# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import asyncio import dataclasses import logging import os import re from typing import * import aiohttp from . import ( __version__, client as cli, exc, handlers, models, ) __all__ = ( 'init', 'shut_down', 'set_msg_handler', 'is_sdk_version_compatible', 'get_blc_port', 'get_blc_version', 'get_blc_sdk_version', 'get_plugin_id', 'log', 'send_text', 'get_rooms', ) logger = logging.getLogger('blcsdk') # 环境变量 _blc_port = 0 """服务器端口""" _blc_base_url = '' """HTTP API的URL""" _token = '' """插件认证用的token""" # 初始化消息 _init_future: Optional[asyncio.Future] = None """初始化消息的future""" _init_msg: Optional[dict] = None """初始化消息,包含版本等信息""" # 其他和blivechat通信用的对象 _http_session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None """插件请求专用的HTTP客户端""" _plugin_client: Optional[cli.BlcPluginClient] = None """插件客户端""" _msg_handler: Optional[handlers.HandlerInterface] = None """插件消息处理器""" _msg_handler_wrapper: Optional['_HandlerWrapper'] = None """用于SDK处理一些消息,然后转发给插件消息处理器""" async def init(): """ 初始化SDK 在调用除了set_msg_handler以外的其他接口之前必须先调用这个。如果抛出任何异常,应该退出当前程序 """ try: global _blc_port, _blc_base_url, _token, _init_future, _init_msg, _http_session, _plugin_client, \ _msg_handler_wrapper if _init_future is not None: raise exc.InitError('Cannot call init() again') _init_future = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future() # 初始化环境变量信息 _blc_port = int(os.environ['BLC_PORT']) _blc_base_url = f'http://localhost:{_blc_port}' blc_ws_url = f'ws://localhost:{_blc_port}/api/plugin/websocket' _token = os.environ['BLC_TOKEN'] _http_session = aiohttp.ClientSession( timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=10), headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {_token}'}, ) # 连接blivechat _msg_handler_wrapper = _HandlerWrapper() _plugin_client = cli.BlcPluginClient(blc_ws_url, session=_http_session) _plugin_client.set_handler(_msg_handler_wrapper) _plugin_client.start() # 等待初始化消息 _init_msg = await _init_future logger.debug('SDK initialized, _init_msg=%s', _init_msg) except exc.InitError: raise except Exception as e: raise exc.InitError(f'Error in init(): {e}') from e async def shut_down(): """退出程序之前建议调用""" if _plugin_client is not None: await _plugin_client.stop_and_close() if _http_session is not None: await _http_session.close() def set_msg_handler(handler: Optional[handlers.HandlerInterface]): """ 设置消息处理器 注意消息处理器和网络协程运行在同一个协程,如果处理消息耗时太长会阻塞接收消息。如果是CPU密集型的任务,建议将消息推到线程池处理; 如果是IO密集型的任务,应该使用async函数,并且在handler里使用create_task创建新的协程 :param handler: 消息处理器 """ global _msg_handler _msg_handler = handler class _HandlerWrapper(handlers.HandlerInterface): """用于SDK处理一些消息,然后转发给插件消息处理器""" def handle(self, client: cli.BlcPluginClient, command: dict): if not _init_future.done(): if command['cmd'] == models.Command.BLC_INIT: _init_future.set_result(command['data']) if _msg_handler is not None: _msg_handler.handle(client, command) def on_client_stopped(self, client: cli.BlcPluginClient, exception: Optional[Exception]): if not _init_future.done(): if exception is not None: _init_future.set_exception(exception) else: _init_future.set_exception(exc.InitError('Connection closed before init msg')) if _msg_handler is not None: _msg_handler.on_client_stopped(client, exception) def is_sdk_version_compatible(): """ 检查SDK版本和blivechat的版本是否兼容 如果不兼容,建议退出当前程序。如果继续执行有可能不能正常工作 """ assert _init_msg is not None, 'Please call init() first' version_pattern = r'(\d+)\.(\d+)\.