ywmoyue 563dd3f723
修复gRPC协议文件的一些错误 (#743)
* 修复一些协议文件错误

* 删除上次提交添加的无效注释

* 修复类型包名错误

* 修复Campus服务返回类型
2023-07-17 07:33:25 +08:00

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syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "bilibili/app/archive/middleware/v1/preload.proto";
import "bilibili/dagw/component/avatar/v1/avatar.proto";
// v2动态, rpc 按字母顺序排列
service Dynamic {
rpc AlumniDynamics (AlumniDynamicsReq) returns (AlumniDynamicsReply);
rpc CampusBillBoard (CampusBillBoardReq) returns (CampusBillBoardReply);
rpc CampusEntryTab(CampusEntryTabReq) returns (CampusEntryTabResp);
rpc CampusFeedback(CampusFeedbackReq) returns (CampusFeedbackReply);
rpc CampusHomePages(CampusHomePagesReq) returns (CampusHomePagesReply);
rpc CampusMateLikeList(CampusMateLikeListReq) returns (CampusMateLikeListReply);
rpc CampusMngDetail(CampusMngDetailReq) returns (CampusMngDetailReply);
rpc CampusMngQuizOperate(CampusMngQuizOperateReq) returns (CampusMngQuizOperateReply);
rpc CampusMngSubmit(CampusMngSubmitReq) returns (CampusMngSubmitReply);
rpc CampusRcmd(CampusRcmdReq) returns (CampusRcmdReply);
rpc CampusRcmdFeed(CampusRcmdFeedReq) returns (CampusRcmdFeedReply);
rpc CampusRecommend(CampusRecommendReq) returns (CampusRecommendReply);
rpc CampusRedDot(CampusRedDotReq) returns (CampusRedDotReply);
rpc CampusSquare(CampusSquareReq) returns (CampusSquareReply);
rpc CampusTopicRcmdFeed(CampusTopicRcmdFeedReq) returns (CampusTopicRcmdFeedReply);
// 动态通用附加卡-follow/取消follow
rpc DynAdditionCommonFollow(DynAdditionCommonFollowReq) returns (DynAdditionCommonFollowReply);
// 动态综合页
rpc DynAll(DynAllReq) returns (DynAllReply);
// 综合页最近访问 - 个人feed流
rpc DynAllPersonal(DynAllPersonalReq) returns (DynAllPersonalReply);
// 综合页最近访问 - 标记已读
rpc DynAllUpdOffset(DynAllUpdOffsetReq) returns (NoReply);
// 动态详情页
rpc DynDetail(DynDetailReq) returns (DynDetailReply);
// 批量动态id获取动态详情
rpc DynDetails(DynDetailsReq) returns (DynDetailsReply);
// 动态发布生成临时卡
rpc DynFakeCard(DynFakeCardReq) returns (DynFakeCardReply);
rpc DynFriend(DynFriendReq) returns (DynFriendReply);
// 轻浏览
rpc DynLight(DynLightReq) returns (DynLightReply);
// 网关调用 - 查看更多-列表
rpc DynMixUpListViewMore(DynMixUpListViewMoreReq) returns (DynMixUpListViewMoreReply);
// 关注推荐up主换一换
rpc DynRcmdUpExchange(DynRcmdUpExchangeReq) returns (DynRcmdUpExchangeReply);
rpc DynSearch(DynSearchReq) returns (DynSearchReply);
rpc DynServerDetails(DynServerDetailsReq) returns (DynServerDetailsReply);
// 空间页动态
rpc DynSpace(DynSpaceReq) returns (DynSpaceRsp);
rpc DynSpaceSearchDetails(DynSpaceSearchDetailsReq) returns (DynSpaceSearchDetailsReply);
rpc DynTab(DynTabReq) returns (DynTabReply);
// 动态点赞
rpc DynThumb(DynThumbReq) returns (NoReply);
// 未登录页分区UP主推荐
rpc DynUnLoginRcmd(DynRcmdReq) returns (DynRcmdReply);
// 动态视频页
rpc DynVideo(DynVideoReq) returns (DynVideoReply);
// 视频页最近访问 - 个人feed流
rpc DynVideoPersonal(DynVideoPersonalReq) returns (DynVideoPersonalReply);
// 视频页最近访问 - 标记已读
rpc DynVideoUpdOffset(DynVideoUpdOffsetReq) returns (NoReply);
rpc DynVote(DynVoteReq) returns (DynVoteReply);
rpc FeedFilter(FeedFilterReq) returns (FeedFilterReply);
rpc FetchTabSetting(NoReq) returns (FetchTabSettingReply);
rpc HomeSubscribe(HomeSubscribeReq) returns (HomeSubscribeReply);
rpc LbsPoi(LbsPoiReq) returns (LbsPoiReply);
rpc LegacyTopicFeed(LegacyTopicFeedReq) returns (LegacyTopicFeedReply);
// 点赞列表
rpc LikeList(LikeListReq) returns (LikeListReply);
rpc OfficialAccounts(OfficialAccountsReq) returns (OfficialAccountsReply);
rpc OfficialDynamics(OfficialDynamicsReq) returns (OfficialDynamicsReply);
// 新版动态转发点赞列表 需要登录
rpc ReactionList(ReactionListReq) returns (ReactionListReply);
// 转发列表
rpc RepostList(RepostListReq) returns (RepostListRsp);
rpc SchoolRecommend(SchoolRecommendReq) returns (SchoolRecommendReply);
rpc SchoolSearch(SchoolSearchReq) returns (SchoolSearchReply);
rpc SetDecision(SetDecisionReq) returns (NoReply);
rpc SetRecentCampus(SetRecentCampusReq) returns (NoReply);
rpc SubscribeCampus(SubscribeCampusReq) returns (NoReply);
rpc TopicList(TopicListReq) returns (TopicListReply);
rpc TopicSquare(TopicSquareReq) returns (TopicSquareReply);
rpc UnfollowMatch(UnfollowMatchReq) returns (NoReply);
rpc UpdateTabSetting(UpdateTabSettingReq) returns (NoReply);
enum AddButtonBgStyle {
fill = 0; // 默认填充
stroke = 1; // 描边
gray = 2; // 置灰
// 按钮类型
enum AddButtonType {
bt_none = 0; // 占位
bt_jump = 1; // 跳转
bt_button = 2; // 按钮
// 活动皮肤
message AdditionalActSkin {
// 动画SVGA资源
string svga = 1;
// 动画SVGA最后一帧图片资源
string last_image = 2;
// 动画播放次数
int64 play_times = 3;
// 动态-附加卡-按钮
message AdditionalButton {
// 按钮类型
AddButtonType type = 1;
// jump-跳转样式
AdditionalButtonStyle jump_style = 2;
// jump-跳转链接
string jump_url = 3;
// button-未点样式
AdditionalButtonStyle uncheck = 4;
// button-已点样式
AdditionalButtonStyle check = 5;
// button-当前状态
AdditionalButtonStatus status = 6;
// 按钮点击样式
AdditionalButtonClickType click_type = 7;
// 附加卡按钮点击类型
enum AdditionalButtonClickType {
click_none = 0; // 通用按钮
click_up = 1; // 预约卡按钮
message AdditionalButtonInteractive {
// 是否弹窗
string popups = 1;
// 弹窗确认文案
string confirm = 2;
// 弹窗取消文案
string cancel = 3;
string desc = 4;
message AdditionalButtonShare {
int32 show = 1;
string icon = 2;
string text = 3;
// 附加卡按钮状态
enum AdditionalButtonStatus {
none = 0; //
uncheck = 1; //
check = 2; //
// 动态-附加卡-按钮样式
message AdditionalButtonStyle {
// icon
string icon = 1;
// 文案
string text = 2;
// 按钮点击交互
AdditionalButtonInteractive interactive = 3;
// 当前按钮填充样式
AddButtonBgStyle bg_style = 4;
// toast文案, 当disable=1时有效
string toast = 5;
// 当前按钮样式,
// 0:高亮 1:置灰(按钮不可点击)
DisableState disable = 6;
AdditionalButtonShare share = 7;
// 动态-附加卡-番剧卡
message AdditionalPGC {
// 头部说明文案
string head_text = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 展示图
string image_url = 3;
// 描述文字1
string desc_text_1 = 4;
// 描述文字2
string desc_text_2 = 5;
// 点击跳转链接
string url = 6;
// 按钮
AdditionalButton button = 7;
// 头部icon
string head_icon = 8;
// style
ImageStyle style = 9;
// 动态本身的类型 type
string type = 10;
enum AdditionalShareShowType {
st_none = 0; //
st_show = 1; //
// 枚举-动态附加卡
enum AdditionalType {
additional_none = 0; // 占位
additional_type_pgc = 1; // 附加卡-追番
additional_type_goods = 2; // 附加卡-商品
additional_type_vote = 3; // 附加卡投票
additional_type_common = 4; // 附加通用卡
additional_type_esport = 5; // 附加电竞卡
additional_type_up_rcmd = 6; // 附加UP主推荐卡
additional_type_ugc = 7; // 附加卡-ugc
additional_type_up_reservation = 8; // UP主预约卡
// 动态-附加卡-专栏
message AdditionArticle {
string title = 1;
MdlDynDrawItem cover = 2;
string desc_text_left = 3;
string desc_text_right = 4;
string uri = 5;
string card_type = 6;
// 动态-附加卡-通用卡
message AdditionCommon {
// 头部说明文案
string head_text = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 展示图
string image_url = 3;
// 描述文字1
string desc_text_1 = 4;
// 描述文字2
string desc_text_2 = 5;
// 点击跳转链接
string url = 6;
// 按钮
AdditionalButton button = 7;
// 头部icon
string head_icon = 8;
// style
ImageStyle style = 9;
// 动态本身的类型 type
string type = 10;
// 附加卡类型
string card_type = 11; // ogv manga
// 动态-附加卡-电竞卡
message AdditionEsport {
// 电竞类型
EspaceStyle style = 1;
oneof item {
// moba类
AdditionEsportMoba addition_esport_moba = 2;
// 动态本身的类型 type
string type = 3;
// 附加卡类型
string card_type = 4; // ogv manga
// 动态-附加卡-电竞卡-moba类
message AdditionEsportMoba {
// 头部说明文案
string head_text = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 战队列表
repeated MatchTeam match_team = 3;
// 比赛信息
AdditionEsportMobaStatus addition_esport_moba_status = 4;
// 卡片跳转
string uri = 5;
// 按钮
AdditionalButton button = 6;
// 副标题
string sub_title = 7;
// 动态本身的类型 type
string type = 10;
// 附加卡类型
string card_type = 11;
// 附加卡图标
string head_icon = 12;
// 动态-附加卡-电竞卡-moba类-比赛信息
message AdditionEsportMobaStatus {
// 文案类
repeated AdditionEsportMobaStatusDesc addition_esport_moba_status_desc = 1;
// 比赛状态文案
string title = 2;
// 比赛状态状态
int32 status = 3;
// 日间色值
string color = 4;
// 夜间色值
string night_color = 5;
// 动态-附加卡-电竞卡-moba类-比赛信息-文案类
message AdditionEsportMobaStatusDesc {
// 文案
string title = 1;
// 日间色值
string color = 2;
// 夜间色值
string night_color = 3;
// 动态-附加卡-商品卡
message AdditionGoods {
// 推荐文案
string rcmd_desc = 1;
// 商品信息
repeated GoodsItem goods_items = 2;
// 附加卡类型
string card_type = 3;
// 头部icon
string icon = 4;
// 商品附加卡整卡跳转
string uri = 5;
// 商品类型
// 1:淘宝 2:会员购实际是获取的goods_items里面的第一个source_type
int32 source_type = 6;
int32 jump_type = 7;
string app_name = 8;
string ad_mark_icon = 9;
// 动态-附加卡-直播附加卡
message AdditionLiveRoom {
string title = 1;
string cover = 2;
VideoBadge badge = 3;
CoverIconWithText desc_text_upper = 4;
string desc_text_lower = 5;
string uri = 6;
string card_type = 7;
// 动态-附加卡-UGC视频附加卡
message AdditionUgc {
// 说明文案
string head_text = 1;
// 稿件标题
string title = 2;
// 封面
string cover = 3;
// 描述文字1
string desc_text_1 = 4;
// 描述文字2
string desc_text_2 = 5;
// 接秒开
string uri = 6;
// 时长
string duration = 7;
// 标题支持换行-标题支持单行和双行本期不支持填充up昵称支持双行展示字段默认为true
bool line_feed = 8;
// 附加卡类型
string card_type = 9;
// up主预约发布卡
message AdditionUP {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 高亮文本描述文字1
HighlightText desc_text_1 = 2;
// 描述文字2
string desc_text_2 = 3;
// 点击跳转链接
string url = 4;
// 按钮
AdditionalButton button = 5;
// 附加卡类型
string card_type = 6;
// 预约人数(用于预约人数变化)
int64 reserve_total = 7;
// 活动皮肤
AdditionalActSkin act_skin = 8;
// 预约id
int64 rid = 9;
int32 lottery_type = 10;
HighlightText desc_text3 = 11;
int64 up_mid = 12;
AdditionUserInfo user_info = 13;
string dynamic_id = 14;
bool show_text2 = 15;
int64 dyn_type = 16;
string business_id = 17;
string badge_text = 18;
bool is_premiere = 19;
message AdditionUserInfo {
string name = 1;
string face = 2;
// 动态-附加卡-投票
message AdditionVote {
// 封面图
string image_url = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 展示项1
string text_1 = 3;
// button文案
string button_text = 4;
// 点击跳转链接
string url = 5;
// 动态模块-投票
message AdditionVote2 {
// 投票类型
AdditionVoteType addition_vote_type = 1;
// 投票ID
int64 vote_id = 2;
// 标题
string title = 3;
// 已过期: xxx人参与· 投票已过期。button 展示去查看
// 未过期: xxx人参与· 剩xx天xx时xx分。button展示去投票
string label = 4;
// 剩余时间
int64 deadline = 5;
// 生效文案
string open_text = 6;
// 过期文案
string close_text = 7;
// 已投票
string voted_text = 8;
// 投票状态
AdditionVoteState state = 9;
// 投票信息
oneof item {
AdditionVoteWord addition_vote_word = 10;
AdditionVotePic addition_vote_pic = 11;
AdditionVoteDefaule addition_vote_defaule = 12;
// 业务类型
// 0:动态投票 1:话题h5组件
int32 biz_type = 13;
// 投票总人数
int64 total = 14;
// 附加卡类型
string card_type = 15;
// 异常提示
string tips = 16;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 17;
// 是否投票
bool is_voted = 18;
// 投票最多多选个数单选为1
int32 choice_cnt = 19;
// 是否默认选中分享到动态
bool defaule_select_share = 20;
// 外露投票
message AdditionVoteDefaule {
// 图片 多张
repeated string cover = 1;
// 外露图片类型
message AdditionVotePic {
// 图片投票详情
repeated AdditionVotePicItem item = 1;
// 图片投票详情
message AdditionVotePicItem {
// 选项索引从1开始
int32 opt_idx = 1;
// 图片
string cover = 2;
// 选中状态
bool is_vote = 3;
// 人数
int32 total = 4;
// 占比
double persent = 5;
// 标题文案
string title = 6;
// 是否投票人数最多的选项
bool is_max_option = 7;
// 投票状态
enum AdditionVoteState {
addition_vote_state_none = 0; //
addition_vote_state_open = 1; //
addition_vote_state_close = 2; //
// 投票类型
enum AdditionVoteType {
addition_vote_type_none = 0; //
addition_vote_type_word = 1; //
addition_vote_type_pic = 2; //
addition_vote_type_default = 3; //
// 外露文字类型
message AdditionVoteWord {
// 外露文字投票详情
repeated AdditionVoteWordItem item = 1;
// 外露文字投票详情
message AdditionVoteWordItem {
// 选项索引从1开始
int32 opt_idx = 1;
// 文案
string title = 2;
// 选中状态
bool is_vote = 3;
// 人数
int32 total = 4;
// 占比
double persent = 5;
// 是否投票人数最多的选项
bool is_max_option = 6;
// 综合页请求广告所需字段,由客户端-网关透传
message AdParam {
// 综合页请求广告所需字段,由客户端-网关透传
string ad_extra = 1;
// request_id
string request_id = 2;
message AlumniDynamicsReply {
repeated DynamicItem list = 1;
string toast = 2;
message AlumniDynamicsReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
int32 first_time = 2;
// player_args = 3;
int32 local_time = 4;
int32 page = 5;
int32 from_type = 6;
message CampusBannerInfo {
string image = 1;
string jump_url = 2;
message CampusBillboardInternalReq {
int64 mid = 1;
int64 campus_id = 2;
string version_code = 3;
message CampusBillBoardReply {
string title = 1;
string help_uri = 2;
string campus_name = 3;
int64 build_time = 4;
string version_code = 5;
repeated OfficialItem list = 6;
string share_uri = 7;
int32 bind_notice = 8;
string update_toast = 9;
int64 campus_id = 10;
CampusFeatureProgress open_progress = 11;
message CampusBillBoardReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string version_code = 2;
// player_args = 3;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 4;
message CampusEntryTabReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
message CampusEntryTabResp {
CampusEntryType entry_type = 1;
enum CampusEntryType {
NONE = 0;
message CampusFeatureProgress {
int64 progress_full = 1;
int64 progress_achieved = 2;
string desc_title = 3;
string desc_1 = 4;
CampusLabel btn = 5;
message CampusFeedbackInfo {
int32 biz_type = 1;
int64 biz_id = 2;
int64 campus_id = 3;
string reason = 4;
message CampusFeedbackReply {
string message = 1;
message CampusFeedbackReq {
repeated CampusFeedbackInfo infos = 1;
int32 from = 2;
message CampusHomePagesReply {
CampusRcmdTop top = 1;
CampusTop campus_top = 2;
int32 page_type = 3;
message CampusHomePagesReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
double lat = 3;
double lng = 4;
// player_args = 5;
int32 page_type = 6;
enum CampusRcmdReqFrom {
enum CampusHomePageType {
message CampusHomeRcmdTopic {
ModuleTitle title = 1;
repeated TopicItem topic = 2;
message CampusInfo {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
string desc = 3;
int64 online = 4;
string url = 5;
message CampusLabel {
string text = 1;
string url = 2;
string desc = 3;
message CampusMateLikeListReply {
repeated ModuleAuthor list = 1;
message CampusMateLikeListReq {
int64 dynamic_id = 1;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 2;
enum CampusMngAuditStatus {
campus_mng_audit_none = 0;
campus_mng_audit_in_process = 1;
campus_mng_audit_failed = 2;
message CampusMngBadge {
string title = 1;
string badge_url = 2;
string upload_hint_msg = 3;
message CampusMngBasicInfo {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
string hint_msg = 3;
message CampusMngDetailReply {
repeated CampusMngItem items = 1;
string top_hint_bar_msg = 2;
string bottom_submit_hint_msg = 3;
int64 campus_id = 4;
string campus_name = 5;
message CampusMngDetailReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
message CampusMngItem {
int32 audit_status = 1;
string audit_message = 2;
int32 item_type = 3;
string mng_item_id = 4;
bool is_del = 5;
// Oneof field:
oneof item {
CampusMngBasicInfo basic_info = 6;
CampusMngBadge badge = 7;
string slogan = 8;
CampusMngQuiz quiz = 9;
enum CampusMngItemType {
campus_mng_none = 0;
campus_mng_basic_info = 1;
campus_mng_badge = 2;
campus_mng_slogan = 3;
campus_mng_quiz = 4;
message CampusMngQuiz {
string title = 1;
CampusLabel more_label = 2;
string add_label = 3;
string submit_label = 4;
int64 quiz_count = 5;
enum CampusMngQuizAction {
campus_mng_quiz_act_list = 0;
campus_mng_quiz_act_add = 1;
campus_mng_quiz_act_del = 2;
message CampusMngQuizDetail {
int64 quiz_id = 1;
string question = 2;
string correct_answer = 3;
repeated string wrong_answer_list = 4;
int32 audit_status = 5;
string audit_message = 6;
message CampusMngQuizOperateReply {
string toast = 1;
repeated CampusMngQuizDetail quiz = 2;
int64 quiz_total = 3;
message CampusMngQuizOperateReq {
int32 action = 1;
int64 campus_id = 2;
repeated CampusMngQuizDetail quiz = 3;
message CampusMngSlogan {
string title = 1;
string slogan = 2;
string input_hint_msg = 3;
message CampusMngSubmitReply {
string toast = 1;
message CampusMngSubmitReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
repeated CampusMngItem modified_items = 2;
message CampusNoticeInfo {
string title = 1;
string desc = 2;
CampusLabel button = 3;
enum CampusOnlineStatus {
campus_online_offline = 0;
campus_online_online = 1;
message CampusRcmdFeedReply {
repeated DynamicItem list = 1;
string toast = 2;
GuideBarInfo guide_bar = 3;
bool has_more = 4;
bool update = 5;
message CampusRcmdFeedReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
int32 first_time = 2;
// player_args = 3;
int32 local_time = 4;
int32 page = 5;
int32 scroll = 6;
string view_dyn_id = 7;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 8;
message CampusRcmdInfo {
string title = 1;
repeated CampusRcmdItem items = 2;
message CampusRcmdItem {
string title = 1;
repeated RcmdItem items = 2;
int64 campus_id = 3;
CampusLabel entry_label = 4;
message CampusRcmdReply {
CampusRcmdTop top = 1;
CampusRcmdInfo rcmd = 2;
CampusTop campus_top = 3;
int32 page_type = 4;
int32 jump_home_pop = 5;
message CampusRcmdReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
double lat = 3;
double lng = 4;
// player_args = 5;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 6;
CampusHomePageType page_type = 7;
message CampusRcmdTop {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
string title = 3;
string desc = 4;
int32 type = 5;
RcmdTopButton button = 6;
CampusLabel switch_label = 7;
CampusLabel notice_label = 8;
string desc2 = 9;
string desc3 = 10;
CampusLabel invite_label = 11;
CampusLabel reserve_label = 12;
int64 reserve_number = 13;
int64 max_reserve = 14;
CampusLabel school_label = 15;
CampusLabel mng_label = 16;
CampusHomeRcmdTopic rcmd_topic = 17;
bool audit_before_open = 18;
string audit_message = 19;
message CampusRecommendReply {
repeated RcmdItem items = 1;
bool has_more = 2;
message CampusRecommendReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
int64 page_no = 2;
// player_args = 3;
CampusRcmdReqFrom from = 4;
message CampusRedDotReply {
int32 red_dot = 1;
message CampusRedDotReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 2;
enum CampusReqFromType {
HOME = 1;
message CampusShowTabInfo {
string name = 1;
string url = 2;
int32 type = 3;
int32 red_dot = 4;
string icon_url = 5;
message CampusSquareReply {
string title = 1;
repeated RcmdCampusBrief list = 2;
CampusLabel button = 3;
message CampusSquareReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
double lat = 2;
double lng = 3;
enum CampusTabType {
campus_none = 0; //
campus_school = 1; //
campus_dynamic = 2; //
campus_account = 3; //
campus_billboard = 4; //
campus_topic = 5; //
campues_other = 6; //
message CampusTop {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
repeated CampusShowTabInfo tabs = 3;
CampusLabel switch_label = 4;
string title = 5;
repeated CampusBannerInfo banner = 6;
CampusLabel invite_label = 7;
CampusNoticeInfo notice = 8;
TopicSquareInfo topic_square = 9;
string campus_badge = 10;
string campus_background = 11;
string campus_motto = 12;
CampusLabel mng_entry = 13;
string campus_intro = 14;
string campus_name_link = 15;
string bottom_left_text = 16;
message CampusTopicRcmdFeedReply {
repeated DynamicItem list = 1;
string toast = 2;
bool has_more = 3;
string offset = 4;
IconButton join_discuss = 5;
message CampusTopicRcmdFeedReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string offset = 2;
// player_args = 3;
int32 local_time = 4;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 5;
message CardParagraph {
ModuleAdditional additional_card = 1;
string biz_id = 3;
LinkNodeType biz_type = 2;
// 动态卡片列表
message CardVideoDynList {
// 动态列表
repeated DynamicItem list = 1;
// 更新的动态数
int64 update_num = 2;
// 历史偏移
string history_offset = 3;
// 更新基础信息
string update_baseline = 4;
// 是否还有更多数据
bool has_more = 5;
// 视频页-我的追番
message CardVideoFollowList {
// 查看全部(跳转链接)
string view_all_link = 1;
// 追番列表
repeated FollowListItem list = 2;
// 视频页-最近访问
message CardVideoUpList {
// 标题展示文案
string title = 1;
// up主列表
repeated UpListItem list = 2;
// 服务端生成的透传上报字段
