2008-03-28 03:46:39 +00:00

284 lines
8.8 KiB

# Maintainer-only makefile segment. This contains things that are relevant
# only if you have the full copy of the GNU make sources from the CVS
# tree, not a dist copy.
# We like mondo-warnings!
AM_CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast
# I want this one but I have to wait for the const cleanup!
# -Wwrite-strings
# Find the glob source files... this might be dangerous, but we're maintainers!
globsrc := $(wildcard glob/*.c)
globhdr := $(wildcard glob/*.h)
config.ami configh.dos config.h.W32 config.h-vms
MTEMPLATES = Makefile.DOS SMakefile
# These are built as a side-effect of the dist rule
# General rule for turning a .template into a regular file.
$(TEMPLATES) : % : %.template Makefile
rm -f $@
sed -e 's@%VERSION%@$(VERSION)@g' \
-e 's@%PACKAGE%@$(PACKAGE)@g' \
$< > $@
chmod a-w $@
# Construct Makefiles by adding on dependencies, etc.
$(MTEMPLATES) : % : %.template .dep_segment Makefile
rm -f $@
sed -e 's@%VERSION%@$(VERSION)@g' \
-e 's@%PROGRAMS%@$(bin_PROGRAMS)@g' \
-e 's@%SOURCES%@$(filter-out remote-%,$(make_SOURCES)) remote-$$(REMOTE).c@g' \
-e 's@%OBJECTS%@$(filter-out remote-%,$(make_OBJECTS)) remote-$$(REMOTE).o@g' \
-e 's@%GLOB_SOURCES%@$(globsrc) $(globhdr)@g' \
-e 's@%GLOB_OBJECTS%@$(globsrc:glob/%.c=%.o)@g' \
$< > $@
echo >>$@; echo '# --------------- DEPENDENCIES' >>$@; echo '#' >>$@; \
cat $(word 2,$^) >>$@
chmod a-w $@
NMakefile: NMakefile.template .dep_segment Makefile
rm -f $@
cp $< $@
echo >>$@; echo '# --------------- DEPENDENCIES' >>$@; echo '#' >>$@; \
sed 's/^\([^ ]*\)\.o:/$$(OUTDIR)\/\1.obj:/' $(word 2,$^) >>$@
chmod a-w $@
# Construct
# build.template Makefile
rm -f $@
sed -e 's@%objs%@$(patsubst %.o,%.$${OBJEXT},$(filter-out remote-%,$(make_OBJECTS)))@g' \
-e 's@%globobjs%@$(patsubst %.c,%.$${OBJEXT},$(globsrc))@g' \
$< > $@
chmod a-w+x $@
# Use automake to build a dependency list file, for "foreign" makefiles like
# Makefile.DOS.
# Automake used to have a --generate-deps flag, but it's gone now, so we have
# to do it ourselves.
DEP_FILES := $(wildcard $(DEPDIR)/*.Po)
.dep_segment: maintMakefile $(DEP_FILES)
rm -f $@
(for f in $(DEPDIR)/*.Po; do \
echo ""; \
echo "# $$f"; \
sed -e '/^[^:]*\.[ch] *:/d' \
-e 's, /usr/[^ ]*,,g' \
-e 's, $(srcdir)/, ,g' \
-e '/^ *\\$$/d' \
-e '/^ *$$/d' \
< $$f; \
done) > $@
# Get rid of everything "else".
maintFILES = configure aclocal.m4
CVS-CLEAN-FILES += $(maintFILES) $(TEMPLATES) $(MTEMPLATES) NMakefile \ .deps .dep_segment ABOUT-NLS \
# This rule tries to clean the tree right down to how it looks when you do a
# virgin CVS checkout.
# This target is potentially dangerous since it removes _ANY FILE_ that
# is not in CVS. Including files you might mean to add to CVS but
# haven't yet... I only use this in subdirectories where it's unlikely
# we have any new files. Still... be careful!!
cvsclean = $(PERL) -e '$$k{CVS} = 1; open(E,"< CVS/Entries") || die "CVS/Entries: $$!\n"; while (defined ($$_ = <E>)) { m%^/([^/]*)% or next; $$k{$$1} = 1; } close(E) || die "CVS/Entries: $$!\n"; opendir(D, ".") || die ".: $$!\n"; while (defined ($$_ = readdir(D))) { -f $$_ && ! exists $$k{$$_} && unlink($$_); } closedir(D) || die ".: $$!\n";'
.PHONY: cvs-clean
cvs-clean: maintainer-clean
-rm -rf *~ $(CVS-CLEAN-FILES)
-cd config && $(cvsclean)
-cd po && $(cvsclean)
-cd doc && $(cvsclean)
-cd glob && $(cvsclean)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# The sections below were stolen from the Makefile.maint used by fileutils,
