/* Target file management for GNU Make.
Copyright (C) 1988-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of GNU Make.

GNU Make is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

GNU Make is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */

#include "makeint.h"

#include <assert.h>

#include "filedef.h"
#include "dep.h"
#include "job.h"
#include "commands.h"
#include "variable.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "shuffle.h"

/* Remember whether snap_deps has been invoked: we need this to be sure we
   don't add new rules (via $(eval ...)) afterwards.  In the future it would
   be nice to support this, but it means we'd need to re-run snap_deps() or
   at least its functionality... it might mean changing snap_deps() to be run
   per-file, so we can invoke it after the eval... or remembering which files
   in the hash have been snapped (a new boolean flag?) and having snap_deps()
   only work on files which have not yet been snapped. */
int snapped_deps = 0;

/* Hash table of files the makefile knows how to make.  */

static unsigned long
file_hash_1 (const void *key)
  return_ISTRING_HASH_1 (((struct file const *) key)->hname);

static unsigned long
file_hash_2 (const void *key)
  return_ISTRING_HASH_2 (((struct file const *) key)->hname);

static int
file_hash_cmp (const void *x, const void *y)
  return_ISTRING_COMPARE (((struct file const *) x)->hname,
                          ((struct file const *) y)->hname);

static struct hash_table files;

/* We can't free files we take out of the hash table, because they are still
   likely pointed to in various places.  The check_renamed() will be used if
   we come across these, to find the new correct file.  This is mainly to
   prevent leak checkers from complaining.  */
static struct file **rehashed_files = NULL;
static size_t rehashed_files_len = 0;

/* Whether or not .SECONDARY with no prerequisites was given.  */
static int all_secondary = 0;

/* Access the hash table of all file records.
   lookup_file  given a name, return the struct file * for that name,
                or nil if there is none.

struct file *
lookup_file (const char *name)
  struct file *f;
  struct file file_key;
  int want_vmsify;
  char *lname;

  assert (*name != '\0');

  /* This is also done in parse_file_seq, so this is redundant
     for names read from makefiles.  It is here for names passed
     on the command line.  */
   want_vmsify = (strpbrk (name, "]>:^") != NULL);
  if (*name != '.')
      const char *n;
      char *ln;
      lname = xstrdup (name);
      for (n = name, ln = lname; *n != '\0'; ++n, ++ln)
        *ln = isupper ((unsigned char)*n) ? tolower ((unsigned char)*n) : *n;
      *ln = '\0';
      name = lname;
# endif

  while (name[0] == '[' && name[1] == ']' && name[2] != '\0')
      name += 2;
  while (name[0] == '<' && name[1] == '>' && name[2] != '\0')
      name += 2;
  while (name[0] == '.' && ISDIRSEP (name[1]) && name[2] != '\0')
      name += 2;
      while (ISDIRSEP (*name))
        /* Skip following slashes: ".//foo" is "foo", not "/foo".  */

  if (*name == '\0')
      /* It was all slashes after a dot.  */
      name = "./";
      /* TODO - This section is probably not needed. */
      if (want_vmsify)
        name = "[]";
  file_key.hname = name;
  f = hash_find_item (&files, &file_key);
  if (*name != '.')
    free (lname);

  return f;

/* Look up a file record for file NAME and return it.
   Create a new record if one doesn't exist.  NAME will be stored in the
   new record so it should be constant or in the strcache etc.

struct file *
enter_file (const char *name)
  struct file *f;
  struct file *new;
  struct file **file_slot;
  struct file file_key;

  assert (*name != '\0');
  assert (! verify_flag || strcache_iscached (name));

  if (*name != '.')
      const char *n;
      char *lname, *ln;
      lname = xstrdup (name);
      for (n = name, ln = lname; *n != '\0'; ++n, ++ln)
        if (isupper ((unsigned char)*n))
          *ln = tolower ((unsigned char)*n);
          *ln = *n;

      *ln = '\0';
      name = strcache_add (lname);
      free (lname);

  file_key.hname = name;
  file_slot = (struct file **) hash_find_slot (&files, &file_key);
  f = *file_slot;
  if (! HASH_VACANT (f) && !f->double_colon)
      f->builtin = 0;
      return f;

  new = xcalloc (sizeof (struct file));
  new->name = new->hname = name;
  new->update_status = us_none;

  if (HASH_VACANT (f))
      new->last = new;
      hash_insert_at (&files, new, file_slot);
      /* There is already a double-colon entry for this file.  */
      new->double_colon = f;
      f->last->prev = new;
      f->last = new;

  return new;
/* Rehash FILE to NAME.  This is not as simple as resetting
   the 'hname' member, since it must be put in a new hash bucket,
   and possibly merged with an existing file called NAME.  */

rehash_file (struct file *from_file, const char *to_hname)
  struct file file_key;
  struct file **file_slot;
  struct file *to_file;
  struct file *deleted_file;
  struct file *f;

  /* If it's already that name, we're done.  */
  from_file->builtin = 0;
  file_key.hname = to_hname;
  if (! file_hash_cmp (from_file, &file_key))

  /* Find the end of the renamed list for the "from" file.  */
  file_key.hname = from_file->hname;
  check_renamed (from_file);
  if (file_hash_cmp (from_file, &file_key))
    /* hname changed unexpectedly!! */
    abort ();

  /* Remove the "from" file from the hash.  */
  deleted_file = hash_delete (&files, from_file);
  if (deleted_file != from_file)
    /* from_file isn't the one stored in files */
    abort ();

  /* Find where the newly renamed file will go in the hash.  */
  file_key.hname = to_hname;
  file_slot = (struct file **) hash_find_slot (&files, &file_key);
  to_file = *file_slot;

  /* Change the hash name for this file.  */
  from_file->hname = to_hname;
  for (f = from_file->double_colon; f != 0; f = f->prev)
    f->hname = to_hname;

  /* If the new name doesn't exist yet just set it to the renamed file.  */
  if (HASH_VACANT (to_file))
      hash_insert_at (&files, from_file, file_slot);

  /* TO_FILE already exists under TO_HNAME.
     We must retain TO_FILE and merge FROM_FILE into it.  */

  if (from_file->cmds != 0)
      if (to_file->cmds == 0)
        to_file->cmds = from_file->cmds;
      else if (from_file->cmds != to_file->cmds)
          size_t l = strlen (from_file->name);
          /* We have two sets of commands.  We will go with the
             one given in the rule found through directory search,
             but give a message to let the user know what's going on.  */
          if (to_file->cmds->fileinfo.filenm != 0)
            error (&from_file->cmds->fileinfo,
                   l + strlen (to_file->cmds->fileinfo.filenm) + INTSTR_LENGTH,
                   _("Recipe was specified for file '%s' at %s:%lu,"),
                   from_file->name, from_file->cmds->fileinfo.filenm,
            error (&from_file->cmds->fileinfo, l,
                   _("Recipe for file '%s' was found by implicit rule search,"),
          l += strlen (to_hname);
          error (&from_file->cmds->fileinfo, l,
                 _("but '%s' is now considered the same file as '%s'."),
                 from_file->name, to_hname);
          error (&from_file->cmds->fileinfo, l,
                 _("Recipe for '%s' will be ignored in favor of the one for '%s'."),
                 from_file->name, to_hname);

  /* Merge the dependencies of the two files.  */

  if (to_file->deps == 0)
    to_file->deps = from_file->deps;
      struct dep *deps = to_file->deps;
      while (deps->next != 0)
        deps = deps->next;
      deps->next = from_file->deps;

  merge_variable_set_lists (&to_file->variables, from_file->variables);

  if (to_file->double_colon && from_file->is_target && !from_file->double_colon)
    OSS (fatal, NILF, _("can't rename single-colon '%s' to double-colon '%s'"),
         from_file->name, to_hname);
  if (!to_file->double_colon  && from_file->double_colon)
      if (to_file->is_target)
        OSS (fatal, NILF,
             _("can't rename double-colon '%s' to single-colon '%s'"),
             from_file->name, to_hname);
        to_file->double_colon = from_file->double_colon;

  if (from_file->last_mtime > to_file->last_mtime)
    /* %%% Kludge so -W wins on a file that gets vpathized.  */
    to_file->last_mtime = from_file->last_mtime;

  to_file->mtime_before_update = from_file->mtime_before_update;

#define MERGE(field) to_file->field |= from_file->field
  MERGE (precious);
  MERGE (loaded);
  MERGE (tried_implicit);
  MERGE (updating);
  MERGE (updated);
  MERGE (is_target);
  MERGE (cmd_target);
  MERGE (phony);
  /* Don't merge intermediate because this file might be pre-existing */
  MERGE (is_explicit);
  MERGE (secondary);
  MERGE (notintermediate);
  MERGE (ignore_vpath);
  MERGE (snapped);
#undef MERGE

  to_file->builtin = 0;
  from_file->renamed = to_file;

  if (rehashed_files_len % REHASHED_FILES_INCR == 0)
    rehashed_files = xrealloc (rehashed_files,
                               sizeof (struct file *) * (rehashed_files_len + REHASHED_FILES_INCR));

  rehashed_files[rehashed_files_len++] = from_file;

/* Rename FILE to NAME.  This is not as simple as resetting
   the 'name' member, since it must be put in a new hash bucket,
   and possibly merged with an existing file called NAME.  */

rename_file (struct file *from_file, const char *to_hname)
  rehash_file (from_file, to_hname);
  while (from_file)
      from_file->name = from_file->hname;
      from_file = from_file->prev;
/* Remove all nonprecious intermediate files.
   If SIG is nonzero, this was caused by a fatal signal,
   meaning that a different message will be printed, and
   the message will go to stderr rather than stdout.  */

remove_intermediates (int sig)
  struct file **file_slot;
  struct file **file_end;
  int doneany = 0;

  /* If there's no way we will ever remove anything anyway, punt early.  */
  if (question_flag || touch_flag || all_secondary || no_intermediates)

  if (sig && just_print_flag)

  file_slot = (struct file **) files.ht_vec;
  file_end = file_slot + files.ht_size;
  for ( ; file_slot < file_end; file_slot++)
    if (! HASH_VACANT (*file_slot))
        struct file *f = *file_slot;
        /* Is this file eligible for automatic deletion?
           Yes, IFF: it's marked intermediate, it's not secondary, it wasn't
           given on the command line, and it's either a -include makefile or
           it's not precious.  */
        if (f->intermediate && (f->dontcare || !f->precious)
            && !f->secondary && !f->notintermediate && !f->cmd_target)
            int status;
            if (f->update_status == us_none)
              /* If nothing would have created this file yet,
                 don't print an "rm" command for it.  */
            if (just_print_flag)
              status = 0;
                status = unlink (f->name);
                if (status < 0 && errno == ENOENT)
            if (!f->dontcare)
                if (sig)
                  OS (error, NILF,
                      _("*** Deleting intermediate file '%s'"), f->name);
                    if (! doneany)
                      DB (DB_BASIC, (_("Removing intermediate files...\n")));
                    if (!run_silent)
                        if (! doneany)
                            fputs ("rm ", stdout);
                            doneany = 1;
                          putchar (' ');
                        fputs (f->name, stdout);
                        fflush (stdout);
                if (status < 0)
                    perror_with_name ("\nunlink: ", f->name);
                    /* Start printing over.  */
                    doneany = 0;

  if (doneany && !sig)
      putchar ('\n');
      fflush (stdout);
/* Given a string containing prerequisites (fully expanded), break it up into
   a struct dep list.  Enter each of these prereqs into the file database.
struct dep *
split_prereqs (char *p)
  struct dep *new = PARSE_FILE_SEQ (&p, struct dep, MAP_PIPE, NULL, PARSEFS_WAIT);

  if (*p)
      /* Files that follow '|' are "order-only" prerequisites that satisfy the
         dependency by existing: their modification times are irrelevant.  */
      struct dep *ood;

      ood = PARSE_FILE_SEQ (&p, struct dep, MAP_NUL, NULL, PARSEFS_WAIT);

      if (! new)
        new = ood;
          struct dep *dp;
          for (dp = new; dp->next != NULL; dp = dp->next)
          dp->next = ood;

      for (; ood != NULL; ood = ood->next)
        ood->ignore_mtime = 1;

  return new;

/* Given a list of prerequisites, enter them into the file database.
   If STEM is set then first expand patterns using STEM.  */
struct dep *
enter_prereqs (struct dep *deps, const char *stem)
  struct dep *d1;

  if (deps == 0)
    return 0;

  /* If we have a stem, expand the %'s.  We use patsubst_expand to translate
     the prerequisites' patterns into plain prerequisite names.  */
  if (stem)
      const char *pattern = "%";
      struct dep *dp = deps, *dl = 0;

      while (dp != 0)
          char *percent;
          size_t nl = strlen (dp->name) + 1;
          char *nm = alloca (nl);
          memcpy (nm, dp->name, nl);
          percent = find_percent (nm);
          if (percent)
              char *o;

              /* We have to handle empty stems specially, because that
                 would be equivalent to $(patsubst %,dp->name,) which
                 will always be empty.  */
              if (stem[0] == '\0')
                  memmove (percent, percent+1, strlen (percent));
                  o = variable_buffer_output (variable_buffer, nm,
                                              strlen (nm) + 1);
                o = patsubst_expand_pat (variable_buffer, stem, pattern, nm,
                                         pattern+1, percent+1);

              /* If the name expanded to the empty string, ignore it.  */
              if (variable_buffer[0] == '\0')
                  struct dep *df = dp;
                  if (dp == deps)
                    dp = deps = deps->next;
                    dp = dl->next = dp->next;
                  free_dep (df);

              /* Save the name.  */
              dp->name = strcache_add_len (variable_buffer,
                                           o - variable_buffer);
          dp->stem = stem;
          dp->staticpattern = 1;
          dl = dp;
          dp = dp->next;

  /* Enter them as files, unless they need a 2nd expansion.  */
  for (d1 = deps; d1 != 0; d1 = d1->next)
      if (d1->need_2nd_expansion)

      d1->file = lookup_file (d1->name);
      if (d1->file == 0)
        d1->file = enter_file (d1->name);
      d1->staticpattern = 0;
      d1->name = 0;
      if (!stem)
        /* This file is explicitly mentioned as a prereq.  */
        d1->file->is_explicit = 1;

  return deps;

/* Expand and parse each dependency line.
   For each dependency of the file, make the 'struct dep' point
   at the appropriate 'struct file' (which may have to be created).  */
expand_deps (struct file *f)
  struct dep *d;
  struct dep **dp;
  const char *fstem;
  int initialized = 0;
  int changed_dep = 0;

  if (f->snapped)
  f->snapped = 1;

  /* Walk through the dependencies.  For any dependency that needs 2nd
     expansion, expand it then insert the result into the list.  */
  dp = &f->deps;
  d = f->deps;
  while (d != 0)
      char *p;
      struct dep *new, *next;

      if (! d->name || ! d->need_2nd_expansion)
          /* This one is all set already.  */
          dp = &d->next;
          d = d->next;

      /* If it's from a static pattern rule, convert the initial pattern in
         each word to "$*" so they'll expand properly.  */
      if (d->staticpattern)
          const char *cs = d->name;
          size_t nperc = 0;

          /* Count the number of % in the string.  */
          while ((cs = strchr (cs, '%')) != NULL)

          if (nperc)
              /* Allocate enough space to replace all % with $*.  */
              size_t slen = strlen (d->name) + nperc + 1;
              const char *pcs = d->name;
              char *name = xmalloc (slen);
              char *s = name;

              /* Substitute the first % in each word.  */
              cs = strchr (pcs, '%');

              while (cs)
                  s = mempcpy (s, pcs, cs - pcs);
                  *(s++) = '$';
                  *(s++) = '*';
                  pcs = ++cs;

                  /* Find the first % after the next whitespace.  */
                  cs = strchr (end_of_token (cs), '%');
              strcpy (s, pcs);

              free ((char*)d->name);
              d->name = name;

      /* We're going to do second expansion so initialize file variables for
         the file. Since the stem for static pattern rules comes from
         individual dep lines, we will temporarily set f->stem to d->stem.  */
      if (!initialized)
          initialize_file_variables (f, 0);
          initialized = 1;

      set_file_variables (f, d->stem ? d->stem : f->stem);

      /* Perform second expansion.  */
      p = expand_string_for_file (d->name, f);

      /* Free the un-expanded name.  */
      free ((char*)d->name);

      /* Parse the prerequisites and enter them into the file database.  */
      new = split_prereqs (p);

      /* If there were no prereqs here (blank!) then throw this one out.  */
      if (new == 0)
          *dp = d->next;
          changed_dep = 1;
          free_dep (d);
          d = *dp;

      /* Add newly parsed prerequisites.  */
      fstem = d->stem;
      next = d->next;
      changed_dep = 1;
      free_dep (d);
      *dp = new;
      for (dp = &new, d = new; d != 0; dp = &d->next, d = d->next)
          d->file = lookup_file (d->name);
          if (d->file == 0)
            d->file = enter_file (d->name);
          d->name = 0;
          d->stem = fstem;
          if (!fstem)
            /* This file is explicitly mentioned as a prereq.  */
            d->file->is_explicit = 1;
      *dp = next;
      d = *dp;

    /* Shuffle mode assumes '->next' and '->shuf' links both traverse the same
       dependencies (in different sequences).  Regenerate '->shuf' so we don't
       refer to stale data.  */
    if (changed_dep)
      shuffle_deps_recursive (f->deps);

/* Add extra prereqs to the file in question.  */

struct dep *
expand_extra_prereqs (const struct variable *extra)
  struct dep *d;
  struct dep *prereqs = extra ? split_prereqs (expand_string (extra->value)) : NULL;

  for (d = prereqs; d; d = d->next)
      d->file = lookup_file (d->name);
      if (!d->file)
        d->file = enter_file (d->name);
      d->name = NULL;
      d->ignore_automatic_vars = 1;

  return prereqs;

/* Perform per-file snap operations. */

static void
snap_file (const void *item, void *arg)
  struct file *f = (struct file*)item;
  struct dep *prereqs = NULL;

  /* If we're not doing second expansion then reset updating.  */
  if (!second_expansion)
    f->updating = 0;

  /* More specific setting has priority.  */

  /* If .SECONDARY is set with no deps, mark all targets as intermediate,
     unless the target is a prereq of .NOTINTERMEDIATE.  */
  if (all_secondary && !f->notintermediate)
    f->intermediate = 1;

  /* If .NOTINTERMEDIATE is set with no deps, mark all targets as
     notintermediate, unless the target is a prereq of .INTERMEDIATE.  */
  if (no_intermediates && !f->intermediate && !f->secondary)
    f->notintermediate = 1;

  /* If .EXTRA_PREREQS is set, add them as ignored by automatic variables.  */
  if (f->variables)
    prereqs = expand_extra_prereqs (lookup_variable_in_set (STRING_SIZE_TUPLE(".EXTRA_PREREQS"), f->variables->set));

  else if (f->is_target)
    prereqs = copy_dep_chain (arg);

  if (prereqs)
      struct dep *d;
      for (d = prereqs; d; d = d->next)
        if (streq (f->name, dep_name (d)))
          /* Skip circular dependencies.  */

      if (d)
        /* We broke early: must have found a circular dependency.  */
        free_dep_chain (prereqs);
      else if (!f->deps)
        f->deps = prereqs;
          d = f->deps;
          while (d->next)
            d = d->next;
          d->next = prereqs;

/* Mark the files depended on by .PRECIOUS, .PHONY, .SILENT,
   and various other special targets.  */

snap_deps (void)
  struct file *f;
  struct file *f2;
  struct dep *d;

  /* Remember that we've done this.  Once we start snapping deps we can no
     longer define new targets.  */
  snapped_deps = 1;

  /* Now manage all the special targets.  */

  for (f = lookup_file (".PRECIOUS"); f != 0; f = f->prev)
    for (d = f->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
      for (f2 = d->file; f2 != 0; f2 = f2->prev)
        f2->precious = 1;

  for (f = lookup_file (".LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME"); f != 0; f = f->prev)
    for (d = f->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
      for (f2 = d->file; f2 != 0; f2 = f2->prev)
        f2->low_resolution_time = 1;

  for (f = lookup_file (".PHONY"); f != 0; f = f->prev)
    for (d = f->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
      for (f2 = d->file; f2 != 0; f2 = f2->prev)
          /* Mark this file as phony nonexistent target.  */
          f2->phony = 1;
          f2->is_target = 1;
          f2->last_mtime = NONEXISTENT_MTIME;
          f2->mtime_before_update = NONEXISTENT_MTIME;

  for (f = lookup_file (".NOTINTERMEDIATE"); f != 0; f = f->prev)
    /* Mark .NOTINTERMEDIATE deps as notintermediate files.  */
    if (f->deps)
        for (d = f->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
          for (f2 = d->file; f2 != 0; f2 = f2->prev)
            f2->notintermediate = 1;
    /* .NOTINTERMEDIATE with no deps marks all files as notintermediate.  */
      no_intermediates = 1;

  /* The same file cannot be both .INTERMEDIATE and .NOTINTERMEDIATE.
     However, it is possible for a file to be .INTERMEDIATE and also match a
     .NOTINTERMEDIATE pattern.  In that case, the intermediate file has
     priority over the notintermediate pattern.  This priority is enforced by
     pattern_search.  */

  for (f = lookup_file (".INTERMEDIATE"); f != 0; f = f->prev)
    /* Mark .INTERMEDIATE deps as intermediate files.  */
    for (d = f->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
      for (f2 = d->file; f2 != 0; f2 = f2->prev)
        if (f2->notintermediate)
          OS (fatal, NILF,
              _("%s cannot be both .NOTINTERMEDIATE and .INTERMEDIATE"),
          f2->intermediate = 1;
    /* .INTERMEDIATE with no deps does nothing.
       Marking all files as intermediates is useless since the goal targets
       would be deleted after they are built.  */

  for (f = lookup_file (".SECONDARY"); f != 0; f = f->prev)
    /* Mark .SECONDARY deps as both intermediate and secondary.  */
    if (f->deps)
      for (d = f->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
        for (f2 = d->file; f2 != 0; f2 = f2->prev)
        if (f2->notintermediate)
          OS (fatal, NILF,
              _("%s cannot be both .NOTINTERMEDIATE and .SECONDARY"),
          f2->intermediate = f2->secondary = 1;
    /* .SECONDARY with no deps listed marks *all* files that way.  */
      all_secondary = 1;

  if (no_intermediates && all_secondary)
    O (fatal, NILF,
       _(".NOTINTERMEDIATE and .SECONDARY are mutually exclusive"));

  f = lookup_file (".EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES");
  if (f != 0 && f->is_target)
    export_all_variables = 1;

  f = lookup_file (".IGNORE");
  if (f != 0 && f->is_target)
      if (f->deps == 0)
        ignore_errors_flag = 1;
        for (d = f->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
          for (f2 = d->file; f2 != 0; f2 = f2->prev)
            f2->command_flags |= COMMANDS_NOERROR;

  f = lookup_file (".SILENT");
  if (f != 0 && f->is_target)
      if (f->deps == 0)
        run_silent = 1;
        for (d = f->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
          for (f2 = d->file; f2 != 0; f2 = f2->prev)
            f2->command_flags |= COMMANDS_SILENT;

  f = lookup_file (".NOTPARALLEL");
  if (f != 0 && f->is_target)
      struct dep *d2;

      if (!f->deps)
        not_parallel = 1;
        /* Set a wait point between every prerequisite of each target.  */
        for (d = f->deps; d != NULL; d = d->next)
          for (f2 = d->file; f2 != NULL; f2 = f2->prev)
            if (f2->deps)
              for (d2 = f2->deps->next; d2 != NULL; d2 = d2->next)
                d2->wait_here = 1;

    struct dep *prereqs = expand_extra_prereqs (lookup_variable (STRING_SIZE_TUPLE(".EXTRA_PREREQS")));

    /* Perform per-file snap operations.  */
    hash_map_arg(&files, snap_file, prereqs);

    free_dep_chain (prereqs);

  /* If .POSIX was defined, remove OUTPUT_OPTION to comply.  */
  /* This needs more work: what if the user sets this in the makefile?
  if (posix_pedantic)
    define_variable_cname ("OUTPUT_OPTION", "", o_default, 1);
/* Set the 'command_state' member of FILE and all its 'also_make's.
   Don't decrease the state of also_make's (e.g., don't downgrade a 'running'
   also_make to a 'deps_running' also_make).  */

set_command_state (struct file *file, enum cmd_state state)
  struct dep *d;

  file->command_state = state;

  for (d = file->also_make; d != 0; d = d->next)
    if (state > d->file->command_state)
      d->file->command_state = state;
/* Convert an external file timestamp to internal form.  */

file_timestamp_cons (const char *fname, time_t stamp, long int ns)
  int offset = ORDINARY_MTIME_MIN + (FILE_TIMESTAMP_HI_RES ? ns : 0);
  FILE_TIMESTAMP s = stamp;
  FILE_TIMESTAMP ts = product + offset;

         && product <= ts && ts <= ORDINARY_MTIME_MAX))
      const char *f = fname ? fname : _("Current time");
      file_timestamp_sprintf (buf, ts);
      OSS (error, NILF,
           _("%s: Timestamp out of range; substituting %s"), f, buf);

  return ts;
/* Return the current time as a file timestamp, setting *RESOLUTION to
   its resolution.  */
file_timestamp_now (int *resolution)
  int r;
  time_t s;
  int ns;

  /* Don't bother with high-resolution clocks if file timestamps have
     only one-second resolution.  The code below should work, but it's
     not worth the hassle of debugging it on hosts where it fails.  */
    struct timespec timespec;
    if (clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &timespec) == 0)
        r = 1;
        s = timespec.tv_sec;
        ns = timespec.tv_nsec;
        goto got_time;
# endif
    struct timeval timeval;
    if (gettimeofday (&timeval, 0) == 0)
        r = 1000;
        s = timeval.tv_sec;
        ns = timeval.tv_usec * 1000;
        goto got_time;
# endif

  r = 1000000000;
  s = time ((time_t *) 0);
  ns = 0;

  *resolution = r;
  return file_timestamp_cons (0, s, ns);

/* Place into the buffer P a printable representation of the file
   timestamp TS.  */
file_timestamp_sprintf (char *p, FILE_TIMESTAMP ts)
  time_t t = FILE_TIMESTAMP_S (ts);
  struct tm *tm = localtime (&t);

  if (tm)
      intmax_t year = tm->tm_year;
      sprintf (p, "%04" PRIdMAX "-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
               year + 1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday,
               tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
  else if (t < 0)
    sprintf (p, "%" PRIdMAX, (intmax_t) t);
    sprintf (p, "%" PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t) t);
  p += strlen (p);

  /* Append nanoseconds as a fraction, but remove trailing zeros.  We don't
     know the actual timestamp resolution, since clock_getres applies only to
     local times, whereas this timestamp might come from a remote filesystem.
     So removing trailing zeros is the best guess that we can do.  */
  sprintf (p, ".%09d", FILE_TIMESTAMP_NS (ts));
  p += strlen (p) - 1;
  while (*p == '0')
  p += *p != '.';

  *p = '\0';
/* Print the data base of files.  */

print_prereqs (const struct dep *deps)
  const struct dep *ood = 0;

  /* Print all normal dependencies; note any order-only deps.  */
  for (; deps != 0; deps = deps->next)
    if (! deps->ignore_mtime)
      printf (" %s%s", deps->wait_here ? ".WAIT " : "", dep_name (deps));
    else if (! ood)
      ood = deps;

  /* Print order-only deps, if we have any.  */
  if (ood)
      printf (" | %s%s", ood->wait_here ? ".WAIT " : "", dep_name (ood));
      for (ood = ood->next; ood != 0; ood = ood->next)
        if (ood->ignore_mtime)
          printf (" %s%s", ood->wait_here ? ".WAIT " : "", dep_name (ood));

  putchar ('\n');

static void
print_file (const void *item)
  const struct file *f = item;

  /* If we're not using builtin targets, don't show them.

     Ideally we'd be able to delete them altogether but currently there's no
     facility to ever delete a file once it's been added.  */
  if (no_builtin_rules_flag && f->builtin)

  putchar ('\n');

  if (f->cmds && f->cmds->recipe_prefix != cmd_prefix)
      fputs (".RECIPEPREFIX = ", stdout);
      cmd_prefix = f->cmds->recipe_prefix;
      if (cmd_prefix != RECIPEPREFIX_DEFAULT)
        putchar (cmd_prefix);
      putchar ('\n');

  if (f->variables != 0)
    print_target_variables (f);

  if (!f->is_target)
    puts (_("# Not a target:"));
  printf ("%s:%s", f->name, f->double_colon ? ":" : "");
  print_prereqs (f->deps);

  if (f->precious)
    puts (_("#  Precious file (prerequisite of .PRECIOUS)."));
  if (f->phony)
    puts (_("#  Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY)."));
  if (f->cmd_target)
    puts (_("#  Command line target."));
  if (f->dontcare)
    puts (_("#  A default, MAKEFILES, or -include/sinclude makefile."));
  if (f->builtin)
    puts (_("#  Builtin rule"));
  puts (f->tried_implicit
        ? _("#  Implicit rule search has been done.")
        : _("#  Implicit rule search has not been done."));
  if (f->stem != 0)
    printf (_("#  Implicit/static pattern stem: '%s'\n"), f->stem);
  if (f->intermediate)
    puts (_("#  File is an intermediate prerequisite."));
  if (f->notintermediate)
    puts (_("#  File is a prerequisite of .NOTINTERMEDIATE."));
  if (f->secondary)
    puts (_("#  File is secondary (prerequisite of .SECONDARY)."));
  if (f->also_make != 0)
      const struct dep *d;
      fputs (_("#  Also makes:"), stdout);
      for (d = f->also_make; d != 0; d = d->next)
        printf (" %s", dep_name (d));
      putchar ('\n');
  if (f->last_mtime == UNKNOWN_MTIME)
    puts (_("#  Modification time never checked."));
  else if (f->last_mtime == NONEXISTENT_MTIME)
    puts (_("#  File does not exist."));
  else if (f->last_mtime == OLD_MTIME)
    puts (_("#  File is very old."));
      file_timestamp_sprintf (buf, f->last_mtime);
      printf (_("#  Last modified %s\n"), buf);
  puts (f->updated
        ? _("#  File has been updated.") : _("#  File has not been updated."));
  switch (f->command_state)
    case cs_running:
      puts (_("#  Recipe currently running (THIS IS A BUG)."));
    case cs_deps_running:
      puts (_("#  Dependencies recipe running (THIS IS A BUG)."));
    case cs_not_started:
    case cs_finished:
      switch (f->update_status)
        case us_none:
        case us_success:
          puts (_("#  Successfully updated."));
        case us_question:
          assert (question_flag);
          puts (_("#  Needs to be updated (-q is set)."));
        case us_failed:
          puts (_("#  Failed to be updated."));
      puts (_("#  Invalid value in 'command_state' member!"));
      fflush (stdout);
      fflush (stderr);
      abort ();

  if (f->variables != 0)
    print_file_variables (f);

  if (f->cmds != 0)
    print_commands (f->cmds);

  if (f->prev)
    print_file ((const void *) f->prev);

print_file_data_base (void)
  puts (_("\n# Files"));

  hash_map (&files, print_file);

  fputs (_("\n# files hash-table stats:\n# "), stdout);
  hash_print_stats (&files, stdout);
/* Verify the integrity of the data base of files.  */

#define VERIFY_CACHED(_p,_n) \
    do{                                                                       \
        if (_p->_n && _p->_n[0] && !strcache_iscached (_p->_n))               \
          error (NULL, strlen (_p->name) + CSTRLEN (# _n) + strlen (_p->_n),  \
                 _("%s: Field '%s' not cached: %s"), _p->name, # _n, _p->_n); \

static void
verify_file (const void *item)
  const struct file *f = item;
  const struct dep *d;

  VERIFY_CACHED (f, name);
  VERIFY_CACHED (f, hname);
  VERIFY_CACHED (f, vpath);
  VERIFY_CACHED (f, stem);

  /* Check the deps.  */
  for (d = f->deps; d != 0; d = d->next)
      if (! d->need_2nd_expansion)
        VERIFY_CACHED (d, name);
      VERIFY_CACHED (d, stem);

verify_file_data_base (void)
  hash_map (&files, verify_file);

#define EXPANSION_INCREMENT(_l)  ((((_l) / 500) + 1) * 500)

char *
build_target_list (char *value)
  static unsigned long last_targ_count = 0;

  if (files.ht_fill != last_targ_count)
      size_t max = EXPANSION_INCREMENT (strlen (value));
      size_t len;
      char *p;
      struct file **fp = (struct file **) files.ht_vec;
      struct file **end = &fp[files.ht_size];

      /* Make sure we have at least MAX bytes in the allocated buffer.  */
      value = xrealloc (value, max);

      p = value;
      len = 0;
      for (; fp < end; ++fp)
        if (!HASH_VACANT (*fp) && (*fp)->is_target)
            struct file *f = *fp;
            size_t l = strlen (f->name);

            len += l + 1;
            if (len > max)
                size_t off = p - value;

                max += EXPANSION_INCREMENT (l + 1);
                value = xrealloc (value, max);
                p = &value[off];

            p = mempcpy (p, f->name, l);
            *(p++) = ' ';
      *(p-1) = '\0';

      last_targ_count = files.ht_fill;

  return value;

init_hash_files (void)
  hash_init (&files, 1000, file_hash_1, file_hash_2, file_hash_cmp);

/* EOF */