1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
# -*-Makefile-*- template for DJGPP
# Makefile.in generated automatically by automake 1.2 from Makefile.am
1999-08-01 14:05:17 +08:00
# Copyright (C) 1994, 1995-1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
# This Makefile.DOS is free software; the Free Software Foundation
# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
# -*-Makefile-*-, or close enough
SHELL = /bin/sh
srcdir = .
VPATH = $( srcdir)
# $DJDIR is defined automatically by DJGPP to point
# to the root of the DJGPP installation tree.
prefix = ${ DJDIR }
exec_prefix = ${ prefix }
bindir = ${ exec_prefix } /bin
datadir = ${ prefix } /share
libdir = ${ prefix } /lib
infodir = ${ prefix } /info
# DJGPP doesn't have separate man tree, use info instead.
mandir = ${ prefix } /info
includedir = ${ prefix } /include
oldincludedir = c:/djgpp/include
pkgdatadir = $( datadir) /make
pkglibdir = $( libdir) /make
pkgincludedir = $( includedir) /make
INSTALL = ${ bindir } /ginstall -c
INSTALL_PROGRAM = ${ bindir } /ginstall -c
INSTALL_DATA = ${ bindir } /ginstall -c -m 644
INSTALL_SCRIPT = ${ bindir } /ginstall -c
transform = s,x,x,
# This will fail even if they don't have a Unix-like shell (stock DOS
# shell doesn't know about `false'). The only difference is that they
# get "Error -1" instead of "Error 1".
EXIT_FAIL = false
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
AR = ar
CC = gcc
CPP = gcc -E
MAKEINFO = ${ bindir } /makeinfo
PACKAGE = make
RANLIB = ranlib
REMOTE = stub
# This should include the glob/ prefix
make_LDADD = glob/libglob.a
info_TEXINFOS = make.texinfo
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
man_MANS = make.1
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
INCLUDES = -I$( srcdir) /glob -DLIBDIR= \" c:/djgpp/lib\" -DINCLUDEDIR= \" c:/djgpp/include\"
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
EXTRA_DIST = $( BUILT_SOURCES) $( man_MANS) README.customs remote-cstms.c make-stds.texi texinfo.tex SCOPTIONS SMakefile Makefile.ami README.Amiga config.ami amiga.c amiga.h NMakefile README.DOS configh.dos configure.bat makefile.com README.W32 build_w32.bat config.h.W32 subproc.bat make.lnk config.h-vms makefile.vms readme.vms vmsdir.h vmsfunctions.c vmsify.c
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
SUBDIRS = glob
mkinstalldirs = ${ bindir } /gmkdir -p
CONFIG_HEADER = config.h
DEFS = -I. -I$( srcdir) -I.
make_DEPENDENCIES = glob/libglob.a
make_LDFLAGS =
libglob_a_LIBADD =
noinst_LIBRARIES = glob/libglob.a
CFLAGS = -O2 -g
LINK = $( CC) $( CFLAGS) $( LDFLAGS) -o $@
TEXI2DVI = texi2dvi
TEXINFO_TEX = $( srcdir) /texinfo.tex
INFO_DEPS = make.info
DVIS = make.dvi
TEXINFOS = make.texinfo
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
man1dir = $( mandir) /man1
MANS = $( man_MANS)
NROFF = nroff
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
DIST_COMMON = README AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL Makefile.am Makefile.in NEWS acconfig.h aclocal.m4 alloca.c build.sh.in config.h.in configure configure.in getloadavg.c install-sh missing mkinstalldirs stamp-h.in texinfo.tex
TAR = gtar
GZIP = --best