string footprint = 3;
// 直播数
int32 show_live_num = 4;
// 跳转label
UpListMoreLabel more_label = 5;
// 标题开关(综合页)
int32 title_switch = 6;
// 是否展示右上角查看更多label
bool show_more_label = 7;
// 是否在快速消费页查看更多按钮
bool show_in_personal = 8;
// 是否展示右侧查看更多按钮
bool show_more_button = 9;
repeated UpListItem list_second = 10;
message ChannelInfo {
int64 channel_id = 1;
string channel_name = 2;
string desc = 3;
bool is_atten = 4;
string type_icon = 5;
repeated RcmdItem items = 6;
string icon = 7;
string jump_uri = 8;
// 评论外露展示项
message CmtShowItem {
// 用户mid
int64 uid = 1;
// 用户昵称
string uname = 2;
// 点击跳转链接
string uri = 3;
// 评论内容
string comment = 4;
message Colors {
string color_day = 1;
string color_night = 2;
// 精选评论区
message CommentDetail {
// 该功能能不能用
bool can_modify = 1;
// up关闭评论区功能 1允许关闭 0允许开放
// 精选评论区功能 1允许停止评论精选 0允许评论精选
int64 status = 2;
message Config {
bool story_vertical_exp = 1;
int64 detail_view_bits = 2;
enum CoverIcon {
cover_icon_none = 0; // 占位 啥都不展示
cover_icon_play = 1; // 播放icon
cover_icon_danmaku = 2; //
cover_icon_up = 3; //
cover_icon_vt = 4; // ? 竖屏模式 icon
message CoverIconWithText {
int32 icon = 1;
string text = 2;
// 装扮卡片-粉丝勋章信息
message DecoCardFan {
// 是否是粉丝
int32 is_fan = 1;
// 数量
int32 number = 2;
// 数量 str
string number_str = 3;
// 颜色
string color = 4;
// 装扮卡片
message DecorateCard {
// 装扮卡片id
int64 id = 1;
// 装扮卡片链接
string card_url = 2;
// 装扮卡片点击跳转链接
string jump_url = 3;
// 粉丝样式
DecoCardFan fan = 4;
// 文本描述
message Description {
// 文本内容
string text = 1;
// 文本类型
DescType type = 2;
// 点击跳转链接
string uri = 3;
// emoji类型
EmojiType emoji_type = 4;
// 商品类型
string goods_type = 5;
// 前置Icon
string icon_url = 6;
// icon_name
string icon_name = 7;
// 资源ID
string rid = 8;
// 商品卡特殊字段
ModuleDescGoods goods = 9;
// 文本原始文案
string orig_text = 10;
int32 emoji_size = 11;
EmojiSizeSpec emoji_size_spec = 12;
// 文本类型
enum DescType {
desc_type_none = 0; // 占位
desc_type_text = 1; // 文本
desc_type_aite = 2; // @
desc_type_lottery = 3; // 抽奖
desc_type_vote = 4; // 投票
desc_type_topic = 5; // 话题
desc_type_goods = 6; // 商品
desc_type_bv = 7; // bv
desc_type_av = 8; // av
desc_type_emoji = 9; // 表情
desc_type_user = 10; // 外露用户
desc_type_cv = 11; // 专栏
desc_type_vc = 12; // 小视频
desc_type_web = 13; // 网址
desc_type_taobao = 14; // 淘宝
desc_type_mail = 15; // 邮箱
desc_type_ogv_season = 16; // 番剧season
desc_type_ogv_ep = 17; // 番剧ep
desc_type_search_word = 18; //
// 尺寸信息
message Dimension {
int64 height = 1;
int64 width = 2;
int64 rotate = 3;
enum DisableState {
highlight = 0; // 高亮
gary = 1; // 置灰(按钮不可点击)
// 动态通用附加卡-follow/取消follow-响应
message DynAdditionCommonFollowReply {
AdditionalButtonStatus status = 1;
// 动态通用附加卡-follow/取消follow-请求
message DynAdditionCommonFollowReq {
AdditionalButtonStatus status = 1;
string dyn_id = 2;
string card_type = 3;
// 最近访问-个人feed流列表-返回
message DynAllPersonalReply {
// 动态列表
repeated DynamicItem list = 1;
// 偏移量
string offset = 2;
// 是否还有更多数据
bool has_more = 3;
// 已读进度
string read_offset = 4;
// 关注状态
Relation relation = 5;
// 顶部预约卡
TopAdditionUP addition_up = 6;
string title = 7;
string title_sub = 8;
// 最近访问-个人feed流列表-请求
message DynAllPersonalReq {
// 被访问者的 UID
int64 host_uid = 1;
// 偏移量 第一页可传空
string offset = 2;
// 标明下拉几次
int32 page = 3;
// 是否是预加载 默认是1客户端预加载。1是预加载不更新已读进度不会影响小红点0非预加载更新已读进度
int32 is_preload = 4;
// 秒开参数 新版本废弃统一使用player_args
PlayurlParam playurl_param = 5;
// 客户端时区 兼容UTC-14和Etc/GMT+12,时区区间[-12,14] 东八区为8
int32 local_time = 6;
// 服务端生成的透传上报字段
string footprint = 7;
// 来源
string from = 8;
// 秒开用 player_args = 9;
string personal_extra = 10;
// 动态综合页-响应
message DynAllReply {
// 卡片列表
DynamicList dynamic_list = 1;
// 顶部up list
CardVideoUpList up_list = 2;
// 话题广场
TopicList topic_list = 3;
// 无关注推荐
Unfollow unfollow = 4;
// 分区UP推荐
DynRegionRcmd region_rcmd = 5;
Config config = 6;
// 动态综合页-请求
message DynAllReq {
// 透传 update_baseline
string update_baseline = 1;
// 透传 history_offset
string offset = 2;
// 向下翻页数
int32 page = 3;
// 刷新方式 1向上刷新 2向下翻页
Refresh refresh_type = 4;
// 秒开参数 新版本废弃统一使用player_args
PlayurlParam playurl_param = 5;
// 综合页当前更新的最大值
string assist_baseline = 6;
// 客户端时区 兼容UTC-14和Etc/GMT+12,时区区间[-12,14] 东八区为8
int32 local_time = 7;
// 推荐up主入参(new的时候传)
RcmdUPsParam rcmd_ups_param = 8;
// 广告参数
AdParam ad_param = 9;
// 是否冷启
int32 cold_start = 10;
// 来源
string from = 11;
// 秒开参数 player_args = 12;
int64 tab_recall_uid = 13;
int32 tab_recall_type = 14;
// 最近访问-标记已读-请求
message DynAllUpdOffsetReq {
// 被访问者的UID
int64 host_uid = 1;
// 用户已读进度
string read_offset = 2;
// 服务端生成的透传上报字段
string footprint = 3;
string personal_extra = 4;
// 动态卡片
message DynamicItem {
// 动态卡片类型
DynamicType card_type = 1;
// 转发类型下,源卡片类型
DynamicType item_type = 2;
// 模块内容
repeated Module modules = 3;
// 操作相关字段
Extend extend = 4;
// 该卡片下面是否含有折叠卡
int32 has_fold = 5;
// 透传到客户端的埋点字段。
string server_info = 6;
message DynamicList {
// 动态列表
repeated DynamicItem list = 1;
// 更新的动态数
int64 update_num = 2;
// 历史偏移
string history_offset = 3;
// 更新基础信息
string update_baseline = 4;
// 是否还有更多数据
bool has_more = 5;
// 枚举-动态类型
enum DynamicType {
dyn_none = 0; // 占位
forward = 1; // 转发
av = 2; // 稿件: ugc、小视频、短视频、UGC转PGC
pgc = 3; // pgc番剧、PGC番剧、PGC电影、PGC电视剧、PGC国创、PGC纪录片
courses = 4; // 付费更新批次
fold = 5; // 折叠
word = 6; // 纯文字
draw = 7; // 图文
article = 8; // 专栏 原仅phone端
music = 9; // 音频 原仅phone端
common_square = 10; // 通用卡 方形
common_vertical = 11; // 通用卡 竖形
live = 12; // 直播卡 只有转发态
medialist = 13; // 播单 原仅phone端 只有转发态
courses_season = 14; // 付费更新批次 只有转发态
ad = 15; // 广告卡
applet = 16; // 小程序卡
subscription = 17; // 订阅卡
live_rcmd = 18; // 直播推荐卡
banner = 19; // 通栏
ugc_season = 20; // 合集卡
subscription_new = 21; // 新订阅卡
story = 22; //
topic_rcmd = 23; //
cour_up = 24; //
topic_set = 25; //
notice = 26; //
text_notice = 27; //
// 动态详情页-响应
message DynDetailReply {
// 动态详情
DynamicItem item = 1;
// 动态详情页-请求
message DynDetailReq {
// up主uid
int64 uid = 1;
// 动态ID
string dynamic_id = 2;
// 动态类型
int64 dyn_type = 3;
// 业务方资源id
int64 rid = 4;
// 广告参数
AdParam ad_param = 5;
// From来源
string from = 6;
// 秒开参数 player_args = 7;
// 分享id
string share_id = 8;
// 分享类型
// 1:文字 2:图片 3:链接 4:视频 5:音频
int32 share_mode = 9;
// 客户端时区 兼容UTC-14和Etc/GMT+12,时区区间[-12,14] 东八区为8
int32 local_time = 10;
// pattern
string pattern = 11;
Config config = 12;
// 批量动态id获取动态详情-响应
message DynDetailsReply {
// 动态列表
repeated DynamicItem list = 1;
// 批量动态id获取动态详情-请求
message DynDetailsReq {
// 动态id
string dynamic_ids = 1;
// 秒开参数 新版本废弃统一使用player_args
PlayurlParam playurl_param = 2;
// 客户端时区 兼容UTC-14和Etc/GMT+12,时区区间[-12,14] 东八区为8
int32 local_time = 3;
// 秒开参数 player_args = 4;
Config config = 5;
// 动态小卡类型
enum DynExtendType {
dyn_ext_type_none = 0; // 占位
dyn_ext_type_topic = 1; // 话题小卡
dyn_ext_type_lbs = 2; // lbs小卡
dyn_ext_type_hot = 3; // 热门小卡
dyn_ext_type_game = 4; // 游戏小卡
dyn_ext_type_common = 5; // 通用小卡
dyn_ext_type_biliCut = 6; // 必剪小卡
dyn_ext_type_ogv = 7; // ogv小卡
dyn_ext_type_auto_ogv = 8; // 自动附加ogv小卡
// 动态发布生成临时卡-响应
message DynFakeCardReply {
// 动态卡片
DynamicItem item = 1;
// 动态发布生成临时卡-请求
message DynFakeCardReq {
//卡片内容json string
string content = 1;
message DynFeatureGate {
bool enhanced_interaction = 1;
message DynFriendReply {
repeated DynamicItem dyn_list = 1;
bool has_more = 2;
string offset = 3;
message DynFriendReq {
string offset = 1;
int32 local_time = 2;
// player_args = 3;
// 轻浏览-响应
message DynLightReply {
// 卡片列表
DynamicList dynamic_list = 1;
// 轻浏览-请求
message DynLightReq {
// 透传 history_offset
string history_offset = 1;
// 向下翻页数
int32 page = 2;
// 来源
string from = 3;
// 秒开参数 player_args = 4;
// 客户端时区 兼容UTC-14和Etc/GMT+12,时区区间[-12,14] 东八区为8
int32 local_time = 5;
int32 from_type = 6;
int64 fake_uid = 7;
// 查看更多-列表-响应
message DynMixUpListViewMoreReply {
repeated MixUpListItem items = 1;
string search_default_text = 2;
// 排序类型列表
repeated SortType sort_types = 3;
// 是否展示更多的排序策略
bool show_more_sort_types = 4;
// 默认排序策略
int32 default_sort_type = 5;
// 查看更多-请求
message DynMixUpListViewMoreReq {
// 排序策略
// 1:推荐排序 2:最常访问 3:最近关注,其他值为默认排序
int32 sort_type = 1;
// 动态模块类型
enum DynModuleType {
module_none = 0; // 占位
module_author = 1; // 发布人模块
module_dispute = 2; // 争议小黄条
module_desc = 3; // 描述文案
module_dynamic = 4; // 动态卡片
module_forward = 5; // 转发模块
module_likeUser = 6; // 点赞用户(废弃)
module_extend = 7; // 小卡模块
module_additional = 8; // 附加卡
module_stat = 9; // 计数信息
module_fold = 10; // 折叠
module_comment = 11; // 评论外露(废弃)
module_interaction = 12; // 外露交互模块(点赞、评论)
module_author_forward = 13; // 转发卡的发布人模块
module_ad = 14; // 广告卡模块
module_banner = 15; // 通栏模块
module_item_null = 16; // 获取物料失败模块
module_share_info = 17; // 分享组件
module_recommend = 18; // 相关推荐模块
module_stat_forward = 19; // 转发卡计数信息
module_top = 20; // 顶部模块
module_bottom = 21; // 底部模块
module_story = 22; //
module_topic = 23; //
module_topic_details_ext = 24; //
module_top_tag = 25; //
module_topic_brief = 26; //
module_title = 27; //
module_button = 28;
module_notice = 29;
module_opus_summary = 30;
module_copyright = 31;
module_paragraph = 32;
module_blocked = 33;
module_text_notice = 34;
module_opus_collection = 35;
// 推荐页-响应
message DynRcmdReply {
// 推荐页返回参数
DynRegionRcmd region_rcmd = 1;
DynamicList dynamic_list = 2;
// 推荐页-请求
message DynRcmdReq {
// 秒开参数 player_args = 1;
// 客户端时区 兼容UTC-14和Etc/GMT+12,时区区间[-12,14] 东八区为8
int32 local_time = 2;
int64 fake_uid = 3;
bool is_refresh = 4;
// 关注推荐up主换一换-响应
message DynRcmdUpExchangeReply {
// 无关注推荐
Unfollow unfollow = 1;
// 关注推荐up主换一换-请求
message DynRcmdUpExchangeReq {
// 登录用户id
int64 uid = 1;
// 上一次不感兴趣的ts单位该字段透传给搜索
int64 dislikeTs = 2;
// 需要与服务端确认或参照客户端现有参数
string from = 3;
// 推荐页返回参数
message DynRegionRcmd {
// 分区推荐项目列表
repeated DynRegionRcmdItem items = 1;
// 分区聚类推荐选项
RcmdOption opts = 2;
// 分区推荐项目
message DynRegionRcmdItem {
// 分区id
int64 rid = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 推荐模块
repeated ModuleRcmd items = 3;
message DynScreenTab {
string title = 1;
string name = 2;
bool default_tab = 3;
bool strategy_show_on_entrance = 4;
bool strategy_show_on_refresh = 5;
bool strategy_show_on_pull_up = 6;
message DynSearchReply {
