subs in quotes

This commit is contained in:
Ryan O'Neill 2015-08-06 14:14:52 -07:00
parent 680ee748dd
commit fd8d159919
3 changed files with 89 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ final class Tokenizer {
return "tab";
else if (codepoint == -1)
return "end of file";
else if (ConfigImplUtil.isC0Control(codepoint))
else if (Character.isISOControl(codepoint))
return String.format("control character 0x%x", codepoint);
return String.format("%c", codepoint);
@ -172,6 +172,12 @@ final class Tokenizer {
private int peekNextCharRaw() {
int c = nextCharRaw();
return c;
static boolean isWhitespace(int c) {
return ConfigImplUtil.isWhitespace(c);
@ -418,6 +424,9 @@ final class Tokenizer {
case 't':
case '$':
case 'u': {
// kind of absurdly slow, but screw it for now
char[] a = new char[4];
@ -477,7 +486,9 @@ final class Tokenizer {
private Token pullQuotedString() throws ProblemException {
private List<Token> pullQuotedString() throws ProblemException {
List<Token> tokens = new ArrayList<Token>();
// the open quote has already been consumed
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
@ -488,6 +499,23 @@ final class Tokenizer {
StringBuilder sbOrig = new StringBuilder();
// First, check for triple quotes
if (peekNextCharRaw() == '"') { // Double quotes
int second = nextCharRaw();
if (peekNextCharRaw() == '"') { // Triple quotes! Append and return token
int third = nextCharRaw();
appendTripleQuotedString(sb, sbOrig);
tokens.add(Tokens.newString(lineOrigin, sb.toString(), sbOrig.toString()));
return tokens;
} else { // Empty string, handled by normal string termination case below
// Single quoted string with possible substitutions
while (true) {
int c = nextCharRaw();
if (c == -1)
@ -497,8 +525,19 @@ final class Tokenizer {
pullEscapeSequence(sb, sbOrig);
} else if (c == '"') {
tokens.add(Tokens.newString(lineOrigin, sb.toString(), sbOrig.toString()));
} else if (ConfigImplUtil.isC0Control(c)) {
} else if (c == '$' && peekNextCharRaw() == '{') { // Substition
// Tokenize what we have so far
tokens.add(Tokens.newString(lineOrigin, sb.toString(), sbOrig.toString()));
// Add substition
// Reset and continue
sb = new StringBuilder();
sbOrig = new StringBuilder();
} else if (Character.isISOControl(c)) {
throw problem(asString(c), "JSON does not allow unescaped " + asString(c)
+ " in quoted strings, use a backslash escape");
} else {
@ -507,18 +546,7 @@ final class Tokenizer {
// maybe switch to triple-quoted string, sort of hacky...
if (sb.length() == 0) {
int third = nextCharRaw();
if (third == '"') {
appendTripleQuotedString(sb, sbOrig);
} else {
return Tokens.newString(lineOrigin, sb.toString(), sbOrig.toString());
return tokens;
private Token pullPlusEquals() throws ProblemException {
@ -575,7 +603,17 @@ final class Tokenizer {
return Tokens.newSubstitution(origin, optional, expression);
// Occasionally pullNextToken will encounter a situation where it needs to
// parse multiple tokens. When that happens it will populate this queue and pop
// from it until empty before attempting to parse a new token.
// Substitutions within quoted strings are an example of this.
private static Queue<Token> nextTokensQueue = new LinkedList<Token>();
private Token pullNextToken(WhitespaceSaver saver) throws ProblemException {
if (!nextTokensQueue.isEmpty()) {
return nextTokensQueue.remove();
int c = nextCharAfterWhitespace(saver);
if (c == -1) {
return Tokens.END;
@ -592,7 +630,11 @@ final class Tokenizer {
} else {
switch (c) {
case '"':
t = pullQuotedString();
List<Token> all = pullQuotedString();
t = all.remove(0);
for (Token n: all) {
case '$':
t = pullSubstitution();

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@ -152,6 +152,31 @@ class TokenizerTest extends TestUtils {
tokenizerTest(expected, source)
def tokenizeSubstitutionsInQuoted() {
val source = "\"foo${bar}baz\"\n"
val expected = List(tokenString("foo"), tokenSubstitution(tokenUnquoted("bar")),
tokenizerTest(expected, source)
def tokenizeSubstitutionsInQuotedAtBeg() {
val source = "\"${bar}baz\"\n"
val expected = List(tokenString(""), tokenSubstitution(tokenUnquoted("bar")),
tokenizerTest(expected, source)
def tokenizeSubstitutionsInQuotedAtEnd() {
val source = "\"foo${bar}\""
val expected = List(tokenString("foo"), tokenSubstitution(tokenUnquoted("bar")), tokenString(""))
tokenizerTest(expected, source)
def tokenizerUnescapeStrings(): Unit = {
case class UnescapeTest(escaped: String, result: ConfigString)

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@ -57,8 +57,6 @@ class UtilTest extends TestUtils {
assertTrue(ConfigImplUtil.equalsHandlingNull("", ""))
val lotsOfStrings = (invalidJson ++ validConf).map(_.test)
private def roundtripJson(s: String) {
val rendered = ConfigImplUtil.renderJsonString(s)
val parsed = parseConfig("{ foo: " + rendered + "}").getString("foo")
@ -77,6 +75,11 @@ class UtilTest extends TestUtils {
s == parsed)
// These strings are used in many different ways, but for testing how things
// render we don't want to have any substitutions because this render code
// does not resolve the configs.
val lotsOfStrings = (invalidJson ++ validConf).map(_.test).filter(_.indexOf("${") == -1)
def renderJsonString() {
for (s <- lotsOfStrings) {