diff --git a/examples/complex-app/src/main/resources/complex1.conf b/examples/complex-app/src/main/resources/complex1.conf
index 3dada786..19fb190c 100644
--- a/examples/complex-app/src/main/resources/complex1.conf
+++ b/examples/complex-app/src/main/resources/complex1.conf
@@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
+# these are our own config values defined by the app
+complex-app {
+    something="This value comes from complex-app's complex1.conf"
+# Here we override some values used by a library
 simple-lib.foo="This value comes from complex-app's complex1.conf"
 simple-lib.whatever = "This value comes from complex-app's complex1.conf"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/complex-app/src/main/resources/complex2.conf b/examples/complex-app/src/main/resources/complex2.conf
index e7e98d77..53758b13 100644
--- a/examples/complex-app/src/main/resources/complex2.conf
+++ b/examples/complex-app/src/main/resources/complex2.conf
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 complex-app {
+    something="This value comes from complex-app's complex2.conf"
     # here we want a simple-lib-context unique to our app
     # which can be custom-configured. In code, we have to
     # pull out this subtree and pass it to simple-lib.
     simple-lib-context = {
         simple-lib {
             foo="This value comes from complex-app's complex2.conf in its custom simple-lib-context"
diff --git a/examples/complex-app/src/main/scala/ComplexApp.scala b/examples/complex-app/src/main/scala/ComplexApp.scala
index b3bf01e2..507da8cb 100644
--- a/examples/complex-app/src/main/scala/ComplexApp.scala
+++ b/examples/complex-app/src/main/scala/ComplexApp.scala
@@ -2,20 +2,44 @@ import com.typesafe.config._
 import simplelib._
 object ComplexApp extends App {
     // This app is "complex" because we load multiple separate app
     // configs into a single JVM and we have a separately-configurable
     // context for simple lib.
+    // using a custom Config with the simple-lib library
+    // (simple-lib is a library in this same examples/ directory)
+    def demoConfigInSimpleLib(config: Config) {
+        val context = new SimpleLibContext(config)
+        context.printSetting("simple-lib.foo")
+        context.printSetting("simple-lib.hello")
+        context.printSetting("simple-lib.whatever")
+    }
+    // system property overrides work, but the properties must be set
+    // before the config lib is used (config lib will not notice changes
+    // once it loads the properties)
     System.setProperty("simple-lib.whatever", "This value comes from a system property")
+    ///////////
     // "config1" is just an example of using a file other than application.conf
     val config1 = ConfigFactory.load("complex1")
+    // use the config ourselves
+    println("config1, complex-app.something=" + config1.getString("complex-app.something"))
+    // use the config for a library
+    //////////
     // "config2" shows how to configure a library with a custom settings subtree
     val config2 = ConfigFactory.load("complex2");
+    // use the config ourselves
+    println("config2, complex-app.something=" + config2.getString("complex-app.something"))
     // pull out complex-app.simple-lib-context and move it to
     // the toplevel, creating a new config suitable for our SimpleLibContext.
     // The defaultOverrides() have to be put back on top of the stack so
@@ -23,7 +47,7 @@ object ComplexApp extends App {
     // We fall back to config2 again to be sure we get simple-lib's
     // reference.conf plus any other settings we've set. You could
     // also just fall back to ConfigFactory.referenceConfig() if
-    // you don't want application.conf settings outside of
+    // you don't want complex2.conf settings outside of
     // complex-app.simple-lib-context to be used.
     val simpleLibConfig2 = ConfigFactory.defaultOverrides()
@@ -31,7 +55,9 @@ object ComplexApp extends App {
-    // Now let's illustrate that simple-lib will get upset if we pass it
+    //////////
+    // Here's an illustration that simple-lib will get upset if we pass it
     // a bad config. In this case, we'll fail to merge the reference
     // config in to complex-app.simple-lib-context, so simple-lib will
     // point out that some settings are missing.
@@ -41,11 +67,4 @@ object ComplexApp extends App {
         case e: ConfigException.ValidationFailed =>
             println("when we passed a bad config to simple-lib, it said: " + e.getMessage)
-    def demoConfigInSimpleLib(config: Config) {
-        val context = new SimpleLibContext(config)
-        context.printSetting("simple-lib.foo")
-        context.printSetting("simple-lib.hello")
-        context.printSetting("simple-lib.whatever")
-    }
diff --git a/examples/simple-app/src/main/resources/application.conf b/examples/simple-app/src/main/resources/application.conf
index 9fa122a0..c8957d5b 100644
--- a/examples/simple-app/src/main/resources/application.conf
+++ b/examples/simple-app/src/main/resources/application.conf
@@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
+# these are our own config values defined by the app
+simple-app {
+    answer=42
+# Here we override some values used by a library
 simple-lib.foo="This value comes from simple-app's application.conf"
 simple-lib.whatever = "This value comes from simple-app's application.conf"
diff --git a/examples/simple-app/src/main/scala/SimpleApp.scala b/examples/simple-app/src/main/scala/SimpleApp.scala
index 0efda2eb..c9b27a72 100644
--- a/examples/simple-app/src/main/scala/SimpleApp.scala
+++ b/examples/simple-app/src/main/scala/SimpleApp.scala
@@ -2,11 +2,19 @@ import com.typesafe.config._
 import simplelib._
 object SimpleApp extends App {
-    // example of how system properties override
+    // example of how system properties override; note this
+    // must be set before the config lib is used
     System.setProperty("simple-lib.whatever", "This value comes from a system property")
+    // Load our own config values from the default location, application.conf
+    val conf = ConfigFactory.load()
+    println("The answer is: " + conf.getString("simple-app.answer"))
     // In this simple app, we're allowing SimpleLibContext() to
-    // use the default config in application.conf
+    // use the default config in application.conf ; this is exactly
+    // the same as passing in ConfigFactory.load() here, so we could
+    // also write "new SimpleLibContext(conf)" and it would be the same.
+    // (simple-lib is a library in this same examples/ directory)
     val context = new SimpleLibContext()