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// KCP - A Better ARQ Protocol Implementation
// skywind3000 (at) gmail.com, 2010-2011
// Features:
// + Average RTT reduce 30% - 40% vs traditional ARQ like tcp.
// + Maximum RTT reduce three times vs tcp.
// + Lightweight, distributed as a single source file.
#ifndef __IKCP_H__
#define __IKCP_H__
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifndef __INTEGER_32_BITS__
#define __INTEGER_32_BITS__
#if defined(_WIN64) || defined(WIN64) || defined(__amd64__) || \
defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_IA64) || \
typedef unsigned int ISTDUINT32;
typedef int ISTDINT32;
#elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) || defined(__i386__) || \
defined(__i386) || defined(_M_X86)
typedef unsigned long ISTDUINT32;
typedef long ISTDINT32;
#elif defined(__MACOS__)
typedef UInt32 ISTDUINT32;
typedef SInt32 ISTDINT32;
#elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
#include <sys/types.h>
typedef u_int32_t ISTDUINT32;
typedef int32_t ISTDINT32;
#elif defined(__BEOS__)
#include <sys/inttypes.h>
typedef u_int32_t ISTDUINT32;
typedef int32_t ISTDINT32;
#elif (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)) && (!defined(__MSDOS__))
typedef unsigned __int32 ISTDUINT32;
typedef __int32 ISTDINT32;
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint32_t ISTDUINT32;
typedef int32_t ISTDINT32;
typedef unsigned long ISTDUINT32;
typedef long ISTDINT32;
// Integer Definition
#ifndef __IINT8_DEFINED
#define __IINT8_DEFINED
typedef char IINT8;
#ifndef __IUINT8_DEFINED
#define __IUINT8_DEFINED
typedef unsigned char IUINT8;
#ifndef __IUINT16_DEFINED
#define __IUINT16_DEFINED
typedef unsigned short IUINT16;
#ifndef __IINT16_DEFINED
#define __IINT16_DEFINED
typedef short IINT16;
#ifndef __IINT32_DEFINED
#define __IINT32_DEFINED
typedef ISTDINT32 IINT32;
#ifndef __IUINT32_DEFINED
#define __IUINT32_DEFINED
typedef ISTDUINT32 IUINT32;
#ifndef __IINT64_DEFINED
#define __IINT64_DEFINED
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
typedef __int64 IINT64;
typedef long long IINT64;
#ifndef __IUINT64_DEFINED
#define __IUINT64_DEFINED
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
typedef unsigned __int64 IUINT64;
typedef unsigned long long IUINT64;
#ifndef INLINE
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#if (__GNUC__ > 3) || ((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1))
#define INLINE __inline__ __attribute__((always_inline))
#define INLINE __inline__
#elif (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__))
#define INLINE __inline
#define INLINE
#if (!defined(__cplusplus)) && (!defined(inline))
#define inline INLINE
#ifndef __IQUEUE_DEF__
#define __IQUEUE_DEF__
struct IQUEUEHEAD *next, *prev;
typedef struct IQUEUEHEAD iqueue_head;
// queue init
#define IQUEUE_HEAD_INIT(name) { &(name), &(name) }
#define IQUEUE_HEAD(name) \
#define IQUEUE_INIT(ptr) ( \
(ptr)->next = (ptr), (ptr)->prev = (ptr))
#define IOFFSETOF(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
#define ICONTAINEROF(ptr, type, member) ( \
(type*)( ((char*)((type*)ptr)) - IOFFSETOF(type, member)) )
