# -*-perl-*- $description = "The following test creates a makefile to test wildcard expansions and the ability to put a command on the same line as the target name separated by a semi-colon."; $details = "\ This test creates 4 files by the names of 1.example, two.example and 3.example. We execute three tests. The first executes the print1 target which tests the '*' wildcard by echoing all filenames by the name of '*.example'. The second test echo's all files which match '?.example' and [a-z0-9].example. Lastly we clean up all of the files using the '*' wildcard as in the first test"; touch("example.1"); touch("example.two"); touch("example.3"); touch("example.for"); touch("example._"); # TEST #1 # ------- run_make_test(qq/ .PHONY: print1 print2 clean print1: ;\@echo \$(wildcard example.*) print2: \t\@echo \$(wildcard example.?) \t\@echo \$(wildcard example.[a-z0-9]) \t\@echo \$(wildcard example.[!A-Za-z_\\!]) clean: \t$CMD_rmfile \$(wildcard example.*) /, 'print1', "example.1 example.3 example._ example.for example.two\n"); # TEST #2 # ------- run_make_test(undef, 'print2', "example.1 example.3 example._\n" ."example.1 example.3\n" ."example.1 example.3\n"); # TEST #3 # ------- $answer = "$CMD_rmfile example.1 example.3 example._ example.for example.two"; if ($vos) { $answer .= " \n"; } else { $answer .= "\n"; } run_make_test(undef, 'clean', $answer); # TEST #4: Verify that failed wildcards don't return the pattern run_make_test(q! all: ; @echo $(wildcard xz--y*.7) !, '', "\n"); # TEST #5: wildcard used to verify file existence touch('xxx.yyy'); run_make_test(q!exists: ; @echo file=$(wildcard xxx.yyy)!, '', "file=xxx.yyy\n"); unlink('xxx.yyy'); run_make_test(q!exists: ; @echo file=$(wildcard xxx.yyy)!, '', "file=\n"); # TEST #7: verify that when the input pattern has a trailing slash wildcard # returns only directories. # ------- touch("hellof"); mkdir("hellod", 0770); mkdir("hellod/worldd", 0770); touch("hellod/worldf"); mkdir("hellod/worldd/kend1", 0770); mkdir("hellod/worldd/kend2", 0770); touch("hellod/worldd/kenf1"); touch("hellod/worldd/kenf2"); run_make_test(qq! print3: \t\@echo \$(wildcard hello*) \t\@echo \$(wildcard hello*/) \t\@echo \$(wildcard hellod/world*) \t\@echo \$(wildcard hellod/world*/) \t\@echo \$(wildcard hello* hellod/world*) \t\@echo \$(wildcard hello*/ hellod/world*/) \t\@echo \$(wildcard hellod/*) \t\@echo \$(wildcard hellod/*/) \t\@echo \$(wildcard */world*) \t\@echo \$(wildcard */worldd/) \t\@echo \$(wildcard hellod/*/ken*/) \t\@echo \$(wildcard hellod/*/ken?[12]) \t\@echo \$(wildcard hellod/*/ken?[12]/) !, '', "hellod hellof\n" ."hellod/\n" ."hellod/worldd hellod/worldf\n" ."hellod/worldd/\n" ."hellod hellof hellod/worldd hellod/worldf\n" ."hellod/ hellod/worldd/\n" ."hellod/worldd hellod/worldf\n" ."hellod/worldd/\n" ."hellod/worldd hellod/worldf\n" ."hellod/worldd/\n" ."hellod/worldd/kend1/ hellod/worldd/kend2/\n" ."hellod/worldd/kend1 hellod/worldd/kend2 " ."hellod/worldd/kenf1 hellod/worldd/kenf2\n" ."hellod/worldd/kend1/ hellod/worldd/kend2/\n"); unlink('hellof', 'hellod/worldf', 'hellod/worldd/kenf1', 'hellod/worldd/kenf2'); foreach $d ('hellod/worldd/kend1', 'hellod/worldd/kend2', 'hellod/worldd', 'hellod') { rmdir($d); } if ($port_type ne 'W32') { # Check wildcard on the root directory run_make_test('print4: ; @echo $(wildcard /)', '', "/\n"); } if ($port_type ne 'W32' && eval { symlink("",""); 1 }) { # TEST #6: check for wildcards matching directories # See SV 53465 my $dir = '__rdir'; my $lnk = '__ldir'; mkdir($dir, 0777); symlink($dir, $lnk); run_make_test(qq!all: ; \@echo \$(wildcard $lnk*/.)!, '', "$lnk/."); unlink($lnk); rmdir($dir); # Test for dangling symlinks symlink($dir, $lnk); run_make_test(qq!all: ; \@echo \$(wildcard $lnk)!, '', "$lnk"); unlink($lnk); } 1;