Updated EN_KCP Feature (markdown)

winlin 2017-02-15 19:57:36 +08:00
parent 5551b668aa
commit d4bfce1c05

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# 技术特性
# Key Algorithm
TCP是为流量设计的每秒内可以传输多少KB的数据讲究的是充分利用带宽。而 KCP是为流速设计的单个数据包从一端发送到一端需要多少时间以10%-20%带宽浪费的代价换取了比 TCP快30%-40%的传输速度。TCP信道是一条流速很慢但每秒流量很大的大运河而KCP是水流湍急的小激流。KCP有正常模式和快速模式两种通过以下策略达到提高流速的结果
TCP is design to transmit as most data as possible over internet, but maybe not care about the efficient, latency, how fast, or how fast. While, KCP is designed for efficient modern internet, to delivery packet as fast as possible over internet. KCP transmit faster than TCP(30%-40%), use FEC/ARQ which cost 10%-20% bandwidth. KCP support normal and fast mode, use different strategy to improve the transport efficiency and speed:
#### RTO翻倍vs不翻倍
#### Double RTO or Not
The algorithm for TCP to calculate timeout is RTOx2, which will become very bad when network is bad, for example, the RTO will change to RTOx8 for just drop 3 packets. KCP use different algorithm, use RTOx1.5(not RTOx2), it works very good in scenario of internet.
#### 选择性重传 vs 全部重传:
#### Retransmit All or Partial