mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 10:40:06 +08:00
- Replace raw slice comparison with a call to user comparator. Added test for custom comparators. - Fix end of namespace comments. - Fixed bug in picking inputs for a level-0 compaction. When finding overlapping files, the covered range may expand as files are added to the input set. We now correctly expand the range when this happens instead of continuing to use the old range. For example, suppose L0 contains files with the following ranges: F1: a .. d F2: c .. g F3: f .. j and the initial compaction target is F3. We used to search for range f..j which yielded {F2,F3}. However we now expand the range as soon as another file is added. In this case, when F2 is added, we expand the range to c..j and restart the search. That picks up file F1 as well. This change fixes a bug related to deleted keys showing up incorrectly after a compaction as described in Issue 44. (Sync with upstream @25072954)
501 lines
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501 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "db/log_reader.h"
#include "db/log_writer.h"
#include "leveldb/env.h"
#include "util/coding.h"
#include "util/crc32c.h"
#include "util/random.h"
#include "util/testharness.h"
namespace leveldb {
namespace log {
// Construct a string of the specified length made out of the supplied
// partial string.
static std::string BigString(const std::string& partial_string, size_t n) {
std::string result;
while (result.size() < n) {
return result;
// Construct a string from a number
static std::string NumberString(int n) {
char buf[50];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d.", n);
return std::string(buf);
// Return a skewed potentially long string
static std::string RandomSkewedString(int i, Random* rnd) {
return BigString(NumberString(i), rnd->Skewed(17));
class LogTest {
class StringDest : public WritableFile {
std::string contents_;
virtual Status Close() { return Status::OK(); }
virtual Status Flush() { return Status::OK(); }
virtual Status Sync() { return Status::OK(); }
virtual Status Append(const Slice& slice) {
contents_.append(slice.data(), slice.size());
return Status::OK();
class StringSource : public SequentialFile {
Slice contents_;
bool force_error_;
bool returned_partial_;
StringSource() : force_error_(false), returned_partial_(false) { }
virtual Status Read(size_t n, Slice* result, char* scratch) {
ASSERT_TRUE(!returned_partial_) << "must not Read() after eof/error";
if (force_error_) {
force_error_ = false;
returned_partial_ = true;
return Status::Corruption("read error");
if (contents_.size() < n) {
n = contents_.size();
returned_partial_ = true;
*result = Slice(contents_.data(), n);
return Status::OK();
virtual Status Skip(uint64_t n) {
if (n > contents_.size()) {
return Status::NotFound("in-memory file skipepd past end");
return Status::OK();
class ReportCollector : public Reader::Reporter {
size_t dropped_bytes_;
std::string message_;
ReportCollector() : dropped_bytes_(0) { }
virtual void Corruption(size_t bytes, const Status& status) {
dropped_bytes_ += bytes;
StringDest dest_;
StringSource source_;
ReportCollector report_;
bool reading_;
Writer writer_;
Reader reader_;
// Record metadata for testing initial offset functionality
static size_t initial_offset_record_sizes_[];
static uint64_t initial_offset_last_record_offsets_[];
LogTest() : reading_(false),
reader_(&source_, &report_, true/*checksum*/,
0/*initial_offset*/) {
void Write(const std::string& msg) {
ASSERT_TRUE(!reading_) << "Write() after starting to read";
