# -*-perl-*- $description = "Check GNU Make conditionals."; $details = "Attempt various different flavors of GNU Make conditionals."; run_make_test(' arg1 = first arg2 = second arg3 = third arg4 = cc arg5 = second all: ifeq ($(arg1),$(arg2)) @echo arg1 equals arg2 else @echo arg1 NOT equal arg2 endif ifeq \'$(arg2)\' "$(arg5)" @echo arg2 equals arg5 else @echo arg2 NOT equal arg5 endif ifneq \'$(arg3)\' \'$(arg4)\' @echo arg3 NOT equal arg4 else @echo arg3 equal arg4 endif ifndef undefined @echo variable is undefined else @echo variable undefined is defined endif ifdef arg4 @echo arg4 is defined else @echo arg4 is NOT defined endif', '', 'arg1 NOT equal arg2 arg2 equals arg5 arg3 NOT equal arg4 variable is undefined arg4 is defined'); # Test expansion of variables inside ifdef. run_make_test(' foo = 1 FOO = foo F = f DEF = no DEF2 = no ifdef $(FOO) DEF = yes endif ifdef $(F)oo DEF2 = yes endif DEF3 = no FUNC = $1 ifdef $(call FUNC,DEF)3 DEF3 = yes endif all:; @echo DEF=$(DEF) DEF2=$(DEF2) DEF3=$(DEF3)', '', 'DEF=yes DEF2=yes DEF3=yes'); # Test all the different "else if..." constructs run_make_test(' arg1 = first arg2 = second arg3 = third arg4 = cc arg5 = fifth result = ifeq ($(arg1),$(arg2)) result += arg1 equals arg2 else ifeq \'$(arg2)\' "$(arg5)" result += arg2 equals arg5 else ifneq \'$(arg3)\' \'$(arg3)\' result += arg3 NOT equal arg4 else ifndef arg5 result += variable is undefined else ifdef undefined result += arg4 is defined else result += success endif all: ; @echo $(result)', '', 'success'); # Test some random "else if..." construct nesting run_make_test(' arg1 = first arg2 = second arg3 = third arg4 = cc arg5 = second ifeq ($(arg1),$(arg2)) $(info failed 1) else ifeq \'$(arg2)\' "$(arg2)" ifdef undefined $(info failed 2) else $(info success) endif else ifneq \'$(arg3)\' \'$(arg3)\' $(info failed 3) else ifdef arg5 $(info failed 4) else ifdef undefined $(info failed 5) else $(info failed 6) endif .PHONY: all all: ; @:', '', 'success'); # SV 47960 : ensure variable assignments in non-taken legs don't cause problems run_make_test(' ifneq ($(FOO),yes) target: else BAR = bar target: endif @echo one ', '', "one\n"); # SV 64085: Ensure recipe prefixed conditionals are never considered run_make_test(q! blah=1 ifdef blah else else endif all:; !, '', "#MAKE#: 'all' is up to date."); run_make_test(q! blah=1 ifdef blah else endif endif all:; !, '', "#MAKE#: 'all' is up to date."); run_make_test(q! blah=1 ifdef blah else ifdef blah endif all:; !, '', "#MAKE#: 'all' is up to date."); run_make_test(q! blah=1 all:; foo: ifdef blah ifdef blah endif !, '', "#MAKE#: 'all' is up to date."); run_make_test(q! blah=1 all:; foo: ifdef blah endif endif !, '', "#MAKE#: 'all' is up to date."); run_make_test(q! blah=1 all:; foo: ifdef blah else else endif !, '', "#MAKE#: 'all' is up to date."); # This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly. 1; ### Local Variables: ### eval: (setq whitespace-action (delq 'auto-cleanup whitespace-action)) ### End: