Refactor Parser to parse ConfigNodes

Rename the Parser class to ConfigParser. Refactor ConfigParser
to parse ConfigNodes rather than Tokens.
This commit is contained in:
Preben Ingvaldsen 2015-03-23 13:53:20 -07:00
parent 05e7a0e176
commit 368ad614f8
12 changed files with 609 additions and 1043 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigSyntax;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigValueType;
final class ConfigDocumentParser {
static ConfigNodeComplexValue parse(Iterator<Token> tokens, ConfigParseOptions options) {
static ConfigNodeRoot parse(Iterator<Token> tokens, ConfigParseOptions options) {
ParseContext context = new ParseContext(options.getSyntax(), tokens);
return context.parse();
@ -74,11 +74,13 @@ final class ConfigDocumentParser {
private Token nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(Collection<AbstractConfigNode> nodes) {
while (true) {
Token t = nextToken();
if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t) || Tokens.isComment(t) || Tokens.isNewline(t) || isUnquotedWhitespace(t)) {
if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t) || Tokens.isNewline(t) || isUnquotedWhitespace(t)) {
nodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
if (Tokens.isNewline(t)) {
lineNumber = t.lineNumber() + 1;
} else if (Tokens.isComment(t)) {
nodes.add(new ConfigNodeComment(t));
} else {
int newNumber = t.lineNumber();
if (newNumber >= 0)
@ -112,8 +114,12 @@ final class ConfigDocumentParser {
boolean sawSeparatorOrNewline = false;
Token t = nextToken();
while (true) {
if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t) || isUnquotedWhitespace(t) || Tokens.isComment(t)) {
if (Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(t) || isUnquotedWhitespace(t)) {
//do nothing
} else if (Tokens.isComment(t)) {
nodes.add(new ConfigNodeComment(t));
t = nextToken();
} else if (Tokens.isNewline(t)) {
sawSeparatorOrNewline = true;
@ -344,7 +350,7 @@ final class ConfigDocumentParser {
private void parseInclude(ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> children) {
private ConfigNodeInclude parseInclude(ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> children) {
Token t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(children);
// we either have a quoted string or the "file()" syntax
@ -374,7 +380,7 @@ final class ConfigDocumentParser {
throw parseError("expecting a quoted string inside file(), classpath(), or url(), rather than: "
+ t);
children.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
children.add(new ConfigNodeSimpleValue(t));
// skip space after string, inside parens
t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(children);
@ -389,6 +395,7 @@ final class ConfigDocumentParser {
} else {
throw parseError("include keyword is not followed by a quoted string, but by: " + t);
return new ConfigNodeInclude(children);
private ConfigNodeComplexValue parseObject(boolean hadOpenCurly) {
@ -418,9 +425,9 @@ final class ConfigDocumentParser {
} else if (flavor != ConfigSyntax.JSON && isIncludeKeyword(t)) {
objectNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> includeNodes = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode>();
includeNodes.add(new ConfigNodeSingleToken(t));
afterComma = false;
} else {
keyValueNodes = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode>();
@ -602,7 +609,7 @@ final class ConfigDocumentParser {
ConfigNodeComplexValue parse() {
ConfigNodeRoot parse() {
ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> children = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode>();
Token t = nextToken();
if (t == Tokens.START) {
@ -614,6 +621,7 @@ final class ConfigDocumentParser {
t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(children);
AbstractConfigNode result = null;
boolean missingCurly = false;
if (t == Tokens.OPEN_CURLY || t == Tokens.OPEN_SQUARE) {
result = parseValue(t);
} else {
@ -629,18 +637,26 @@ final class ConfigDocumentParser {
// this token should be the first field's key, or part
// of it, so put it back.
missingCurly = true;
result = parseObject(false);
// Need to pull the children out of the resulting node so we can keep leading
// and trailing whitespace
// and trailing whitespace if this was a no-brace object. Otherwise, we need to add
// the result into the list of children.
