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synced 2025-03-13 16:20:10 +08:00
如果网络从来不丢包,那么你直接用 TCP就行了,甚至直接裸UDP都没关系,但是网络因为丢包造成卡顿,特别是高峰时期丢包会上到10%的情况,移动设备上这个情况更糟糕。
我自己评测过很多,asio_kcp 的作者做过比较详细的评测,在网络变糟糕的情况下,KCP的延迟比 libenet低三倍以上:
worst network lag happen:
asio: 10:51.21
291 295 269 268 231 195 249 230 225 204
enet: 10:51.21
1563 1520 1470 1482 1438 1454 1412 1637 1588 1540
更详细的评测可以看这里:benchmark,感谢 asio_kcp 的作者 zhangyuan 详细对比了 UDT, libenet和 kcp,并给出结论如下:
- ASIO-KCP has good performance in wifi and phone network(3G, 4G).
- The kcp is the first choice for realtime pvp game.
- The lag is less than 1 second when network lag happen. 3 times better than enet when lag happen.
- The enet is a good choice if your game allow 2 second lag.
- UDT is a bad idea. It always sink into badly situation of more than serval seconds lag. And the recovery is not expected.
- enet has the problem of lack of doc. And it has lots of functions that you may have interest in.
- kcp's doc is in Chinese.
- Good thing is the function detail which is written in code is English. And you can use asio_kcp which is a good wrap.
- The kcp is a simple thing. You will write more code if you want more features.
- UDT has a perfect doc. UDT may have more bug than others as I feeling.
我当年主要测试了 KCP和 TCP/UDT的比较,扫了一眼 libenet觉得协议实现中规中矩,缺乏很多现代传输协议的技术,所以并没有详细测试。而 asio-kcp的作者同时给出了KCP/enet/udt三者的详细比较,为犹豫选择的人提供了更多指引。