Add ConfigDocumentParser JSON tests

Add tests to ensure that the ConfigDocumentParser can parse
valid JSON, and that it throws the proper errors when parsing
invalid JSON.
This commit is contained in:
Preben Ingvaldsen 2015-03-16 15:35:10 -07:00
parent 4101f942d2
commit f115731071
2 changed files with 67 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ final class ConfigDocumentParser {
private Token nextToken() {
Token t = popToken();
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)) {
if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(t) && !isUnquotedWhitespace(t)) {
throw parseError(addKeyName("Token not allowed in valid JSON: '"
+ Tokens.getUnquotedText(t) + "'"));
} else if (Tokens.isSubstitution(t)) {
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ final class ConfigDocumentParser {
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
Token t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(nodes);
if (t == Tokens.COMMA) {
nodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
return true;
} else {

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@ -1,15 +1,29 @@
package com.typesafe.config.impl
import com.typesafe.config.{ConfigException, ConfigSyntax, ConfigParseOptions}
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
class ConfigDocumentParserTest extends TestUtils{
class ConfigDocumentParserTest extends TestUtils {
private def parseTest(origText: String) {
val node = ConfigDocumentParser.parse(tokenize(origText))
assertEquals(origText, node.render())
private def parseJSONFailuresTest(origText: String, containsMessage: String) {
var exceptionThrown = false
try {
ConfigDocumentParser.parse(tokenize(origText), ConfigParseOptions.defaults().setSyntax(ConfigSyntax.JSON))
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
exceptionThrown = true
def parseSuccess {
@ -122,5 +136,55 @@ class ConfigDocumentParserTest extends TestUtils{
// Did I cover everything?
// Can correctly parse a JSON string
val origText =
"foo": "bar",
"baz": 123,
"qux": true,
"array": [
{"a": true,
"c": false},
val node = ConfigDocumentParser.parse(tokenize(origText), ConfigParseOptions.defaults().setSyntax(ConfigSyntax.JSON))
assertEquals(origText, node.render())
def parseJSONFailures() {
// JSON does not support concatenations
parseJSONFailuresTest("""{ "foo": 123 456 789 } """, "Expecting close brace } or a comma")
// JSON must begin with { or [
parseJSONFailuresTest(""""a": 123, "b": 456"""", "Document must have an object or array at root")
// JSON does not support unquoted text
parseJSONFailuresTest("""{"foo": unquotedtext}""", "Token not allowed in valid JSON")
// JSON does not support substitutions
parseJSONFailuresTest("""{"foo": ${"a.b"}}""", "Substitutions (${} syntax) not allowed in JSON")
// JSON does not support multi-element paths
parseJSONFailuresTest("""{"foo"."bar": 123}""", "Token not allowed in valid JSON")
// JSON does not support =
parseJSONFailuresTest("""{"foo"=123}""", """Key '"foo"' may not be followed by token: '='""")
// JSON does not support +=
parseJSONFailuresTest("""{"foo" += "bar"}""", """Key '"foo"' may not be followed by token: '+='""")
// JSON does not support duplicate keys
parseJSONFailuresTest("""{"foo" : 123, "foo": 456}""", "JSON does not allow duplicate fields")
// JSON does not support trailing commas
parseJSONFailuresTest("""{"foo" : 123,}""", "expecting a field name after a comma, got a close brace } instead")
// JSON does not support empty documents
parseJSONFailuresTest("", "Empty document")