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synced 2025-03-22 15:20:26 +08:00
Create ConfigDocumentParser
Create a new Parser, ConfigDocumentParser, which can parse an input reader into a ConfigNodeComplexValue, which can then be used to reproduce the exact original text of the input.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015 Typesafe Inc. <http://typesafe.com>
package com.typesafe.config.impl;
import java.util.*;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigException;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigParseOptions;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigSyntax;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigValueType;
final class ConfigDocumentParser {
static AbstractConfigNodeValue parse(Iterator<Token> tokens, ConfigParseOptions options) {
ParseContext context = new ParseContext(options.getSyntax(), tokens);
return context.parse();
static AbstractConfigNodeValue parse(Iterator<Token> tokens) {
ParseContext context = new ParseContext(ConfigSyntax.CONF, tokens);
return context.parse();
static private final class ParseContext {
private int lineNumber;
final private Stack<Token> buffer;
final private Iterator<Token> tokens;
final private ConfigSyntax flavor;
final private LinkedList<Path> pathStack;
// this is the number of "equals" we are inside,
// used to modify the error message to reflect that
// someone may think this is .properties format.
int equalsCount;
// the number of lists we are inside; this is used to detect the "cannot
// generate a reference to a list element" problem, and once we fix that
// problem we should be able to get rid of this variable.
int arrayCount;
ParseContext(ConfigSyntax flavor, Iterator<Token> tokens) {
lineNumber = 1;
buffer = new Stack<Token>();
this.tokens = tokens;
this.flavor = flavor;
this.pathStack = new LinkedList<Path>();
this.equalsCount = 0;
this.arrayCount = 0;
private Token popToken() {
if (buffer.isEmpty()) {
return tokens.next();
return buffer.pop();
private Token nextToken() {
Token t = popToken();
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)) {
throw parseError(addKeyName("Token not allowed in valid JSON: '"
+ Tokens.getUnquotedText(t) + "'"));
} else if (Tokens.isSubstitution(t)) {
throw parseError(addKeyName("Substitutions (${} syntax) not allowed in JSON"));
return t;
private Token nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(Collection<AbstractConfigNode> nodes) {
while (true) {
Token t = nextToken();
if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t) || Tokens.isComment(t) || Tokens.isNewline(t) || isUnquotedWhitespace(t)) {
nodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
} else {
return t;
private void putBack(Token token) {
// In arrays and objects, comma can be omitted
// as long as there's at least one newline instead.
// this skips any newlines in front of a comma,
// skips the comma, and returns true if it found
// either a newline or a comma. The iterator
// is left just after the comma or the newline.
private boolean checkElementSeparator(Collection<AbstractConfigNode> nodes) {
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
Token t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(nodes);
if (t == Tokens.COMMA) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
boolean sawSeparatorOrNewline = false;
Token t = nextToken();
while (true) {
if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t) || isUnquotedWhitespace(t)) {
//do nothing
} else if (Tokens.isNewline(t)) {
// newline number is the line just ended, so add one
lineNumber = t.lineNumber() + 1;
sawSeparatorOrNewline = true;
// we want to continue to also eat
// a comma if there is one.
} else if (t == Tokens.COMMA) {
nodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
return true;
} else {
// non-newline-or-comma
return sawSeparatorOrNewline;
nodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
t = nextToken();
// merge a bunch of adjacent values into one
// value
private ConfigNodeComplexValue parseConcatenation(Collection<AbstractConfigNode> nodes) {
// this trick is not done in JSON
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON)
return null;
// create only if we have value tokens
ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> values = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode>();
int valueCount = 0;
// ignore a newline up front
Token t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(nodes);
while (true) {
AbstractConfigNodeValue v = null;
if (Tokens.isValue(t) || Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)
|| Tokens.isSubstitution(t) || t == Tokens.OPEN_CURLY
|| t == Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE) {
// there may be newlines _within_ the objects and arrays
v = parseValue(t);
} else if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t)) {
values.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
t = nextToken();
else {
if (v == null)
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("no value");
t = nextToken(); // but don't consolidate across a newline
ConfigNodeComplexValue value = new ConfigNodeComplexValue(values);
// put back all tokens, as they did not form a concatenation
if (valueCount < 2) {
ArrayList<Token> tokens = new ArrayList(value.tokens());
for (int i = tokens.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return null;
return new ConfigNodeComplexValue(values);
private ConfigException parseError(String message) {
return parseError(message, null);
private ConfigException parseError(String message, Throwable cause) {
return new ConfigException.Parse(SimpleConfigOrigin.newSimple(""), message, cause);
private String previousFieldName(Path lastPath) {
if (lastPath != null) {
return lastPath.render();
} else if (pathStack.isEmpty())
return null;
return pathStack.peek().render();
private String previousFieldName() {
return previousFieldName(null);
private String addKeyName(String message) {
String previousFieldName = previousFieldName();
if (previousFieldName != null) {
return "in value for key '" + previousFieldName + "': " + message;
} else {
return message;
private String addQuoteSuggestion(String badToken, String message) {
return addQuoteSuggestion(null, equalsCount > 0, badToken, message);
private String addQuoteSuggestion(Path lastPath, boolean insideEquals, String badToken,
String message) {
String previousFieldName = previousFieldName(lastPath);
String part;
if (badToken.equals(Tokens.END.toString())) {
// EOF requires special handling for the error to make sense.
if (previousFieldName != null)
part = message + " (if you intended '" + previousFieldName
+ "' to be part of a value, instead of a key, "
+ "try adding double quotes around the whole value";
return message;
} else {
if (previousFieldName != null) {
part = message + " (if you intended " + badToken
+ " to be part of the value for '" + previousFieldName + "', "
+ "try enclosing the value in double quotes";
} else {
part = message + " (if you intended " + badToken
+ " to be part of a key or string value, "
+ "try enclosing the key or value in double quotes";
if (insideEquals)
return part
+ ", or you may be able to rename the file .properties rather than .conf)";
return part + ")";
private AbstractConfigNodeValue parseValue(Token t) {
AbstractConfigNodeValue v = null;
int startingArrayCount = arrayCount;
int startingEqualsCount = equalsCount;
if (Tokens.isValue(t) || Tokens.isUnquotedText(t) || Tokens.isSubstitution(t)) {
v = new ConfigNodeSimpleValue(t);
} else if (t == Tokens.OPEN_CURLY) {
v = parseObject(true);
} else if (t== Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE) {
v = parseArray();
} else {
throw parseError(addQuoteSuggestion(t.toString(),
"Expecting a value but got wrong token: " + t));
if (arrayCount != startingArrayCount)
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("Bug in config parser: unbalanced array count");
if (equalsCount != startingEqualsCount)
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("Bug in config parser: unbalanced equals count");
return v;
private ConfigNodePath parseKey(Token token) {
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
if (Tokens.isValueWithType(token, ConfigValueType.STRING)) {
String key = (String) Tokens.getValue(token).unwrapped();
return PathParser.parsePathNodeExpression(Collections.singletonList(token).iterator(), null);
} else {
throw parseError(addKeyName("Expecting close brace } or a field name here, got "
+ token));
} else {
List<Token> expression = new ArrayList<Token>();
Token t = token;
while (Tokens.isValue(t) || Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)) {
t = nextToken(); // note: don't cross a newline
if (expression.isEmpty()) {
throw parseError(addKeyName("expecting a close brace or a field name here, got "
+ t));
putBack(t); // put back the token we ended with
return PathParser.parsePathNodeExpression(expression.iterator(), null);
private static boolean isIncludeKeyword(Token t) {
return Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)
&& Tokens.getUnquotedText(t).equals("include");
private static boolean isUnquotedWhitespace(Token t) {
if (!Tokens.isUnquotedText(t))
return false;
String s = Tokens.getUnquotedText(t);
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (!ConfigImplUtil.isWhitespace(c))
return false;
return true;
private boolean isKeyValueSeparatorToken(Token t) {
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
return t == Tokens.COLON;
} else {
return t == Tokens.COLON || t == Tokens.EQUALS || t == Tokens.PLUS_EQUALS;
private void parseInclude(ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> children) {
Token t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(children);
// we either have a quoted string or the "file()" syntax
if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)) {
// get foo(
String kind = Tokens.getUnquotedText(t);
if (kind.equals("url(")) {
} else if (kind.equals("file(")) {
} else if (kind.equals("classpath(")) {
} else {
throw parseError("expecting include parameter to be quoted filename, file(), classpath(), or url(). No spaces are allowed before the open paren. Not expecting: "
+ t);
children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
// skip space inside parens
t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(children);
// quoted string
String name;
if (!Tokens.isValueWithType(t, ConfigValueType.STRING)) {
throw parseError("expecting a quoted string inside file(), classpath(), or url(), rather than: "
+ t);
children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
// skip space after string, inside parens
t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(children);
if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(t) && Tokens.getUnquotedText(t).equals(")")) {
// OK, close paren
} else {
throw parseError("expecting a close parentheses ')' here, not: " + t);
} else if (Tokens.isValueWithType(t, ConfigValueType.STRING)) {
children.add(new ConfigNodeSimpleValue(t));
} else {
throw parseError("include keyword is not followed by a quoted string, but by: " + t);
private ConfigNodeComplexValue parseObject(boolean hadOpenCurly) {
// invoked just after the OPEN_CURLY (or START, if !hadOpenCurly)
boolean afterComma = false;
Path lastPath = null;
boolean lastInsideEquals = false;
ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> objectNodes = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode>();
ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> keyValueNodes;
HashMap<String, Boolean> keys = new HashMap();
if (hadOpenCurly)
objectNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(Tokens.OPEN_CURLY));
while (true) {
Token t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(objectNodes);
if (t == Tokens.CLOSE_CURLY) {
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON && afterComma) {
throw parseError(addQuoteSuggestion(t.toString(),
"expecting a field name after a comma, got a close brace } instead"));
} else if (!hadOpenCurly) {
throw parseError(addQuoteSuggestion(t.toString(),
"unbalanced close brace '}' with no open brace"));
objectNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(Tokens.CLOSE_CURLY));
} else if (t == Tokens.END && !hadOpenCurly) {
} else if (flavor != ConfigSyntax.JSON && isIncludeKeyword(t)) {
objectNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
afterComma = false;
} else {
keyValueNodes = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode>();
Token keyToken = t;
ConfigNodePath path = parseKey(keyToken);
Token afterKey = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(keyValueNodes);
boolean insideEquals = false;
Token valueToken;
AbstractConfigNodeValue newValue;
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.CONF && afterKey == Tokens.OPEN_CURLY) {
// can omit the ':' or '=' before an object value
newValue = parseValue(afterKey);
} else {
if (!isKeyValueSeparatorToken(afterKey)) {
throw parseError(addQuoteSuggestion(afterKey.toString(),
"Key '" + path.render() + "' may not be followed by token: "
+ afterKey));
keyValueNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(afterKey));
if (afterKey == Tokens.EQUALS) {
insideEquals = true;
equalsCount += 1;
newValue = parseConcatenation(keyValueNodes);
if (newValue == null) {
newValue = parseValue(nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(keyValueNodes));
if (insideEquals) {
equalsCount -= 1;
lastInsideEquals = insideEquals;
String key = path.value().first();
Path remaining = path.value().remainder();
if (remaining == null) {
Boolean existing = keys.get(key);
if (existing != null) {
// In strict JSON, dups should be an error; while in
// our custom config language, they should be merged
// if the value is an object (or substitution that
// could become an object).
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
throw parseError("JSON does not allow duplicate fields: '"
+ key
+ "' was already seen");
keys.put(key, true);
} else {
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken(
"somehow got multi-element path in JSON mode");
keys.put(key, true);
afterComma = false;
objectNodes.add(new ConfigNodeField(keyValueNodes));
if (checkElementSeparator(objectNodes)) {
// continue looping
afterComma = true;
} else {
t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(objectNodes);
if (t == Tokens.CLOSE_CURLY) {
if (!hadOpenCurly) {
throw parseError(addQuoteSuggestion(lastPath, lastInsideEquals,
t.toString(), "unbalanced close brace '}' with no open brace"));
objectNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
} else if (hadOpenCurly) {
throw parseError(addQuoteSuggestion(lastPath, lastInsideEquals,
t.toString(), "Expecting close brace } or a comma, got " + t));
} else {
if (t == Tokens.END) {
} else {
throw parseError(addQuoteSuggestion(lastPath, lastInsideEquals,
t.toString(), "Expecting end of input or a comma, got " + t));
return new ConfigNodeComplexValue(objectNodes);
private ConfigNodeComplexValue parseArray() {
ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> children = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode>();
children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE));
// invoked just after the OPEN_SQUARE
arrayCount += 1;
Token t;
ConfigNodeComplexValue concatenation = parseConcatenation(children);
if (concatenation != null) {
concatenation = null;
} else {
t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(children);
// special-case the first element
if (t == Tokens.CLOSE_SQUARE) {
arrayCount -= 1;
children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
return new ConfigNodeComplexValue(children);
} else if (Tokens.isValue(t) || t == Tokens.OPEN_CURLY
|| t == Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE || Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)
|| Tokens.isSubstitution(t)) {
AbstractConfigNodeValue v = parseValue(t);
} else {
throw parseError(addKeyName("List should have ] or a first element after the open [, instead had token: "
+ t
+ " (if you want "
+ t
+ " to be part of a string value, then double-quote it)"));
// now remaining elements
while (true) {
// just after a value
if (checkElementSeparator(children)) {
// comma (or newline equivalent) consumed
} else {
t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(children);
