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synced 2025-03-19 14:20:47 +08:00
642 lines
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642 lines
21 KiB
# -*-perl-*-
$description = "Test the behaviour of the .WAIT target.";
$details = "";
# Ensure .WAIT doesn't appear in any automatic variables
all: .WAIT pre1 .WAIT pre2 | .WAIT pre3 ; @echo '<=$< ^=$^ ?=$? +=$+ |=$|'
pre1 pre2 pre3:;
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'', '<=pre1 ^=pre1 pre2 ?=pre1 pre2 +=pre1 pre2 |=pre3');
all: $$(pre) ; @echo '<=$< ^=$^ ?=$? +=$+ |=$|'
pre1 pre2 pre3:;
pre = .WAIT pre1 .WAIT pre2 | .WAIT pre3
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'', '<=pre1 ^=pre1 pre2 ?=pre1 pre2 +=pre1 pre2 |=pre3');
all: pre
p% : .WAIT p%1 .WAIT p%2 | .WAIT p%3; @echo '<=$< ^=$^ ?=$? +=$+ |=$|'
pre1 pre2 pre3: ;
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'', "<=pre1 ^=pre1 pre2 ?=pre1 pre2 +=pre1 pre2 |=pre3\n");
# Unfortunately I don't think we can get away from using sleep here; at least
# I can't think of any way to make sure .WAIT works without it. Even with it,
# it's not reliable (in that even if .WAIT is not working we MIGHT succeed the
# test--it shouldn't ever be the case that we fail the test unexpectedly).
# That makes this test suite slow to run :-/.
all : pre1 .WAIT pre2
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "start-pre1\nend-pre1\npre2\n");
# Ensure .WAIT doesn't add extra a dependency between its targets
run_make_test(undef, '-j10 pre2', "pre2\n");
# sv 63856.
# .WAIT on the command line.
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10 pre1 .WAIT pre2', "start-pre1\nend-pre1\npre2\n");
# Multiple consecutive .WAITs.
all : pre1 .WAIT .WAIT .WAIT pre2
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "start-pre1\nend-pre1\npre2\n");
# First and last prerequsites are .WAIT.
all : .WAIT pre1 .WAIT pre2 .WAIT
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "start-pre1\nend-pre1\npre2\n");
# All prerequisites are .WAITs.
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "#MAKE#: Nothing to be done for 'all'.\n");
'-j10 .WAIT', "#MAKE#: Nothing to be done for 'all'.\n");
# Wait between the duplicate goals.
all: hello.tsk .WAIT hello.tsk
hello.tsk:; $(info $@)
'-j10', "hello.tsk\n#MAKE#: Nothing to be done for 'all'.\n");
# Wait between the duplicate command line goals.
hello.tsk:; $(info $@)
'-j10 hello.tsk .WAIT hello.tsk', "hello.tsk\n#MAKE#: 'hello.tsk' is up to date.\n#MAKE#: 'hello.tsk' is up to date.\n");
# Ensure .WAIT doesn't wait between all targets
all : pre1 .WAIT pre2 pre3
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ file TWO wait THREE out end-$@
pre3: ; @#HELPER# -q wait TWO out $@ file THREE
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "start-pre1\nend-pre1\nstart-pre2\npre3\nend-pre2\n");
unlink(qw(TWO THREE));
# Ensure .WAIT on the command line doesn't wait between all targets.
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ file TWO wait THREE out end-$@
pre3: ; @#HELPER# -q wait TWO out $@ file THREE
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10 pre1 .WAIT pre2 pre3', "start-pre1\nend-pre1\nstart-pre2\npre3\nend-pre2\n");
unlink(qw(TWO THREE));
# Ensure .WAIT waits for ALL targets on the left before ANY targets on the right
all : pre1 pre2 .WAIT post1 post2
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ file PRE1 wait PRE2 sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q wait PRE1 out $@ file PRE2
post1: ; @#HELPER# -q wait POST2 out $@ file POST1
post2: ; @#HELPER# -q file POST2 wait POST1 out $@
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "start-pre1\npre2\nend-pre1\npost1\npost2\n");
unlink(qw(PRE1 PRE2 POST1 POST2));