HEADERS = $( wildcard $( srcdir) /*.h)
default : all
1999-08-01 14:05:17 +08:00
.SUFFIXES : .S .c .dvi .info .o .ps .s .texi .texinfo .txi
mostlyclean-hdr :
clean-hdr :
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
distclean-hdr :
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
-rm -f config.h
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
maintainer-clean-hdr :
mostlyclean-binPROGRAMS :
clean-binPROGRAMS :
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
-test -z " $( bin_PROGRAMS) " || rm -f $( bin_PROGRAMS)
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
distclean-binPROGRAMS :
maintainer-clean-binPROGRAMS :
install-binPROGRAMS : $( bin_PROGRAMS )
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
$( mkinstalldirs) $( DESTDIR) $( bindir)
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
@list= '$(bin_PROGRAMS)' ; for p in $$ list; do if test -f $$ p; then echo " $( INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$ p $( bindir) /`echo $$ p | sed ' $( transform) '` " ; $( INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$ p $( bindir) /` echo $$ p | sed '$(transform)' ` ; else :; fi ; done
uninstall-binPROGRAMS :
1999-08-01 14:05:17 +08:00
list = '$(bin_PROGRAMS)' ; for p in $$ list; do rm -f $( bindir) /` echo $$ p| sed '$(transform)' ` .exe; done
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
.c.o :
$( COMPILE) -c $<
1999-08-01 14:05:17 +08:00
.s.o :
$( COMPILE) -c $<
.S.o :
$( COMPILE) -c $<
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
clean-noinstLIBRARIES :
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
-test -z " $( noinst_LIBRARIES) " || rm -f $( noinst_LIBRARIES)
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
mostlyclean-compile :
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
-rm -f *.o *.exe make.new core
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
clean-compile :
distclean-compile :
1999-08-01 14:05:17 +08:00
-rm -f *.tab.c *_tab.c
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
maintainer-clean-compile :
make : $( make_OBJECTS ) $( make_DEPENDENCIES )
@command.com /c if exist make del make
@command.com /c if exist make.exe del make.exe
$( LINK) $( make_LDFLAGS) $( make_OBJECTS) $( make_LDADD) $( LIBS)
make.info : make .texinfo
make.dvi : make .texinfo
DVIPS = dvips
.texi.info :
$( MAKEINFO) $( srcdir) /$< -o ./$@
.texi.dvi :
TEXINPUTS = " $( srcdir) ; $$ TEXINPUTS " MAKEINFO = '$(MAKEINFO) -I $(srcdir)' $( TEXI2DVI) $<
.texi :
$( MAKEINFO) $( srcdir) /$< -o ./$@
.texinfo.info :
$( MAKEINFO) $( srcdir) /$< -o ./$@
.texinfo :
$( MAKEINFO) $( srcdir) /$< -o ./$@
.texinfo.dvi :
TEXINPUTS = " $( srcdir) ; $$ TEXINPUTS " MAKEINFO = '$(MAKEINFO) -I $(srcdir)' $( TEXI2DVI) $<
1999-08-01 14:05:17 +08:00
.txi.info :
$( MAKEINFO) $( srcdir) /$< -o ./$@
.txi.dvi :
TEXINPUTS = " $( srcdir) ; $$ TEXINPUTS " MAKEINFO = '$(MAKEINFO) -I $(srcdir)' $( TEXI2DVI) $<
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
.dvi.ps :
$( DVIPS) $< -o $@
install-info-am : $( INFO_DEPS )
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
$( mkinstalldirs) $( DESTDIR) $( infodir)
@for file in $( INFO_DEPS) make.i; do d = $( srcdir) ; for ifile in ` cd $$ d && echo $$ file $$ file-[ 0-9] $$ file-[ 0-9] [ 0-9] $$ file[ 0-9] $$ file[ 0-9] [ 0-9] ` ; do if test -f $$ d/$$ ifile; then echo " $( INSTALL_DATA) $$ d/ $$ ifile $( DESTDIR) $( infodir) / $$ ifile " ; $( INSTALL_DATA) $$ d/$$ ifile $( DESTDIR) $( infodir) /$$ ifile; else : ; fi ; done ; done
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
@if $( SHELL) -c 'install-info --version | sed 1q | fgrep -s -v -i debian' >/dev/null 2>& 1; then for file in $( INFO_DEPS) ; do echo " install-info --info-dir= $( DESTDIR) $( infodir) $( DESTDIR) $( infodir) / $$ file " ; install-info --info-dir= $( DESTDIR) $( infodir) $( DESTDIR) $( infodir) /$$ file || :; done ; else : ; fi
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
uninstall-info :
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
@if $( SHELL) -c 'install-info --version | sed 1q | fgrep -s -v -i debian' >/dev/null 2>& 1; then ii = yes; else ii = ; fi ; for file in $( INFO_DEPS) ; do test -z $ii || install-info --info-dir= $( DESTDIR) $( infodir) --remove $$ file; done
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
for file in $( INFO_DEPS) make.i; do ( cd $( DESTDIR) $( infodir) && rm -f $$ file $$ file-[ 0-9] $$ file-[ 0-9] [ 0-9] $$ file[ 0-9] $$ file[ 0-9] [ 0-9] ) ; done
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
dist-info : $( INFO_DEPS )
for base in $( INFO_DEPS) ; do d = $( srcdir) ; for file in ` cd $$ d && eval echo $$ base*` ; do test -f $( distdir) /$$ file || ln $$ d/$$ file $( distdir) /$$ file 2> /dev/null || cp -p $$ d/$$ file $( distdir) /$$ file; done ; done
mostlyclean-aminfo :
1999-08-13 07:16:42 +08:00
-rm -f make.aux make.cp make.cps make.dvi make.fn make.fns make.ky \
make.kys make.ps make.log make.pg make.toc make.tp make.tps \
make.vr make.vrs make.op make.tr make.cv make.cn
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
clean-aminfo :
distclean-aminfo :
maintainer-clean-aminfo :
for i in $( INFO_DEPS) make.i; do rm -f ` eval echo $$ i*` ; done
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
install-man1 :
$( mkinstalldirs) $( DESTDIR) $( man1dir)
@list= '$(man1_MANS)' ; \
l2 = '$(man_MANS)' ; for i in $$ l2; do \
case " $$ i " in \
*.1*) list = " $$ list $$ i " ; ; \
esac ; \
done ; \
for i in $$ list; do \
if test -f $( srcdir) /$$ i; then file = $( srcdir) /$$ i; \
else file = $$ i; fi ; \
ext = ` echo $$ i | sed -e 's/^.*\\.//' ` ; \
inst = ` echo $$ i | sed -e 's/\\.[0-9a-z]*$$//' ` ; \
inst = ` echo $$ inst | sed '$(transform)' ` .$$ ext; \
echo " $( INSTALL_DATA) $$ file $( DESTDIR) $( man1dir) / $$ inst " ; \
$( INSTALL_DATA) $$ file $( DESTDIR) $( man1dir) /$$ inst; \
uninstall-man1 :
@list= '$(man1_MANS)' ; \
l2 = '$(man_MANS)' ; for i in $$ l2; do \
case " $$ i " in \
*.1*) list = " $$ list $$ i " ; ; \
esac ; \
done ; \
for i in $$ list; do \
ext = ` echo $$ i | sed -e 's/^.*\\.//' ` ; \
inst = ` echo $$ i | sed -e 's/\\.[0-9a-z]*$$//' ` ; \
inst = ` echo $$ inst | sed '$(transform)' ` .$$ ext; \
echo " rm -f $( DESTDIR) $( man1dir) / $$ inst " ; \
rm -f $( DESTDIR) $( man1dir) /$$ inst; \
install-man : $( MANS )
$( MAKE) install-man1
uninstall-man :
