37 KiB
HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation)
This is an informal spec, but hopefully it's clear.
Goals / Background
The primary goal is: keep the semantics (tree structure; set of types; encoding/escaping) from JSON, but make it more convenient as a human-editable config file format.
The following features are desirable, to support human usage:
- less noisy / less pedantic syntax
- ability to refer to another part of the configuration (set a value to another value)
- import/include another configuration file into the current file
- a mapping to a flat properties list such as Java's System properties
- ability to get values from environment variables
- ability to write comments
Implementation-wise, the format should have these properties:
- a JSON superset, that is, all valid JSON should be valid and should result in the same in-memory data that a JSON parser would have produced.
- be deterministic; the format is flexible, but it is not heuristic. It should be clear what's invalid and invalid files should generate errors.
- require minimal look-ahead; should be able to tokenize the file by looking at only the next three characters. (right now, the only reason to look at three is to find "//" comments; otherwise you can parse looking at two.)
HOCON is significantly harder to specify and to parse than JSON. Think of it as moving the work from the person maintaining the config file to the computer program.
a key is a string JSON would have to the left of
and a value is anything JSON would have to the right of:
. i.e. the two halves of an object field. -
a value is any "value" as defined in the JSON spec, plus unquoted strings and substitutions as defined in this spec.
a simple value is any value excluding an object or array value.
a field is a key, any separator such as ':', and a value.
references to a file ("the file being parsed") can be understood to mean any byte stream being parsed, not just literal files in a filesystem.
Much of this is defined with reference to JSON; you can find the JSON spec at http://json.org/ of course.
Unchanged from JSON
- files must be valid UTF-8
- quoted strings are in the same format as JSON strings
- values have possible types: string, number, object, array, boolean, null
- allowed number formats matches JSON; as in JSON, some possible
floating-point values are not represented, such as
Anything between //
or #
and the next newline is considered a comment
and ignored, unless the //
or #
is inside a quoted string.
Omit root braces
JSON documents must have an array or object at the root. Empty files are invalid documents, as are files containing only a non-array non-object value such as a string.
In HOCON, if the file does not begin with a square bracket or
curly brace, it is parsed as if it were enclosed with {}
A HOCON file is invalid if it omits the opening {
but still has
a closing }
; the curly braces must be balanced.
Key-value separator
The =
character can be used anywhere JSON allows :
, i.e. to
separate keys from values.
If a key is followed by {
, the :
or =
may be omitted. So
"foo" {}
means "foo" : {}"
Values in arrays, and fields in objects, need not have a comma
between them as long as they have at least one ASCII newline
, decimal value 10) between them.
The last element in an array or last field in an object may be followed by a single comma. This extra comma is ignored.
are the same array.[1\n2\n3]
are the same array.[1,2,3,,]
is invalid because it has two trailing commas.[,1,2,3]
is invalid because it has an initial comma.[1,,2,3]
is invalid because it has two commas in a row.- these same comma rules apply to fields in objects.
The JSON spec simply says "whitespace"; in HOCON whitespace is defined as follows:
- any Unicode space separator (Zs category), line separator (Zl category), or paragraph separator (Zp category), including nonbreaking spaces (such as 0x00A0, 0x2007, and 0x202F).
- tab (
0x0009), newline ('\n' 0x000A), vertical tab ('\v' 0x000B), form feed (
\f' 0x000C), carriage return ('\r' 0x000D), file separator (0x001C), group separator (0x001D), record separator (0x001E), unit separator (0x001F).
In Java, the isWhitespace()
method covers these characters with
the exception of nonbreaking spaces.
While all Unicode separators should be treated as whitespace, in this spec "newline" refers only and specifically to ASCII newline 0x000A.
Duplicate keys
The JSON spec does not clarify how duplicate keys in the same object should be handled. In HOCON, duplicate keys that appear later override those that appear earlier, unless both values are objects. If both values are objects, then the objects are merged.
Note: this would make HOCON a non-superset of JSON if you assume that JSON requires duplicate keys to have a behavior. The assumption here is that duplicate keys are invalid JSON.
To merge objects:
- add fields present in only one of the two objects to the merged object.
- for non-object-valued fields present in both objects, the field found in the second object must be used.
- for object-valued fields present in both objects, the object values should be recursively merged according to these same rules.
Object merge can be prevented by setting the key to another value first. This is because merging is always done two values at a time; if you set a key to an object, a non-object, then an object, first the non-object falls back to the object (non-object always wins), and then the object falls back to the non-object (no merging, object is the new value). So the two objects never see each other.
These two are equivalent:
"foo" : { "a" : 42 },
"foo" : { "b" : 43 }
"foo" : { "a" : 42, "b" : 43 }
And these two are equivalent:
"foo" : { "a" : 42 },
"foo" : null,
"foo" : { "b" : 43 }
"foo" : { "b" : 43 }
The intermediate setting of "foo"
to null
prevents the object merge.
Unquoted strings
A sequence of characters outside of a quoted string is a string value if:
- it does not contain "forbidden characters" '$', '"', '{', '}', '[', ']', ':', '=', ',', '+', '#', '`', '^', '?', '!', '@', '*', '&', '' (backslash), or whitespace.
- it does not contain the two-character string "//" (which starts a comment)
- its initial characters do not parse as
, or a number.
Unquoted strings are used literally, they do not support any kind of escaping. Quoted strings may always be used as an alternative when you need to write a character that is not permitted in an unquoted string.
parses as the boolean token true
followed by the
unquoted string foo
. However, footrue
parses as the unquoted
string footrue
. Similarly, 10.0bar
is the number 10.0
the unquoted string bar
but bar10.0
is the unquoted string
In general, once an unquoted string begins, it continues until a forbidden character or the two-character string "//" is encountered. Embedded (non-initial) booleans, nulls, and numbers are not recognized as such, they are part of the string.
An unquoted string may not begin with the digits 0-9 or with a
hyphen (-
, 0x002D) because those are valid characters to begin a
JSON number. The initial number character, plus any valid-in-JSON
number characters that follow it, must be parsed as a number
value. Again, these characters are not special inside an
unquoted string; they only trigger number parsing if they appear
Note that quoted JSON strings may not contain control characters (control characters include some whitespace characters, such as newline). This rule is from the JSON spec. However, unquoted strings have no restriction on control characters, other than the ones listed as "forbidden characters" above.
Some of the "forbidden characters" are forbidden because they already have meaning in JSON or HOCON, others are essentially reserved keywords to allow future extensions to this spec.
Value concatenation
The value of an object field or an array element may consist of multiple values which are concatenated into one string.
Only simple values participate in value concatenation. Recall that a simple value is any value other than arrays and objects.
As long as simple values are separated only by non-newline whitespace, the whitespace between them is preserved and the values, along with the whitespace, are concatenated into a string.
Value concatenations never span a newline, or a character that is not part of a simple value.
A value concatenation may appear in any place that a string may appear, including object keys, object values, and array elements.
Whenever a value would appear in JSON, a HOCON parser instead collects multiple values (including the whitespace between them) and concatenates those values into a string.
Whitespace before the first and after the last simple value must be discarded. Only whitespace between simple values must be preserved.
So for example foo bar baz
parses as three unquoted strings,
and the three are value-concatenated into one string. The inner
whitespace is kept and the leading and trailing whitespace is
trimmed. The equivalent string, written in quoted form, would be
"foo bar baz"
Value concatenation foo bar
(two unquoted strings with
whitespace) and quoted string "foo bar"
would result in the same
in-memory representation, seven characters.
For purposes of value concatenation, non-string values are converted to strings as follows (strings shown as quoted strings):
become the strings"true"
becomes the string"null"
.- quoted and unquoted strings are themselves.
- numbers should be kept as they were originally written in the
file. For example, if you parse
then you might render it alternatively as1E5
with capitalE
, or just100000
. For purposes of value concatenation, it should be rendered as it was written in the file. - a substitution is replaced with its value which is then converted to a string as above.
- it is invalid for arrays or objects to appear in a value concatenation.
A single value is never converted to a string. That is, it would
be wrong to value concatenate true
by itself; that should be
parsed as a boolean-typed value. Only true foo
another simple value on the same line) should be parsed as a value
concatenation and converted to a string.
Path expressions
Path expressions are used to write out a path through the object
graph. They appear in two places; in substitutions, like
, and as the keys in objects like { foo.bar : 42 }
Path expressions are syntactically identical to a value concatenation, except that they may not contain substitutions. This means that you can't nest substitutions inside other substitutions, and you can't have substitutions in keys.
When concatenating the path expression, any .
characters outside
quoted strings are understood as path separators, while inside
quoted strings .
has no special meaning. So
would be a path with three elements,
looking up key foo
, key bar
, then key hello.world
The main tricky point is that .
characters in numbers do count
as a path separator. When dealing with a number as part of a path
expression, it's essential to retain the original string
representation of the number as it appeared in the file (rather
than converting it back to a string with a generic
number-to-string library function).
is a number then unquoted stringfoo
and should be the two-element path with10
as the elements.foo10.0
is an unquoted string with a.
in it, so this would be a two-element path withfoo10
as the elements.foo"10.0"
is an unquoted then a quoted string which are concatenated, so this is a single-element path.
Unlike value concatenations, path expressions are always converted to a string, even if they are just a single value.
If you have an array or element value consisting of the single
value true
, it's a value concatenation and retains its character
as a boolean value.
If you have a path expression (in a key or substitution) then it
must always be converted to a string, so true
becomes the string
that would be quoted as "true"
If a path element is an empty string, it must always be quoted.
That is, a."".b
is a valid path with three elements, and the
middle element is an empty string. But a..b
is invalid and
should generate an error. Following the same rule, a path that
starts or ends with a .
is invalid and should generate an error.
Paths as keys
If a key is a path expression with multiple elements, it is expanded to create an object for each path element other than the last. The last path element, combined with the value, becomes a field in the most-nested object.
In other words:
foo.bar : 42
is equivalent to:
foo { bar : 42 }
foo.bar.baz : 42
is equivalent to:
foo { bar { baz : 42 } }
and so on. These values are merged in the usual way; which implies that:
a.x : 42, a.y : 43
is equivalent to:
a { x : 42, y : 43 }
Because path expressions work like value concatenations, you can have whitespace in keys:
a b c : 42
is equivalent to:
"a b c" : 42
Because path expressions are always converted to strings, even single values that would normally have another type become strings.
true : 42
is"true" : 42
3.14 : 42
is"3.14" : 42
As a special rule, the unquoted string include
may not begin a
path expression in a key, because it has a special interpretation
(see below).
Substitutions are a way of referring to other parts of the configuration tree.
For substitutions which are not found in the configuration tree, implementations may try to resolve them by looking at system environment variables, Java system properties, or other external sources of configuration.
The syntax is ${pathexpression}
or ${?pathexpression}
the pathexpression
is a path expression as described above. This
path expression has the same syntax that you could use for an
object key.
The ?
in ${?pathexpression}
must not have whitespace before
it; the three characters ${?
must be exactly like that, grouped
Substitutions are not parsed inside quoted strings. To get a string containing a substitution, you must use value concatenation with the substitution in the unquoted portion:
key : ${animal.favorite} is my favorite animal
Or you could quote the non-substitution portion:
key : ${animal.favorite}" is my favorite animal"
Substitutions are resolved by looking up the path in the configuration. The path begins with the root configuration object, i.e. it is "absolute" rather than "relative."
