diff --git a/EN_Home.md b/EN_Home.md index c327a3d..04578bc 100644 --- a/EN_Home.md +++ b/EN_Home.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -# 简介 +# Introduction -KCP是一个快速可靠协议,能以比 TCP浪费10%-20%的带宽的代价,换取平均延迟降低 30%-40%,且最大延迟降低三倍的传输效果。纯算法实现,并不负责底层协议(如UDP)的收发,需要使用者自己定义下层数据包的发送方式,以 callback的方式提供给 KCP。 连时钟都需要外部传递进来,内部不会有任何一次系统调用。 +KCP is a fast reliable transport protocol, which use FEC(about 10%-20% bandwidth cost) to decrease the latency(about 30%-40% off), and in the best situation the latency is 1/3 of TCP. As KCP only defined the application-level APIs, the under-layer transport of KCP is not limited, user can choose any protocol preferred; that is, user must integrate KCP to the specific system, to define or choose the under-layer protocol, for instance, UDP or private protocol over UDP, feed data to KCP by callback, and setup the time-clock of KCP. There is no syscalls in KCP, it's well defined library for almost all popular transport server or applications. 整个协议只有 ikcp.h, ikcp.c两个源文件,可以方便的集成到用户自己的协议栈中。也许你实现了一个P2P,或者某个基于 UDP的协议,而缺乏一套完善的ARQ可靠协议实现,那么简单的拷贝这两个文件到现有项目中,稍微编写两行代码,即可使用。