '-j --output-sync=target x=',
"#MAKEPATH# -C foo
#HELPER# -q sleep 1 ; #MAKEPATH# -C bar
bar: start
bar: end
foo: start
foo: end
baz: start
baz: end\n", 0, $tmout);
# Test that messages from make itself are enclosed with
# "Entering/Leaving directory" messages.
all: make-foo-fail make-bar-bar
make-foo-fail: ; \$(MAKE) -C foo foo-fail
make-bar-bar: ; #HELPER# -q sleep 1 ; \$(MAKE) -C bar bar!,
'-j -O',
"#MAKEPATH# -C foo foo-fail
#HELPER# -q sleep 1 ; #MAKEPATH# -C bar bar
#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#/bar'
bar: start
bar: end
#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#/bar'
#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#/foo'
foo-fail: start
foo-fail: end
#MAKE#[1]: *** [Makefile:23: foo-fail] Error 1
#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#/foo'
#MAKE#: *** [#MAKEFILE#:4: make-foo-fail] Error 2\n",
# Test the per-job synchronization.
# For this we'll have bar-job:
# print start, invoke bar-start, wait for foo-start, print end, print-bar-end
# And foo-job:
# wait for bar-start, print foo-start, wait for bar-end, print end
all: make-foo make-bar
make-foo: ; \$(MAKE) -C foo foo-job
make-bar: ; #HELPER# -q sleep 1 ; \$(MAKE) -C bar bar-job!,
'-j --output-sync=line',
"#MAKEPATH# -C foo foo-job
#HELPER# -q sleep 1 ; #MAKEPATH# -C bar bar-job
#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#/foo'
foo: start
#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#/foo'
#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#/bar'
bar: start
#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#/bar'
#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#/bar'
bar: end
#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#/bar'
#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#/foo'
foo: end
#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#/foo'\n", 0, $tmout);
# Remove temporary directories and contents.
# Ensure recursion doesn't mis-order or double-print output
\t\@echo foo
\t\@+echo bar
'-j -Oline', "foo\nbar\n");
run_make_test(undef, '-j -Otarget', "foo\nbar\n");
# Ensure when make writes out command it's not misordered
\t\@echo foobar
'-j -Oline', "foobar\ntrue\n");
run_make_test(undef, '-j -Otarget', "foobar\ntrue\n");
# Ensure that shell functions inside recipes write stderr to the sync file
all: ; @: $(shell echo foo 1>&2)
'-w -Oline', "#MAKE#: Entering directory '#PWD#'\nfoo\n#MAKE#: Leaving directory '#PWD#'\n");
# Ensure that output generated while parsing makefiles is synced
# when appropriate.
$(shell echo foo 1>&2)
all: ; echo bar
'-s -w -Otarget', "#MAKE#: Entering directory '#PWD#'\nfoo\n#MAKE#: Leaving directory '#PWD#'\n#MAKE#: Entering directory '#PWD#'\nbar\n#MAKE#: Leaving directory '#PWD#'\n");
# Test recursion
$m1 = get_tmpfile();
$m2 = get_tmpfile();
open(M1, "> $m1");
print M1 <<'EOF';
$(shell echo d1 stderr 1>&2)
$(info d1 stdout)
all:; @:
open(M2, "> $m2");
print M2 <<'EOF';
$(shell echo d2 stderr 1>&2)
$(info d2 stdout)
all:; @:
# Force an ordering on the output
$(shell sleep 1)
all: t1 t2
t1: ; \@\$(MAKE) -f $m1
t2: ; \@\$(MAKE) -f $m2
"-j -Oline", "#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#'\nd1 stderr\nd1 stdout\n#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#'\n#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#'\nd2 stderr\nd2 stdout\n#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#'\n");
rmfiles($m1, $m2);
# Ensure that output generated while parsing makefiles is synced
# when appropriate.
$m1 = get_tmpfile();
open(M1, "> $m1");
print M1 <<'EOF';
$(shell echo d1 stderr 1>&2)
$(info d1 stdout)
$(error d1 failed)
all:; @:
all: t1
t1: ; -\@\$(MAKE) -f $m1
"-j -Oline", "#MAKE#[1]: Entering directory '#PWD#'\nd1 stderr\nd1 stdout\n$m1:3: *** d1 failed. Stop.\n#MAKE#[1]: Leaving directory '#PWD#'\n#MAKE#: [#MAKEFILE#:3: t1] Error 2 (ignored)\n");
# Test $(error ...) functions in recipes
foo: $(OBJS) ; echo $(or $(filter %.o,$^),$(error fail))
'-O', "#MAKEFILE#:2: *** fail. Stop.\n", 512);
# SV 47365: Make sure exec failure error messages are shown
# Needs to be ported to Windows
if ($port_type ne 'W32') {
all:: ; @./foo bar baz
'-O', "#MAKE#: ./foo: $ERR_no_such_file\n#MAKE#: *** [#MAKEFILE#:2: all] Error 127\n", 512);
if ($port_type eq 'UNIX') {
# POSIX doesn't require sh to set PPID so test this
my $cmd = create_command();
add_options($cmd, '-f', '/dev/null', '-E', q!all:;@echo $$PPID!);
my $fout = 'ppidtest.out';
run_command_with_output($fout, @$cmd);
$_ = read_file_into_string($fout);
if (/^[0-9]+$/) {
use POSIX ();
# SV 63157.
# Test that make removes temporary files, even when a signal is received.
# The general test_driver postprocessing will ensure the temporary file used
# to synchronize output and the jobserver fifo are both removed.
# sleep is needed to let make write its "... Terminated" message to the log
# file.
pid:=$(shell echo $$PPID)
all:; @#HELPER# term $(pid) sleep 10
!, '-O -j2', '/#MAKE#: \*\*\* \[#MAKEFILE#:3: all] Terminated/', POSIX::SIGTERM);
# SV 63333. Test that make continues to run without output sync when we
# cannot create a temporary file.
# Create a non-writable temporary directory.
# Run the test twice, because run_make_test cannot match a regex againt a
# multiline input.
my $tdir = 'test_tmp_dir';
mkdir($tdir, 0500);
$ENV{'TMPDIR'} = $tdir;
all:; $(info hello, world)
!, '-Orecurse', "/suppressing output-sync/");
run_make_test(undef, '-Orecurse', "/#MAKE#: 'all' is up to date./");
# This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly.