Configuration library for JVM languages.

## Overview

 - implemented in plain Java with no dependencies
 - _extensive_ test coverage
 - supports files in three formats: Java properties, JSON, and a
   human-friendly JSON superset
 - merges multiple files across all formats
 - can load from files, URLs, or classpath
 - good support for "nesting" (treat any subtree of the config the
   same as the whole config)
 - users can override the config with Java system properties,
 - parses duration and size settings, "512k" or "10 seconds"
 - converts types, so if you ask for a boolean and the value
   is the string "yes", or you ask for a float and the value is
   an int, it will figure it out.
 - JSON superset features:
    - comments
    - includes
    - substitutions (`"foo" : ${bar}`, `"foo" : Hello ${who}`)
    - properties-like notation (`a.b=c`)
    - less noisy, more lenient syntax
    - substitute environment variables

This library limits itself to config files. If you want to load
config from a database or something, you would need to build a
config object yourself and then merge it in.

## License

The license is Apache 2.0, see LICENSE-2.0.txt.

## Bugs and Patches

Report bugs to the GitHub issue tracker. Send patches as pull
requests on GitHub.

Along with any pull requests (or other means of contributing),
please state that the contribution is your original work (or that
you have the authority to license it) and that you license the
work under the Apache 2.0 license.

Whether or not you state this explicitly, by submitting any
copyrighted material via pull request, email, or other means you
agree to license your the material under the Apache 2.0 license
and warrant that you have the legal authority to do so.

## API Example

    Config conf = ConfigFactory.load();
    int bar1 = conf.getInt("");
    Config foo = conf.getConfig("foo");
    int bar2 = obj.getInt("bar");

## Longer Examples

See the examples in the `examples/` directory.

You can run these from the sbt console with the commands `project
simple-app` and then `run`.

## Standard behavior

The convenience method `ConfigFactory.load()` loads the following
(first-listed are higher priority):

  - system properties
  - `application.conf` (all resources on classpath with this name)
  - `application.json` (all resources on classpath with this name)
  - `` (all resources on classpath with this
  - `reference.conf` (all resources on classpath with this name)

The idea is that libraries and frameworks should ship with a
`reference.conf` in their jar. Applications should provide an
`application.conf`, or if they want to create multiple
configurations in a single JVM, they could use
`ConfigFactory.load("myapp")` to load their own `myapp.conf`.

Libraries and frameworks should default to `ConfigFactory.load()`
if the application does not provide a custom `Config`
object. Libraries and frameworks should also allow the application
to provide a custom `Config` object to be used instead of the
default, in case the application needs multiple configurations in
one JVM or wants to load extra config files from somewhere.

For applications using `application.{conf,json,properties}`,
system properties can be used to force a different config source:

 - `config.resource` specifies a resource name - not a
   basename, i.e. `application.conf` not `application`
 - `config.file` specifies a filesystem path, again
   it should include the extension, not be a basename
 - `config.url` specifies a URL

These system properties specify a _replacement_ for
`application.{conf,json,properties}`, not an addition. They only
affect apps using the default `ConfigFactory.load()`
configuration. In the replacement config file, you can use
`include "application"` to include the original default config
file; after the include statement you could go on to override
certain settings. (Caveat: right now includes are relative to the
including entity, so `include "application"` would only work from
another classpath resource, not from a file or URL.)

## JSON Superset

Tentatively called "Human-Optimized Config Object Notation" or
HOCON, also called `.conf`, see in this directory for more

### Features of HOCON

  - Comments, with `#` or `//`
  - Allow omitting the `{}` around a root object
  - Allow `=` as a synonym for `:`
  - Allow omitting the `=` or `:` before a `{` so
    `foo { a : 42 }`
  - Allow omitting commas as long as there's a newline
  - Allow trailing commas after last element in objects and arrays
  - Allow unquoted strings for keys and values
  - Unquoted keys can use dot-notation for nested objects,
    `` means `foo { bar : 42 }`
  - Duplicate keys are allowed; later values override earlier,
    except for object-valued keys where the two objects are merged
  - `include` feature merges root object in another file into
    current object, so `foo { include "bar.json" }` merges keys in
    `bar.json` into the object `foo`
  - include with no file extension includes any of `.conf`,
    `.json`, `.properties`
  - substitutions `foo : ${a.b}` sets key `foo` to the same value
    as the `b` field in the `a` object
  - substitutions concatenate into unquoted strings, `foo : the
    quick ${} jumped`
  - substitutions fall back to environment variables if they don't
    resolve in the config itself, so `${HOME}` would work as you
    expect. Also, most configs have system properties merged in so
    you could use `${user.home}`.
  - substitutions normally cause an error if unresolved, but
    there is a syntax `${?a.b}` to permit them to be missing.

### Examples of HOCON

Start with valid JSON:

        "foo" : {
            "bar" : 10,
            "baz" : 12

Drop root braces:

    "foo" : {
        "bar" : 10,
        "baz" : 12

Drop quotes:

    foo : {
        bar : 10,
        baz : 12

Use `=` and omit it before `{`:

    foo {
        bar = 10,
        baz = 12

Remove commas:

    foo {
        bar = 10
        baz = 12

Use dotted notation for unquoted keys:

Put the dotted-notation fields on a single line:, foo.baz=12

The syntax is well-defined (including handling of whitespace and
escaping). But it handles many reasonable ways you might want to
format the file.

