# -*-perl-*- $description = "\ Test the word, words, wordlist, firstword, and lastword functions.\n"; $details = "\ Produce a variable with a large number of words in it, determine the number of words, and then read each one back.\n"; open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile"); print MAKEFILE <<'EOF'; string := word.pl general_test2.pl FORCE.pl word.pl generic_test.perl MAKEFILES_variable.pl string2 := $(string) $(string) $(string) $(string) $(string) $(string) $(string) string3 := $(string2) $(string2) $(string2) $(string2) $(string2) $(string2) $(string2) string4 := $(string3) $(string3) $(string3) $(string3) $(string3) $(string3) $(string3) all: @echo $(words $(string)) @echo $(words $(string4)) @echo $(word 1, $(string)) @echo $(word 100, $(string)) @echo $(word 1, $(string)) @echo $(word 1000, $(string3)) @echo $(wordlist 3, 4, $(string)) @echo $(wordlist 4, 3, $(string)) @echo $(wordlist 1, 6, $(string)) @echo $(wordlist 5, 7, $(string)) @echo $(wordlist 100, 110, $(string)) @echo $(wordlist 7, 10, $(string2)) EOF close(MAKEFILE); &run_make_with_options($makefile, "", &get_logfile); $answer = "6\n" ."2058\n" ."word.pl\n" ."\n" ."word.pl\n" ."\n" ."FORCE.pl word.pl\n" ."\n" ."word.pl general_test2.pl FORCE.pl word.pl generic_test.perl MAKEFILES_variable.pl\n" ."generic_test.perl MAKEFILES_variable.pl\n" ."\n" ."word.pl general_test2.pl FORCE.pl word.pl\n"; &compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1)); # Test error conditions run_make_test('FOO = foo bar biz baz word-e1: ; @echo $(word ,$(FOO)) word-e2: ; @echo $(word abc ,$(FOO)) word-e3: ; @echo $(word 1a,$(FOO)) word-e4: ; @echo $(word 9999999999999999999,$(FOO)) wordlist-e1: ; @echo $(wordlist ,,$(FOO)) wordlist-e2: ; @echo $(wordlist abc ,,$(FOO)) wordlist-e3: ; @echo $(wordlist 1, 12a ,$(FOO))', 'word-e1', "#MAKEFILE#:3: *** non-numeric first argument to 'word' function: ''. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'word-e2', "#MAKEFILE#:4: *** non-numeric first argument to 'word' function: 'abc '. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'word-e3', "#MAKEFILE#:5: *** non-numeric first argument to 'word' function: '1a'. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'word-e4', "#MAKEFILE#:6: *** Numerical result out of range: '9999999999999999999'. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'wordlist-e1', "#MAKEFILE#:8: *** non-numeric first argument to 'wordlist' function: ''. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'wordlist-e2', "#MAKEFILE#:9: *** non-numeric first argument to 'wordlist' function: 'abc '. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'wordlist-e3', "#MAKEFILE#:10: *** non-numeric second argument to 'wordlist' function: ' 12a '. Stop.", 512); # Test error conditions again, but this time in a variable reference run_make_test('FOO = foo bar biz baz W = $(word $x,$(FOO)) WL = $(wordlist $s,$e,$(FOO)) word-e: ; @echo $(W) wordlist-e: ; @echo $(WL)', 'word-e x=', "#MAKEFILE#:3: *** non-numeric first argument to 'word' function: ''. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'word-e x=abc', "#MAKEFILE#:3: *** non-numeric first argument to 'word' function: 'abc'. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'word-e x=0', "#MAKEFILE#:3: *** first argument to 'word' function must be greater than 0. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'wordlist-e s= e=', "#MAKEFILE#:4: *** non-numeric first argument to 'wordlist' function: ''. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'wordlist-e s=abc e=', "#MAKEFILE#:4: *** non-numeric first argument to 'wordlist' function: 'abc'. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'wordlist-e s=4 e=12a', "#MAKEFILE#:4: *** non-numeric second argument to 'wordlist' function: '12a'. Stop.", 512); run_make_test(undef, 'wordlist-e s=0 e=12', "#MAKEFILE#:4: *** invalid first argument to 'wordlist' function: '0'. Stop.", 512); # TEST #8 -- test $(firstword ) # run_make_test(' void := list := $(void) foo bar baz # a := $(word 1,$(list)) b := $(firstword $(list)) .PHONY: all all: @test "$a" = "$b" && echo $a ', '', 'foo'); # TEST #9 -- test $(lastword ) # run_make_test(' void := list := $(void) foo bar baz # a := $(word $(words $(list)),$(list)) b := $(lastword $(list)) .PHONY: all all: @test "$a" = "$b" && echo $a ', '', 'baz'); # This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly. 1;