Substitution processing is performed as the last parsing step, so a substitution can look forward in the configuration. If a configuration consists of multiple files, it may even end up retrieving a value from another file. If a key has been specified more than once, the substitution will always evaluate to its latest-assigned value (the merged object or the last non-object value that was set).
If a substitutions does not match any value present in the configuration, implementations may look up that substitution in one or more external sources, such as a Java system property or an environment variable. (More detail on this in a later section.)
If a configuration sets a value to null
then it should not be
looked up in the external source. Unfortunately there is no way to
"undo" this in a later configuration file; if you have { "HOME" : null }
in a root object, then ${HOME}
will never look at the
environment variable. There is no equivalent to JavaScript's
operation in other words.
If a substitution does not match any value present in the
configuration and is not resolved by an external source, then it
is undefined. An undefined substitution with the ${foo}
is invalid and should generate an error.
If a substitution with the ${?foo}
syntax is undefined:
- if it is the value of an object field then the field should not be created.
- if it is an array element then the element should not be added.
- if it is part of a value concatenation then it should become an empty string.
foo : ${?bar}
would avoid creating fieldfoo
is undefined, butfoo : ${?bar} ${?baz}
would be a value concatenation so ifbar
are not defined, the result is an empty string.
Substitutions are only allowed in object field values and array elements (value concatenations), they are not allowed in keys or nested inside other substitutions (path expressions).
A substitution is replaced with any value type (number, object, string, array, true, false, null). If the substitution is the only part of a value, then the type is preserved. Otherwise, it is value-concatenated to form a string.
Circular substitutions are invalid and should generate an error.
Implementations must take care, however, to allow objects to refer to paths within themselves. For example, this must work:
bar : { foo : 42,
baz : ${bar.foo}
Here, if an implementation resolved all substitutions in bar
part of resolving the substitution ${bar.foo}
, there would be a
cycle. The implementation must only resolve the foo
field in
, rather than recursing the entire bar
Include syntax
An include statement consists of the unquoted string include
and a single quoted string immediately following it. An include
statement can appear in place of an object field.
If the unquoted string include
appears at the start of a path
expression where an object key would be expected, then it is not
interpreted as a path expression or a key.
Instead, the next value must be a quoted string. The quoted string is interpreted as a filename or resource name to be included.
Together, the unquoted include
and the quoted string substitute
for an object field syntactically, and are separated from the
following object fields or includes by the usual comma (and as
usual the comma may be omitted if there's a newline).
If an unquoted include
at the start of a key is followed by
anything other than a single quoted string, it is invalid and an
error should be generated.
There can be any amount of whitespace, including newlines, between
the unquoted include
and the quoted string.
Value concatenation is NOT performed on the "argument" to
. The argument must be a single quoted string. No
substitutions are allowed, and the argument may not be an unquoted
string or any other kind of value.
Unquoted include
has no special meaning if it is not the start
of a key's path expression.
It may appear later in the key:
# this is valid
{ foo include : 42 }
# equivalent to
{ "foo include" : 42 }
It may appear as an object or array value:
{ foo : include } # value is the string "include"
[ include ] # array of one string "include"
You can quote "include"
if you want a key that starts with the
word "include"
, only unquoted include
is special:
{ "include" : 42 }
Include semantics: merging
An including file contains the include statement and an included file is the one specified in the include statement. (They need not be regular files on a filesystem, but assume they are for the moment.)
An included file must contain an object, not an array. This is significant because both JSON and HOCON allow arrays as root values in a document.
If an included file contains an array as the root value, it is invalid and an error should be generated.
The included file should be parsed, producing a root object. The keys from the root object are conceptually substituted for the include statement in the including file.
- If a key in the included object occurred prior to the include statement in the including object, the included key's value overrides or merges with the earlier value, exactly as with duplicate keys found in a single file.
- If the including file repeats a key from an earlier-included object, the including file's value would override or merge with the one from the included file.