size_t WrittenBytes() const {
return dest_.contents_.size();
std::string Read() {
if (!reading_) {
reading_ = true;
source_.contents_ = Slice(dest_.contents_);
std::string scratch;
Slice record;
if (reader_.ReadRecord(&record, &scratch)) {
return record.ToString();
} else {
return "EOF";
void IncrementByte(int offset, int delta) {
dest_.contents_[offset] += delta;
void SetByte(int offset, char new_byte) {
dest_.contents_[offset] = new_byte;
void ShrinkSize(int bytes) {
dest_.contents_.resize(dest_.contents_.size() - bytes);
void FixChecksum(int header_offset, int len) {
// Compute crc of type/len/data
uint32_t crc = crc32c::Value(&dest_.contents_[header_offset+6], 1 + len);
crc = crc32c::Mask(crc);
EncodeFixed32(&dest_.contents_[header_offset], crc);
void ForceError() {
source_.force_error_ = true;
size_t DroppedBytes() const {
return report_.dropped_bytes_;
std::string ReportMessage() const {
return report_.message_;
// Returns OK iff recorded error message contains "msg"
std::string MatchError(const std::string& msg) const {
if (report_.message_.find(msg) == std::string::npos) {
return report_.message_;
} else {
return "OK";
void WriteInitialOffsetLog() {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
std::string record(initial_offset_record_sizes_[i],
static_cast<char>('a' + i));
void CheckOffsetPastEndReturnsNoRecords(uint64_t offset_past_end) {
reading_ = true;
source_.contents_ = Slice(dest_.contents_);
Reader* offset_reader = new Reader(&source_, &report_, true/*checksum*/,
WrittenBytes() + offset_past_end);
Slice record;
std::string scratch;
ASSERT_TRUE(!offset_reader->ReadRecord(&record, &scratch));
delete offset_reader;
void CheckInitialOffsetRecord(uint64_t initial_offset,
int expected_record_offset) {
reading_ = true;
source_.contents_ = Slice(dest_.contents_);
Reader* offset_reader = new Reader(&source_, &report_, true/*checksum*/,
Slice record;
std::string scratch;
ASSERT_TRUE(offset_reader->ReadRecord(&record, &scratch));
ASSERT_EQ((char)('a' + expected_record_offset), record.data()[0]);
delete offset_reader;
size_t LogTest::initial_offset_record_sizes_[] =
{10000, // Two sizable records in first block
2 * log::kBlockSize - 1000, // Span three blocks
uint64_t LogTest::initial_offset_last_record_offsets_[] =
kHeaderSize + 10000,
2 * (kHeaderSize + 10000),
2 * (kHeaderSize + 10000) +
(2 * log::kBlockSize - 1000) + 3 * kHeaderSize};
TEST(LogTest, Empty) {
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
TEST(LogTest, ReadWrite) {
ASSERT_EQ("foo", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("xxxx", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read()); // Make sure reads at eof work
TEST(LogTest, ManyBlocks) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(NumberString(i), Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
TEST(LogTest, Fragmentation) {
Write(BigString("medium", 50000));
Write(BigString("large", 100000));
ASSERT_EQ("small", Read());
ASSERT_EQ(BigString("medium", 50000), Read());
ASSERT_EQ(BigString("large", 100000), Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
TEST(LogTest, MarginalTrailer) {
// Make a trailer that is exactly the same length as an empty record.
const int n = kBlockSize - 2*kHeaderSize;
Write(BigString("foo", n));
ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize - kHeaderSize, WrittenBytes());
ASSERT_EQ(BigString("foo", n), Read());
ASSERT_EQ("", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
TEST(LogTest, MarginalTrailer2) {
// Make a trailer that is exactly the same length as an empty record.