$( MAKE) uninstall-man1
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
# Assume that the only thing to do in glob is to build libglob.a,
# but do a sanity check: if $SUBDIRS will ever have more than
# a single directory, yell bloody murder.
all-recursive :
i f e q ( $( words $ ( SUBDIRS ) ) , 1 )
@command.com /c if not exist glob\\ nul md glob
@echo Making all in $( SUBDIRS)
$( MAKE) -C $( SUBDIRS) -f ../Makefile INCLUDES = '-I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/glob' DEFS = '-I.. -I$(srcdir)' VPATH = $( srcdir) /glob libglob.a
e l s e
@echo FATAL: There is more than one directory in " ( $( SUBDIRS) ) "
e n d i f
command.com /c md $@
libglob.a : $( libglob_a_OBJECTS )
command.com /c if exist libglob.a del libglob.a
$( AR) cru libglob.a $( libglob_a_OBJECTS) $( libglob_a_LIBADD)
$( RANLIB) libglob.a
mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive distclean-recursive maintainer-clean-recursive :
i f e q ( $( words $ ( SUBDIRS ) ) , 1 )
@echo Making $( shell echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//) in $( SUBDIRS)
$( MAKE) -C $( SUBDIRS) -f ../Makefile $( shell echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//) -am
e l s e
@echo FATAL: There is more than one directory in " ( $( SUBDIRS) ) "
e n d i f
tags-in-glob : $( libglob_a_SOURCES )
etags $( addprefix $( srcdir) /,$^) -o ./glob/TAGS
tags-recursive :
i f e q ( $( words $ ( SUBDIRS ) ) , 1 )
$( MAKE) tags-in-glob
e l s e
@echo FATAL: There is more than one directory in " ( $( SUBDIRS) ) "
e n d i f
tags : TAGS
mkid $( srcdir) /$( SOURCES) $( srcdir) /$( libglob_a_SOURCES) ./config.h $( HEADERS)
TAGS : tags -recursive $( HEADERS ) $( srcdir ) /$( SOURCES ) config .h $( TAGS_DEPENDENCIES )
etags -i ./glob/TAGS $( ETAGS_ARGS) $( srcdir) /$( SOURCES) ./config.h $( HEADERS)
mostlyclean-tags :
clean-tags :
distclean-tags :
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
-rm -f TAGS ID
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
maintainer-clean-tags :
distdir = $( PACKAGE) -$( VERSION)
top_distdir = $( distdir)
# This target untars the dist file and tries a VPATH configuration. Then
# it guarantees that the distribution is self-contained by making another
# tarfile.
distcheck : dist
rm -rf $( distdir)
GZIP = $( GZIP) $( TAR) zxf $( distdir) .tar.gz
mkdir $( distdir) /= build
mkdir $( distdir) /= inst
dc_install_base = ` cd $( distdir) /= inst && pwd ` ; cd $( distdir) /= build && ../configure --srcdir= .. --prefix= $$ dc_install_base && $( MAKE) && $( MAKE) dvi && $( MAKE) check && $( MAKE) install && $( MAKE) installcheck && $( MAKE) dist
rm -rf $( distdir)
@echo "========================" ; echo " $( distdir) .tar.gz is ready for distribution " ; echo "========================"
dist : distdir
-chmod -R a+r $( distdir)
GZIP = $( GZIP) $( TAR) chozf $( distdir) .tar.gz $( distdir)
rm -rf $( distdir)
dist-all : distdir
-chmod -R a+r $( distdir)
GZIP = $( GZIP) $( TAR) chozf $( distdir) .tar.gz $( distdir)
rm -rf $( distdir)
distdir : $( DISTFILES )
rm -rf $( distdir)
mkdir $( distdir)
-chmod 777 $( distdir)
1997-09-06 05:01:49 +08:00
@for file in $( DISTFILES) ; do d = $( srcdir) ; test -f $( distdir) /$$ file || ln $$ d/$$ file $( distdir) /$$ file 2> /dev/null || cp -p $$ d/$$ file $( distdir) /$$ file; done ; for subdir in $( SUBDIRS) ; do test -d $( distdir) /$$ subdir || mkdir $( distdir) /$$ subdir || exit 1; chmod 777 $( distdir) /$$ subdir; ( cd $$ subdir && $( MAKE) top_distdir = ../$( top_distdir) /$$ subdir distdir = ../$( distdir) /$$ subdir distdir) || exit 1; done