# Ensure .WAIT on the command line waits for ALL targets on the left before ANY
# targets on the right.
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ file PRE1 wait PRE2 sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q wait PRE1 out $@ file PRE2
post1: ; @#HELPER# -q wait POST2 out $@ file POST1
post2: ; @#HELPER# -q file POST2 wait POST1 out $@
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10 pre1 pre2 .WAIT post1 post2', "start-pre1\npre2\nend-pre1\npost1\npost2\n");
unlink(qw(PRE1 PRE2 POST1 POST2));
# See if .WAIT takes effect between different lists of prereqs
# In the current implementation, .WAIT waits only between two prerequisites
# in a given target. These same two targets might be run in a different
# order if they appear as prerequisites of another target. This is the way
# other implementations of .WAIT work. I personally think it's gross and
# makes .WAIT just a toy when it comes to ordering, but it's much simpler
# to implement than creating an actual edge in the DAG to represent .WAIT
# and since that's what users expect, we'll do the same for now.
all : one two
one: pre1 .WAIT pre2
two: pre2 pre1
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ file PRE1 wait PRE2 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q wait PRE1 out $@ file PRE2
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "start-pre1\npre2\nend-pre1\n");
unlink(qw(PRE1 PRE2));
# Check that .WAIT works with pattern rules
all: pre
p% : p%1 .WAIT p%2;
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "start-pre1\nend-pre1\npre2\n");
# Check that .WAIT works with secondarily expanded rules
all: $$(pre)
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@
pre3: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@
pre = .WAIT pre1 .WAIT pre2 | .WAIT pre3
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "start-pre1\nend-pre1\npre2\npre3\n");
# Verify NOTPARALLEL works
all : pre1 pre2
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@
'-j10', "start-pre1\nend-pre1\npre2\n");
all : p1 .WAIT np1
p1: pre1 pre2
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ file PRE1 wait PRE2 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q wait PRE1 out $@ file PRE2
np1: npre1 npre2
npre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
npre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@
'-j10', "start-pre1\npre2\nend-pre1\nstart-npre1\nend-npre1\nnpre2\n");
unlink(qw(PRE1 PRE2));
# Ensure we don't shuffle if .WAIT is set
all : pre1 .WAIT pre2
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10 --shuffle=reverse', "start-pre1\nend-pre1\npre2\n");
# Ensure we don't shuffle if .WAIT is set on the command line.
pre1: ; @#HELPER# -q out start-$@ sleep 1 out end-$@
pre2: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10 --shuffle=reverse pre1 .WAIT pre2', "start-pre1\nend-pre1\npre2\n");
# Warn about invalid .WAIT definitions
.WAIT: foo
.WAIT: ; echo oops
'', "#MAKEFILE#:2: .WAIT should not have prerequisites\n#MAKEFILE#:3: .WAIT should not have commands\n");
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right.
# Subtest 1. First run this test without .WAIT and observe and A recipes
# interleave with B recipes.
# Then run the same test with .WAIT and observe that all A recipes get started
# sequentially before the 1st B recipe gets started and then all B recipes get
# started sequentially.
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
all: A B
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-1 file A-1-done wait B-1-done out A-1-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-2 file A-2-done wait B-2-done out A-2-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-3 file A-3-done wait B-3-done out A-3-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-1-done out B-1 out B-1-done file B-1-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-2-done out B-2 out B-2-done file B-2-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-3-done out B-3 out B-3-done file B-3-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "A-1\nB-1\nB-1-done\nA-1-done\nA-2\nB-2\nB-2-done\nA-2-done\nA-3\nB-3\nB-3-done\nA-3-done\n");
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
# Subtest 2.
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right.
all: A .WAIT B
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "A-1\nA-1-done\nA-2\nA-2-done\nA-3\nA-3-done\nB-1\nB-1-done\nB-2\nB-2-done\nB-3\nB-3-done\n");
# sv 63856.
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right.