SearchChannel channel_info = 1;
SearchTopic search_topic = 2;
SearchInfo search_info = 3;
message DynSearchReq {
string keyword = 1;
int32 page = 2;
int32 local_time = 3;
// player_args = 4;
message DynServerDetailsReply {
map<int64, DynamicItem> items = 1;
message DynServerDetailsReq {
int32 local_time = 2;
// player_args = 3;
string mobi_app = 4;
string device = 5;
string buvid = 6;
int64 build = 7;
int64 mid = 8;
string platform = 9;
bool is_master = 10;
repeated int64 top_dynamic_ids = 11;
// 空间页动态-请求
message DynSpaceReq {
// 被访问者也就是空间主人的uid
int64 host_uid = 1;
// 动态偏移history_offset
string history_offset = 2;
// 秒开参数 player_args = 3;
// 客户端时区 兼容UTC-14和Etc/GMT+12,时区区间[-12,14] 东八区为8
int32 local_time = 4;
// 向下翻页数默认从1开始
int64 page = 5;
// 来源空间页space直播tablive
string from = 6;
// 空间页动态-响应
message DynSpaceRsp {
// 卡片列表
repeated DynamicItem list = 1;
// 历史偏移
string history_offset = 2;
// 是否还有更多数据
bool has_more = 3;
message DynSpaceSearchDetailsReply {
map<int64, DynamicItem> items = 1;
message DynSpaceSearchDetailsReq {
repeated string search_words = 2;
int32 local_time = 3;
// player_args = 4;
string mobi_app = 5;
string device = 6;
string buvid = 7;
int64 build = 8;
int64 mid = 9;
string platform = 10;
string ip = 11;
int32 net_type = 12;
int32 tf_type = 13;
message DynTab {
string title = 1;
string uri = 2;
string bubble = 3;
int32 red_point = 4;
int64 city_id = 5;
int32 is_popup = 6;
Popup popup = 7;
bool default_tab = 8;
string sub_title = 9;
string anchor = 10;
string internal_test = 11;
int32 type = 12;
DynTab back_up = 13;
message DynTabReply {
repeated DynTab dyn_tab = 1;
repeated DynScreenTab screen_tab = 2;
message DynTabReq {
int32 teenagers_mode = 1;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 2;
// 动态点赞-请求
message DynThumbReq {
// 用户uid
int64 uid = 1;
// 动态id
string dyn_id = 2;
// 动态类型(透传extend中的dyn_type)
int64 dyn_type = 3;
// 业务方资源id
string rid = 4;
// 点赞类型
ThumbType type = 5;
// 最近访问-个人feed流列表-响应
message DynVideoPersonalReply {
// 动态列表
repeated DynamicItem list = 1;
// 偏移量
string offset = 2;
// 是否还有更多数据
bool has_more = 3;
// 已读进度
string read_offset = 4;
// 关注状态
Relation relation = 5;
// 顶部预约卡
TopAdditionUP addition_up = 6;
string title = 7;
string title_sub = 8;
// 最近访问-个人feed流列表-请求
message DynVideoPersonalReq {
// 被访问者的 UID
int64 host_uid = 1;
// 偏移量 第一页可传空
string offset = 2;
// 标明下拉几次
int32 page = 3;
// 是否是预加载
int32 is_preload = 4;
// 秒开参数 新版本废弃统一使用player_args
PlayurlParam playurl_param = 5;
// 客户端时区 兼容UTC-14和Etc/GMT+12,时区区间[-12,14] 东八区为8
int32 local_time = 6;
// 服务端生成的透传上报字段
string footprint = 7;
// 来源
string from = 8;
// 秒开参数 player_args = 9;
int64 pegasus_avid = 10;
string personal_extra = 11;
// 动态视频页-响应
message DynVideoReply {
// 卡片列表
CardVideoDynList dynamic_list = 1;
// 动态卡片
CardVideoUpList video_up_list = 2;
// 视频页-我的追番
CardVideoFollowList video_follow_list = 3;
// 动态视频页-请求
message DynVideoReq {
// 透传 update_baseline
string update_baseline = 1;
// 透传 history_offset
string offset = 2;
// 向下翻页数
int32 page = 3;
// 刷新方式
// 1:向上刷新 2:向下翻页
Refresh refresh_type = 4;
// 秒开参数 新版本废弃统一使用player_args
PlayurlParam playurl_param = 5;
// 综合页当前更新的最大值
string assist_baseline = 6;
// 客户端时区 兼容UTC-14和Etc/GMT+12,时区区间[-12,14] 东八区为8
int32 local_time = 7;
// 来源
string from = 8;
// 秒开参数 player_args = 9;
// 最近访问-标记已读-请求
message DynVideoUpdOffsetReq {
// 被访问者的UID
int64 host_uid = 1;
// 用户已读进度
string read_offset = 2;
// 服务端生成的透传上报字段
string footprint = 3;
string personal_extra = 4;
// 投票操作-响应
message DynVoteReply {
// 投票详情
AdditionVote2 item = 1;
// 投票操作返回状态
string toast = 2;
// 投票操作-请求
message DynVoteReq {
// 投票ID
int64 vote_id = 1;
// 选项索引数组
repeated int64 votes = 2;
// 状态
VoteStatus status = 3;
// 动态ID
string dynamic_id = 4;
// 是否分享
bool share = 5;
message EmojiSizeSpec {
int64 width = 1;
// 表情包类型
enum EmojiType {
emoji_none = 0; // 占位
emoji_old = 1; // emoji旧类型
emoji_new = 2; // emoji新类型
vip = 3; // 大会员表情
message EmoteNode {
string emote_url = 2;
EmoteSize emote_width = 3;
ImgInlineCfg inline_img_cfg = 5;
bool is_inline_img = 4;
WordNode raw_text = 1;
message EmoteSize {
double width = 1;
int32 emoji_size = 2;
// 附加大卡-电竞卡样式
enum EspaceStyle {
moba = 0; // moba类
// 扩展字段,用于动态部分操作使用
message Extend {
// 动态id
string dyn_id_str = 1;
// 业务方id
string business_id = 2;
// 源动态id
string orig_dyn_id_str = 3;
// 转发卡:用户名
string orig_name = 4;
// 转发卡图片url
string orig_img_url = 5;
// 转发卡:文字内容
repeated Description orig_desc = 6;
// 填充文字内容
repeated Description desc = 7;
// 被转发的源动态类型
DynamicType orig_dyn_type = 8;
// 分享到站外展示类型
string share_type = 9;
// 分享的场景
string share_scene = 10;
// 是否快速转发
bool is_fast_share = 11;
// r_type 分享和转发
int32 r_type = 12;
// 数据源的动态类型
int64 dyn_type = 13;
// 用户id
int64 uid = 14;
// 卡片跳转
string card_url = 15;
// 透传字段
google.protobuf.Any source_content = 16;
// 转发卡:用户头像
string orig_face = 17;
// 评论跳转
ExtendReply reply = 18;
string track_id = 19;
ModuleOpusSummary opus_summary = 20;
OnlyFansProperty only_fans_property = 21;
DynFeatureGate feature_gate = 22;
bool is_in_audit = 23;
map<string, string> history_report = 24;
// 评论扩展
message ExtendReply {
// 基础跳转地址
string uri = 1;
// 参数部分
repeated ExtendReplyParam params = 2;
// 评论扩展参数部分
message ExtendReplyParam {
// 参数名
string key = 1;
// 参数值
string value = 2;
// 动态-拓展小卡模块-通用小卡
message ExtInfoCommon {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 小图标
string icon = 3;
// poiType
int32 poi_type = 4;
// 类型
DynExtendType type = 5;
// 客户端埋点用
string sub_module = 6;
// 行动点文案
string action_text = 7;
// 行动点链接
string action_url = 8;
// 资源rid
int64 rid = 9;
// 轻浏览是否展示
bool is_show_light = 10;
// 动态-拓展小卡模块-游戏小卡
message ExtInfoGame {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 小图标
string icon = 3;
// 动态-拓展小卡模块-热门小卡
message ExtInfoHot {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 小图标
string icon = 3;
// 动态-拓展小卡模块-lbs小卡
message ExtInfoLBS {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 小图标
string icon = 3;
// poiType
int32 poi_type = 4;
// 动态-拓展小卡模块-ogv小卡
message ExtInfoOGV {
// ogv小卡
repeated InfoOGV info_ogv = 1;
// 动态-拓展小卡模块-话题小卡
message ExtInfoTopic {
// 标题-话题名
string title = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 小图标
string icon = 3;
message FeedFilterReply {
string offset = 1;
bool has_more = 2;
repeated DynamicItem list = 3;
message FeedFilterReq {
string offset = 1;
string tab = 2;
int32 local_time = 3;
// player_args = 4;
AdParam ad_param = 5;
int32 cold_start = 6;
int64 page = 7;
message FetchTabSettingReply {
int32 status = 1;
// 折叠类型
enum FoldType {
FoldTypeZore = 0; // 占位
FoldTypePublish = 1; // 用户发布折叠
FoldTypeFrequent = 2; // 转发超频折叠
FoldTypeUnite = 3; // 联合投稿折叠
FoldTypeLimit = 4; // 动态受限折叠
FoldTypeTopicMerged = 5;
// 视频页-我的追番-番剧信息
message FollowListItem {
// season_id
int64 season_id = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 封面图
string cover = 3;
// 跳转链接
string url = 4;
// new_ep
NewEP new_ep = 5;
// 子标题
string sub_title = 6;
// 卡片位次
int64 pos = 7;
enum FollowType {
ft_not_follow = 0; //
ft_follow = 1; //
// 动态-附加卡-商品卡-商品
message GoodsItem {
// 图片
string cover = 1;
// schemaPackageName(Android用)
string schema_package_name = 2;
// 商品类型
// 1:淘宝 2:会员购
int32 source_type = 3;
// 跳转链接
string jump_url = 4;
// 跳转文案
string jump_desc = 5;
// 标题
string title = 6;
// 摘要
string brief = 7;
// 价格
string price = 8;
// item_id
int64 item_id = 9;
// schema_url
string schema_url = 10;
// open_white_list
repeated string open_white_list = 11;
// use_web_v2
bool user_web_v2 = 12;
// ad mark
string ad_mark = 13;
string app_name = 14;
GoodsJumpType jump_type = 15;
enum GoodsJumpType {
goods_none = 0;
goods_schema = 1;
goods_url = 2;
message GuideBarInfo {
int32 show = 1;
int32 page = 2;
int32 position = 3;
string desc = 4;
int32 jump_page = 5;
int32 jump_position = 6;
// 高亮文本
message HighlightText {
// 展示文本
string text = 1;
// 高亮类型
HighlightTextStyle text_style = 2;
string jump_url = 3;
string icon = 4;
// 文本高亮枚举
enum HighlightTextStyle {
style_none = 0; // 默认
style_highlight = 1; // 高亮
enum HomePageTabSttingStatus {
message HomeSubscribeReply {
int32 online = 1;
message HomeSubscribeReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
message IconBadge {
string icon_bg_url = 1;
string text = 2;
message IconButton {
string text = 1;
string icon_head = 2;
string icon_tail = 3;
string jump_uri = 4;
enum IconResLocal {
message ImageSet {
string img_day = 1;
string img_dark = 2;
// 枚举-附加卡样式
enum ImageStyle {
add_style_vertical = 0; //
add_style_square = 1; //
message ImgInlineCfg {
double width = 1;
double height = 2;
Colors color = 3;
// 动态-拓展小卡模块-ogv小卡-(one of 片单、榜单、分区)
message InfoOGV {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 小图标
string icon = 3;
// 客户端埋点用
string sub_module = 4;
message InteractionFace {
int64 mid = 1;
string face = 2;
// 外露交互模块
message InteractionItem {
// 外露模块类型
LocalIconType icon_type = 1;
// 外露模块文案
repeated Description desc = 2;
// 外露模块uri相关 根据type不同用法不同
string uri = 3;
// 动态id
string dynamic_id = 4;
// 评论mid
int64 comment_mid = 6;
repeated InteractionFace faces = 7;
InteractionStat stat = 8;
string icon = 9;
message InteractionStat {
int64 like = 1;
message LbsPoiDetail {
string poi = 1;
int64 type = 2;
repeated string base_pic = 3;
repeated string cover = 4;
string address = 5;
string title = 6;
message LbsPoiReply {
bool has_more = 1;
string offset = 2;
LbsPoiDetail detail = 3;
repeated DynamicItem list = 4;
message LbsPoiReq {
string poi = 1;
int64 type = 2;
string offset = 3;
int32 refresh_type = 4;
int32 local_time = 5;
// player_args = 6;
message LegacyTopicFeedReply {
repeated DynamicItem list = 1;
bool has_more = 2;
string offset = 3;
repeated SortType supported_sort_types = 4;
repeated SortType feed_card_filters = 5;
message LegacyTopicFeedReq {
int64 topic_id = 1;
string topic_name = 2;
string offset = 3;
SortType sort_type = 4;
SortType card_filter = 5;
enum LightFromType {
from_login = 0; //
from_unlogin = 1; //
// 点赞动画
message LikeAnimation {
// 开始动画
string begin = 1;
// 过程动画
string proc = 2;
// 结束动画
string end = 3;
// id
int64 like_icon_id = 4;
// 点赞拓展信息
message LikeInfo {
// 点赞动画
LikeAnimation animation = 1;
// 是否点赞
bool is_like = 2;
// 点赞列表-响应
message LikeListReply {
// 用户模块列表
repeated ModuleAuthor list = 1;
// 是否还有更多数据
bool has_more = 2;
// 点赞总数
int64 total_count = 3;
// 点赞列表-请求
message LikeListReq {
// 动态ID
string dynamic_id = 1;
// 动态类型
int64 dyn_type = 2;
// 业务方资源id
int64 rid = 3;
int64 uid_offset = 4;
// 下拉页数
int32 page = 5;
// 点赞用户
message LikeUser {
// 用户mid
int64 uid = 1;
// 用户昵称
string uname = 2;
// 点击跳转链接
string uri = 3;
message LineParagraph {
MdlDynDrawItem pic = 1;
message LinkNode {
string show_text = 1;
string link = 2;
string icon = 3;
string icon_suffix = 4;
string link_type = 5;
LinkNodeType link_type_enum = 6;
string biz_id = 7;
int64 timestamp = 8;
GoodsItem goods_item = 9;
NoteVideoTS note_video_ts = 10;
enum LinkNodeType {
VIDEO = 1;
VOTE = 3;
LIVE = 4;
MATCH = 6;
GOODS = 7;
OGV_SS = 8;
OGV_EP = 9;
MANGA = 10;
CHEESE = 11;
VIDEO_TS = 12;
AT = 13;
HASH_TAG = 14;
URL = 16;
MAIL = 17;
LBS = 18;
GAME = 21;
UP_TOPIC = 23;
UP_MAOER = 25;
SEARCH = 28;
// 直播信息
message LiveInfo {
// 是否在直播
// 0:未直播 1:正在直播 (废弃)
int32 is_living = 1;
// 跳转链接
string uri = 2;
// 直播状态
LiveState live_state = 3;
message LivePendant {
string text = 1;
string icon = 2;
int64 pendant_id = 3;
// 直播状态
enum LiveState {
live_none = 0; // 未直播
live_live = 1; // 直播中
live_rotation = 2; // 轮播中
// 外露模块类型
enum LocalIconType {
local_icon_comment = 0; //
local_icon_like = 1; //
local_icon_avatar = 2;
local_icon_cover = 3;
local_icon_like_and_forward = 4;
// 动态-附加卡-电竞卡-战队
message MatchTeam {
// 战队ID
int64 id = 1;
// 战队名
string name = 2;
// 战队图标
string cover = 3;
// 日间色值
string color = 4;
// 夜间色值
string night_color = 5;
enum MdlBlockedStyle {
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-小程序/小游戏
message MdlDynApplet {
// 小程序id
int64 id = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 主标题
string title = 4;
// 副标题
string sub_title = 5;
// 封面图
string cover = 6;
// 小程序icon
string icon = 7;
// 小程序标题
string label = 8;
// 按钮文案
string button_title = 9;
// 动态-详情模块-稿件
message MdlDynArchive {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 封面图
string cover = 2;
// 秒开地址
string uri = 3;
// 视频封面展示项 1
string cover_left_text_1 = 4;
// 视频封面展示项 2
string cover_left_text_2 = 5;
// 封面视频展示项 3
string cover_left_text_3 = 6;
// avid
int64 avid = 7;
// cid
int64 cid = 8;
// 视频源类型
MediaType media_type = 9;
// 尺寸信息
Dimension dimension = 10;
// 角标,多个角标之前有间距
repeated VideoBadge badge = 11;
// 是否能够自动播放
bool can_play= 12;
// stype
VideoType stype = 13;
// 是否PGC
bool isPGC = 14;
// inline播放地址
string inlineURL = 15;
// PGC的epid
int64 EpisodeId = 16;
// 子类型
int32 SubType = 17;
// PGC的ssid
int64 PgcSeasonId = 18;
// 播放按钮
string play_icon = 19;
// 时长
int64 duration = 20;
// 跳转地址
string jump_url = 21;
// 番剧是否为预览视频
bool is_preview = 22;
// 新角标,多个角标之前没有间距
repeated VideoBadge badge_category = 23;
// 当前是否是pgc正片
bool is_feature = 24;
// 是否是预约召回
ReserveType reserve_type = 25;
// bvid
string bvid = 26;
// 播放数
int32 view = 27;
bool show_premiere_badge = 28;
bool premiere_card = 29;
bool show_progress = 30;
int64 part_duration = 31;
int64 part_progress = 32;
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-专栏模块
message MdlDynArticle {
// 专栏id
int64 id = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 标题
string title = 3;
// 文案部分
string desc = 4;
// 配图
repeated string covers = 5;
// 阅读量标签
string label = 6;
// 模板类型
int32 templateID = 7;
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-通用
message MdlDynCommon {
// 物料id
int64 oid = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 标题
string title = 3;
// 描述 漫画卡标题下第一行
string desc = 4;
// 封面
string cover = 5;
// 标签1 漫画卡标题下第二行
string label = 6;
// 所属业务类型
int32 bizType = 7;
// 镜像数据ID
int64 sketchID = 8;
// 卡片样式
MdlDynCommonType style = 9;
// 角标
repeated VideoBadge badge = 10;
AdditionalButton button = 11;
enum MdlDynCommonType {
mdl_dyn_common_none = 0; //
mdl_dyn_common_square = 1; //
mdl_dyn_common_vertica = 2; //
// 动态-详情模块-付费课程批次
message MdlDynCourBatch {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 封面图
string cover = 2;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 3;
// 展示项 1(本集标题)
string text_1 = 4;
// 展示项 2(更新了多少个视频)
string text_2 = 5;
// 角标
VideoBadge badge = 6;
// 播放按钮
string play_icon = 7;
bool can_play = 8;
bool is_preview = 9;
string cover_left_text_1 = 10;
string cover_left_text_2 = 11;
string cover_left_text_3 = 12;
int64 avid = 13;
int64 cid = 14;
int64 epid = 15;
int64 duration = 16;
int64 season_id = 17;
// 动态-详情模块-付费课程系列
message MdlDynCourSeason {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 封面图
string cover = 2;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 3;
// 展示项 1(更新信息)
string text_1 = 4;
// 描述信息
string desc = 5;
// 角标
VideoBadge badge = 6;
// 播放按钮
string play_icon = 7;
bool can_play = 8;
bool is_preview = 9;
int64 avid = 10;
int64 cid = 11;
int64 epid = 12;
int64 duration = 13;
int64 season_id = 14;
message MdlDynCourUp {
string title = 1;
string desc = 2;
string cover = 3;
string uri = 4;
string text_1 = 5;
VideoBadge badge = 6;
string play_icon = 7;
bool can_play = 8;
bool is_preview = 9;
int64 avid = 10;
int64 cid = 11;
int64 epid = 12;
int64 duration = 13;
int64 season_id = 14;
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-图文模块
message MdlDynDraw {
// 图片
repeated MdlDynDrawItem items = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 图文ID
int64 id = 3;
bool is_draw_first = 4;
bool is_big_cover = 5;
bool is_article_cover = 6;
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-图文
message MdlDynDrawItem {
// 图片链接
string src = 1;
// 图片宽度
int64 width = 2;
// 图片高度
int64 height = 3;
// 图片大小
float size = 4;
// 图片标签
repeated MdlDynDrawTag tags = 5;
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-图文-标签
message MdlDynDrawTag {
// 标签类型
MdlDynDrawTagType type = 1;
// 标签详情
MdlDynDrawTagItem item = 2;
// 动态列表部分-详情模块-图文-标签详情
message MdlDynDrawTagItem {
// 跳转链接
string url = 1;
// 标签内容
string text = 2;
// 坐标-x
int64 x = 3;
// 坐标-y
int64 y = 4;
// 方向
int32 orientation = 5;
// 来源
// 0:未知 1:淘宝 2:自营
int32 source = 6;
// 商品id
int64 item_id = 7;
// 用户mid
int64 mid = 8;
// 话题id
int64 tid = 9;
// lbs信息
string poi = 10;
// 商品标签链接
string schema_url = 11;
// 图文标签类型
enum MdlDynDrawTagType {
mdl_draw_tag_none = 0; // 占位
mdl_draw_tag_common = 1; // 普通标签
mdl_draw_tag_goods = 2; // 商品标签
mdl_draw_tag_user = 3; // 用户昵称
mdl_draw_tag_topic = 4; // 话题名称
mdl_draw_tag_lbs = 5; // lbs标签
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-转发模块
message MdlDynForward {
// 动态转发核心模块 套娃
DynamicItem item = 1;
// 透传类型
// 0:分享 1:转发
int32 rtype = 2;
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-直播
message MdlDynLive {
// 房间号
int64 id = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 直播间标题
string title = 3;
// 直播间封面
string cover = 4;
// 标题1 例: 陪伴学习
string cover_label = 5;
// 标题2 例: 54.6万人气
string cover_label2 = 6;
// 直播状态
LiveState live_state = 7;
// 直播角标
VideoBadge badge = 8;
// 是否是预约召回
ReserveType reserve_type = 9;
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-直播推荐
message MdlDynLiveRcmd {
// 直播数据
string content = 1;
// 是否是预约召回
ReserveType reserve_type = 2;
LivePendant pendant = 3;
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-播单
message MdlDynMedialist {
// 播单id
int64 id = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 主标题
string title = 3;
// 副标题
string sub_title = 4;
// 封面图
string cover = 5;
// 封面类型
int32 cover_type = 6;
// 角标
VideoBadge badge = 7;
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-音频模块
message MdlDynMusic {
// 音频id
int64 id = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// upId
int64 up_id = 3;
// 歌名
string title = 4;
// 专辑封面
string cover = 5;
// 展示项1
string label1 = 6;
// upper
string upper = 7;
// 动态-详情模块-pgc
message MdlDynPGC {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 封面图
string cover = 2;
// 秒开地址
string uri = 3;
// 视频封面展示项 1
string cover_left_text_1 = 4;
// 视频封面展示项 2
string cover_left_text_2 = 5;
// 封面视频展示项 3
string cover_left_text_3 = 6;
// cid
int64 cid = 7;
// season_id
int64 season_id = 8;
// epid
int64 epid = 9;
// aid
int64 aid = 10;
// 视频源类型
MediaType media_type = 11;
// 番剧类型
VideoSubType sub_type = 12;
// 番剧是否为预览视频
bool is_preview = 13;
// 尺寸信息
Dimension dimension = 14;
// 角标,多个角标之前有间距
repeated VideoBadge badge = 15;
// 是否能够自动播放
bool can_play= 16;
// season
PGCSeason season = 17;
// 播放按钮
string play_icon = 18;
// 时长
int64 duration = 19;
// 跳转地址
string jump_url = 20;
// 新角标,多个角标之前没有间距
repeated VideoBadge badge_category = 21;
// 当前是否是pgc正片
bool is_feature = 22;
// 动态列表渲染部分-详情模块-订阅卡
message MdlDynSubscription {
// 卡片物料id
int64 id = 1;
// 广告创意id
int64 ad_id = 2;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 3;
// 标题
string title = 4;
// 封面图
string cover = 5;
// 广告标题
string ad_title = 6;
// 角标
VideoBadge badge = 7;
// 小提示
string tips = 8;
// 动态新附加卡
message MdlDynSubscriptionNew {
MdlDynSubscriptionNewStyle style = 1;
// 新订阅卡数据
oneof item {
MdlDynSubscription dyn_subscription = 2;
// 直播推荐
MdlDynLiveRcmd dyn_live_rcmd = 3;
enum MdlDynSubscriptionNewStyle {
mdl_dyn_subscription_new_style_nont = 0; // 占位
mdl_dyn_subscription_new_style_live = 1; // 直播
mdl_dyn_subscription_new_style_draw = 2; // 图文
message MdlDynTopicSet {
repeated TopicItem topics = 1;
IconButton more_btn = 2;
int64 topic_set_id = 3;
int64 push_id = 4;
// 动态列表渲染部分-UGC合集
message MdlDynUGCSeason {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 封面图
string cover = 2;
// 秒开地址
string uri = 3;
// 视频封面展示项 1
string cover_left_text_1 = 4;
// 视频封面展示项 2
string cover_left_text_2 = 5;
// 封面视频展示项 3
string cover_left_text_3 = 6;
// 卡片物料id
int64 id = 7;
// inline播放地址
string inlineURL = 8;
// 是否能够自动播放
bool can_play= 9;
// 播放按钮
string play_icon = 10;
// avid
int64 avid = 11;
// cid
int64 cid = 12;
// 尺寸信息
Dimension dimension = 13;
// 时长
int64 duration = 14;
// 跳转地址
string jump_url = 15;
// 播放器类型
enum MediaType {
MediaTypeNone = 0; // 本地
