mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 00:00:07 +08:00
Merge pull request #34 from gstrauss/Makefile-modernization
Makefile modernization. Looks good. Let's merge and see if anyone finds issues they cannot resolve.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
# 09/30/07 adding ubgears, GRAPHIC_TESTS switch
# 10/14/07 adding large.txt
# 01/13/11 added support for parallel compilation
# 01/07/16 [refer to version control commit messages and
# cease using two-digit years in date formats]
@ -39,9 +41,9 @@
SHELL = /bin/sh
# GRAPHICS TESTS: Uncomment the definition of "GRAPHIC_TESTS" to enable
# GRAPHIC TESTS: Uncomment the definition of "GRAPHIC_TESTS" to enable
# the building of the graphics benchmarks. This will require the
# X11 libraries on your system.
# X11 libraries on your system. (e.g. libX11-devel mesa-libGL-devel)
# Comment the line out to disable these tests.
# GRAPHIC_TESTS = defined
@ -71,14 +73,33 @@ CC=gcc
# -m386 -malign-loops=1 -malign-jumps=1 -malign-functions=1
## For Solaris 2, or general-purpose GCC 2.7.x
OPTON = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -ffast-math -Wall
#OPTON = -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -ffast-math -Wall
## For Digital Unix v4.x, with DEC cc v5.x
#OPTON = -O4
#CFLAGS = -DTIME -std1 -verbose -w0
## gcc optimization flags
## (-ffast-math) disables strict IEEE or ISO rules/specifications for math funcs
OPTON = -O3 -ffast-math
## OS detection. Comment out if gmake syntax not supported by other 'make'.
OSNAME:=$(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(OSNAME),Linux)
OPTON += -march=native -mtune=native
ifeq ($(OSNAME),Darwin)
# (adjust flags or comment out this section for older versions of XCode or OS X)
# (-mmacosx-versin-min= requires at least that version of SDK be installed)
OPTON += -march=native -mmacosx-version-min=10.10
CFLAGS += -Wa,-q
## generic gcc CFLAGS. -DTIME must be included.
CFLAGS = -DTIME -Wall -pedantic -ansi
CFLAGS = -Wall -pedantic $(OPTON) -I $(SRCDIR) -DTIME
@ -104,7 +125,7 @@ SOURCES = arith.c big.c context1.c \
dhry_1.c dhry_2.c dhry.h whets.c ubgears.c
TESTS = sort.src cctest.c dc.dat large.txt
ifneq (,$(GRAPHIC_TESTS))
@ -128,13 +149,15 @@ REQD = $(BINS) $(PROGDIR)/unixbench.logo \
# ######################### the big ALL ############################
all: distr programs
## Ick!!! What is this about??? How about let's not chmod everything bogusly.
# @chmod 744 * $(SRCDIR)/* $(PROGDIR)/* $(TESTDIR)/* $(DOCDIR)/*
$(MAKE) distr
$(MAKE) programs
# ####################### a check for Run ######################
check: $(REQD)
make all
$(MAKE) all
# ##############################################################
# distribute the files out to subdirectories if they are in this one
@ -178,76 +201,86 @@ distr:
echo "$(RESULTDIR) exists" \
; fi
.PHONY: all check distr programs run clean spotless
programs: $(BINS)
# (use $< to link only the first dependency, instead of $^,
# since the programs matching this pattern have only
# one input file, and others are #include "xxx.c"
# within the first. (not condoning, just documenting))
# (dependencies could be generated by modern compilers,
# but let's not assume modern compilers are present)
$(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $< $(LDFLAGS)
# Individual programs
$(PROGDIR)/arithoh: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/arithoh ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Darithoh $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/register: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/register ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum='register int' $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/short: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/short ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum=short $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/int: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/int ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum=int $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/long: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/long ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum=long $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/float: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/float ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum=float $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(PROGDIR)/double: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/double ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -Ddatum=double $(SRCDIR)/arith.c