Include semantics: substitution
Recall that substitution happens as a final step, after parsing. It should be done for the entire app's configuration, not for single files in isolation.
Therefore, if an included file contains substitutions, they must be "fixed up" to be relative to the app's configuration root.
Say for example that the root configuration is this:
{ a : { include "foo.conf" } }
And "foo.conf" might look like this:
{ x : 10, y : ${x} }
If you parsed "foo.conf" in isolation, then ${x}
would evaluate
to 10, the value at the path x
. If you include "foo.conf" in an
object at key a
, however, then it must be fixed up to be
rather than ${x}
Say that the root configuration redefines a.x
, like this:
a : { include "foo.conf" }
a : { x : 42 }
Then the ${x}
in "foo.conf", which has been fixed up to
, would evaluate to 42
rather than to 10
Substitution happens after parsing the whole configuration.
Include semantics: missing files
If an included file does not exist, the include statement should be silently ignored (as if the included file contained only an empty object).
Include semantics: file formats and extensions
Implementations may support including files in other formats. Those formats must be compatible with the JSON type system, or have some documented mapping to JSON's type system.
If an implementation supports multiple formats, then the extension may be omitted from the name of included files:
include "foo"
If a filename has no extension, the implementation should treat it as a basename and try loading the file with all known extensions.
If the file exists with multiple extensions, they should all be loaded and merged together.
Files in HOCON format should be parsed last. Files in JSON format should be parsed next-to-last.
In short, include "foo"
might be equivalent to:
include "foo.properties"
include "foo.json"
include "foo.conf"
Include semantics: locating resources
Conceptually speaking, the quoted string in an include statement identifies a file or other resource "adjacent to" the one being parsed and of the same type as the one being parsed. The meaning of "adjacent to", and the string itself, has to be specified separately for each kind of resource.
Implementations may vary in the kinds of resources they support including.
For plain files on the filesystem:
- if the included file is an absolute path then it should be kept absolute and loaded as such.
- if the included file is a relative path, then it should be located relative to the directory containing the including file. The current working directory of the process parsing a file must NOT be used when interpreting included paths.
For resources located on the Java classpath:
- included resources are looked up by calling
on the same class or class loader used to look up the including resource. - if the included resource name is absolute (starts with '/')
then it should be passed to
as-is. - if the included resource name does not start with '/' then it
should have the "directory" of the including resource.
prepended to it, before passing it to
. If the including resource is not absolute (no '/') and has no "parent directory" (is just a single path element), then the included relative resource name should be left as-is. - it would be wrong to use
to get a URL and then locate the included name relative to that URL, because a class loader is not required to have a one-to-one mapping between paths in its URLs and the paths it handles ingetResource()
. In other words, the "adjacent to" computation should be done on the resource name not on the resource's URL.
- for both filesystem files and Java resources, if the included name is a URL (begins with a protocol), it would be reasonable behavior to try to load the URL rather than treating the name as a filename or resource name.
- for files loaded from a URL, "adjacent to" should be based on parsing the URL's path component, replacing the last path element with the included name.
Implementations need not support files, Java resources, or URLs; and they need not support particular URL protocols. However, if they do support them they should do so as described above.
API Recommendations
Implementations of HOCON ideally follow certain conventions and work in a predictable way.
Automatic type conversions
If an application asks for a value with a particular type, the implementation should attempt to convert types as follows:
- number to string: convert the number into a string representation that would be a valid number in JSON.
- boolean to string: should become the string "true" or "false"
- string to number: parse the number with the JSON rules
- string to boolean: the strings "true", "yes", "on", "false", "no", "off" should be converted to boolean values. It's tempting to support a long list of other ways to write a boolean, but for interoperability and keeping it simple, it's recommended to stick to these six.
- string to null: the string
should be converted to a null value if the application specifically asks for a null value, though there's probably no reason an app would do this.
