import sbt._ object JavaVersionCheck { val javacVersionPrefix = taskKey[Option[String]]("java version prefix required by javacVersionCheck") val javacVersionCheck = taskKey[String]("checks the Java version vs. javacVersionPrefix, returns actual version") def javacVersionCheckSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( javacVersionPrefix := Some("1.6"), javacVersionCheck := { val realLog = Keys.streams.value.log val javac = (Keys.compileInputs in Keys.compile in Compile).value.compilers.javac val captureVersionLog = new sbt.Logger() { var captured: Option[String] = None def log(level: sbt.Level.Value,message: => String): Unit = { val m = message if (level == Level.Warn && m.startsWith("javac ")) { captured = Some(m.substring("javac ".length).trim) } else { realLog.log(level, m) } } def success(message: => String): Unit = realLog.success(message) def trace(t: => Throwable): Unit = realLog.trace(t) } javac(sources=Nil, classpath=Nil, outputDirectory=file("."), options=Seq("-version"))(captureVersionLog) val version = captureVersionLog.captured match { case Some(v) => v case None => throw new Exception("Failed to get or parse the output of javac -version") } javacVersionPrefix.value match { case Some(prefix) => if (!version.startsWith(prefix)) { throw new Exception(s"javac version ${version} may not be used to publish, it has to start with ${prefix} due to javacVersionPrefix setting") } case None => } version }, // we hook onto deliverConfiguration to run the version check as early as possible, // before we actually do anything. But we don't want to require the version check // just for compile. Keys.deliverConfiguration := { val log = Keys.streams.value.log val javacVersion = javacVersionCheck.value"Will publish locally with javac version " + javacVersion) Keys.deliverConfiguration.value }, Keys.deliverLocalConfiguration := { val log = Keys.streams.value.log val javacVersion = javacVersionCheck.value"Will publish locally with javac version " + javacVersion) Keys.deliverLocalConfiguration.value } ) }