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# UnixBench v5.1.3
# Based on The BYTE UNIX Benchmarks - Release 3
# Module: Makefile SID: 3.9 5/15/91 19:30:15
# Bug reports, patches, comments, suggestions should be sent to:
# David C Niemi <niemi@tux.org>
# Original Contacts at Byte Magazine:
# Ben Smith or Tom Yager at BYTE Magazine
# bensmith@bytepb.byte.com tyager@bytepb.byte.com
# Modification Log: 7/28/89 cleaned out workload files
# 4/17/90 added routines for installing from shar mess
# 7/23/90 added compile for dhrystone version 2.1
# (this is not part of Run file. still use old)
# removed HZ from everything but dhry.
# HZ is read from the environment, if not
# there, you must define it in this file
# 10/30/90 moved new dhrystone into standard set
# new pgms (dhry included) run for a specified
# time rather than specified number of loops
# 4/5/91 cleaned out files not needed for
# release 3 -- added release 3 files -ben
# 10/22/97 added compiler options for strict ANSI C
# checking for gcc and DEC's cc on
# Digital Unix 4.x (kahn@zk3.dec.com)
# 09/26/07 changes for UnixBench 5.0
# 09/30/07 adding ubgears, GRAPHIC_TESTS switch
# 10/14/07 adding large.txt
# 01/13/11 added support for parallel compilation
SHELL = /bin/sh
# GRAPHICS TESTS: Uncomment the definition of "GRAPHIC_TESTS" to enable
# the building of the graphics benchmarks. This will require the
# X11 libraries on your system.
# Comment the line out to disable these tests.
# GRAPHIC_TESTS = defined
# Set "GL_LIBS" to the libraries needed to link a GL program.
GL_LIBS = -lGL -lXext -lX11
# COMPILER CONFIGURATION: Set "CC" to the name of the compiler to use
# to build the binary benchmarks. You should also set "$cCompiler" in the
# Run script to the name of the compiler you want to test.
## Very generic
## For Linux 486/Pentium, GCC 2.7.x and 2.8.x
#OPTON = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -fforce-mem -ffast-math \
# -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2
## For Linux, GCC previous to 2.7.0
#OPTON = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -fforce-mem -ffast-math -m486
#OPTON = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -fforce-mem -ffast-math \
# -m386 -malign-loops=1 -malign-jumps=1 -malign-functions=1
## For Solaris 2, or general-purpose GCC 2.7.x
OPTON = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -ffast-math -Wall
## For Digital Unix v4.x, with DEC cc v5.x
#OPTON = -O4
#CFLAGS = -DTIME -std1 -verbose -w0
## generic gcc CFLAGS. -DTIME must be included.
CFLAGS = -DTIME -Wall -pedantic -ansi
# local directories
PROGDIR = ./pgms
SRCDIR = ./src
TESTDIR = ./testdir
RESULTDIR = ./results
TMPDIR = ./tmp
# other directories
INCLDIR = /usr/include
LIBDIR = /lib
SCRIPTS = unixbench.logo multi.sh tst.sh index.base
SOURCES = arith.c big.c context1.c \
dummy.c execl.c \
fstime.c hanoi.c \
pipe.c spawn.c \
syscall.c looper.c timeit.c time-polling.c \
dhry_1.c dhry_2.c dhry.h whets.c ubgears.c
TESTS = sort.src cctest.c dc.dat large.txt
# Program binaries.
BINS = $(PROGDIR)/arithoh $(PROGDIR)/register $(PROGDIR)/short \
$(PROGDIR)/int $(PROGDIR)/long $(PROGDIR)/float $(PROGDIR)/double \
$(PROGDIR)/hanoi $(PROGDIR)/syscall $(PROGDIR)/context1 \
$(PROGDIR)/pipe $(PROGDIR)/spawn $(PROGDIR)/execl \
$(PROGDIR)/dhry2 $(PROGDIR)/dhry2reg $(PROGDIR)/looper \
$(PROGDIR)/fstime $(PROGDIR)/whetstone-double $(GRAPHIC_BINS)