MediaTypeUGC = 1; // UGC
MediaTypePGC = 2; // PGC
MediaTypeLive = 3; // 直播
MediaTypeVCS = 4; // 小视频
// 查看更多-列表单条数据
message MixUpListItem {
// 用户mid
int64 uid = 1;
// 特别关注
// 0:否 1:是
int32 special_attention = 2;
// 小红点状态
// 0:没有 1:有
int32 reddot_state = 3;
// 直播信息
MixUpListLiveItem live_info = 4;
// 昵称
string name = 5;
// 头像
string face = 6;
// 认证信息
OfficialVerify official = 7;
// 大会员信息
VipInfo vip = 8;
// 关注状态
Relation relation = 9;
int32 permire_state = 10;
string uri = 11;
message MixUpListLiveItem {
// 直播状态
// 0:未直播 1:直播中
bool status = 1;
// 房间号
int64 room_id = 2;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 3;
// 动态模块
message Module {
// 类型
DynModuleType module_type = 1;
oneof module_item {
// 用户模块 1
ModuleAuthor module_author = 2;
// 争议黄条模块 2
ModuleDispute module_dispute = 3;
// 动态正文模块 3
ModuleDesc module_desc = 4;
// 动态卡模块 4
ModuleDynamic module_dynamic = 5;
// 点赞外露(废弃)
ModuleLikeUser module_likeUser = 6;
// 小卡模块 6
ModuleExtend module_extend = 7;
// 大卡模块 5
ModuleAdditional module_additional = 8;
// 计数模块 8
ModuleStat module_stat = 9;
// 折叠模块 9
ModuleFold module_fold = 10;
// 评论外露(废弃)
ModuleComment module_comment = 11;
// 外露交互模块(点赞、评论) 7
ModuleInteraction module_interaction = 12;
// 转发卡-原卡用户模块
ModuleAuthorForward module_author_forward = 13;
// 广告卡
ModuleAd module_ad = 14;
// 通栏
ModuleBanner module_banner = 15;
// 获取物料失败
ModuleItemNull module_item_null = 16;
// 分享组件
ModuleShareInfo module_share_info = 17;
// 相关推荐模块
ModuleRecommend module_recommend = 18;
// 顶部模块
ModuleTop module_top = 19;
// 底部模块
ModuleButtom module_buttom = 20;
// 转发卡计数模块
ModuleStat module_stat_forward = 21;
ModuleStory module_story = 22;
ModuleTopic module_topic = 23;
ModuleTopicDetailsExt module_topic_details_ext = 24;
ModuleTopTag module_top_tag = 25;
ModuleTopicBrief module_topic_brief = 26;
ModuleTitle module_title = 27;
ModuleButton module_button = 28;
ModuleNotice module_notice = 29;
ModuleOpusSummary module_opus_summary = 30;
ModuleCopyright module_copyright = 31;
ModuleParagraph module_paragraph = 32;
ModuleBlocked module_blocked = 33;
ModuleTextNotice module_text_notice = 34;
ModuleOpusCollection module_opus_collection = 35;
// 动态列表-用户模块-广告卡
message ModuleAd {
// 广告透传信息
google.protobuf.Any source_content = 1;
// 用户模块
ModuleAuthor module_author = 2;
int32 ad_content_type = 3;
string cover_left_text1 = 4;
string cover_left_text2 = 5;
string cover_left_text3 = 6;
// 动态-附加卡模块
message ModuleAdditional {
// 类型
AdditionalType type = 1;
oneof item {
// 废弃
AdditionalPGC pgc = 2;
AdditionGoods goods = 3;
// 废弃
AdditionVote vote = 4;
AdditionCommon common = 5;
AdditionEsport esport = 6;
// 投票
AdditionVote2 vote2 = 8;
AdditionUgc ugc = 9;
// up主预约发布卡
AdditionUP up = 10;
AdditionArticle article = 12;
AdditionLiveRoom live = 13;
// 附加卡物料ID
int64 rid = 7;
bool need_write_calender = 11;
// 动态-发布人模块
message ModuleAuthor {
// 用户mid
int64 mid = 1;
// 时间标签
string ptime_label_text = 2;
// 用户详情
UserInfo author = 3;
// 装扮卡片
DecorateCard decorate_card = 4;
// 点击跳转链接
string uri = 5;
// 右侧操作区域 - 三点样式
repeated ThreePointItem tp_list = 6;
// 右侧操作区域样式枚举
ModuleAuthorBadgeType badge_type = 7;
// 右侧操作区域 - 按钮样式
ModuleAuthorBadgeButton badge_button = 8;
// 是否关注
// 1:关注 0:不关注 默认0点赞列表使用其他场景不使用该字段
int32 attend = 9;
// 关注状态
Relation relation = 10;
// 右侧操作区域 - 提权样式
Weight weight = 11;
// 是否展示关注
bool show_follow = 12;
// 是否置顶
bool is_top = 13;
// ip属地
string ptime_location_text = 14;
bool show_level = 15;
OnlyFans only_fans = 16;
// 动态列表渲染部分-用户模块-按钮
message ModuleAuthorBadgeButton {
// 图标
string icon = 1;
// 文案
string title = 2;
// 状态
int32 state = 3;
// 物料ID
int64 id = 4;
// 右侧操作区域样式枚举
enum ModuleAuthorBadgeType {
module_author_badge_type_none = 0; // 占位
module_author_badge_type_threePoint = 1; // 三点
module_author_badge_type_button = 2; // 按钮类型
module_author_badge_type_weight = 3; // 提权
// 动态列表-用户模块-转发模板
message ModuleAuthorForward {
// 展示标题
repeated ModuleAuthorForwardTitle title = 1;
// 源卡片跳转链接
string url = 2;
// 用户uid
int64 uid = 3;
// 时间标签
string ptime_label_text = 4;
// 是否展示关注
bool show_follow = 5;
// 源up主头像
string face_url = 6;
// 双向关系
Relation relation = 7;
// 右侧操作区域 - 三点样式
repeated ThreePointItem tp_list = 8;
// 动态列表-用户模块-转发模板-title部分
message ModuleAuthorForwardTitle {
// 文案
string text = 1;
// 跳转链接
string url = 2;
// 动态列表-通栏
message ModuleBanner {
// 模块标题
string title = 1;
// 卡片类型
ModuleBannerType type = 2;
// 卡片
oneof item{
ModuleBannerUser user = 3;
// 不感兴趣文案
string dislike_text = 4;
// 不感兴趣图标
string dislike_icon = 5;
// 动态列表-通栏类型
enum ModuleBannerType {
module_banner_type_none = 0; //
module_banner_type_user = 1; //
// 动态通栏-用户
message ModuleBannerUser {
// 卡片列表
repeated ModuleBannerUserItem list = 1;
// 动态通栏-推荐用户卡
message ModuleBannerUserItem {
// up主头像
string face = 1;
// up主昵称
string name = 2;
// up主uid
int64 uid = 3;
// 直播状态
LiveState live_state = 4;
// 认证信息
OfficialVerify official = 5;
// 大会员信息
VipInfo vip = 6;
// 标签信息
string label = 7;
// 按钮
AdditionalButton button = 8;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 9;
Relation relation = 10;
message ModuleBlocked {
ImageSet icon = 1;
ImageSet bg_img = 2;
string hint_message = 3;
IconButton act_btn = 4;
MdlBlockedStyle block_style = 5;
string sub_hint_message = 6;
OneLineText video_bottom_text_upper = 7;
OneLineText video_bottom_text_lower = 8;
string archive_title = 9;
OneLineText hint_message_one_line = 10;
// 底部模块
message ModuleButtom {
enum InteractionIcon {
// 计数模块
ModuleStat module_stat = 1;
bool comment_box = 2;
string comment_box_msg = 3;
repeated InteractionIcon interaction_icons = 4;
repeated InteractionFace faces = 5;
message ModuleButton {
IconButton btn = 1;
// 评论外露模块
message ModuleComment {
// 评论外露展示项
repeated CmtShowItem cmtShowItem = 1;
message ModuleCopyright {
string left_text = 1;
string right_text = 2;
// 动态-描述文字模块
message ModuleDesc {
// 描述信息(已按高亮拆分)
repeated Description desc = 1;
// 点击跳转链接
string jump_uri = 2;
// 文本原本
string text = 3;
// 正文商品卡参数
message ModuleDescGoods {
// 商品类型
// 1:淘宝 2:会员购
int32 source_type = 1;
// 跳转链接
string jump_url = 2;
// schema_url
string schema_url = 3;
// item_id
int64 item_id = 4;
// open_white_list
repeated string open_white_list = 5;
// use_web_v2
bool user_web_v2 = 6;
// ad mark
string ad_mark = 7;
// schemaPackageName(Android用)
string schema_package_name = 8;
int32 jump_type = 9;
string app_name = 10;
// 动态-争议小黄条模块
message ModuleDispute {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 描述内容
string desc = 2;
// 跳转链接
string uri = 3;
// 动态-详情模块
message ModuleDynamic {
// 类型
ModuleDynamicType type = 1;
oneof module_item {
MdlDynArchive dyn_archive = 2;
MdlDynPGC dyn_pgc = 3;
MdlDynCourSeason dyn_cour_season = 4;
MdlDynCourBatch dyn_cour_batch = 5;
MdlDynForward dyn_forward = 6;
MdlDynDraw dyn_draw = 7;
MdlDynArticle dyn_article = 8;
MdlDynMusic dyn_music = 9;
MdlDynCommon dyn_common = 10;
MdlDynLive dyn_common_live = 11;
MdlDynMedialist dyn_medialist = 12;
MdlDynApplet dyn_applet = 13;
MdlDynSubscription dyn_subscription = 14;
MdlDynLiveRcmd dyn_live_rcmd = 15;
MdlDynUGCSeason dyn_ugc_season = 16;
MdlDynSubscriptionNew dyn_subscription_new = 17;
MdlDynCourUp dyn_cour_batch_up = 18;
MdlDynTopicSet dyn_topic_set = 19;
// 动态详情模块类型
enum ModuleDynamicType {
mdl_dyn_archive = 0; // 稿件
mdl_dyn_pgc = 1; // pgc
mdl_dyn_cour_season = 2; // 付费课程-系列
mdl_dyn_cour_batch = 3; // 付费课程-批次
mdl_dyn_forward = 4; // 转发卡
mdl_dyn_draw = 5; // 图文
mdl_dyn_article = 6; // 专栏
mdl_dyn_music = 7; // 音频
mdl_dyn_common = 8; // 通用卡方
mdl_dyn_live = 9; // 直播卡
mdl_dyn_medialist = 10; // 播单
mdl_dyn_applet = 11; // 小程序卡
mdl_dyn_subscription = 12; // 订阅卡
mdl_dyn_live_rcmd = 13; // 直播推荐卡
mdl_dyn_ugc_season = 14; // UGC合集
mdl_dyn_subscription_new = 15; // 订阅卡
mdl_dyn_cour_batch_up = 16; // 课程
mdl_dyn_topic_set = 17; // 话题集合
// 动态-小卡模块
message ModuleExtend {
// 详情
repeated ModuleExtendItem extend = 1;
// 模块整体跳转uri
string uri = 2; // 废弃
// 动态-拓展小卡模块
message ModuleExtendItem {
// 类型
DynExtendType type = 1;
// 卡片详情
oneof extend {
// 废弃
ExtInfoTopic ext_info_topic = 2;
// 废弃
ExtInfoLBS ext_info_lbs = 3;
// 废弃
ExtInfoHot ext_info_hot = 4;
// 废弃
ExtInfoGame ext_info_game = 5;
ExtInfoCommon ext_info_common = 6;
ExtInfoOGV ext_info_ogv = 7;
// 动态-折叠模块
message ModuleFold {
// 折叠分类
FoldType fold_type = 1;
// 折叠文案
string text = 2;
// 被折叠的动态
string fold_ids = 3;
// 被折叠的用户信息
repeated UserInfo fold_users = 4;
TopicMergedResource topic_merged_resource = 5;
// 外露交互模块
message ModuleInteraction {
// 外露交互模块
repeated InteractionItem interaction_item = 1;
// 获取物料失败模块
message ModuleItemNull {
// 图标
string icon = 1;
// 文案
string text = 2;
// 动态-点赞用户模块
message ModuleLikeUser {
// 点赞用户
repeated LikeUser like_users = 1;
// 文案
string display_text = 2;
message ModuleNotice {
string identity = 1;
string icon = 2;
string title = 3;
string url = 4;
int32 notice_type = 5;
message ModuleOpusCollection {
OpusCollection collection_info = 1;
string title_upper = 2;
string title = 3;
string title_prefix_icon = 4;
string total_text = 5;
message ModuleOpusSummary {
Paragraph title = 1;
Paragraph summary = 2;
string summary_jump_btn_text = 3;
repeated MdlDynDrawItem covers = 4;
message ModuleParagraph {
Paragraph paragraph = 1;
bool is_article_title = 2;
ParaSpacing para_spacing = 3;
// 推荐模块
message ModuleRcmd {
// 用户头像
RcmdAuthor author = 1;
// 推荐卡片列表
repeated RcmdItem items = 2;
// 透传到客户端的埋点字段
string server_info = 3;
// 相关推荐模块
message ModuleRecommend {
// 模块标题
string module_title = 1;
// 图片
string image = 2;
// 标签
string tag = 3;
// 标题
string title = 4;
// 跳转链接
string jump_url = 5;
// 序列化的广告信息
repeated google.protobuf.Any ad = 6;
// 分享模块
message ModuleShareInfo {
// 展示标题
string title = 1;
// 分享组件列表
repeated ShareChannel share_channels = 2;
// share_origin
string share_origin = 3;
// 业务id
string oid = 4;
// sid
string sid = 5;
// 动态-计数模块
message ModuleStat {
// 转发数
int64 repost = 1;
// 点赞数
int64 like = 2;
// 评论数
int64 reply = 3;
// 点赞拓展信息
LikeInfo like_info = 4;
// 禁评
bool no_comment = 5;
// 禁转
bool no_forward = 6;
// 点击评论跳转链接
