/* Definitions for managing subprocesses in GNU Make.
Copyright (C) 1992-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Make.

GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */

#include "output.h"

# include <fcntl.h>
# include <sys/file.h>

/* How to set close-on-exec for a file descriptor.  */

#if !defined(F_SETFD) || !defined(F_GETFD)
# ifdef WINDOWS32
#  define CLOSE_ON_EXEC(_d)  process_noinherit(_d)
# else
#  define CLOSE_ON_EXEC(_d)
# endif
# ifndef FD_CLOEXEC
#  define FD_CLOEXEC 1
# endif
# define CLOSE_ON_EXEC(_d) (void) fcntl ((_d), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)

# define RECORD_SYNC_MUTEX(m) \
    O (error, NILF,                                                    \
       _("-O[TYPE] (--output-sync[=TYPE]) is not configured for this build."));
# ifdef WINDOWS32
/* For emulations in w32/compat/posixfcn.c.  */
#  define F_GETFD 1
#  define F_SETLKW 2
/* Implementation note: None of the values of l_type below can be zero
   -- they are compared with a static instance of the struct, so zero
   means unknown/invalid, see w32/compat/posixfcn.c. */
#  define F_WRLCK 1
#  define F_UNLCK 2

struct flock
    short l_type;
    short l_whence;
    off_t l_start;
    off_t l_len;
    pid_t l_pid;

/* This type is actually a HANDLE, but we want to avoid including
   windows.h as much as possible.  */
typedef intptr_t sync_handle_t;

/* Public functions emulated/provided in posixfcn.c.  */
int fcntl (intptr_t fd, int cmd, ...);
intptr_t create_mutex (void);
int same_stream (FILE *f1, FILE *f2);

#  define RECORD_SYNC_MUTEX(m) record_sync_mutex(m)
void record_sync_mutex (const char *str);
void prepare_mutex_handle_string (intptr_t hdl);
# else  /* !WINDOWS32 */

typedef int sync_handle_t;      /* file descriptor */

#  define RECORD_SYNC_MUTEX(m) (void)(m)

# endif
#endif  /* !NO_OUTPUT_SYNC */

/* Structure describing a running or dead child process.  */

struct child
    struct child *next;         /* Link in the chain.  */

    struct file *file;          /* File being remade.  */

    char **environment;         /* Environment for commands.  */
    char *sh_batch_file;        /* Script file for shell commands */
    char **command_lines;       /* Array of variable-expanded cmd lines.  */
    char *command_ptr;          /* Ptr into command_lines[command_line].  */

#ifdef VMS
    char *comname;              /* Temporary command file name */
    int efn;                    /* Completion event flag number */
    int cstatus;                /* Completion status */
    int vms_launch_status;      /* non-zero if lib$spawn, etc failed */

    unsigned int  command_line; /* Index into command_lines.  */
    struct output output;       /* Output for this child.  */
    pid_t         pid;          /* Child process's ID number.  */
    unsigned int  remote:1;     /* Nonzero if executing remotely.  */
    unsigned int  noerror:1;    /* Nonzero if commands contained a '-'.  */
    unsigned int  good_stdin:1; /* Nonzero if this child has a good stdin.  */
    unsigned int  deleted:1;    /* Nonzero if targets have been deleted.  */
    unsigned int  recursive:1;  /* Nonzero for recursive command ('+' etc.)  */
    unsigned int  dontcare:1;   /* Saved dontcare flag.  */

extern struct child *children;

/* A signal handler for SIGCHLD, if needed.  */
RETSIGTYPE child_handler (int sig);
int is_bourne_compatible_shell(const char *path);
void new_job (struct file *file);
void reap_children (int block, int err);
void start_waiting_jobs (void);

char **construct_command_argv (char *line, char **restp, struct file *file,
                               int cmd_flags, char** batch_file);

#ifdef VMS
int child_execute_job (struct child *child, char *argv);
# define FD_STDIN       (fileno (stdin))
# define FD_STDOUT      (fileno (stdout))
# define FD_STDERR      (fileno (stderr))
int child_execute_job (struct output *out, int good_stdin, char **argv, char **envp);

#ifdef _AMIGA
void exec_command (char **argv) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
#elif defined(__EMX__)
int exec_command (char **argv, char **envp);
void exec_command (char **argv, char **envp) __attribute__ ((noreturn));

extern unsigned int job_slots_used;

void block_sigs (void);
#ifdef POSIX
void unblock_sigs (void);
extern int fatal_signal_mask;
#define unblock_sigs()  sigsetmask (0)
#define unblock_sigs()

extern unsigned int jobserver_tokens;