# Subtest 1. First run this test without .WAIT and observe and A recipes
# interleave with B recipes.
# Then run the same test with .WAIT and observe that all A recipes get started
# sequentially before the 1st B recipe gets started and then all B recipes get
# started sequentially.
# The targets are specified on the command line.
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-1 file A-1-done wait B-1-done out A-1-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-2 file A-2-done wait B-2-done out A-2-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-3 file A-3-done wait B-3-done out A-3-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-1-done out B-1 out B-1-done file B-1-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-2-done out B-2 out B-2-done file B-2-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-3-done out B-3 out B-3-done file B-3-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10 A B', "A-1\nB-1\nB-1-done\nA-1-done\nA-2\nB-2\nB-2-done\nA-2-done\nA-3\nB-3\nB-3-done\nA-3-done\n");
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
# Subtest 2.
# sv 63856.
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right. The targets are specified on the command line.
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10 A .WAIT B', "A-1\nA-1-done\nA-2\nA-2-done\nA-3\nA-3-done\nB-1\nB-1-done\nB-2\nB-2-done\nB-3\nB-3-done\n");
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right.
# Regular targets which have double colon targets as prerequisites.
# Subtest 1. First run this test without .WAIT and observe and A recipes
# interleave with B recipes.
# The targets are specified in the makefile.
unlink('D', 'D-done', 'E', 'E-done');
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
all: C .WAIT A B
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-1 file A-1-done wait B-1-done out A-1-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-2 file A-2-done wait B-2-done out A-2-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-3 file A-3-done wait B-3-done out A-3-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-1-done out B-1 out B-1-done file B-1-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-2-done out B-2 out B-2-done file B-2-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-3-done out B-3 out B-3-done file B-3-done
C: D E
D:; @#HELPER# -q out D file D wait E-done out D-done
E:; @#HELPER# -q wait D out E out E-done file E-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "D\nE\nE-done\nD-done\nA-1\nB-1\nB-1-done\nA-1-done\nA-2\nB-2\nB-2-done\nA-2-done\nA-3\nB-3\nB-3-done\nA-3-done\n");
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right.
# Regular targets which have double colon targets as prerequisites.
# Subtest 2.
# Run the same test with .WAIT and observe that all A recipes get started
# sequentially before the 1st B recipe gets started and then all B recipes get
# started sequentially.
# The targets are specified in the makefile.
unlink('D', 'D-done', 'E', 'E-done');
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
all: C .WAIT A .WAIT B
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
C: D E
D:; @#HELPER# -q out D file D wait E-done out D-done
E:; @#HELPER# -q wait D out E out E-done file E-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "D\nE\nE-done\nD-done\nA-1\nA-1-done\nA-2\nA-2-done\nA-3\nA-3-done\nB-1\nB-1-done\nB-2\nB-2-done\nB-3\nB-3-done\n");
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right.
# Regular targets which have double colon targets as prerequisites.
# Subtest 1. First run this test without .WAIT and observe and A recipes
# interleave with B recipes.
# The targets are specified on the command line.
unlink('D', 'D-done', 'E', 'E-done');
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-1 file A-1-done wait B-1-done out A-1-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-2 file A-2-done wait B-2-done out A-2-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-3 file A-3-done wait B-3-done out A-3-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-1-done out B-1 out B-1-done file B-1-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-2-done out B-2 out B-2-done file B-2-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-3-done out B-3 out B-3-done file B-3-done
C: D E
D:; @#HELPER# -q out D file D wait E-done out D-done
E:; @#HELPER# -q wait D out E out E-done file E-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10 C .WAIT A B', "D\nE\nE-done\nD-done\nA-1\nB-1\nB-1-done\nA-1-done\nA-2\nB-2\nB-2-done\nA-2-done\nA-3\nB-3\nB-3-done\nA-3-done\n");
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right.
# Regular targets which have double colon targets as prerequisites.
# Subtest 2.
# Run the same test with .WAIT and observe that all A recipes get started
# sequentially before the 1st B recipe gets started and then all B recipes get
# started sequentially.
# The targets are specified on the command line.
unlink('D', 'D-done', 'E', 'E-done');
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
C: D E
D:; @#HELPER# -q out D file D wait E-done out D-done
E:; @#HELPER# -q wait D out E out E-done file E-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10 C .WAIT A .WAIT B', "D\nE\nE-done\nD-done\nA-1\nA-1-done\nA-2\nA-2-done\nA-3\nA-3-done\nB-1\nB-1-done\nB-2\nB-2-done\nB-3\nB-3-done\n");
unlink('D', 'D-done', 'E', 'E-done');
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right.