if (t == Tokens.CLOSE_SQUARE) {
arrayCount -= 1;
children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
return new ConfigNodeComplexValue(children);
} else {
throw parseError(addKeyName("List should have ended with ] or had a comma, instead had token: "
+ t
+ " (if you want "
+ t
+ " to be part of a string value, then double-quote it)"));
// now just after a comma
concatenation = parseConcatenation(children);
if (concatenation != null) {
concatenation = null;
} else {
t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(children);
if (Tokens.isValue(t) || t == Tokens.OPEN_CURLY
|| t == Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE || Tokens.isUnquotedText(t)
|| Tokens.isSubstitution(t)) {
AbstractConfigNodeValue v = parseValue(t);
} else if (flavor != ConfigSyntax.JSON && t == Tokens.CLOSE_SQUARE) {
// we allow one trailing comma
} else {
throw parseError(addKeyName("List should have had new element after a comma, instead had token: "
+ t
+ " (if you want the comma or "
+ t
+ " to be part of a string value, then double-quote it)"));
ConfigNodeComplexValue parse() {
Token t = nextToken();
if (t == Tokens.START) {
// OK
} else {
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken(
"token stream did not begin with START, had " + t);
t = nextToken();
AbstractConfigNode result = null;
if (t == Tokens.OPEN_CURLY || t == Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE) {
result = parseValue(t);
} else {
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
if (t == Tokens.END) {
throw parseError("Empty document");
} else {
throw parseError("Document must have an object or array at root, unexpected token: "
+ t);
} else {
// the root object can omit the surrounding braces.
// this token should be the first field's key, or part
// of it, so put it back.
result = parseObject(false);
ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> children = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode>(((ConfigNodeComplexValue)result).children());
t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(children);
if (t == Tokens.END) {
return new ConfigNodeComplexValue(children);
} else {
throw parseError("Document has trailing tokens after first object or array: "
+ t);
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ final class ConfigNodeComplexValue extends AbstractConfigNodeValue {
this.children = new ArrayList(children);
final public Iterable<AbstractConfigNode> children() {
final public Collection<AbstractConfigNode> children() {
return children;
@ -3,10 +3,7 @@
package com.typesafe.config.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.*;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigException;
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
package com.typesafe.config.impl
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
class ConfigDocumentParserTest extends TestUtils{
private def parseTest(origText: String) {
val node = ConfigDocumentParser.parse(tokenize(origText))
assertEquals(origText, node.render())
def parseSuccess {
parseTest(" foo : bar ")
parseTest("""include "foo.conf" """)
// Can parse a map with all simple types
aUnquoted : bar
aString = "qux"
aSub = ${a.b}
include "foo.conf"
parseTest("{ foo : bar }")
parseTest("{foo:bar} ")
parseTest("""{include "foo.conf"}""")
//Is this valid?
//parseTest(" { foo : bar } ")
//Can parse a map with all simple types
aUnquoted : bar
aString = "qux"
aSub = ${a.b}
include "foo.conf"
// Test that maps can be nested within other maps
foo.bar.baz : {
qux : "abcdefg"
"abc".def."ghi" : 123
abc = { foo:bar }
qux = 123.456
// Test that comments can be parsed in maps
foo: bar
// This is a comment
baz:qux // This is another comment
// Basic array tests
// Test trailing comment and whitespace
parseTest("[foo,] ")
// Can parse arrays with all simple types
parseTest("""[foo, bar,"qux", 123,123.456, true,false, null, ${a.b}]""")
parseTest("""[foo, bar,"qux" , 123 , 123.456, true,false, null, ${a.b} ]""")
// Basic concatenation tests
parseTest("[foo bar baz qux]")
parseTest("{foo: foo bar baz qux}")
parseTest("[abc 123 123.456 null true false [1, 2, 3] {a:b}, 2]")
// Complex node with all types test
foo: bar baz qux ernie
// The above was a concatenation
baz = [ abc 123, {a:12
b: {
c: 13
d: {
a: 22
b: "abcdefg"
c: [1, 2, 3]
//The above value is a map containing a map containing a map, all in an array
// The below value is an array contained in another array
// This is a map with some nested maps and arrays within it, as well as some concatenations
qux {
baz: abc 123
bar: {
baz: abcdefg
bar: {
a: null
b: true
c: [true false 123, null, [1, 2, 3]]
// Did I cover everything?
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package com.typesafe.config.impl
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigNode
class ConfigNodeTest extends TestUtils {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user