#define IQUEUE_ENTRY(ptr, type, member) ICONTAINEROF(ptr, type, member)
// queue operation
#define IQUEUE_ADD(node, head) ( \
(node)->prev = (head), (node)->next = (head)->next, \
(head)->next->prev = (node), (head)->next = (node))
#define IQUEUE_ADD_TAIL(node, head) ( \
(node)->prev = (head)->prev, (node)->next = (head), \
(head)->prev->next = (node), (head)->prev = (node))
#define IQUEUE_DEL_BETWEEN(p, n) ((n)->prev = (p), (p)->next = (n))
#define IQUEUE_DEL(entry) (\
(entry)->next->prev = (entry)->prev, \
(entry)->prev->next = (entry)->next, \
(entry)->next = 0, (entry)->prev = 0)
#define IQUEUE_DEL_INIT(entry) do { \
IQUEUE_DEL(entry); IQUEUE_INIT(entry); } while (0)
#define IQUEUE_IS_EMPTY(entry) ((entry) == (entry)->next)
#define iqueue_init IQUEUE_INIT
#define iqueue_entry IQUEUE_ENTRY
#define iqueue_add IQUEUE_ADD
#define iqueue_add_tail IQUEUE_ADD_TAIL
#define iqueue_del IQUEUE_DEL
#define iqueue_del_init IQUEUE_DEL_INIT
#define iqueue_is_empty IQUEUE_IS_EMPTY
#define IQUEUE_FOREACH(iterator, head, TYPE, MEMBER) \
for ((iterator) = iqueue_entry((head)->next, TYPE, MEMBER); \
&((iterator)->MEMBER) != (head); \
(iterator) = iqueue_entry((iterator)->MEMBER.next, TYPE, MEMBER))
#define iqueue_foreach(iterator, head, TYPE, MEMBER) \
#define iqueue_foreach_entry(pos, head) \
for( (pos) = (head)->next; (pos) != (head) ; (pos) = (pos)->next )
#define __iqueue_splice(list, head) do { \
iqueue_head *first = (list)->next, *last = (list)->prev; \
iqueue_head *at = (head)->next; \
(first)->prev = (head), (head)->next = (first); \
(last)->next = (at), (at)->prev = (last); } while (0)
#define iqueue_splice(list, head) do { \
if (!iqueue_is_empty(list)) __iqueue_splice(list, head); } while (0)
#define iqueue_splice_init(list, head) do { \
iqueue_splice(list, head); iqueue_init(list); } while (0)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4311)
#pragma warning(disable:4312)
#pragma warning(disable:4996)
#ifdef _BIG_ENDIAN_
#if defined(__hppa__) || \
defined(__m68k__) || defined(mc68000) || defined(_M_M68K) || \
(defined(__MIPS__) && defined(__MISPEB__)) || \
defined(__ppc__) || defined(__POWERPC__) || defined(_M_PPC) || \
defined(__sparc__) || defined(__powerpc__) || \
defined(__mc68000__) || defined(__s390x__) || defined(__s390__)
struct IKCPSEG
struct IQUEUEHEAD node;
IUINT32 conv;
IUINT32 cmd;
IUINT32 frg;
IUINT32 wnd;
IUINT32 ts;
IUINT32 sn;
IUINT32 una;
IUINT32 len;
IUINT32 resendts;
IUINT32 rto;
IUINT32 fastack;
IUINT32 xmit;
char data[1];
struct IKCPCB
IUINT32 conv, mtu, mss, state;
IUINT32 snd_una, snd_nxt, rcv_nxt;
IUINT32 ts_recent, ts_lastack, ssthresh;
IINT32 rx_rttval, rx_srtt, rx_rto, rx_minrto;
IUINT32 snd_wnd, rcv_wnd, rmt_wnd, cwnd, probe;
IUINT32 current, interval, ts_flush, xmit;
IUINT32 nrcv_buf, nsnd_buf;
IUINT32 nrcv_que, nsnd_que;
IUINT32 nodelay, updated;
IUINT32 ts_probe, probe_wait;
IUINT32 dead_link, incr;
struct IQUEUEHEAD snd_queue;
struct IQUEUEHEAD rcv_queue;
struct IQUEUEHEAD snd_buf;
struct IQUEUEHEAD rcv_buf;
IUINT32 *acklist;
IUINT32 ackcount;
IUINT32 ackblock;
void *user;
char *buffer;
int fastresend;
int nocwnd, stream;
int logmask;
int (*output)(const char *buf, int len, struct IKCPCB *kcp, void *user);
