#                                                                    -*-perl-*-

$description = "The following tests the use of a PHONY target.  It makes\n"
              ."sure that the rules under a target get executed even if\n"
              ."a filename of the same name of the target exists in the\n"

$details = "This makefile in this test declares the target clean to be a \n"
          ."PHONY target.  We then create a file named \"clean\" in the \n"
          ."directory.  Although this file exists, the rule under the target\n"
          ."clean should still execute because of it's phony status.";

$example = "EXAMPLE_FILE";


# Create a file named "clean".  This is the same name as the target clean
# and tricks the target into thinking that it is up to date.  (Unless you
# use the .PHONY target.

open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile");
print MAKEFILE qq!
.PHONY : clean
all: ; \@echo This makefile did not clean the dir ... good
clean: ; $CMD_rmfile $example clean

$answer = "$CMD_rmfile $example clean\n";

if (-f $example) {
  $test_passed = 0;


# Just in case
unlink($example, 'clean');
