
This commit is contained in:
szh 2018-02-01 14:54:01 +08:00
parent 29ecf30666
commit 23d8e61d2e
2 changed files with 2 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ Both the use and configuration of the protocol is very simple, in most cases, af
- [v2ray](https://www.v2ray.com)Well-known proxy software, Shadowsocks replacement, integrated with kcp protocol after 1.17, using UDP transmission, no data packet features.
- [asio-kcp](https://github.com/libinzhangyuan/asio_kcp): Use the complete UDP network library of KCP, complete implementation of UDP-based link state management, session control and KCP protocol scheduling, etc.
- [kcp-java](https://github.com/hkspirt/kcp-java)Implementation of Java version of KCP protocol.
- [kcp-netty](https://github.com/szhnet/kcp-netty)Java implementation of KCP based on Netty.
- [kcp-go](https://github.com/xtaci/kcp-go): High-security GO language implementation of kcp, including simple implementation of UDP session management, as a base library for subsequent development.
- [kcp-csharp](https://github.com/limpo1989/kcp-csharp): The csharp migration of kcp, containing the session management, which can access the above kcp-go server.
- [kcp-rs](https://github.com/en/kcp-rs): The rust migration of KCP

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@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ TCP是为流量设计的每秒内可以传输多少KB的数据讲究的
- [v2ray](https://www.v2ray.com)著名代理软件Shadowsocks 代替者1.17后集成了 kcp协议使用UDP传输无数据包特征。
- [asio-kcp](https://github.com/libinzhangyuan/asio_kcp): 使用 KCP的完整 UDP网络库完整实现了基于 UDP的链接状态管理会话控制KCP协议调度等
- [kcp-java](https://github.com/hkspirt/kcp-java)Java版本 KCP协议实现。
- [kcp-netty](https://github.com/szhnet/kcp-netty)kcp的Java语言实现基于netty。
- [kcp-go](https://github.com/xtaci/kcp-go): 高安全性的kcp的 GO语言实现包含 UDP会话管理的简单实现可以作为后续开发的基础库。
- [kcp-csharp](https://github.com/limpo1989/kcp-csharp): kcp的 csharp移植同时包含一份回话管理可以连接上面kcp-go的服务端。
- [kcp-rs](https://github.com/en/kcp-rs): KCP的 rust移植