string reply_url = 7;
// 禁评文案
string no_comment_text = 8;
// 禁转文案
string no_forward_text = 9;
message ModuleStory {
string title = 1;
repeated StoryItem items = 2;
bool show_publish_entrance = 3;
int64 fold_state = 4;
string uri = 5;
string cover = 6;
string publish_text = 7;
message ModuleTextNotice {
OneLineText notice = 1;
message ModuleTitle {
string title = 1;
IconButton right_btn = 2;
int32 title_style = 3;
// 顶部模块
message ModuleTop {
// 三点模块
repeated ThreePointItem tp_list = 1;
MdlDynArchive archive = 2;
ModuleAuthor author = 3;
bool hidden_nav_bar = 4;
message ModuleTopic {
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
string url = 3;
message ModuleTopicBrief {
TopicItem topic = 1;
message ModuleTopicDetailsExt {
string comment_guide = 1;
message ModuleTopTag {
string tag_name = 1;
// 认证名牌
message Nameplate {
// nid
int64 nid = 1;
// 名称
string name = 2;
// 图片地址
string image = 3;
// 小图地址
string image_small = 4;
// 等级
string level = 5;
// 获取条件
string condition = 6;
enum NetworkType {
NT_UNKNOWN = 0; //
WIFI = 1; //
CELLULAR = 2; //
OFFLINE = 3; //
OTHERNET = 4; //
ETHERNET = 5; //
// 最新ep
message NewEP {
// 最新话epid
int32 id = 1;
// 更新至XX话
string index_show = 2;
// 更新剧集的封面
string cover = 3;
message NFTInfo {
NFTRegionType region_type = 1;
string region_icon = 2;
NFTShowStatus region_show_status = 3;
enum NFTRegionType {
nft_region_default = 0;
nft_region_mainlang = 1;
nft_region_gat = 2;
enum NFTShowStatus {
nft_show_default = 0;
nft_show_zoominmainlang = 1;
nft_show_raw = 2;
// 空响应
message NoReply {
// 空请求
message NoReq {
message NoteVideoTS {
int64 cid = 1;
int64 oid_type = 2;
int64 status = 3;
int64 index = 4;
int64 seconds = 5;
int64 cid_count = 6;
string key = 7;
int64 epid = 9;
string title = 8;
string desc = 10;
message OfficialAccountInfo {
UserInfo author = 1;
int64 mid = 2;
string uri = 3;
Relation relation = 4;
string desc_text1 = 5;
string desc_text2 = 6;
message OfficialAccountsReply {
repeated OfficialAccountInfo items = 1;
bool has_more = 2;
int64 offset = 3;
message OfficialAccountsReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
int64 offset = 3;
message OfficialDynamicsReply {
repeated OfficialItem items = 1;
int64 offset = 2;
bool has_more = 3;
// player_args = 4;
message OfficialDynamicsReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
int64 offset = 3;
message OfficialItem {
int32 type = 1;
oneof rcmd_item {
OfficialRcmdArchive rcmd_archive = 2;
OfficialRcmdDynamic rcmd_dynamic = 3;
message OfficialRcmdArchive {
string title = 1;
string cover = 2;
string cover_right_text = 3;
int32 desc_icon1 = 4;
string desc_text1 = 5;
int32 desc_icon2 = 6;
string desc_text2 = 7;
string reason = 8;
bool show_three_point = 9;
string uri = 10;
int64 aid = 11;
int64 mid = 12;
string name = 13;
int64 dynamic_id = 14;
int64 cid = 15;
message OfficialRcmdDynamic {
string title = 1;
string cover = 2;
string cover_right_top_text = 3;
int32 desc_icon1 = 4;
string desc_text1 = 5;
int32 desc_icon2 = 6;
string desc_text2 = 7;
string reason = 8;
string uri = 9;
int64 dynamic_id = 10;
int64 mid = 11;
string user_name = 12;
int64 rid = 13;
// 认证信息
message OfficialVerify {
// 127:未认证 0:个人 1:机构
int32 type = 1;
// 认证描述
string desc = 2;
// 是否关注
int32 is_atten = 3;
message OneLineText {
repeated TextWithPriority texts = 1;
message OnlyFans {
bool is_only_fans = 1;
IconBadge badge = 2;
message OnlyFansProperty {
bool has_privilege = 1;
bool is_only_fans = 2;
message OpusCollection {
int64 collection_id = 1;
OneLineText title = 2;
string detail_uri = 3;
string intro = 4;
repeated OpusCollectionItem all_items = 5;
message OpusCollectionItem {
int64 opus_id = 1;
string title = 2;
string pub_time = 3;
string uri = 4;
bool is_selected_highlight = 5;
message Paragraph {
message ListFormat {
int32 level = 1;
int32 order = 2;
string theme = 3;
enum ParagraphAlign {
LEFT = 0;
RIGHT = 2;
message ParagraphFormat {
ParagraphAlign align = 1;
ListFormat list_format = 2;
enum ParagraphType {
TEXT = 1;
LINE = 3;
ParagraphType para_type = 1;
ParagraphFormat para_format = 2;
oneof content {
TextParagraph text = 3;
PicParagraph pic = 4;
LineParagraph line = 5;
CardParagraph link_card = 6;
message ParaSpacing {
double spacing_before_para = 1;
double spacing_after_para = 2;
double line_spacing = 3;
// PGC单季信息
message PGCSeason {
// 是否完结
int32 is_finish = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 类型
int32 type = 3;
message PicParagraph {
enum PicParagraphStyle {
MdlDynDraw pics = 1;
PicParagraphStyle style = 2;
// 秒开通用参数
message PlayurlParam {
// 清晰度
int32 qn = 1;
// 流版本
int32 fnver = 2;
// 流类型
int32 fnval = 3;
// 是否强制使用域名
int32 force_host = 4;
// 是否4k
int32 fourk = 5;
message Popup {
string title = 1;
string desc = 2;
string uri = 3;
message RcmdArchive {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 封面图
string cover = 2;
// 视频封面展示项 1
CoverIcon cover_left_icon_1 = 3;
// 视频封面展示项 1
string cover_left_text_1 = 4;
// 秒开地址
string uri = 5;
// 是否PGC
bool is_pgc = 6;
// aid
int64 aid = 7;
IconBadge badge = 8;
int32 cover_left_icon2 = 9;
string cover_left_text2 = 10;
int32 cover_left_icon3 = 11;
string cover_left_text3 = 12;
// 推荐UP主用户模块
message RcmdAuthor {
// 用户详情
UserInfo author = 1;
// 描述:粉丝数、推荐理由
string desc = 2;
// 关注状态
Relation relation = 3;
message RcmdCampusBrief {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
string campus_badge = 4;
string url = 5;
// 推荐卡片列表
message RcmdItem {
// 卡片类型
RcmdType type = 1;
// 卡片列表
oneof rcmd_item {
RcmdArchive rcmd_archive = 2;
// 分区聚类推荐选项
message RcmdOption{
// 视频是否展示标题
bool show_title = 1;
message RcmdReason {
string campus_name = 1;
RcmdReasonStyle style = 2;
string rcmd_reason = 3;
string up_name = 4;
enum RcmdReasonStyle {
rcmd_reason_style_none = 0;
rcmd_reason_style_campus_nearby = 1;
rcmd_reason_style_campus_up = 2;
rcmd_reason_style_campus_near_up_mix = 3;
message RcmdTopButton {
string text = 1;
string url = 2;
// 推荐模块数据类型
enum RcmdType {
rcmd_archive = 0; // 稿件
rcmd_dynamic = 1; // 动态
// 推荐up主入参
message RcmdUPsParam {
int64 dislike_ts = 1;
message ReactionListItem {
// 用户信息
UserInfo user = 1;
// 关注关系
Relation relation = 2;
// 显示文字
string act_text = 3;
string rcmd_reason = 4;
// 新版动态转发点赞列表-响应
message ReactionListReply {
// 标题
string title = 1;
// 列表
repeated ReactionListItem list = 2;
// 偏移
string offset = 3;
// 是否还有更多
bool has_more = 4;
// 新版动态转发点赞列表-请求
message ReactionListReq {
// 动态ID
int64 dynamic_id = 1;
// 动态类型
int64 dyn_type = 2;
// 业务方资源id
int64 rid = 3;
// 偏移,使用上一页回包中的offset字段第一页不传。
string offset = 4;
// 刷新方式
enum Refresh {
refresh_new = 0; // 刷新列表
refresh_history = 1; // 请求历史
// 关注关系
message Relation {
// 关注状态
RelationStatus status = 1;
// 关注
int32 is_follow = 2;
// 被关注
int32 is_followed = 3;
// 文案
string title = 4;
// 关注关系 枚举
enum RelationStatus {
// 1-未关注 2-关注 3-被关注 4-互相关注 5-特别关注
relation_status_none = 0;
relation_status_nofollow = 1;
relation_status_follow = 2;
relation_status_followed = 3;
relation_status_mutual_concern = 4;
relation_status_special = 5;
// 转发列表-请求
message RepostListReq {
// 动态ID
string dynamic_id = 1;
// 动态类型
int64 dyn_type = 2;
// 业务方资源id
int64 rid = 3;
// 偏移,使用上一页回包中的offset字段第一页不传。
string offset = 4;
// 来源
string from = 5;
// 评论类型
RepostType repost_type = 6;
// 转发列表-响应
message RepostListRsp {
// 列表
repeated DynamicItem list = 1;
// 偏移
string offset = 2;
// 是否还有更多
bool has_more = 3;
// 转发总数
int64 total_count = 4;
// 评论类型
RepostType repost_type = 5;
// 评论类型
enum RepostType {
repost_hot = 0; // 热门评论
repost_general = 1; // 普通评论
enum ReserveRelationLotteryType {
reserve_relation_lottery_type_default = 0; //
reserve_relation_lottery_type_cron = 1; //
enum ReserveType {
reserve_none = 0; // 占位
reserve_recall = 1; // 预约召回
enum RouterAction {
OPEN = 0;
EMBED = 1;
message SchoolRecommendReply {
repeated CampusInfo items = 1;
message SchoolRecommendReq {
float lat = 1;
float lng = 2;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 3;
message SchoolSearchReply {
repeated CampusInfo items = 1;
SearchToast toast = 2;
message SchoolSearchReq {
string keyword = 1;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 2;
message SearchChannel {
string title = 1;
SearchTopicButton more_button = 2;
repeated ChannelInfo channels = 3;
message SearchInfo {
string title = 1;
repeated DynamicItem list = 2;
string track_id = 3;
int64 total = 4;
bool has_more = 5;
string version = 6;
message SearchToast {
string desc_text1 = 1;
string desc_text2 = 2;
message SearchTopic {
string title = 1;
SearchTopicButton more_button = 2;
repeated SearchTopicItem items = 3;
message SearchTopicButton {
string title = 1;
string jump_uri = 2;
message SearchTopicItem {
int64 topic_id = 1;
string topic_name = 2;
string desc = 3;
string url = 4;
bool is_activity = 5;
message SetDecisionReq {
int32 result = 1;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 2;
message SetRecentCampusReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 3;
// 分享渠道组件
message ShareChannel {
// 分享名称
string name = 1;
// 分享按钮图片
string image = 2;
// 分享渠道
string channel = 3;
// 预约卡分享图信息,仅分享有预约信息的动态时存在
ShareReserve reserve = 4;
// 预约卡分享图信息
message ShareReserve {
// 展示标题
string title = 1;
// 描述(时间+类型)
string desc = 2;
// 二维码附带icon
string qr_code_icon = 3;
// 二维码附带文本
string qr_code_text = 4;
// 二维码url
string qr_code_url = 5;
AdditionUserInfo user_info = 6;
enum ShowType {
show_type_none = 0; //
show_type_backup = 1; //
// 排序类型
message SortType {
// 排序策略
// 1:推荐排序 2:最常访问 3:最近关注
int32 sort_type = 1;
// 排序策略名称
string sort_type_name = 2;
message StoryArchive {
string cover = 1;
int64 aid = 2;
string uri = 3;
Dimension dimension = 4;
message StoryItem {
UserInfo author = 1;
string desc = 2;
int64 status = 3;
int32 type = 4;
oneof rcmd_item {
StoryArchive story_archive = 5;
enum StyleType {
message SubscribeCampusReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string campus_name = 2;
CampusReqFromType from_type = 3;
message TextNode {
enum TextNodeType {
WORDS = 1;
EMOTE = 2;
AT = 3;
TextNodeType node_type = 1;
string raw_text = 2;
oneof text {
WordNode word = 3;
EmoteNode emote = 4;
LinkNode link = 5;
message TextParagraph {
repeated TextNode nodes = 1;
message TextWithPriority {
string text = 1;
int64 priority = 2;
// 免流类型
enum TFType {
TF_UNKNOWN = 0; // 未知
U_CARD = 1; // 联通卡
U_PKG = 2; // 联通免流包
C_CARD = 3; // 移动卡
C_PKG = 4; // 移动免流包
T_CARD = 5; // 电信卡
T_PKG = 6; // 电信免流包
// 三点-关注
message ThreePointAttention {
// attention icon
string attention_icon = 1;
// 关注时显示的文案
string attention_text = 2;
// not attention icon
string not_attention_icon = 3;
// 未关注时显示的文案
string not_attention_text = 4;
// 当前关注状态
ThreePointAttentionStatus status = 5;
// 枚举-三点关注状态
enum ThreePointAttentionStatus {
tp_not_attention = 0; //
tp_attention = 1; //
// 三点-自动播放 旧版不维护
message ThreePointAutoPlay {
// open icon
string open_icon = 1;
// 开启时显示文案
string open_text = 2;
// close icon
string close_icon = 3;
// 关闭时显示文案
string close_text = 4;
// 开启时显示文案v2
string open_text_v2 = 5;
// 关闭时显示文案v2
string close_text_v2 = 6;
// 仅wifi/免流 icon
string only_icon = 7;
// 仅wifi/免流 文案
string only_text = 8;
// open icon v2
string open_icon_v2 = 9;
// close icon v2
string close_icon_v2 = 10;
// 三点-评论
message ThreePointComment {
// 精选评论区功能
CommentDetail up_selection = 1;
// up关闭评论区功能
CommentDetail up_close = 2;
// icon
string icon = 3;
// 标题
string title = 4;
// 三点-默认结构(使用此背景、举报、删除)
message ThreePointDefault {
// icon
string icon = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 跳转链接
string uri = 3;
// id
string id = 4;
ThreePointDefaultToast toast = 5;
message ThreePointDefaultToast {
string title = 1;
string desc = 2;
// 三点-不感兴趣
message ThreePointDislike {
// icon
string icon = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 三点-收藏
message ThreePointFavorite {
// icon
string icon = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 物料ID
int64 id = 3;
// 是否订阅
bool is_favourite = 4;
// 取消收藏图标
string cancel_icon = 5;
// 取消收藏文案
string cancel_title = 6;
message ThreePointHide {
string icon = 1;
string title = 2;
ThreePointHideInteractive interactive = 3;
int64 blook_fid = 4;
string blook_type = 5;
message ThreePointHideInteractive {
string title = 1;
string confirm = 2;
string cancel = 3;
string toast = 4;
// 三点Item
message ThreePointItem {
ThreePointType type = 1;
oneof item {
// 默认结构
ThreePointDefault default = 2;
// 自动播放
ThreePointAutoPlay auto_player = 3;
// 分享
ThreePointShare share = 4;
// 关注
ThreePointAttention attention = 5;
// 稍后在看
ThreePointWait wait = 6;
// 不感兴趣
ThreePointDislike dislike = 7;
// 收藏
ThreePointFavorite favorite = 8;
// 置顶
ThreePointTop top = 9;
// 评论
ThreePointComment comment = 10;
ThreePointHide hide = 11;
ThreePointTopicIrrelevant topic_irrelevant = 12;
// 三点-分享
message ThreePointShare {
// icon
string icon = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 分享渠道
repeated ThreePointShareChannel channel = 3;
// 分享渠道名
string channel_name = 4;
// 预约卡分享图信息,仅分享有预约信息的动态时存在
ShareReserve reserve = 5;
// 三点-分享渠道
message ThreePointShareChannel {
// icon
string icon = 1;
// 名称
string title = 2;
// 三点-置顶
message ThreePointTop {
// icon
string icon = 1;
// 标题
string title = 2;
// 状态
TopType type = 3;
message ThreePointTopicIrrelevant {
string icon = 1;
string title = 2;
string toast = 3;
int64 topic_id = 4;
int64 res_id = 5;
int64 res_type = 6;
string reason = 7;
// 三点类型
enum ThreePointType {
tp_none = 0; // 占位
background = 1; // 使用此背景
auto_play = 2; // 自动播放
share = 3; // 分享
wait = 4; // 稍后再播
attention = 5; // 关注
report = 6; // 举报
delete = 7; // 删除
dislike = 8; // 不感兴趣
favorite = 9; // 收藏
top = 10; // 置顶
comment = 11; // 评论
hide = 12; //
campus_delete = 13; //
topic_irrelevant = 14; //
// 三点-稍后在看
message ThreePointWait {
// addition icon
string addition_icon = 1;
// 已添加时的文案
string addition_text = 2;
// no addition icon
string no_addition_icon = 3;
// 未添加时的文案
string no_addition_text = 4;
// avid
int64 id = 5;
enum ThumbType {
cancel = 0; //
thumb = 1; //
// 顶部预约卡
message TopAdditionUP {
// 预约卡
repeated AdditionUP up = 1;
// 折叠数量,大于多少个进行折叠
int32 has_fold = 2;
// 话题广场操作按钮
message TopicButton {
// 按钮图标
string icon = 1;
// 按钮文案
string title = 2;
// 跳转
string jump_uri = 3;
bool red_dot = 4;
message TopicItem {
int64 topic_id = 1;
string topic_name = 2;
string url = 3;
string desc = 4;
string desc2 = 5;
string rcmd_desc = 6;
// 综合页-话题广场
message TopicList {
// 模块标题
string title = 1;
// 话题列表
repeated TopicListItem topic_list_item = 2;
// 发起活动
TopicButton act_button = 3;
// 查看更多
TopicButton more_button = 4;
// 透传服务端上报
string server_info = 5;
// 综合页-话题广场-话题
message TopicListItem {
// 前置图标
string icon = 1;
// 前置图标文案
string icon_title = 2;
// 话题id
int64 topic_id = 3;
// 话题名
string topic_name = 4;
// 跳转链接
string url = 5;
// 卡片位次
int64 pos = 6;
// 透传服务端上报
string server_info = 7;
string head_icon_url = 8;
int64 up_mid = 9;
string tail_icon_url = 10;
string extension = 11;
message TopicListReply {
repeated TopicItem items = 1;
bool has_more = 2;
string offset = 3;
message TopicListReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
string offset = 2;
message TopicMergedResource {
int32 merge_type = 1;
int32 merged_res_cnt = 2;
message TopicRcmdCard {
int64 topic_id = 1;
string topic_name = 2;
string url = 3;
CampusLabel button = 4;
string desc1 = 5;
string desc2 = 6;
string update_desc = 7;
message TopicSquareInfo {
string title = 1;
CampusLabel button = 2;
TopicRcmdCard rcmd = 3;
message TopicSquareReply {
TopicSquareInfo info = 1;
message TopicSquareReq {
int64 campus_id = 1;
// 状态
enum TopType {
top_none = 0; // 默认 置顶
top_cancel = 1; // 取消置顶
// 综合页-无关注列表
message Unfollow {
// 标题展示文案
string title = 1;
// 无关注列表
repeated UnfollowUserItem list = 2;
// trackID
string TrackId = 3;
message UnfollowMatchReq {
int64 cid = 1;
// 综合页-无关注列表
message UnfollowUserItem {
// 是否有更新
bool has_update = 1;
// up主头像
string face = 2;
// up主昵称
string name = 3;
// up主uid
int64 uid = 4;
// 排序字段 从1开始
int32 pos = 5;
// 直播状态
LiveState live_state = 6;
// 认证信息
OfficialVerify official = 7;
// 大会员信息
VipInfo vip = 8;
// up介绍
string sign = 9;
// 标签信息
string label = 10;
// 按钮
AdditionalButton button = 11;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 12;
message UpdateTabSettingReq {
HomePageTabSttingStatus status = 1;
// 动态顶部up列表-up主信息
message UpListItem {
// 是否有更新
bool has_update = 1;
// up主头像
string face = 2;
// up主昵称
string name = 3;
// up主uid
int64 uid = 4;
// 排序字段 从1开始
int64 pos = 5;
// 用户类型
UserItemType user_item_type = 6;
// 直播头像样式-日
UserItemStyle display_style_day = 7;
// 直播头像样式-夜
UserItemStyle display_style_night = 8;
// 直播埋点
int64 style_id = 9;
// 直播状态
LiveState live_state = 10;
// 分割线
bool separator = 11;
// 跳转
string uri = 12;
// UP主预约上报使用
bool is_recall = 13;
IconBadge update_icon = 14;
string live_rcmd_reason = 15;
string live_cover = 16;
string personal_extra = 17;
// 最常访问-查看更多
message UpListMoreLabel {
// 文案
string title = 1;
// 跳转地址
string uri = 2;
// 用户信息
message UserInfo {
// 用户mid
int64 mid = 1;
// 用户昵称
string name = 2;
// 用户头像
string face = 3;
// 认证信息
OfficialVerify official = 4;
// 大会员信息
VipInfo vip = 5;
// 直播信息
LiveInfo live = 6;
// 空间页跳转链接
string uri = 7;
// 挂件信息
UserPendant pendant = 8;
// 认证名牌
Nameplate nameplate = 9;
// 用户等级
int32 level = 10;
// 用户简介
string sign = 11;
int32 face_nft = 12;
int32 face_nft_new = 13;
NFTInfo nft_info = 14;
int32 is_senior_member = 15;
bilibili.dagw.component.avatar.v1.AvatarItem avatar = 16;
// 直播头像样式
message UserItemStyle {
string rect_text = 1;
string rect_text_color = 2;
string rect_icon = 3;
string rect_bg_color = 4;
string outer_animation = 5;
// 用户类型
enum UserItemType {
user_item_type_none = 0; //
user_item_type_live = 1; //
user_item_type_live_custom = 2; //
user_item_type_normal = 3; //
user_item_type_extend = 4; //
user_item_type_premiere_reserve = 5;
user_item_type_premiere = 6;
user_item_type_live_card = 7;
user_item_type_ogv_season = 8;
user_item_type_ugc_season = 9;
// 头像挂件信息
message UserPendant {
// pid
int64 pid = 1;
// 名称
string name = 2;
// 图片链接
string image = 3;
// 有效期
int64 expire = 4;
// 角标信息
message VideoBadge {
// 文案
string text = 1;
// 文案颜色-日间
string text_color = 2;
// 文案颜色-夜间
string text_color_night = 3;
// 背景颜色-日间
string bg_color = 4;
// 背景颜色-夜间
string bg_color_night = 5;
// 边框颜色-日间
string border_color = 6;
// 边框颜色-夜间
string border_color_night = 7;
// 样式
int32 bg_style = 8;
// 背景透明度-日间
int32 bg_alpha = 9;
// 背景透明度-夜间
int32 bg_alpha_night = 10;
// 番剧类型
enum VideoSubType {
VideoSubTypeNone = 0; // 没有子类型
VideoSubTypeBangumi = 1; // 番剧
VideoSubTypeMovie = 2; // 电影
VideoSubTypeDocumentary = 3; // 纪录片
VideoSubTypeDomestic = 4; // 国创
VideoSubTypeTeleplay = 5; // 电视剧
// 视频类型
enum VideoType {
video_type_general = 0; //普通视频
video_type_dynamic = 1; //动态视频
video_type_playback = 2; //直播回放视频
video_type_story = 3; //
// 大会员信息
message VipInfo {
// 大会员类型
int32 Type = 1;
// 大会员状态
int32 status = 2;
// 到期时间
int64 due_date = 3;
// 标签
VipLabel label = 4;
// 主题
int32 theme_type = 5;
// 大会员角标
// 0:无角标 1:粉色大会员角标 2:绿色小会员角标
int32 avatar_subscript = 6;
// 昵称色值,可能为空,色值示例:#FFFB9E60
string nickname_color = 7;
// 大会员标签
message VipLabel {
// 图片地址
string path = 1;
// 文本值
string text = 2;
// 对应颜色类型
string label_theme = 3;
// 状态
enum VoteStatus {
normal = 0; // 正常
anonymous = 1; // 匿名
// 提权样式
message Weight {
// 提权展示标题
string title = 1;
// 下拉框内容
repeated WeightItem items = 2;
// icon
string icon = 3;
// 热门默认跳转按钮
message WeightButton {
string jump_url = 1;
// 展示文案
string title = 2;
// 提权不感兴趣
message WeightDislike {
// 负反馈业务类型 作为客户端调用负反馈接口的参数
string feed_back_type = 1;
// 展示文案
string title = 2;
// 提权样式
message WeightItem {
// 类型
WeightType type = 1;
oneof item {
// 热门默认跳转按钮
WeightButton button = 2;
// 提权不感兴趣
WeightDislike dislike = 3;
// 枚举-提权类型
enum WeightType {
weight_none = 0; // 默认 占位
weight_dislike = 1; // 不感兴趣
weight_jump = 2; // 跳链
enum WFItemType {
message WordNode {
message WordNodeStyle {
bool bold = 1;
bool italic = 2;
bool strikethrough = 3;
bool underline = 4;
string words = 1;
double font_size = 2;
Colors color = 3;
WordNodeStyle style = 4;