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synced 2025-03-15 04:10:35 +08:00
Avoid cross-contamination between test files by creating a new working directory for each file, and setting it as the current directory before starting the tests in that file. Rename the test output as tNNN.{base,log,diff,mk} where NNN is a test number starting with 001 for the first test. It is slightly more annoying to find diff files since you can't use autocomplete directly but it is simpler to match things. Detect the source directory as the location of the test_driver.pl script, so remove the separate -srcdir option. * Makefile.am: Remove hacks to create symlinks when building out-of-tree, and remove -srcdir option from run_make_tests. * tests/test_driver.pl: Locate $srcpath based on __FILE__, then compute $toppath as its parent. Set $scriptpath under $srcpath and $workpath under the current directory. Toss $*_filename and modify get_logfile() etc. to use the suffix directly. Add a chdir() around the invocation of the test. * tests/run_make_tests.pl: Throw out the -srcdir option and use $srcpath set in test_driver.pl. The #WORK# helper is no longer useful so remove it. Set #PWD# to the current working dir. Always search the local directory and $srcpath for config-flags.pm. Use $srcpath for finding the thelp.pl script. * tests/scripts/features/vpath: Don't put things in work/ as it is no longer a subdirectory. * tests/scripts/features/vpathgpath: Ditto. * tests/scripts/features/vpathplus: Ditto. * tests/scripts/misc/general1: Ditto. * tests/scripts/misc/general2: Ditto. * tests/scripts/options/dash-k: Ditto. * tests/scripts/options/symlinks: Use $testpath as the working directory. * tests/scripts/variables/GNUMAKEFLAGS: Use the test helper to display env var values (grepping for GNUMAKEFLAGS finds extra things now that it is our current working directory).
211 lines
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211 lines
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# This is a -*-Makefile-*-, or close enough
# Copyright (C) 1997-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Make.
# GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = dist-lzip silent-rules std-options subdir-objects nostdinc
SUBDIRS = lib po doc
bin_PROGRAMS = make
include_HEADERS = src/gnumake.h
man_MANS = doc/make.1
make_SRCS = src/ar.c src/arscan.c src/commands.c src/commands.h \
src/debug.h src/default.c src/dep.h src/dir.c src/expand.c \
src/file.c src/filedef.h src/function.c src/getopt.c \
src/getopt.h src/getopt1.c src/gettext.h src/guile.c \
src/hash.c src/hash.h src/implicit.c src/job.c src/job.h \
src/load.c src/loadapi.c src/main.c src/makeint.h src/misc.c \
src/mkcustom.h src/os.h src/output.c src/output.h src/read.c \
src/remake.c src/rule.c src/rule.h src/shuffle.h src/shuffle.c \
src/signame.c src/strcache.c src/variable.c src/variable.h \
src/version.c src/vpath.c src/warning.c src/warning.h
w32_SRCS = src/w32/pathstuff.c src/w32/w32os.c src/w32/compat/dirent.c \
src/w32/compat/posixfcn.c src/w32/include/dirent.h \
src/w32/include/dlfcn.h src/w32/include/pathstuff.h \
src/w32/include/sub_proc.h src/w32/include/w32err.h \
src/w32/subproc/misc.c src/w32/subproc/proc.h \
src/w32/subproc/sub_proc.c src/w32/subproc/w32err.c
vms_SRCS = src/vms_exit.c src/vms_export_symbol.c src/vms_progname.c \
src/vmsdir.h src/vmsfunctions.c src/vmsify.c
glob_SRCS = lib/fnmatch.c lib/fnmatch.h lib/glob.c lib/glob.h
alloca_SRCS = lib/alloca.c
loadavg_SRCS = lib/getloadavg.c
make_SOURCES = $(make_SRCS)
EXTRA_make_SOURCES = $(vms_SRCS)
make_LDADD = $(LIBOBJS) $(_GUILE_LIBS) lib/libgnu.a $(GETLOADAVG_LIBS) \
localedir = $(datadir)/locale
AM_CPPFLAGS = -Isrc -I$(top_srcdir)/src -Ilib -I$(top_srcdir)/lib \
-DLIBDIR=\"$(libdir)\" -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\"
# If prefix is not a standard location, look in prefix as well
AM_CPPFLAGS += -DINCLUDEDIR=\"$(includedir)\"
make_SOURCES += $(w32_SRCS)