# Sometimes the same source file is compiled in different ways.
# This limits the 'make' patterns that can usefully be applied.
$(PROGDIR)/arithoh: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/arithoh: CFLAGS += -Darithoh
$(PROGDIR)/register: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/register: CFLAGS += -Ddatum='register int'
$(PROGDIR)/short: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/short: CFLAGS += -Ddatum=short
$(PROGDIR)/int: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/int: CFLAGS += -Ddatum=int
$(PROGDIR)/long: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/long: CFLAGS += -Ddatum=long
$(PROGDIR)/float: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/float: CFLAGS += -Ddatum=float
$(PROGDIR)/double: $(SRCDIR)/arith.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/double: CFLAGS += -Ddatum=double
$(PROGDIR)/poll: $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(PROGDIR)/poll2: $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(PROGDIR)/select: $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(PROGDIR)/whetstone-double: $(SRCDIR)/whets.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/whetstone-double ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} -DDP -DUNIX -DUNIXBENCH $(SRCDIR)/whets.c -lm
$(PROGDIR)/hanoi: $(SRCDIR)/hanoi.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/hanoi ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/hanoi.c
$(PROGDIR)/whetstone-double: CFLAGS += -DDP -DUNIX -DUNIXBENCH
$(PROGDIR)/whetstone-double: LDFLAGS += -lm
$(PROGDIR)/poll: $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(CC) -DHAS_POLL -DUNIXBENCH -o $(PROGDIR)/poll ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(PROGDIR)/pipe: $(SRCDIR)/pipe.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/poll2: $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(CC) -DHAS_POLL2 -DUNIXBENCH -o $(PROGDIR)/poll2 ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(PROGDIR)/execl: $(SRCDIR)/execl.c $(SRCDIR)/big.c
$(PROGDIR)/select: $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(CC) -DHAS_SELECT -DUNIXBENCH -o $(PROGDIR)/select ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/time-polling.c
$(PROGDIR)/spawn: $(SRCDIR)/spawn.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/hanoi: $(SRCDIR)/hanoi.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/fstime: $(SRCDIR)/fstime.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/fstime ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/fstime.c
$(PROGDIR)/syscall: $(SRCDIR)/syscall.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/syscall ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/syscall.c
$(PROGDIR)/context1: $(SRCDIR)/context1.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/context1 ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/context1.c
$(PROGDIR)/pipe: $(SRCDIR)/pipe.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/pipe ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/pipe.c
$(PROGDIR)/spawn: $(SRCDIR)/spawn.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/spawn ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/spawn.c
$(PROGDIR)/execl: $(SRCDIR)/execl.c $(SRCDIR)/big.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/execl ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/execl.c
$(PROGDIR)/syscall: $(SRCDIR)/syscall.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/dhry2: $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry.h
cd $(SRCDIR); $(CC) -c ${CFLAGS} -DHZ=${HZ} ${OPTON} dhry_1.c
cd $(SRCDIR); $(CC) -c ${CFLAGS} -DHZ=${HZ} ${OPTON} dhry_2.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/dhry2 ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1.o $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2.o
cd $(SRCDIR); rm -f dhry_1.o dhry_2.o
$(PROGDIR)/dhry2reg: $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry.h
cd $(SRCDIR); $(CC) -c ${CFLAGS} -DREG=register -DHZ=${HZ} ${OPTON} dhry_1.c -o dhry_1_reg.o
cd $(SRCDIR); $(CC) -c ${CFLAGS} -DREG=register -DHZ=${HZ} ${OPTON} dhry_2.c -o dhry_2_reg.o
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/dhry2reg ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1_reg.o $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2_reg.o
cd $(SRCDIR); rm -f dhry_1_reg.o dhry_2_reg.o
$(PROGDIR)/context1: $(SRCDIR)/context1.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/looper: $(SRCDIR)/looper.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/looper ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/looper.c
$(PROGDIR)/looper: $(SRCDIR)/looper.c $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(PROGDIR)/ubgears: $(SRCDIR)/ubgears.c
$(CC) -o $(PROGDIR)/ubgears ${CFLAGS} ${OPTON} $(SRCDIR)/ubgears.c $(GL_LIBS)
$(PROGDIR)/ubgears: LDFLAGS += -lm $(GL_LIBS)
$(PROGDIR)/dhry2: CFLAGS += -DHZ=${HZ}
$(PROGDIR)/dhry2: $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2.c \
$(SRCDIR)/dhry.h $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(CC) -o $@ ${CFLAGS} $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2.c
