// to release, bump major/minor/micro as appropriate, // update NEWS, update version in README.md, tag, then // publishSigned. // Release tags should follow: http://semver.org/ enablePlugins(GitVersioning) git.baseVersion := "1.3.0" organization in GlobalScope := "com.typesafe" scalacOptions in GlobalScope in Compile := Seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-feature") scalacOptions in GlobalScope in Test := Seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-feature") scalaVersion in ThisBuild := "2.10.4" val sonatype = new PublishToSonatype { def projectUrl = "https://github.com/typesafehub/config" def developerId = "havocp" def developerName = "Havoc Pennington" def developerUrl = "http://ometer.com/" def scmUrl = "git://github.com/typesafehub/config.git" } lazy val commonSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Def.settings( unpublished, javaVersionPrefix in javaVersionCheck := None ) lazy val root = (project in file(".")) .settings( commonSettings, aggregate in doc := false, doc := (doc in (configLib, Compile)).value, aggregate in packageDoc := false, packageDoc := (packageDoc in (configLib, Compile)).value, aggregate in checkstyle := false, checkstyle := (checkstyle in (configLib, Compile)).value ) .aggregate( testLib, configLib, simpleLibScala, simpleAppScala, complexAppScala, polymorphicAppScala, simpleLibJava, simpleAppJava, complexAppJava, polymorphicAppJava ) lazy val configLib = Project("config", file("config")) .settings( sonatype.settings, osgiSettings, OsgiKeys.exportPackage := Seq("com.typesafe.config", "com.typesafe.config.impl"), publish := sys.error("use publishSigned instead of plain publish"), publishLocal := sys.error("use publishLocalSigned instead of plain publishLocal") ) .enablePlugins(SbtOsgi) .dependsOn(testLib % "test->test") def proj(id: String, base: File) = Project(id, base) settings commonSettings lazy val testLib = proj("config-test-lib", file("test-lib")) lazy val simpleLibScala = proj("config-simple-lib-scala", file("examples/scala/simple-lib")) dependsOn configLib lazy val simpleAppScala = proj("config-simple-app-scala", file("examples/scala/simple-app")) dependsOn simpleLibScala lazy val complexAppScala = proj("config-complex-app-scala", file("examples/scala/complex-app")) dependsOn simpleLibScala lazy val polymorphicAppScala = proj("config-polymorphic-app-scala", file("examples/scala/polymorphic-app")) dependsOn configLib lazy val simpleLibJava = proj("config-simple-lib-java", file("examples/java/simple-lib")) dependsOn configLib lazy val simpleAppJava = proj("config-simple-app-java", file("examples/java/simple-app")) dependsOn simpleLibJava lazy val complexAppJava = proj("config-complex-app-java", file("examples/java/complex-app")) dependsOn simpleLibJava lazy val polymorphicAppJava = proj("config-polymorphic-app-java", file("examples/java/polymorphic-app")) dependsOn configLib useGpg := true aggregate in PgpKeys.publishSigned := false PgpKeys.publishSigned := (PgpKeys.publishSigned in configLib).value aggregate in PgpKeys.publishLocalSigned := false PgpKeys.publishLocalSigned := (PgpKeys.publishLocalSigned in configLib).value val unpublished = Seq( // no artifacts in this project publishArtifact := false, // make-pom has a more specific publishArtifact setting already // so needs specific override publishArtifact in makePom := false, // no docs to publish publishArtifact in packageDoc := false, // can't seem to get rid of ivy files except by no-op'ing the entire publish task publish := {}, publishLocal := {} )