if (result instanceof ConfigNodeObject && missingCurly) {
children.addAll(((ConfigNodeComplexValue) result).children());
} else {
t = nextTokenIgnoringWhitespace(children);
if (t == Tokens.END) {
if (result instanceof ConfigNodeArray) {
return new ConfigNodeArray(children);
if (missingCurly) {
// If there were no braces, the entire document should be treated as a single object
return new ConfigNodeRoot(Collections.singletonList(new ConfigNodeObject(children)));
} else {
return new ConfigNodeRoot(children);
return new ConfigNodeObject(children);
} else {
throw parseError("Document has trailing tokens after first object or array: "
+ t);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package com.typesafe.config.impl;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigException;
final class ConfigNodeComment extends ConfigNodeSingleToken {
ConfigNodeComment(Token comment) {
if (!Tokens.isComment(super.token)) {
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("Tried to create a ConfigNodeComment from a non-comment token");
protected String commentText() {
return Tokens.getCommentText(super.token);

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
final class ConfigNodeField extends AbstractConfigNode {
final private ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> children;
@ -52,4 +53,26 @@ final class ConfigNodeField extends AbstractConfigNode {
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("Field node doesn't have a path");
protected Token separator() {
for (AbstractConfigNode child : children) {
if (child instanceof ConfigNodeSingleToken) {
Token t = ((ConfigNodeSingleToken) child).token();
if (t == Tokens.PLUS_EQUALS || t == Tokens.COLON || t == Tokens.EQUALS) {
return t;
return null;
protected List<String> comments() {
List<String> comments = new ArrayList<String>();
for (AbstractConfigNode child : children) {
if (child instanceof ConfigNodeComment) {
comments.add(((ConfigNodeComment) child).commentText());
return comments;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package com.typesafe.config.impl;
import java.util.Collection;
final class ConfigNodeInclude extends ConfigNodeComplexValue {
ConfigNodeInclude(Collection<AbstractConfigNode> children) {
protected String kind() {
for (AbstractConfigNode n : children) {
if (n instanceof ConfigNodeSingleToken) {
Token t = ((ConfigNodeSingleToken) n).token();
if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(t) && !t.tokenText().equals("include") &&
t.tokenText().matches(".*\\w.*")) {
return t.tokenText();
return null;
protected String name() {
for (AbstractConfigNode n : children) {
if (n instanceof ConfigNodeSimpleValue) {
return (String)Tokens.getValue(((ConfigNodeSimpleValue) n).token()).unwrapped();
return null;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package com.typesafe.config.impl;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigException;
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigSyntax;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
final class ConfigNodeRoot extends ConfigNodeComplexValue {
ConfigNodeRoot(Collection<AbstractConfigNode> children) {
protected ConfigNodeComplexValue value() {
for (AbstractConfigNode node : children) {
if (node instanceof ConfigNodeComplexValue) {
return (ConfigNodeComplexValue)node;
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("ConfigNodeRoot did not contain a value");
protected ConfigNodeRoot setValue(String desiredPath, AbstractConfigNodeValue value, ConfigSyntax flavor) {
ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> childrenCopy = new ArrayList(children);
for (int i = 0; i < childrenCopy.size(); i++) {
AbstractConfigNode node = childrenCopy.get(i);
if (node instanceof ConfigNodeComplexValue) {
if (node instanceof ConfigNodeArray) {
throw new ConfigException.Generic("The ConfigDocument had an array at the root level, and values cannot be replaced inside an array.");
} else if (node instanceof ConfigNodeObject) {
childrenCopy.set(i, ((ConfigNodeObject) node).setValueOnPath(desiredPath, value, flavor));
return new ConfigNodeRoot(childrenCopy);
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("ConfigNodeRoot did not contain a value");

View File

@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ package com.typesafe.config.impl;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
class ConfigNodeSimpleValue extends AbstractConfigNodeValue {
final class ConfigNodeSimpleValue extends AbstractConfigNodeValue {
final Token token;
ConfigNodeSimpleValue(Token value) {
token = value;
@ -16,4 +17,21 @@ class ConfigNodeSimpleValue extends AbstractConfigNodeValue {
protected Collection<Token> tokens() {
return Collections.singletonList(token);
protected Token token() { return token; }
protected AbstractConfigValue value() {
if (Tokens.isValue(token))
return Tokens.getValue(token);
else if (Tokens.isUnquotedText(token))
return new ConfigString.Unquoted(token.origin(), Tokens.getUnquotedText(token));
else if (Tokens.isSubstitution(token)) {