void (*writelog)(const char *log, struct IKCPCB *kcp, void *user);
typedef struct IKCPCB ikcpcb;
#define IKCP_LOG_INPUT 2
#define IKCP_LOG_SEND 4
#define IKCP_LOG_RECV 8
#define IKCP_LOG_IN_DATA 16
#define IKCP_LOG_IN_ACK 32
#define IKCP_LOG_IN_PROBE 64
#define IKCP_LOG_IN_WINS 128
#define IKCP_LOG_OUT_DATA 256
#define IKCP_LOG_OUT_ACK 512
#define IKCP_LOG_OUT_PROBE 1024
#define IKCP_LOG_OUT_WINS 2048
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// interface
// create a new kcp control object, 'conv' must equal in two endpoint
// from the same connection. 'user' will be passed to the output callback
// output callback can be setup like this: 'kcp->output = my_udp_output'
ikcpcb* ikcp_create(IUINT32 conv, void *user);
// release kcp control object
void ikcp_release(ikcpcb *kcp);
// set output callback, which will be invoked by kcp
void ikcp_setoutput(ikcpcb *kcp, int (*output)(const char *buf, int len,
ikcpcb *kcp, void *user));
// user/upper level recv: returns size, returns below zero for EAGAIN
int ikcp_recv(ikcpcb *kcp, char *buffer, int len);
// user/upper level send, returns below zero for error
int ikcp_send(ikcpcb *kcp, const char *buffer, int len);
// update state (call it repeatedly, every 10ms-100ms), or you can ask
// ikcp_check when to call it again (without ikcp_input/_send calling).
// 'current' - current timestamp in millisec.
void ikcp_update(ikcpcb *kcp, IUINT32 current);
// Determine when should you invoke ikcp_update:
// returns when you should invoke ikcp_update in millisec, if there
// is no ikcp_input/_send calling. you can call ikcp_update in that
// time, instead of call update repeatly.
// Important to reduce unnacessary ikcp_update invoking. use it to
// schedule ikcp_update (eg. implementing an epoll-like mechanism,
// or optimize ikcp_update when handling massive kcp connections)
IUINT32 ikcp_check(const ikcpcb *kcp, IUINT32 current);
// when you received a low level packet (eg. UDP packet), call it
int ikcp_input(ikcpcb *kcp, const char *data, long size);
// flush pending data
void ikcp_flush(ikcpcb *kcp);
// check the size of next message in the recv queue
int ikcp_peeksize(const ikcpcb *kcp);
// change MTU size, default is 1400
int ikcp_setmtu(ikcpcb *kcp, int mtu);
// set maximum window size: sndwnd=32, rcvwnd=32 by default
int ikcp_wndsize(ikcpcb *kcp, int sndwnd, int rcvwnd);
// get how many packet is waiting to be sent
int ikcp_waitsnd(const ikcpcb *kcp);
// fastest: ikcp_nodelay(kcp, 1, 20, 2, 1)
// nodelay: 0:disable(default), 1:enable
// interval: internal update timer interval in millisec, default is 100ms
// resend: 0:disable fast resend(default), 1:enable fast resend
// nc: 0:normal congestion control(default), 1:disable congestion control
int ikcp_nodelay(ikcpcb *kcp, int nodelay, int interval, int resend, int nc);
int ikcp_rcvbuf_count(const ikcpcb *kcp);
int ikcp_sndbuf_count(const ikcpcb *kcp);
void ikcp_log(ikcpcb *kcp, int mask, const char *fmt, ...);
// setup allocator
void ikcp_allocator(void* (*new_malloc)(size_t), void (*new_free)(void*));
// read conv
IUINT32 ikcp_getconv(const void *ptr);
#ifdef __cplusplus