AM_CPPFLAGS += -I $(top_srcdir)/src/w32/include
make_SOURCES += src/posixos.c
make_SOURCES += src/remote-cstms.c
make_SOURCES += src/remote-stub.c
# Extra stuff to include in the distribution.
mk_FILES = Basic.mk mk/msdosdjgpp.mk mk/VMS.mk mk/Windows32.mk
# We don't need this, since the standard automake output will do.
m4_FILES = m4/gnulib-cache.m4
test_FILES = tests/run_make_tests tests/run_make_tests.bat \
tests/run_make_tests.pl tests/test_driver.pl \
tests/config-flags.pm.in tests/config_flags_pm.com \
tests/config-flags.pm.W32 \
tests/mkshadow tests/thelp.pl tests/guile.supp tests/README
# test/scripts are added via dist-hook below.
EXTRA_DIST = ChangeLog INSTALL README build.sh build.cfg.in $(man_MANS) \
src/mkconfig.h README.customs README.OS2 README.zOS \
README.DOS builddos.bat src/configh.dos \
README.W32 build_w32.bat src/config.h.W32 \
README.VMS makefile.com src/config.h-vms src/vmsjobs.c \
vms_export_symbol_test.com \
src/gmk-default.scm src/gmk-default.h \
$(mk_FILES) $(m4_FILES) $(test_FILES)
# --------------- Generate the Guile default module content
src/guile.$(OBJEXT): src/gmk-default.h
src/gmk-default.h: $(top_srcdir)/src/gmk-default.scm
(echo 'static const char *const GUILE_module_defn = " '\\ \
&& sed -e 's/;.*//' -e '/^[ \t]*$$/d' -e 's/"/\\"/g' -e 's/$$/ \\/' \
$(top_srcdir)/src/gmk-default.scm \
&& echo '";') > src/gmk-default.h
# --------------- Local DIST Section
# Install the mk and tests subdirectories
(cd $(top_srcdir); \
sub=`find tests/scripts -follow \( -name .git -o -name .deps -o -name work -o -name .gitignore -o -name \*.orig -o -name \*.rej -o -name \*~ -o -name \*.out -o -name Makefile \) -prune -o -type f -print`; \
$(AMTAR) chf - $$sub) \
| (cd $(distdir); $(AMTAR) xfBp -)
# --------------- Local CHECK Section
check-local: check-regression
@banner=" Regression PASSED: $(PACKAGE_STRING) ($(MAKE_HOST)) built with $(CC) "; \
dashes=`echo "$$banner" | sed s/./=/g`; \
echo; \
echo "$$dashes"; \
echo "$$banner"; \
echo "$$dashes"; \
# > check-regression
# Look for the make test suite, and run it if found and we can find perl.
.PHONY: check-regression
testlog = test-suite.log
testresult = tests/.test-result
errorpre = makeerror-$(PACKAGE_VERSION)-$(host_triplet)
testfiles = $(testlog) $(testresult) $(errorfile)
errordetails = config.status config.log src/config.h src/mkconfig.h \
$(testlog) tests/work
# Create a 4-letter random sequence
rand_value = c = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
rand_char = substr(c,int(rand()*36),1)
rand_string = $(AWK) 'BEGIN{srand(); $(rand_value); print $(rand_char) "" $(rand_char) "" $(rand_char) "" $(rand_char);}'
check-regression: tests/config-flags.pm
$(AM_V_at) rm -f $(testfiles)
$(AM_V_at) if test -f '$(top_srcdir)/tests/run_make_tests.pl'; then \
ulimit -n 128; \
if $(PERL) -v >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
echo "cd tests && $(PERL) $(PERLFLAGS) $(abs_top_srcdir)/tests/run_make_tests.pl -make $(GMK_OUTDIR)/make$(EXEEXT) $(MAKETESTFLAGS)"; \
(cd tests && $(PERL) $(PERLFLAGS) '$(abs_top_srcdir)/tests/run_make_tests.pl' -make '$(GMK_OUTDIR)/make$(EXEEXT)' $(MAKETESTFLAGS); echo $$? >.test-result) 2>&1 | tee $(testlog); \
export TAR_OPTIONS='$(filter-out --sort%,$(TAR_OPTIONS))'; \
er=$$(cat $(testresult)); if test "$$er" -ne 0; then \
dirnm="$(errorpre)-$$($(rand_string))"; fnm="$$dirnm.tar.gz"; \
rm -rf "$$dirnm"; mkdir "$$dirnm"; \
$(AMTAR) chf - $(errordetails) | (cd "$$dirnm"; $(AMTAR) xf -); \
$(AMTAR) chf - "$$dirnm" | eval GZIP= gzip $(GZIP_ENV) -c >"$$fnm"; \
echo "*** Testing FAILED! Details: $$fnm"; \
echo '*** Please report to <$(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)>'; echo; \
exit $$er; \
fi; \
else \
echo "Can't find a working Perl ($(PERL)); the test suite requires Perl."; \
fi; \
else \
echo "Can't find the $(PACKAGE_NAME) test suite ($(top_srcdir)/tests)."; \
# --------------- Maintainer's Section
# Tell automake that I haven't forgotten about this file and it will be
# created before we build a distribution (see maintMakefile in the Git
# distribution).