List<Token> expression = Tokens.getSubstitutionPathExpression(token);
Path path = PathParser.parsePathExpression(expression.iterator(), token.origin());
boolean optional = Tokens.getSubstitutionOptional(token);
return new ConfigReference(token.origin(), new SubstitutionExpression(path, optional));
return null;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ package com.typesafe.config.impl;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
final class ConfigNodeSingleToken extends AbstractConfigNode{
class ConfigNodeSingleToken extends AbstractConfigNode {
final Token token;
ConfigNodeSingleToken(Token t) {
token = t;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Typesafe Inc. <>
package com.typesafe.config.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import com.typesafe.config.*;
final class ConfigParser {
static AbstractConfigValue parse(ConfigNodeRoot document,
ConfigOrigin origin, ConfigParseOptions options,
ConfigIncludeContext includeContext) {
ParseContext context = new ParseContext(options.getSyntax(), origin, document,
SimpleIncluder.makeFull(options.getIncluder()), includeContext);
return context.parse();
static private final class ParseContext {
private int lineNumber;
final private ConfigNodeRoot document;
final private FullIncluder includer;
final private ConfigIncludeContext includeContext;
final private ConfigSyntax flavor;
final private ConfigOrigin baseOrigin;
final private LinkedList<Path> pathStack;
// this is the number of "equals" we are inside,
// used to modify the error message to reflect that
// someone may think this is .properties format.
int equalsCount;
// the number of lists we are inside; this is used to detect the "cannot
// generate a reference to a list element" problem, and once we fix that
// problem we should be able to get rid of this variable.
int arrayCount;
ParseContext(ConfigSyntax flavor, ConfigOrigin origin, ConfigNodeRoot document,
FullIncluder includer, ConfigIncludeContext includeContext) {
lineNumber = 1;
this.document = document;
this.flavor = flavor;
this.baseOrigin = origin;
this.includer = includer;
this.includeContext = includeContext;
this.pathStack = new LinkedList<Path>();
this.equalsCount = 0;
this.arrayCount = 0;
// merge a bunch of adjacent values into one
// value; change unquoted text into a string
// value.
private AbstractConfigValue parseConcatenation(ConfigNodeConcatenation n) {
// this trick is not done in JSON
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON)
return null;
// create only if we have value tokens
List<AbstractConfigValue> values = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigValue>();
for (AbstractConfigNode node : n.children()) {
AbstractConfigValue v = null;
if (node instanceof AbstractConfigNodeValue) {
v = parseValue((AbstractConfigNodeValue)node, null);
return ConfigConcatenation.concatenate(values);
private SimpleConfigOrigin lineOrigin() {
return ((SimpleConfigOrigin) baseOrigin).withLineNumber(lineNumber);
private ConfigException parseError(String message) {
return parseError(message, null);
private ConfigException parseError(String message, Throwable cause) {
return new ConfigException.Parse(lineOrigin(), message, cause);
private Path fullCurrentPath() {
// pathStack has top of stack at front
if (pathStack.isEmpty())
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("Bug in parser; tried to get current path when at root");
return new Path(pathStack.descendingIterator());
private AbstractConfigValue parseValue(AbstractConfigNodeValue n, List<String> comments) {
AbstractConfigValue v;
int startingArrayCount = arrayCount;
int startingEqualsCount = equalsCount;
if (n instanceof ConfigNodeSimpleValue) {
v = ((ConfigNodeSimpleValue) n).value();
} else if (n instanceof ConfigNodeObject) {
v = parseObject((ConfigNodeObject)n);
} else if (n instanceof ConfigNodeArray) {
v = parseArray((ConfigNodeArray)n);
} else if (n instanceof ConfigNodeConcatenation) {
v = parseConcatenation((ConfigNodeConcatenation)n);
} else {
throw parseError("Expecting a value but got wrong node type: " + n.getClass());
if (comments != null && !comments.isEmpty()) {
v = v.withOrigin(v.origin().prependComments(new ArrayList(comments)));
if (arrayCount != startingArrayCount)
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("Bug in config parser: unbalanced array count");
if (equalsCount != startingEqualsCount)
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("Bug in config parser: unbalanced equals count");
return v;
private static AbstractConfigObject createValueUnderPath(Path path,
AbstractConfigValue value) {
// for path, we are creating
// { "foo" : { "bar" : value } }
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
String key = path.first();
Path remaining = path.remainder();
while (key != null) {
if (remaining == null) {
} else {
key = remaining.first();
remaining = remaining.remainder();
// the withComments(null) is to ensure comments are only
// on the exact leaf node they apply to.