## These compile only on some platforms...
# $(PROGDIR)/poll $(PROGDIR)/poll2 $(PROGDIR)/select
# Required non-binary files.
REQD = $(BINS) $(PROGDIR)/unixbench.logo \
$(PROGDIR)/multi.sh $(PROGDIR)/tst.sh $(PROGDIR)/index.base \
$(PROGDIR)/gfx-x11 \
$(TESTDIR)/sort.src $(TESTDIR)/cctest.c $(TESTDIR)/dc.dat \
# ######################### the big ALL ############################
all: distr programs
## Ick!!! What is this about??? How about let's not chmod everything bogusly.
# @chmod 744 * $(SRCDIR)/* $(PROGDIR)/* $(TESTDIR)/* $(DOCDIR)/*
# ####################### a check for Run ######################
check: $(REQD)
make all
# ##############################################################
# distribute the files out to subdirectories if they are in this one
@echo "Checking distribution of files"
# scripts
@if test ! -d $(PROGDIR) \
; then \
mkdir $(PROGDIR) \
; mv $(SCRIPTS) $(PROGDIR) \
; else \
echo "$(PROGDIR) exists" \
; fi
# C sources
@if test ! -d $(SRCDIR) \
; then \
mkdir $(SRCDIR) \
; mv $(SOURCES) $(SRCDIR) \
; else \
echo "$(SRCDIR) exists" \
; fi
# test data
@if test ! -d $(TESTDIR) \
; then \
mkdir $(TESTDIR) \
; mv $(TESTS) $(TESTDIR) \
; else \
echo "$(TESTDIR) exists" \
; fi
# temporary work directory
@if test ! -d $(TMPDIR) \
; then \
mkdir $(TMPDIR) \
; else \
echo "$(TMPDIR) exists" \
; fi
# directory for results
@if test ! -d $(RESULTDIR) \
; then \
mkdir $(RESULTDIR) \
; else \
echo "$(RESULTDIR) exists" \
; fi
programs: $(BINS)
# Individual programs
$(PROGDIR)/arithoh: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/arithoh ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Darithoh $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/register: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/register ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum='register int' $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/short: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/short ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum=short $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/int: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/int ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum=int $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/long: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/long ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum=long $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/float: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/float ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum=float $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/double: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/double ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum=double $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/whetstone-double: $(SRCDIR)/whets.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/whetstone-double ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -DDP -DUNIX -DUNIXBENCH $(SRCDIR)/whets.c -lm
$(PROGDIR)/hanoi: $(SRCDIR)/hanoi.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/hanoi ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/hanoi.c
$(PROGDIR)/poll: $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(CC) -DHAS_POLL -DUNIXBENCH -o $(PROGDIR)/poll ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(PROGDIR)/poll2: $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(CC) -DHAS_POLL2 -DUNIXBENCH -o $(PROGDIR)/poll2 ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(PROGDIR)/select: $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(CC) -DHAS_SELECT -DUNIXBENCH -o $(PROGDIR)/select ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(PROGDIR)/fstime: $(SRCDIR)/fstime.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/fstime ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/fstime.c
$(PROGDIR)/syscall: $(SRCDIR)/syscall.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/syscall ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/syscall.c
$(PROGDIR)/context1: $(SRCDIR)/context1.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/context1 ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/context1.c
$(PROGDIR)/pipe: $(SRCDIR)/pipe.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/pipe ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/pipe.c
$(PROGDIR)/spawn: $(SRCDIR)/spawn.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/spawn ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/spawn.c
$(PROGDIR)/execl: $(SRCDIR)/execl.c $(SRCDIR)/big.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/execl ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/execl.c
$(PROGDIR)/dhry2: $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry.h
cd $(SRCDIR); $(CC) -c ${CFLAGS} -DHZ=${HZ} ${OPTON} dhry_1.c
cd $(SRCDIR); $(CC) -c ${CFLAGS} -DHZ=${HZ} ${OPTON} dhry_2.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/dhry2 ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1.o $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2.o
cd $(SRCDIR); rm -f dhry_1.o dhry_2.o
$(PROGDIR)/dhry2reg: $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry.h
cd $(SRCDIR); $(CC) -c ${CFLAGS} -DREG=register -DHZ=${HZ} ${OPTON} dhry_1.c -o dhry_1_reg.o
cd $(SRCDIR); $(CC) -c ${CFLAGS} -DREG=register -DHZ=${HZ} ${OPTON} dhry_2.c -o dhry_2_reg.o
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/dhry2reg ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1_reg.o $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2_reg.o
cd $(SRCDIR); rm -f dhry_1_reg.o dhry_2_reg.o
$(PROGDIR)/looper: $(SRCDIR)/looper.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/looper ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/looper.c
$(PROGDIR)/ubgears: $(SRCDIR)/ubgears.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/ubgears ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/ubgears.c $(GL_LIBS)
# Run the benchmarks and create the reports
sh ./Run
rm -f $(BINS) core *~ */*~
spotless: clean
rm -f $(RESULTDIR)/* $(TMPDIR)/*
## END ##