$(PROGDIR)/dhry2reg: CFLAGS += -DHZ=${HZ} -DREG=register
$(PROGDIR)/dhry2reg: $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2.c \
$(SRCDIR)/dhry.h $(SRCDIR)/timeit.c
$(CC) -o $@ ${CFLAGS} $(SRCDIR)/dhry_1.c $(SRCDIR)/dhry_2.c
# Run the benchmarks and create the reports
sh ./Run
rm -f $(BINS) core *~ */*~
$(RM) $(BINS) core *~ */*~
spotless: clean
rm -f $(RESULTDIR)/* $(TMPDIR)/*
## END ##
@ -672,30 +672,48 @@ sub processCpuFlags {
# these fields:
# describing the model etc. Returns undef if the information can't be got.
sub getCpuInfo {
open(my $fd, "<", "/proc/cpuinfo") || return undef;
if (!("$^O" eq "darwin")) {
open(my $fd, "<", "/proc/cpuinfo") || return undef;
my $cpus = [ ];
my $cpu = 0;
while (<$fd>) {
my ( $field, $val ) = split(/[ \t]*:[ \t]*/);
next if (!$field || !$val);
if ($field eq "processor") {
$cpu = $val;
} elsif ($field eq "model name") {
my $model = $val;
$model =~ s/ +/ /g;
$cpus->[$cpu]{'model'} = $model;
} elsif ($field eq "bogomips") {
$cpus->[$cpu]{'bogo'} = $val;
} elsif ($field eq "flags") {
$cpus->[$cpu]{'flags'} = processCpuFlags($val);
my $cpus = [ ];
my $cpu = 0;
while (<$fd>) {
my ( $field, $val ) = split(/[ \t]*:[ \t]*/);
next if (!$field || !$val);
if ($field eq "processor") {
$cpu = $val;
} elsif ($field eq "model name") {
my $model = $val;
$model =~ s/ +/ /g;
$cpus->[$cpu]{'model'} = $model;
} elsif ($field eq "bogomips") {
$cpus->[$cpu]{'bogo'} = $val;
} elsif ($field eq "flags") {
$cpus->[$cpu]{'flags'} = processCpuFlags($val);
} else {
my $model = getCmdOutput("sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string");
my $flags = getCmdOutput("sysctl -n machdep.cpu.features | tr [A-Z] [a-z]");
my $ncpu = getCmdOutput("sysctl -n hw.ncpu");
my $cpus = [ ];
my $cpu = 0;
for ($cpu = 0; $cpu < $ncpu; $cpu++) {
$cpus->[$cpu]{'model'} = $model;
$cpus->[$cpu]{'bogo'} = 0;
$cpus->[$cpu]{'flags'} = processCpuFlags($flags);
@ -723,7 +741,7 @@ sub getSystemInfo {
$info->{'osRel'} = getCmdOutput("uname -r");
$info->{'osVer'} = getCmdOutput("uname -v");
$info->{'mach'} = getCmdOutput("uname -m");
$info->{'platform'} = getCmdOutput("uname -i");
$info->{'platform'} = getCmdOutput("uname -i") || "unknown";
# Get the system name (SUSE, Red Hat, etc.) if possible.
$info->{'system'} = $info->{'os'};
@ -735,9 +753,9 @@ sub getSystemInfo {
# Get the language info.
my $lang = getCmdOutput("printenv LANG");
my $map = getCmdOutput("locale -k LC_CTYPE | grep charmap");
my $map = getCmdOutput("locale -k LC_CTYPE | grep charmap") || "";
$map =~ s/.*=//;
my $coll = getCmdOutput("locale -k LC_COLLATE | grep collate-codeset");
my $coll = getCmdOutput("locale -k LC_COLLATE | grep collate-codeset") || "";
$coll =~ s/.*=//;
$info->{'language'} = sprintf "%s (charmap=%s, collate=%s)",
$lang, $map, $coll;
@ -753,7 +771,7 @@ sub getSystemInfo {
$info->{'graphics'} = getCmdOutput("3dinfo | cut -f1 -d\'(\'");