// a comment before "" applies to the full setting
// "" not also to "foo"
ListIterator<String> i = keys.listIterator(keys.size());
String deepest = i.previous();
AbstractConfigObject o = new SimpleConfigObject(value.origin().withComments(null),
Collections.<String, AbstractConfigValue> singletonMap(
deepest, value));
while (i.hasPrevious()) {
Map<String, AbstractConfigValue> m = Collections.<String, AbstractConfigValue> singletonMap(
i.previous(), o);
o = new SimpleConfigObject(value.origin().withComments(null), m);
return o;
private void parseInclude(Map<String, AbstractConfigValue> values, ConfigNodeInclude n) {
AbstractConfigObject obj;
if (n.kind() != null) {
if (n.kind().equals("url(")) {
URL url;
try {
url = new URL(;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw parseError("include url() specifies an invalid URL: " +, e);
obj = (AbstractConfigObject) includer.includeURL(includeContext, url);
} else if (n.kind().equals("file(")) {
obj = (AbstractConfigObject) includer.includeFile(includeContext,
new File(;
} else if (n.kind().equals("classpath(")) {
obj = (AbstractConfigObject) includer.includeResources(includeContext,;
} else {
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken("should not be reached");
} else {
obj = (AbstractConfigObject) includer
// we really should make this work, but for now throwing an
// exception is better than producing an incorrect result.
// See
if (arrayCount > 0 && obj.resolveStatus() != ResolveStatus.RESOLVED)
throw parseError("Due to current limitations of the config parser, when an include statement is nested inside a list value, "
+ "${} substitutions inside the included file cannot be resolved correctly. Either move the include outside of the list value or "
+ "remove the ${} statements from the included file.");
if (!pathStack.isEmpty()) {
Path prefix = fullCurrentPath();
obj = obj.relativized(prefix);
for (String key : obj.keySet()) {
AbstractConfigValue v = obj.get(key);
AbstractConfigValue existing = values.get(key);
if (existing != null) {
values.put(key, v.withFallback(existing));
} else {
values.put(key, v);
private AbstractConfigObject parseObject(ConfigNodeObject n) {
// invoked just after the OPEN_CURLY (or START, if !hadOpenCurly)
Map<String, AbstractConfigValue> values = new HashMap<String, AbstractConfigValue>();
SimpleConfigOrigin objectOrigin = lineOrigin();
boolean lastWasNewline = false;
ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode> nodes = new ArrayList(n.children());
List<String> comments = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
AbstractConfigNode node = nodes.get(i);
if (node instanceof ConfigNodeComment) {
lastWasNewline = false;
comments.add(((ConfigNodeComment) node).commentText());
} else if (node instanceof ConfigNodeSingleToken && Tokens.isNewline(((ConfigNodeSingleToken) node).token())) {
if (lastWasNewline) {
// Drop all comments if there was a blank line and start a new comment block
lastWasNewline = true;
} else if (flavor != ConfigSyntax.JSON && node instanceof ConfigNodeInclude) {
parseInclude(values, (ConfigNodeInclude)node);
lastWasNewline = false;
} else if (node instanceof ConfigNodeField) {
lastWasNewline = false;
Path path = ((ConfigNodeField) node).path().value();
AbstractConfigNodeValue nodeValue = ((ConfigNodeField) node).value();
comments.addAll(((ConfigNodeField) node).comments());
boolean insideEquals = false;
// path must be on-stack while we parse the value
if (((ConfigNodeField) node).separator() == Tokens.PLUS_EQUALS) {
// we really should make this work, but for now throwing
// an exception is better than producing an incorrect
// result. See
if (arrayCount > 0)
throw parseError("Due to current limitations of the config parser, += does not work nested inside a list. "
+ "+= expands to a ${} substitution and the path in ${} cannot currently refer to list elements. "
+ "You might be able to move the += outside of the list and then refer to it from inside the list with ${}.");
// because we will put it in an array after the fact so
// we want this to be incremented during the parseValue
// below in order to throw the above exception.
arrayCount += 1;
AbstractConfigNodeValue valueNode;
AbstractConfigValue newValue;
if (((ConfigNodeField) node).separator() == Tokens.EQUALS) {
insideEquals = true;
equalsCount += 1;
valueNode = ((ConfigNodeField) node).value();
// comments from the key token go to the value token
//newValue = parseValue(valueToken.prepend(keyToken.comments));
newValue = parseValue(valueNode, comments);
if (((ConfigNodeField) node).separator() == Tokens.PLUS_EQUALS) {
arrayCount -= 1;
List<AbstractConfigValue> concat = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigValue>(2);
AbstractConfigValue previousRef = new ConfigReference(newValue.origin(),
new SubstitutionExpression(fullCurrentPath(), true /* optional */));
AbstractConfigValue list = new SimpleConfigList(newValue.origin(),
newValue = ConfigConcatenation.concatenate(concat);
// Grab any trailing comments on the same line
if (i < nodes.size() - 1) {
while (i < nodes.size()) {
if (nodes.get(i) instanceof ConfigNodeComment) {
ConfigNodeComment comment = (ConfigNodeComment) nodes.get(i);
newValue = newValue.withOrigin(newValue.origin().appendComments(
} else if (nodes.get(i) instanceof ConfigNodeSingleToken) {
ConfigNodeSingleToken curr = (ConfigNodeSingleToken) nodes.get(i);
if (curr.token() == Tokens.COMMA || Tokens.isIgnoredWhitespace(curr.token())) {
// keep searching, as there could still be a comment
} else {
} else {
if (insideEquals) {
equalsCount -= 1;
String key = path.first();
Path remaining = path.remainder();
if (remaining == null) {
AbstractConfigValue existing = values.get(key);
if (existing != null) {
// In strict JSON, dups should be an error; while in
// our custom config language, they should be merged
// if the value is an object (or substitution that
// could become an object).
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
throw parseError("JSON does not allow duplicate fields: '"
+ key
+ "' was already seen at "
+ existing.origin().description());
} else {
newValue = newValue.withFallback(existing);
values.put(key, newValue);
} else {
if (flavor == ConfigSyntax.JSON) {
throw new ConfigException.BugOrBroken(
"somehow got multi-element path in JSON mode");
AbstractConfigObject obj = createValueUnderPath(
remaining, newValue);
AbstractConfigValue existing = values.get(key);
if (existing != null) {
obj = obj.withFallback(existing);
values.put(key, obj);
return new SimpleConfigObject(objectOrigin, values);
private SimpleConfigList parseArray(ConfigNodeArray n) {
// invoked just after the OPEN_SQUARE
arrayCount += 1;
SimpleConfigOrigin arrayOrigin = lineOrigin();
List<AbstractConfigValue> values = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigValue>();
boolean lastWasNewLine = false;
List<String> comments = new ArrayList<String>();
AbstractConfigValue v = null;
// now remaining elements
for (AbstractConfigNode node : n.children()) {
if (node instanceof ConfigNodeComment) {
comments.add(((ConfigNodeComment) node).commentText());
lastWasNewLine = false;
} else if (node instanceof ConfigNodeSingleToken && Tokens.isNewline(((ConfigNodeSingleToken) node).token())) {
if (lastWasNewLine && v == null) {
} else if (v != null) {
values.add(v.withOrigin(v.origin().appendComments(new ArrayList(comments))));
v = null;
lastWasNewLine = true;
} else if (node instanceof AbstractConfigNodeValue) {
lastWasNewLine = false;
if (v != null) {
values.add(v.withOrigin(v.origin().appendComments(new ArrayList(comments))));
v = parseValue((AbstractConfigNodeValue)node, comments);
// There shouldn't be any comments at this point, but add them just in case
if (v != null) {
values.add(v.withOrigin(v.origin().appendComments(new ArrayList(comments))));
arrayCount -= 1;
return new SimpleConfigList(arrayOrigin, values);
AbstractConfigValue parse() {
AbstractConfigValue result = null;
ArrayList<String> comments = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean lastWasNewLine = false;
for (AbstractConfigNode node : document.children()) {
if (node instanceof ConfigNodeComment) {
comments.add(((ConfigNodeComment) node).commentText());
lastWasNewLine = false;
} else if (node instanceof ConfigNodeSingleToken) {
Token t = ((ConfigNodeSingleToken) node).token();
if (Tokens.isNewline(t)) {
if (lastWasNewLine && result == null) {
} else if (result != null) {
result = result.withOrigin(result.origin().appendComments(new ArrayList(comments)));
lastWasNewLine = true;
} else if (node instanceof ConfigNodeComplexValue) {
result = parseValue((ConfigNodeComplexValue)node, comments);
lastWasNewLine = false;
return result;

View File

@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ public abstract class Parseable implements ConfigParseable {
return rawParseDocument(origin, finalOptions);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (finalOptions.getAllowMissing()) {
return new SimpleConfigDocument(new ConfigNodeObject(new ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode>()), finalOptions);
return new SimpleConfigDocument(new ConfigNodeRoot(Collections.singletonList(new ConfigNodeObject(new ArrayList<AbstractConfigNode>()))), finalOptions);
} else {
trace("exception loading " + origin.description() + ": " + e.getClass().getName()
+ ": " + e.getMessage());
@ -254,7 +254,9 @@ public abstract class Parseable implements ConfigParseable {
return PropertiesParser.parse(reader, origin);
} else {
Iterator<Token> tokens = Tokenizer.tokenize(origin, reader, finalOptions.getSyntax());
return Parser.parse(tokens, origin, finalOptions, includeContext());
ConfigNodeRoot document = ConfigDocumentParser.parse(tokens, finalOptions);
return ConfigParser.parse(document, origin, finalOptions, includeContext());
//return Parser.parse(tokens, origin, finalOptions, includeContext());

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -9,25 +9,22 @@ import;
import java.util.Iterator;
final class SimpleConfigDocument implements ConfigDocument {
private ConfigNodeComplexValue configNodeTree;
private ConfigNodeRoot configNodeTree;
private ConfigParseOptions parseOptions;
SimpleConfigDocument(ConfigNodeComplexValue parsedNode, ConfigParseOptions parseOptions) {
SimpleConfigDocument(ConfigNodeRoot parsedNode, ConfigParseOptions parseOptions) {
configNodeTree = parsedNode;
this.parseOptions = parseOptions;
public ConfigDocument setValue(String path, String newValue) {
if (configNodeTree instanceof ConfigNodeArray) {
throw new ConfigException.Generic("The ConfigDocument had an array at the root level, and values cannot be replaced inside an array.");
SimpleConfigOrigin origin = SimpleConfigOrigin.newSimple("single value parsing");
StringReader reader = new StringReader(newValue);
Iterator<Token> tokens = Tokenizer.tokenize(origin, reader, parseOptions.getSyntax());
AbstractConfigNodeValue parsedValue = ConfigDocumentParser.parseValue(tokens, parseOptions);
return new SimpleConfigDocument(((ConfigNodeObject)configNodeTree).setValueOnPath(path, parsedValue, parseOptions.getSyntax()), parseOptions);
return new SimpleConfigDocument(configNodeTree.setValue(path, parsedValue, parseOptions.getSyntax()), parseOptions);
public ConfigDocument setValue(String path, ConfigValue newValue) {

View File

@ -567,6 +567,14 @@ class ConfParserTest extends TestUtils {
assertComments(Seq(" BeforeCommaElementSameLine"), conf22, "foo", 0)
// comment with a line containing only whitespace after is dropped
val conf23 = parseConfig("""
{ # BlankAfter
foo=10 }
assertComments(Seq(), conf23, "foo")