\d+' remote_ver = get_blc_sdk_version() m = re.match(version_pattern, remote_ver) if m is None: raise exc.SdkError(f"Bad remote version format: {remote_ver}") remote_major_ver = m[1] remote_minor_ver = m[2] m = re.match(version_pattern, __version__) if m is None: raise exc.SdkError(f"Bad local version format: {__version__}") local_major_ver = m[1] local_minor_ver = m[2] res = ( remote_major_ver == local_major_ver and int(remote_minor_ver) >= int(local_minor_ver) ) if not res: logger.warning('SDK version is not compatible, remote=%s, local=%s', remote_ver, __version__) return res def get_blc_port(): """取blivechat服务器监听的端口""" assert _blc_port != 0, 'Please call init() first' return _blc_port def get_blc_version() -> str: """取blivechat版本""" assert _init_msg is not None, 'Please call init() first' return _init_msg['blcVersion'] def get_blc_sdk_version() -> str: """取blivechat用的SDK版本。是主进程用的版本,不是这个包的__version__""" assert _init_msg is not None, 'Please call init() first' return _init_msg['sdkVersion'] def get_plugin_id() -> str: """取当前插件的ID""" assert _init_msg is not None, 'Please call init() first' return _init_msg['pluginId'] async def _blc_ws_send_cmd_data(cmd: models.Command, data: dict): assert _plugin_client is not None, 'Please call init() first' try: await _plugin_client.send_cmd_data(cmd, data) except (ConnectionResetError, aiohttp.ClientError) as e: raise exc.TransportError(str(e)) from e def _blc_get(rel_url, *, params=None): return _blc_http_request('GET', rel_url, params=params) def _blc_post(rel_url, *, params=None, json=None): return _blc_http_request('POST', rel_url, params=params, json=json) async def _blc_http_request(method, rel_url, **kwargs): assert _http_session is not None, 'Please call init() first' try: async with _http_session.request(method, _blc_base_url + rel_url, **kwargs) as r: if r.ok: return await r.json() try: data = await r.json() except aiohttp.ContentTypeError: data = None raise exc.ResponseError(r.status, r.reason, data) except aiohttp.ClientError as e: raise exc.TransportError(str(e)) from e async def log(msg, level=logging.INFO): """ 输出日志到blivechat blivechat不会分离插件的控制台,所以直接输出到标准输出流、标准错误流也能看到日志,但是通过这个接口输出的还会写到blivechat的日志文件 """ await _blc_ws_send_cmd_data(models.Command.LOG_REQ, { 'msg': str(msg), 'level': level, }) async def send_text( content: str, author_name: str = '', *, uid: str = '', avatar_url: str = '', author_type: int = models.AuthorType.NORMAL.value, guard_level: int = models.GuardLevel.NONE.value, medal_level: int = 0, translation: str = '', room_key: Optional[models.RoomKey] = None, ): """ 发送文字消息 当前插件也会收到这条消息,注意避免死循环 :param content: 内容 :param author_name: 用户名,默认为当前插件ID :param uid: 用户Open ID或ID :param avatar_url: 用户头像URL,默认自动生成 :param author_type: 用户类型,见AuthorType :param guard_level: 舰队等级,见GuardLevel :param medal_level: 勋章等级 :param translation: 内容翻译 :param room_key: 发送到哪个房间,默认发送到所有房间 """ await _blc_ws_send_cmd_data(models.Command.ADD_TEXT_REQ, { 'content': content, 'authorName': author_name, 'uid': uid, 'avatarUrl': avatar_url, 'authorType': author_type, 'guardLevel': guard_level, 'medalLevel': medal_level, 'translation': translation, 'roomKey': room_key.to_dict() if room_key is not None else None, }) @dataclasses.dataclass class GetRoomsRes: room_id: Optional[int] """房间ID,初始化之前是None""" room_key: models.RoomKey """blivechat用来标识一个房间的key""" async def get_rooms() -> List[GetRoomsRes]: """取当前已创建的房间列表""" rsp = await _blc_get('/api/plugin/rooms') rooms = [ GetRoomsRes( room_id=room_dict['roomId'], room_key=models.RoomKey.from_dict(room_dict['roomKey']), ) for room_dict in rsp['rooms'] ] return rooms