diff --git a/config/src/test/resources/test09.conf b/config/src/test/resources/test09.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89e8af5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/src/test/resources/test09.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// This file is testing ConfigDelayedMergeObject and ConfigDelayedMerge
+x={ q : 10 }
+a={ c : 3 }
+// nesting ConfigDelayed inside another one
+c={ d : 600, e : ${a}, f : ${b} }
diff --git a/config/src/test/resources/test10.conf b/config/src/test/resources/test10.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d0bb955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/src/test/resources/test10.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// this checks relativizing ConfigDelayedMerge, ConfigDelayedMergeObject
+foo {
+  include "test09.conf"
diff --git a/config/src/test/scala/com/typesafe/config/impl/ConfigTest.scala b/config/src/test/scala/com/typesafe/config/impl/ConfigTest.scala
index 7c866f6b..1478729b 100644
--- a/config/src/test/scala/com/typesafe/config/impl/ConfigTest.scala
+++ b/config/src/test/scala/com/typesafe/config/impl/ConfigTest.scala
@@ -936,10 +936,44 @@ class ConfigTest extends TestUtils {
         assertEquals("This is to test classpath searches.", fromURL.getString("test-lib.description"))
+    @Test
+    def test09DelayedMerge() {
+        val conf = ConfigFactory.parseResources(classOf[ConfigTest], "/test09.conf")
+        assertEquals(classOf[ConfigDelayedMergeObject].getSimpleName,
+            conf.root.get("a").getClass.getSimpleName)
+        assertEquals(classOf[ConfigDelayedMerge].getSimpleName,
+            conf.root.get("b").getClass.getSimpleName)
+        // a.c should work without resolving because no more merging is needed to compute it
+        assertEquals(3, conf.getInt("a.c"))
+        intercept[ConfigException.NotResolved] {
+            conf.getInt("a.q")
+        }
+        // be sure resolving doesn't throw
+        val resolved = conf.resolve()
+        assertEquals(3, resolved.getInt("a.c"))
+        assertEquals(5, resolved.getInt("b"))
+        assertEquals(10, resolved.getInt("a.q"))
+    }
+    @Test
+    def test10DelayedMergeRelativizing() {
+        val conf = ConfigFactory.parseResources(classOf[ConfigTest], "/test10.conf")
+        val resolved = conf.resolve()
+        assertEquals(3, resolved.getInt("foo.a.c"))
+        assertEquals(5, resolved.getInt("foo.b"))
+        assertEquals(10, resolved.getInt("foo.a.q"))
+    }
     def renderRoundTrip() {
-        for (i <- 1 to 6) {
-            val conf = ConfigFactory.parseResourcesAnySyntax(classOf[ConfigTest], "test0" + i)
+        for (i <- 1 to 10) {
+            val numString = i.toString
+            val name = "/test" + { if (numString.size == 1) "0" else "" } + numString
+            val conf = ConfigFactory.parseResourcesAnySyntax(classOf[ConfigTest], name,
+                ConfigParseOptions.defaults().setAllowMissing(false))
             val unresolvedRender = conf.root.render()
             val resolved = conf.resolve()
             val resolvedRender = resolved.root.render()