# sh-utils, textutils, CPPI, Bison, and Autoconf.
## ---------------- ##
## Updating files. ##
## ---------------- ##
WGET = wget --passive-ftp -nv
ftp-gnu =
move_if_change = if test -r $(target) && cmp -s $(target).t $(target); then \
echo $(target) is unchanged; rm -f $(target).t; \
else \
mv $(target).t $(target); \
# ------------------- #
# Updating PO files. #
# ------------------- #
# PO archive mirrors --- Be careful; some might not be fully populated!
po_repo =$(PACKAGE)
.PHONY: do-po-update po-update
tmppo="/tmp/po-$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).$$$$" \
&& rm -rf "$$tmppo" \
&& mkdir "$$tmppo" \
&& (cd "$$tmppo" \
&& $(WGET) -r -l1 -nd --no-parent -A '*.po' $(po_repo)) \
&& cp "$$tmppo"/*.po po && rm -rf "$$tmppo"
cd po && $(MAKE) update-po
$(MAKE) po-check
if test -d "po"; then \
$(MAKE) do-po-update; \
# -------------------------- #
# Updating GNU build files. #
# -------------------------- #
# The following pseudo table associates a local directory and a URL
# with each of the files that belongs to some other package and is
# regularly updated from the specified URL.
savannah-url =
target = $(patsubst get-%,%,$@)
config-url = $(savannah-url)/config/config/$(patsubst get-config/%,%,$@)
get-config/config.guess get-config/config.sub:
@echo $(WGET) $(config-url) -O $(target) \
&& $(WGET) $(config-url) -O $(target).t \
&& $(move_if_change)
gnulib-url = $(savannah-url)/gnulib/gnulib/build-aux/$(patsubst get-config/%,%,$@)
@echo $(WGET) $(gnulib-url) -O $(target) \
&& $(WGET) $(gnulib-url) -O $(target).t \
&& $(move_if_change)
gnustandards-url = $(savannah-url)/gnustandards/gnustandards/$(patsubst get-doc/%,%,$@)
get-doc/make-stds.texi get-doc/fdl.texi:
@echo $(WGET) $(gnustandards-url) -O $(target) \
&& $(WGET) $(gnustandards-url) -O $(target).t \
&& $(move_if_change)
.PHONY: cvs-update
cvs-update: get-config/texinfo.tex get-config/config.guess get-config/config.sub get-doc/make-stds.texi get-doc/fdl.texi
# --------------------- #
# Updating everything. #
# --------------------- #
.PHONY: update
update: po-update cvs-update
## --------------- ##
## Sanity checks. ##
## --------------- ##
# Checks that don't require cvs. Run `changelog-check' last as
# previous test may reveal problems requiring new ChangeLog entries.
local-check: po-check changelog-check
# copyright-check writable-files
if head ChangeLog | grep 'Version $(VERSION)' >/dev/null; then \
:; \
else \
echo "$(VERSION) not in ChangeLog" 1>&2; \
exit 1; \
# Verify that all source files using _() are listed in po/
# Ignore make.h; it defines _().
if test -f po/; then \
grep '^[^#]' po/ | sort > $@-1; \
$(PERL) -wn -e 'if (/\b_\(/) { $$ARGV eq "make.h" || print "$$ARGV\n" and close ARGV }' *.c *.h | sort > $@-2; \
diff -u $@-1 $@-2 || exit 1; \
rm -f $@-1 $@-2; \
## ------------------------- ##
## GNU FTP upload artifacts. ##
## ------------------------- ##
# This target creates the upload artifacts.
# Sign it with my key. If you don't have my key/passphrase then sorry,
# you're SOL! :)
GPG = gpg
GPGFLAGS = -u 6338B6D4
DIST_ARCHIVES_SIG = $(addsuffix .sig,$(DIST_ARCHIVES))
DIST_ARCHIVES_DIRECTIVE = $(addsuffix .directive.asc,$(DIST_ARCHIVES))
# A simple rule to test signing, etc.
.PHONY: distsign
%.sig : %
@echo "Signing file '$<':"
$(GPG) $(GPGFLAGS) -o "$@" -b "$<"
%.directive.asc: %
@echo "Creating directive file '$@':"
@( \
echo 'verstion: 1.1'; \
echo 'directory: make'; \
echo 'filename: $*'; \
echo 'comment: Official upload of GNU make version $(VERSION)'; \
) > "$*.directive"
$(GPG) $(GPGFLAGS) -o "$@" --clearsign "$*.directive"
@rm -f "$*.directive"
# Upload the artifacts
FTPPUT = ncftpput
gnu-url = /incoming
UPLOADS = upload-alpha upload-ftp
$(FTPPUT) "$(gnu-url)/$(@:upload-%=%)" $^
# Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
# 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Make.
# GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.