The following type conversions should NOT be performed:
- null to anything: If the application asks for a specific type and finds null instead, that should usually result in an error.
- object to anything
- array to anything
- anything to object
- anything to array
Converting objects and arrays to and from strings is tempting, but in practical situations raises thorny issues of quoting and double-escaping.
Units format
Implementations may wish to support interpreting a value with some
family of units, such as time units or memory size units: 10ms
or 512K
. HOCON does not have an extensible type system and there
is no way to add a "duration" type. However, for example, if an
application asks for milliseconds, the implementation can try to
interpret a value as a milliseconds value.
If an API supports this, for each family of units it should define a default unit in the family. For example, the family of duration units might default to milliseconds (see below for details on durations). The implementation should then interpret values as follows:
if the value is a number, it is taken to be a number in the default unit.
if the value is a string, it is taken to be:
- optional whitespace
- a number
- optional whitespace
- an optional unit name consisting only of letters (letters
are the Unicode
categories, JavaisLetter()
) - optional whitespace
If a string value has no unit name, then it should be interpreted with the default unit, as if it were a number. If a string value has a unit name, that name of course specifies the value's interpretation.
- optional whitespace
Duration format
Implementations may wish to support a getMilliseconds()
similar for other time units).
This can use the general "units format" described above; bare numbers are taken to be in milliseconds already, while strings are parsed as a number plus an optional unit string.
The supported unit strings for duration are case sensitive and must be lowercase. Exactly these strings are supported:
Size in bytes format
Implementations may wish to support a getBytes()
returning a
size in bytes.
This can use the general "units format" described above; bare numbers are taken to be in bytes already, while strings are parsed as a number plus an optional unit string.
The one-letter unit strings may be uppercase (note: duration units are always lowercase, so this convention is specific to size units).
There is an unfortunate nightmare with size-in-bytes units, that they may be in powers or two or powers of ten. The approach defined by standards bodies appears to differ from common usage, such that following the standard leads to people being confused. Worse, common usage varies based on whether people are talking about RAM or disk sizes, and various existing operating systems and apps do all kinds of different things. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix#Deviation_between_powers_of_1024_and_powers_of_1000 for examples. It appears impossible to sort this out without causing confusion for someone sometime.
For single bytes, exactly these strings are supported:
For powers of ten, exactly these strings are supported:
For powers of two, exactly these strings are supported:
It's very unclear which units the single-character abbreviations
("128K") should go with; some precedents such as java -Xmx 2G
and the GNU tools such as ls
map these to powers of two, so this
spec copies that. You can certainly find examples of mapping these
to powers of ten, though. If you don't like ambiguity, don't use
the single-letter abbreviations.
Config object merging and file merging
It may be useful to offer a method to merge two objects. If such a method is provided, it should work as if the two objects were duplicate values for the same key in the same file. (See the section earlier on duplicate key handling.)
As with duplicate keys, an intermediate non-object value "hides" earlier object values. So say you merge three objects in this order:
{ a : { x : 1 } }
(first priority){ a : 42 }
(fallback){ a : { y : 2 } }
(another fallback)
The result would be { a : { x : 1 } }
. The two objects are not
merged because they are not "adjacent"; the merging is done in
pairs, and when 42
is paired with { y : 2 }
, 42
simply wins
and loses all information about what it overrode.
But if you re-ordered like this:
{ a : { x : 1 } }
(first priority){ a : { y : 2 } }
(fallback){ a : 42 }
(another fallback)
Now the result would be { a : { x : 1, y : 2 } }
because the two
objects are adjacent.
This rule for merging objects loaded from different files is exactly the same behavior as for merging duplicate fields in the same file. All merging works the same way.
Needless to say, normally it's well-defined whether a config setting is supposed to be a number or an object. This kind of weird pathology where the two are mixed should not be happening.
The one place where it matters, though, is that it allows you to "clear" an object and start over by setting it to null and then setting it back to a new object. So this behavior gives people a way to get rid of default fallback values they don't want.
Java properties mapping
It may be useful to merge Java properties data with data loaded from JSON or HOCON. See the Java properties spec here: http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html#load%28java.io.Reader%29
Java properties parse as a one-level map from string keys to string values.
To convert to HOCON, first split each key on the .
keeping any empty strings (including leading and trailing empty
strings). Note that this is very different from parsing a path
The key split on .
is a series of path elements. So the
properties key with just .
is a path with two elements, both of
them an empty string. a.
is a path with two elements, a
empty string. (Java's String.split()
does NOT do what you want
for this.)
It is impossible to represent a key with a .
in it in a
properties file. If a JSON/HOCON key has a .
in it, which is
possible if the key is quoted, then there is no way to refer to it
as a Java property. It is not recommended to name HOCON keys with
a .
in them, since it would be confusing at best in any case.
Once you have a path for each value, construct a tree of JSON-style objects with the string value of each property located at that value's path.
Values from properties files are always strings, even if they could be parsed as some other type. Implementations should do type conversion if an app asks for an integer, as described in an earlier section.
When Java loads a properties file, unfortunately it does not preserve the order of the file. As a result, there is an intractable case where a single key needs to refer to both a parent object and a string value. For example, say the Java properties file has:
In this case, a
needs to be both an object and a string value.
The object must always win in this case... the "object wins"
rule throws out at most one value (the string) while "string wins"
would throw out all values in the object. Unfortunately, when
properties files are mapped to the JSON structure, there is no way
to access these strings that conflict with objects.
The usual rule in HOCON would be that the later assignment in the file wins, rather than "object wins"; but implementing that for Java properties would require implementing a custom Java properties parser, which is surely not worth it and wouldn't help with system properties anyway.
Conventional configuration files for JVM apps
By convention, JVM apps have two parts to their configuration:
- the reference config is made up of all resources named
on the classpath, merged in the order they are returned byClassLoader.getResources()
; also, system property overrides are applied. - the application config can be loaded from anywhere an
application likes, but by default if the application doesn't
provide a config it would be loaded from files
on the classpath and then system property overrides are applied. - a single JVM may have multiple application configs.
The reference config should be merged and resolved first, and shared among all application configs. Substitutions in the reference config are not affected by any application configs, because the reference config should be resolved by itself.
The application config should then be loaded, have the reference config added as a fallback, and have substitutions resolved. This means the application config can refer to the reference config in its substitutions.
Conventional override by system properties
For an application's config, Java System properties override settings found in the configuration file. This supports specifying config options on the command line.
Substitution fallback to system properties
Recall that if a substitution is not present (not even set to
) within a configuration tree, implementations may search
for it from external sources. One such source could be Java system
If you merge system properties in to an application's configuration as overrides, then falling back to them for substitutions won't add anything - they would already be found in the configuration. But if you don't merge them in as overrides then you could fall back to them.
Substitution fallback to environment variables
Substitutions not found in the configuration may also fall back to environment variables. In Java, fallback should be to system properties first and environment variables second.
It's recommended that HOCON keys always use lowercase, because environment variables generally are capitalized. This avoids naming collisions between environment variables and configuration properties. (While on Windows getenv() is generally not case-sensitive, the lookup will be case sensitive all the way until the env variable fallback lookup is reached.)
An application can explicitly block looking up a substitution in
the environment by setting a value in the configuration, with the
same name as the environment variable. You could set HOME : null
in your root object to avoid expanding ${HOME}
from the
environment, for example.
Environment variables are interpreted as follows:
- env variables set to the empty string are kept as such (set to empty string, rather than undefined)
- System.getenv throws SecurityException: treated as not present
- encoding is handled by Java (System.getenv already returns a Unicode string)
- environment variables always become a string value, though if an app asks for another type automatic type conversion would kick in