const int n = kBlockSize - 2*kHeaderSize;
Write(BigString("foo", n));
ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize - kHeaderSize, WrittenBytes());
ASSERT_EQ(BigString("foo", n), Read());
ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
ASSERT_EQ(0, DroppedBytes());
ASSERT_EQ("", ReportMessage());
TEST(LogTest, ShortTrailer) {
const int n = kBlockSize - 2*kHeaderSize + 4;
Write(BigString("foo", n));
ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize - kHeaderSize + 4, WrittenBytes());
ASSERT_EQ(BigString("foo", n), Read());
ASSERT_EQ("", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
TEST(LogTest, AlignedEof) {
const int n = kBlockSize - 2*kHeaderSize + 4;
Write(BigString("foo", n));
ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize - kHeaderSize + 4, WrittenBytes());
ASSERT_EQ(BigString("foo", n), Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
TEST(LogTest, RandomRead) {
const int N = 500;
Random write_rnd(301);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
Write(RandomSkewedString(i, &write_rnd));
Random read_rnd(301);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(RandomSkewedString(i, &read_rnd), Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
// Tests of all the error paths in log_reader.cc follow:
TEST(LogTest, ReadError) {
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
ASSERT_EQ(kBlockSize, DroppedBytes());
ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("read error"));
TEST(LogTest, BadRecordType) {
// Type is stored in header[6]
IncrementByte(6, 100);
FixChecksum(0, 3);
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
ASSERT_EQ(3, DroppedBytes());
ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("unknown record type"));
TEST(LogTest, TruncatedTrailingRecord) {
ShrinkSize(4); // Drop all payload as well as a header byte
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
ASSERT_EQ(kHeaderSize - 1, DroppedBytes());
ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("truncated record at end of file"));
TEST(LogTest, BadLength) {
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
ASSERT_EQ(kHeaderSize + 2, DroppedBytes());
ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("bad record length"));
TEST(LogTest, ChecksumMismatch) {
IncrementByte(0, 10);
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
ASSERT_EQ(10, DroppedBytes());
ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("checksum mismatch"));
TEST(LogTest, UnexpectedMiddleType) {
SetByte(6, kMiddleType);
FixChecksum(0, 3);
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
ASSERT_EQ(3, DroppedBytes());
ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("missing start"));
TEST(LogTest, UnexpectedLastType) {
SetByte(6, kLastType);
FixChecksum(0, 3);
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
ASSERT_EQ(3, DroppedBytes());
ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("missing start"));
TEST(LogTest, UnexpectedFullType) {
SetByte(6, kFirstType);
FixChecksum(0, 3);
ASSERT_EQ("bar", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
ASSERT_EQ(3, DroppedBytes());
ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("partial record without end"));
TEST(LogTest, UnexpectedFirstType) {
Write(BigString("bar", 100000));
SetByte(6, kFirstType);
FixChecksum(0, 3);
ASSERT_EQ(BigString("bar", 100000), Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
ASSERT_EQ(3, DroppedBytes());
ASSERT_EQ("OK", MatchError("partial record without end"));
TEST(LogTest, ErrorJoinsRecords) {
// Consider two fragmented records:
// first(R1) last(R1) first(R2) last(R2)
// where the middle two fragments disappear. We do not want
// first(R1),last(R2) to get joined and returned as a valid record.
// Write records that span two blocks
Write(BigString("foo", kBlockSize));
Write(BigString("bar", kBlockSize));
// Wipe the middle block
for (int offset = kBlockSize; offset < 2*kBlockSize; offset++) {
SetByte(offset, 'x');
ASSERT_EQ("correct", Read());
ASSERT_EQ("EOF", Read());
const int dropped = DroppedBytes();
ASSERT_LE(dropped, 2*kBlockSize + 100);
ASSERT_GE(dropped, 2*kBlockSize);
TEST(LogTest, ReadStart) {
CheckInitialOffsetRecord(0, 0);
TEST(LogTest, ReadSecondOneOff) {
CheckInitialOffsetRecord(1, 1);
TEST(LogTest, ReadSecondTenThousand) {
CheckInitialOffsetRecord(10000, 1);
TEST(LogTest, ReadSecondStart) {
CheckInitialOffsetRecord(10007, 1);
TEST(LogTest, ReadThirdOneOff) {
CheckInitialOffsetRecord(10008, 2);
TEST(LogTest, ReadThirdStart) {
CheckInitialOffsetRecord(20014, 2);
TEST(LogTest, ReadFourthOneOff) {
CheckInitialOffsetRecord(20015, 3);
TEST(LogTest, ReadFourthFirstBlockTrailer) {
CheckInitialOffsetRecord(log::kBlockSize - 4, 3);
TEST(LogTest, ReadFourthMiddleBlock) {
CheckInitialOffsetRecord(log::kBlockSize + 1, 3);
TEST(LogTest, ReadFourthLastBlock) {
CheckInitialOffsetRecord(2 * log::kBlockSize + 1, 3);
TEST(LogTest, ReadFourthStart) {
2 * (kHeaderSize + 1000) + (2 * log::kBlockSize - 1000) + 3 * kHeaderSize,
TEST(LogTest, ReadEnd) {
TEST(LogTest, ReadPastEnd) {
} // namespace log
} // namespace leveldb
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return leveldb::test::RunAllTests();