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
$( MAKE) top_distdir = " $( top_distdir) " distdir = " $( distdir) " dist-info
$( MAKE) top_distdir = " $( top_distdir) " distdir = " $( distdir) " dist-hook
info : $( INFO_DEPS ) info -recursive
dvi : $( DVIS ) dvi -recursive
check : all -am
$( MAKE) check-recursive check-local
installcheck : installcheck -recursive
all-recursive-am : config .h
$( MAKE) all-recursive
all-am : Makefile $( INFO_DEPS ) $( PROGRAMS ) config .h
install-exec-am : install -binPROGRAMS
install-data-am : install -info -am
uninstall-am : uninstall -binPROGRAMS uninstall -info
install-exec : install -exec -recursive install -exec -am
install-data : install -data -recursive install -data -am
install : install -recursive install -exec -am install -data -am
uninstall : uninstall -recursive uninstall -am
all : all -recursive -am all -am
install-strip :
installdirs : installdirs -recursive
$( mkinstalldirs) $( bindir) $( infodir)
mostlyclean-generic :
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
clean-generic :
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
-test -z " $( CLEANFILES) " || rm -f $( CLEANFILES)
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
distclean-generic :
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
-rm -f Makefile $( DISTCLEANFILES)
-rm -f config.cache config.log stamp-h stamp-h[ 0-9] *
-test -z " $( CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES) " || rm -f $( CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
maintainer-clean-generic :
1998-07-31 04:54:47 +08:00
-test -z " $( BUILT_SOURCES) " || rm -f $( BUILT_SOURCES)
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
mostlyclean-am : mostlyclean -hdr mostlyclean -binPROGRAMS mostlyclean -compile mostlyclean -aminfo mostlyclean -tags mostlyclean -generic
clean-am : clean -hdr clean -binPROGRAMS clean -compile clean -aminfo clean -tags clean -generic mostlyclean -am
distclean-am : distclean -hdr distclean -binPROGRAMS distclean -compile distclean -aminfo distclean -tags distclean -generic clean -am
maintainer-clean-am : maintainer -clean -hdr maintainer -clean -binPROGRAMS maintainer -clean -compile maintainer -clean -aminfo maintainer -clean -tags maintainer -clean -generic distclean -am
mostlyclean : mostlyclean -recursive mostlyclean -am
clean : clean -noinstLIBRARIES clean -recursive clean -am
distclean : distclean -recursive distclean -am
rm -f config.status
maintainer-clean : maintainer -clean -recursive maintainer -clean -am
@echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use;"
@echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
rm -f config.status
1997-09-17 02:08:59 +08:00
.PHONY : default mostlyclean -hdr distclean -hdr clean -hdr \
m a i n t a i n e r - c l e a n - h d r m o s t l y c l e a n - b i n P R O G R A M S d i s t c l e a n - b i n P R O G R A M S \
c l e a n - b i n P R O G R A M S m a i n t a i n e r - c l e a n - b i n P R O G R A M S u n i n s t a l l - b i n P R O G R A M S \
i n s t a l l - b i n P R O G R A M S m o s t l y c l e a n - c o m p i l e d i s t c l e a n - c o m p i l e c l e a n - c o m p i l e \
m a i n t a i n e r - c l e a n - c o m p i l e i n s t a l l - i n f o - a m u n i n s t a l l - i n f o \
m o s t l y c l e a n - a m i n f o d i s t c l e a n - a m i n f o c l e a n - a m i n f o \
m a i n t a i n e r - c l e a n - a m i n f o i n s t a l l - d a t a - r e c u r s i v e u n i n s t a l l - d a t a - r e c u r s i v e \
i n s t a l l - e x e c - r e c u r s i v e u n i n s t a l l - e x e c - r e c u r s i v e i n s t a l l d i r s - r e c u r s i v e \
u n i n s t a l l d i r s - r e c u r s i v e a l l - r e c u r s i v e c h e c k - r e c u r s i v e \
i n s t a l l c h e c k - r e c u r s i v e i n f o - r e c u r s i v e d v i - r e c u r s i v e \
m o s t l y c l e a n - r e c u r s i v e d i s t c l e a n - r e c u r s i v e c l e a n - r e c u r s i v e \
m a i n t a i n e r - c l e a n - r e c u r s i v e t a g s t a g s - r e c u r s i v e m o s t l y c l e a n - t a g s \
d i s t c l e a n - t a g s c l e a n - t a g s m a i n t a i n e r - c l e a n - t a g s d i s t d i r \
m o s t l y c l e a n - d e p e n d d i s t c l e a n - d e p e n d c l e a n - d e p e n d \
m a i n t a i n e r - c l e a n - d e p e n d i n f o d v i c h e c k - l o c a l i n s t a l l c h e c k \
a l l - r e c u r s i v e - a m a l l - a m i n s t a l l - e x e c - a m i n s t a l l - d a t a - a m u n i n s t a l l - a m \
i n s t a l l - e x e c i n s t a l l - d a t a i n s t a l l u n i n s t a l l a l l i n s t a l l d i r s \
m o s t l y c l e a n - g e n e r i c d i s t c l e a n - g e n e r i c c l e a n - g e n e r i c \
m a i n t a i n e r - c l e a n - g e n e r i c c l e a n m o s t l y c l e a n d i s t c l e a n m a i n t a i n e r - c l e a n
1997-08-28 04:30:54 +08:00
# --------------- Local DIST Section
# Install the w32 subdirectory
dist-hook :
( cd $( srcdir) ; \
w32 = ` find w32 -follow \( -name CVS -prune \) -o -type f -print` ; \
tar chf - $$ w32) \
| ( cd $( distdir) ; tar xfBp -)
# --------------- Local CHECK Section
check-local : check -loadavg check -regression
.PHONY : check -loadavg check -regression
# > check-loadavg
loadavg : loadavg .c config .h
@rm -f loadavg
$( LINK) -DTEST $( make_LDFLAGS) loadavg.c $( LIBS)
# We copy getloadavg.c into a different file rather than compiling it
# directly because some compilers clobber getloadavg.o in the process.
loadavg.c : getloadavg .c
ln $( srcdir) /getloadavg.c loadavg.c || \
cp $( srcdir) /getloadavg.c loadavg.c
check-loadavg : loadavg
@echo The system uptime program believes the load average to be:
@echo The GNU load average checking code believes:
# > check-regression
# Look for the make test suite, and run it if found. Look in MAKE_TEST if
# specified, or else in the srcdir or the distdir, their parents, and _their_
# parents.
check-regression :
here = ` pwd ` ; testdir = "" ; \
case " $( MAKE_TEST) " in "" ) \
for d1 in $$ here $( srcdir) ; do \
for d2 in ../.. .. .; do \
all = ` echo $$ d1/$$ d2/make-test-[ 0-9] */run_make_tests` ; \
case " $$ all " in \
" $$ d1/ $$ d2/make-test-[0-9]*/run_make_tests " ) : ; ; \
*) try = ` for x in $$ all; do echo $$ x; done | sort | tail -1` ; \
testdir = ` dirname $$ try` ; ; esac ; \
done ; done ; ; \
*) testdir = " $( MAKE_TEST) " ; ; \
esac ; \
case " $$ testdir " in \
"" ) echo "Couldn't find make-test-* test suite." ; exit 0; ; \
esac ; \
echo " cd $$ testdir && ./run_make_tests -make_path $$ here/make " ; \
cd $$ testdir && ./run_make_tests -make_path $$ here/make
# --------------- Maintainer's Section
# Note this requires GNU make. Not to worry, since it will only be included
# in the Makefile if we're in the maintainer's environment.
#include $(srcdir)/maintMakefile
# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.