### Uses of Substitutions

The `${}` substitution feature lets you avoid cut-and-paste
in some nice ways.

#### Factor out common values

This is the obvious use,

    standard-timeout = 10ms
    foo.timeout = ${standard-timeout}
    bar.timeout = ${standard-timeout}

#### Inheritance

If you duplicate a field with an object value, then the objects
are merged with last-one-wins. So:

    foo = { a : 42, c : 5 }
    foo = { b : 43, c : 6 }

means the same as:

    foo = { a : 42, b : 43, c : 6 }

You can take advantage of this for "inheritance":

    data-center-generic = { cluster-size = 6 }
    data-center-east = ${data-center-generic}
    data-center-east = { name = "east" }
    data-center-west = ${data-center-generic}
    data-center-west = { name = "west", cluster-size = 8 }

Using `include` statements you could split this across multiple
files, too.

#### Optional system or env variable overrides

In default uses of the library, exact-match system properties
already override the corresponding config properties.  However,
you can add your own overrides, or allow environment variables to
override, using the `${?foo}` substitution syntax.

    basedir = "/whatever/whatever"
    basedir = ${?FORCED_BASEDIR}

Here, the override field `basedir = ${?FORCED_BASEDIR}` simply
vanishes if there's no value for `FORCED_BASEDIR`, but if you set
an environment variable `FORCED_BASEDIR` for example, it would be

A natural extension of this idea is to support several different
environment variable names or system property names, if you aren't
sure which one will exist in the target environment.

Object fields and array elements with a `${?foo}` substitution
value just disappear if the substitution is not found:

    // this array could have one or two elements
    path = [ "a", ${?OPTIONAL_A} ]

## Future Directions

Here are some features that might be nice to add.

 - "myapp.d directory": allow parsing a directory. All `.json`,
   `.properties` and `.conf` files should be loaded in a
   deterministic order based on their filename.
   If you include a file and it turns out to be a directory then
   it would be processed in this way.
 - some way to merge array types. One approach could be:
   `searchPath=${searchPath} ["/usr/local/foo"]`, which involves
   two features: 1) substitutions referring to the key being
   assigned would have to look at that key's value later in the
   merge stack (rather than complaining about circularity); 2)
   arrays would have to be merged if a series of them appear after
   a key, similar to how strings are concatenated already. A
   simpler but much more limited approach would add `+=` as an
   alternative to `:`/`=`, where `+=` would append an array value
   to the array's previous value.  (Note that regular `=` already
   merges object values, to avoid object merge you have to first
   set the object to a non-object such as null, then set a new
   object. For consistency, if there's "array concatenation"
   within one value, maybe objects should also be able to merge
   within one value.)
 - "delete": allow deleting a field, which is slightly different
   from setting it to null (deletion allows fallback to values in
   the environment, for example).  This could be done using the
   same syntax as `include`, potentially. It is not a
   backward-compatible change though. Also, not sure it's useful.
 - substitutions with fallbacks; this could be something like
   `${,baz,null}` where it would look up ``, then
   `baz`, then finally fall back to null. One question is whether
   entire nested objects would be allowed as fallbacks.  This
   feature may not really be needed because you can just list the
   key multiple times instead: `a=null,a=${?baz},a=${?}`
   So this may not be useful enough.

## Rationale

(For the curious.)

The three file formats each have advantages.

 - Java `.properties`:
   - Java standard, built in to JVM
   - Supported by many tools such as IDEs
 - JSON:
   - easy to generate programmatically
   - well-defined and standard
   - bad for human maintenance, with no way to write comments,
     and no mechanisms to avoid duplication of similar config
 - HOCON/`.conf`:
   - nice for humans to read, type, and maintain, with more
     lenient syntax
   - built-in tools to avoid cut-and-paste
   - ways to refer to the system environment, such as system
     properties and environment variables

The idea would be to use JSON if you're writing a script to spit
out config, and use HOCON if you're maintaining config by hand.
If you're doing both, then mix the two.

Two alternatives to HOCON syntax could be:

  - YAML is also a JSON superset and has a mechanism for adding
    custom types, so the include statements in HOCON could become
    a custom type tag like `!include`, and substitutions in HOCON
    could become a custom tag such as `!subst`, for example. The
    result is somewhat clunky to write, but would have the same
    in-memory representation as the HOCON approach.
  - Put a syntax inside JSON strings, so you might write something
    like `"$include" : "filename"` or allow `"foo" : "${bar}"`.
    This is a way to tunnel new syntax through a JSON parser, but
    other than the implementation benefit (using a standard JSON
    parser), it doesn't really work. It's a bad syntax for human
    maintenance, and it's not valid JSON anymore because properly
    interpreting it requires treating some valid JSON strings as
    something other than plain strings. A better approach is to
    allow mixing true JSON files into the config but also support
    a nicer format.