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synced 2025-03-27 12:31:23 +08:00
Create a new file, output.c, and collect functions that generate output there. We introduce a new global context specifying where output should go (to stdout or to a sync file), and the lowest level output generator chooses where to write output based on that context. This allows us to set the context globally, and all operations that write output (including functions like $(info ...) etc.) will use it. Removed the "--trace=dir" capability. It was too confusing. If you have directory tracking enabled then output sync will print the enter/leave message for each synchronized block. If you don't want that, disable directory tracking.
158 lines
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158 lines
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# -*-Makefile-*- to build GNU make on VMS
# Copyright (C) 1996-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Make.
# GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# VMS extensions from GNU Make 3.60 imported by
# Klaus Kämpf (kkaempf@rmi.de)
# Modified for version 3.78.1 by Hartmut.Becker@compaq.com.
# Modified for version 3.80 by zinser@decus.de
# Modified for versions 3.81, 3.99.90 by Hartmut Becker
CC = cc
CP = copy
%.obj: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS)/obj=$@ $<
# Makefile for GNU Make
ifeq ($(CC),cc)
CFLAGS = $(defines) /include=([],[.glob])/prefix=(all,except=(glob,globfree))/standard=relaxed/warn=(disable=questcompare)
CFLAGS = $(defines) /include=([],[.glob])
#LDFLAGS = /deb
ifeq ($(CC),cc)
defines = /define=("unlink=remove","HAVE_CONFIG_H","VMS","allocated_variable_expand_for_file=alloc_var_expand_for_file")
ifeq ($(ARCH),VAX)
defines = /define=("HAVE_CONFIG_H","GCC_IS_NATIVE","VAX")
defines = /define=("HAVE_CONFIG_H","GCC_IS_NATIVE")
LOAD_AVG = /define="NO_LDAV"
# If you don't want archive support, comment these out.
ARCHIVES = ,ar.obj,arscan.obj
ARCHIVES_SRC = ar.c arscan.c
# If your system needs extra libraries loaded in, define them here.
# System V probably need -lPW for alloca.
# if on vax, uncomment the following line
#LOADLIBES = ,c.opt/opt
ifeq ($(CC),cc)
#LOADLIBES =,sys$$library:vaxcrtl.olb/lib
CRT0 =
LOADLIBES =,gnu_cc_library:libgcc.olb/lib
# If your system doesn't have alloca, or the one provided is bad,
# get it from the Emacs distribution and define these.
#ALLOCA = ,alloca.obj
#ALLOCASRC = alloca.c
# If there are remote execution facilities defined,
# enable them with switches here (see remote-*.c).
# Any extra object files your system needs.
extras = ,signame.obj,remote-stub.obj,vmsfunctions.obj,vmsify.obj
# as an alternative:
glob = ,[.glob]glob.obj,[.glob]fnmatch.obj
getopt = ,getopt.obj,getopt1.obj
# Directory to install 'make' in.
bindir = []
# Directory to install the man page in.
mandir = []
# Number to put on the man page filename.
manext = 1
#guile = ,guile.obj
objs = commands.obj,job.obj,output.obj,dir.obj,file.obj,misc.obj,hash.obj,\
srcs = commands.c job.c output.c dir.c file.c misc.c guile.c hash.c \
load.c main.c read.c remake.c rule.c implicit.c \
default.c variable.c expand.c function.c strcache.c \
vpath.c version.c vmsfunctions.c vmsify.c $(ARCHIVES_SRC) $(ALLOCASRC) \
commands.h dep.h filedef.h job.h output.h makeint.h rule.h variable.h
.PHONY: all doc
all: config.h make.exe
doc: make.info make.dvi
make.exe: $(objs)
$(LD)$(LDFLAGS)/exe=$@ $^$(LOADLIBES)$(CRT0)
.PHONY: clean realclean
-purge [...]
-$(RM) make.exe;,*.obj;
-$(RM) [.glob]*.obj;
# Automatically generated dependencies.
# makeint.h: config.h gnumake.h gettext.h
# filedef.h: hash.h
ar.obj: ar.c makeint.h filedef.h dep.h [.glob]fnmatch.h
arscan.obj: arscan.c makeint.h
commands.obj: commands.c makeint.h dep.h commands.h filedef.h variable.h job.h
default.obj: default.c makeint.h rule.h dep.h job.h filedef.h commands.h variable.h
dir.obj: dir.c makeint.h hash.h [.glob]glob.h
expand.obj: expand.c makeint.h commands.h filedef.h job.h rule.h variable.h
file.obj: file.c makeint.h commands.h dep.h filedef.h variable.h job.h debug.h
function.obj: function.c makeint.h variable.h dep.h commands.h filedef.h debug.h job.h
getopt.obj: getopt.c getopt.h config.h gettext.h
getopt1.obj: getopt1.c getopt.h config.h
guile.obj: guile.c makeint.h debug.h dep.h gmk-default.h
hash.obj: hash.c makeint.h hash.h
implicit.obj: implicit.c makeint.h rule.h dep.h filedef.h debug.h variable.h job.h commands.h
job.obj: job.c vmsjobs.c makeint.h commands.h job.h filedef.h variable.h debug.h
output.obj: output.c vmsjobs.c makeint.h output.h filedef.h debug.h
load.obj: load.c makeint.h debug.h filedef.h variable.h
main.obj: main.c makeint.h commands.h dep.h filedef.h variable.h job.h rule.h debug.h getopt.h
misc.obj: misc.c makeint.h dep.h debug.h
read.obj: read.c makeint.h commands.h dep.h filedef.h variable.h [.glob]glob.h debug.h rule.h job.h
remake.obj: remake.c makeint.h commands.h job.h dep.h filedef.h variable.h debug.h
remote-stub.obj: remote-stub.c makeint.h filedef.h job.h commands.h
rule.obj: rule.c makeint.h commands.h dep.h filedef.h variable.h rule.h job.h
signame.obj: signame.c makeint.h
strcache.obj: strcache.c makeint.h hash.h
variable.obj: variable.c makeint.h commands.h variable.h dep.h filedef.h job.h rule.h
version.obj: version.c config.h
vmsfunctions.obj: vmsfunctions.c makeint.h vmsdir.h debug.h job.h
vmsify.obj: vmsify.c
vpath.obj: vpath.c makeint.h filedef.h variable.h
[.glob]fnmatch.obj: [.glob]fnmatch.c [.glob]fnmatch.h config.h
[.glob]glob.obj: [.glob]glob.c [.glob]glob.h [.glob]fnmatch.h config.h
config.h: config.h-vms
$(CP) $< $@