# Get system run state, load and usage info.
$info->{'runlevel'} = getCmdOutput("runlevel | cut -f2 -d\" \"");
$info->{'runlevel'} = getCmdOutput("who -r | awk '{print \$3}'");
$info->{'load'} = getCmdOutput("uptime");
$info->{'numUsers'} = getCmdOutput("who | wc -l");
@ -45,10 +45,7 @@
#define MAXCHILD 12
#define MAXWORK 10
/* Can't seem to get this declared in the headers... */
extern int kill(pid_t pid, int sig);
void wrapup(char *);
void wrapup(const char *);
void onalarm(int);
void pipeerr();
void grunt();
@ -56,7 +53,7 @@ void getwork(void);
#if debug
void dumpwork(void);
void fatal(char *s);
void fatal(const char *s);
float thres;
float est_rate = DEF_RATE;
@ -420,7 +417,7 @@ void pipeerr()
void wrapup(char *reason)
void wrapup(const char *reason)
int i;
int killed = 0;
@ -449,7 +446,6 @@ void getwork(void)
char *q = (void *)0;
struct st_work *w = (void *)0;
char line[MAXLINE];
char c;
while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, stdin) != NULL) {
if (nwork >= MAXWORK) {
@ -492,7 +488,6 @@ void getwork(void)
/* standard input for this job */
q = ++lp;
while (*lp && *lp != ' ') lp++;
c = *lp;
*lp = '\0';
if ((f = open(q, 0)) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open input file (%s) for job %d\n",
@ -580,10 +575,10 @@ void dumpwork(void)
void fatal(char *s)
void fatal(const char *s)
int i;
fprintf(stderr, s);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", s);
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ char *argv[];
int duration;
unsigned long check;
int p1[2], p2[2];
ssize_t ret;
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: context duration\n");
@ -70,8 +71,8 @@ char *argv[];
perror("master write failed");
if (read(p2[0], (char *)&check, sizeof(check)) != sizeof(check)) {
if ((errno != 0) && (errno != EINTR))
if ((ret = read(p2[0], (char *)&check, sizeof(check))) != sizeof(check)) {
if ((ret == -1) && (errno != 0) && (errno != EINTR))
perror("master read failed");
@ -90,8 +91,8 @@ char *argv[];
/* slave, read p1 & write p2 */
close(p1[1]); close(p2[0]);
while (1) {
if (read(p1[0], (char *)&check, sizeof(check)) != sizeof(check)) {
if ((errno != 0) && (errno != EINTR))
if ((ret = read(p1[0], (char *)&check, sizeof(check))) != sizeof(check)) {
if ((ret == -1) && (errno != 0) && (errno != EINTR))
perror("slave read failed");
@ -74,15 +74,13 @@ Enumeration Func_1 ();
/* variables for time measurement: */
#ifdef TIMES
struct tms time_info;
extern int times ();
/* see library function "times" */
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#define Too_Small_Time 120
/* Measurements should last at least about 2 seconds */
#ifdef TIME
extern long time();
/* see library function "time" */
#include <time.h>
#define Too_Small_Time 2
/* Measurements should last at least 2 seconds */
@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ char SCCSid[] = "@(#) @(#)fstime.c:3.5 -- 5/15/91 19:30:19";
#define FNAME0 "dummy0"
#define FNAME1 "dummy1"
extern void sync(void);
int w_test(int timeSecs);
int r_test(int timeSecs);
int c_test(int timeSecs);
@ -318,7 +316,6 @@ int r_test(int timeSecs)
unsigned long tmp;
double start, end;
extern int sigalarm;
extern int errno;
/* Sync and let it settle */
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ char *argv[];
fprintf(stderr,"%s: fork failed\n", argv[0]);
} else if (pid == 0) {
execl("/bin/true", (char *) 0);
execl("/bin/true", "/bin/true", (char *) 0);
fprintf(stderr,"%s: exec /bin/true failed\n", argv[0]);
} else {
@ -80,6 +80,8 @@
typedef int flag;
static inline int find_first_set_bit (CONST void *array, int size)
@ -144,6 +146,8 @@ static int find_next_set_bit (CONST void *array, int size, int offset)
return (find_first_set_bit (++ul_array, size - index) + index);
} /* End Function find_next_set_bit */
#endif /* HAS_SELECT */
struct callback_struct
@ -245,7 +249,7 @@ static void time_poll (struct pollfd *pollfd_array, int start_index,
short revents;
int fd, count, nready;
struct timeval time1, time2;
struct pollfd *pollfd_ptr, *stop_pollfd;
struct pollfd *pollfd_ptr;
/* Warm the cache a bit */
poll (pollfd_array + start_index, num_to_test, 0);
@ -264,11 +268,11 @@ static void time_poll (struct pollfd *pollfd_array, int start_index,
fprintf (stderr, "Error: nready: %d\n", nready);
exit (1);
stop_pollfd = pollfd_array + start_index + num_to_test;
for (pollfd_ptr = pollfd_array + start_index; TRUE; ++pollfd_ptr)
for (pollfd_ptr = pollfd_array + start_index; nready; ++pollfd_ptr)
if (pollfd_ptr->revents == 0) continue;
/* Have an active descriptor */
revents = pollfd_ptr->revents;
fd = pollfd_ptr->fd;
if (revents & POLLPRI)
@ -277,7 +281,6 @@ static void time_poll (struct pollfd *pollfd_array, int start_index,
(*callbacks[fd].input_func) (callbacks[fd].info);
if (revents & POLLOUT)
(*callbacks[fd].output_func) (callbacks[fd].info);
if (--nready == 0) break;
gettimeofday (&time2, NULL);
times[count] = (time2.tv_sec - time1.tv_sec) * 1000000;
@ -373,9 +376,6 @@ char *argv[];
struct poll2ofd poll2ofd_array[MAX_FDS];
long poll2_times[MAX_ITERATIONS];
#if 0
extern char *sys_errlist[];
FD_ZERO (&input_fds);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user