# Double colon targets have reqular targets as prerequisites.
# Subtest 1. First run this test without .WAIT and observe and A recipes
# interleave with B recipes.
# The targets are specified in the makefile.
unlink('D', 'D-done', 'E', 'E-done');
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
all: A B
A :: D; @#HELPER# -q out A-1 file A-1-done wait B-1-done out A-1-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-2 file A-2-done wait B-2-done out A-2-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-3 file A-3-done wait B-3-done out A-3-done
B :: E; @#HELPER# -q wait A-1-done out B-1 out B-1-done file B-1-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-2-done out B-2 out B-2-done file B-2-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-3-done out B-3 out B-3-done file B-3-done
D:; @#HELPER# -q out D file D wait E-done out D-done
E:; @#HELPER# -q wait D out E out E-done file E-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "D\nE\nE-done\nD-done\nA-1\nB-1\nB-1-done\nA-1-done\nA-2\nB-2\nB-2-done\nA-2-done\nA-3\nB-3\nB-3-done\nA-3-done\n");
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right.
# Double colon targets have reqular targets as prerequisites.
# Subtest 2.
# Run the same test with .WAIT and observe that all A recipes get started
# sequentially before the 1st B recipe gets started and then all B recipes get
# started sequentially.
# The targets are specified in the makefile.
unlink('D', 'D-done', 'E', 'E-done');
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
all: A .WAIT B
A :: D; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
A :: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
A :: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
B :: E; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
B :: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
B :: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
D:; @#HELPER# -q out D out D-done
E:; @#HELPER# -q out E out E-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10', "D\nD-done\nA-1\nA-1-done\nA-2\nA-2-done\nA-3\nA-3-done\nE\nE-done\nB-1\nB-1-done\nB-2\nB-2-done\nB-3\nB-3-done\n");
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right.
# Double colon targets have reqular targets as prerequisites.
# Subtest 1. First run this test without .WAIT and observe and A recipes
# interleave with B recipes.
# The targets are specified on the command line.
unlink('D', 'D-done', 'E', 'E-done');
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
A :: D; @#HELPER# -q out A-1 file A-1-done wait B-1-done out A-1-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-2 file A-2-done wait B-2-done out A-2-done
A ::; @#HELPER# -q out A-3 file A-3-done wait B-3-done out A-3-done
B :: E; @#HELPER# -q wait A-1-done out B-1 out B-1-done file B-1-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-2-done out B-2 out B-2-done file B-2-done
B ::; @#HELPER# -q wait A-3-done out B-3 out B-3-done file B-3-done
D:; @#HELPER# -q out D file D wait E-done out D-done
E:; @#HELPER# -q wait D out E out E-done file E-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10 A B', "D\nE\nE-done\nD-done\nA-1\nB-1\nB-1-done\nA-1-done\nA-2\nB-2\nB-2-done\nA-2-done\nA-3\nB-3\nB-3-done\nA-3-done\n");
# Wait for all double colon targets on the left, before building targets on the
# right.
# Double colon targets have reqular targets as prerequisites.
# Subtest 2.
# Run the same test with .WAIT and observe that all A recipes get started
# sequentially before the 1st B recipe gets started and then all B recipes get
# started sequentially.
# The targets are specified on the command line.
unlink('D', 'D-done', 'E', 'E-done');
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
A :: D; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
A :: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
A :: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
B :: E; @#HELPER# -q out $@-1 out $@-1-done
B :: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@-2 out $@-2-done
B :: ; @#HELPER# -q out $@-3 out $@-3-done
D:; @#HELPER# -q out D out D-done
E:; @#HELPER# -q out E out E-done
# This is just here so we don't fail with older versions of make
'-j10 A .WAIT B', "D\nD-done\nA-1\nA-1-done\nA-2\nA-2-done\nA-3\nA-3-done\nE\nE-done\nB-1\nB-1-done\nB-2\nB-2-done\nB-3\nB-3-done\n");
unlink('D', 'D-done', 'E', 'E-done');
unlink('A-1-done', 'A-2-done', 'A-3-done', 'B-1-done', 'B-2-done', 'B-3-done');
# This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly.