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synced 2025-03-23 23:00:08 +08:00
* fix(video/collection.md): unclosed xml tags * feat(video/report.md): uuid not really random * feat: b23.tv short link * feat: login/moral/exp log * feat: v_voucher * feat: upload video cover & post * feat(creativecenter/upload.md): upload octet-stream * feat(creativecenter/upload.md): update some notes * feat(clientinfo/ip.md): another from live * feat: live web heartbeat * feat: update popular series & precious * fix(creativecenter/upload.md): mistakes in example * feat: merge duplicate fav info * feat(README.md): missing link to webmask * feat(search/hot.md): word_type * feat(login/login_action): recovery old api * feat(video/collection.md): series operation * feat: video season operation * feat: add & mod some links * feat(search/suggest.md): up to date * feat: web home header image * feat(misc/sign/bili_ticket.md): demo for nodejs * feat(creativecenter/upload.md): x-upos-auth validity period * feat: add referer & buvid3 to request header * feat: customer service message heartbeat & upload * feat(customerservice/msg.md): upload code 1200201 * feat(video/report.md): click/web/h5 * feat(video/report.md): view count desc * feat: laser2 * feat: wbi_key in bili_ticket * fix: typo & unclosed XML tags * feat(misc/sign/v_voucher): cookie x-bili-gaia-vtoken * feat(search/hot.md): square * feat(video/status_number.md): fold archive_stat/stat * feat(fav/info.md): resource/infos invalid type 21 * feat: /x/activity/subject/info * feat: lottery * feat(docs/misc/b23.tv): remove some unnecessary fields * feat(creativecenter/upload.md): types/predict * fix(video/collection.md): invalid end tag * feat: app version upgrade * feat(creativecenter/upload.md): tag/recommend #528 * feat(user/status_number.md): navnum * feat: /x/activity/page/list * feat(comment/list.md): desc about pagination_str * feat(comment/list.md): update example * feat(dynamic/all.md): #1082 * fix(comment/list.md): -352 not -412 * feat: #700 * feat(video/video_stream.md): #606 & cv949156 * feat(message/private_msg.md): single_unread freq * feat: getUserWallet * fix: broken form * feat(Layout.vue): copyright to 2024 * feat: /x/topic/pub/rcmd/search * feat: #425 * feat(misc/time_stamp.md): rtc/getTimestamp * fix(misc/time_stamp.md): missing end tag * feat: #745 * feat(dynamic/all.md): update feed/all * feat(danmaku/action.md): #220 * feat(live/info.md): gethistory from cv8186413 * fix(danmaku/action.md): missing end tag
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搜索建议内容可为任意语言(中 英 日等....),中文拼音支持全拼联想词
参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
term | str | 需要获得建议的输入内容 | 必要 | |
main_ver | str | v1 | 非必要 | 默认为 v1 |
highlight | str | 任意, 无明显作用 | 非必要 | 默认为空 |
func | str | 函数? | 非必要 | 默认为 suggest |
suggest_type | str | 建议类型? | 非必要 | 默认为 accurate |
sub_type | str | 子类型? | 非必要 | 默认为 tag |
userid | num | 本用户 mid | 非必要 | 可能用于个性化推荐 |
bangumi_acc_num | num | 番剧累积数? | 非必要 | 默认为 1 |
special_acc_num | num | 特殊累积数? | 非必要 | 默认为 1 |
topic_acc_num | num | 话题累积数? | 非必要 | 默认为 1 |
upuser_acc_num | num | UP主累积数? | 非必要 | 默认为 1 |
tag_num | num | Tag 数? | 非必要 | 默认为 10 |
special_num | num | 特殊推荐数? | 非必要 | 默认为 10 |
bangumi_num | num | 番剧推荐数? | 非必要 | 默认为 10 |
upuser_num | num | UP主推荐数? | 非必要 | 默认为 3 |
rnd | num | 一个随机浮点数 | 非必要 | 由 Math.random() 生成? |
buvid | str | 同 Cookie 中 buvid3 | 非必要 | |
spmid | str | 333.1007 | 非必要 |
字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
exp_str | str | 实验字符串? | 作用尚不明确 |
code | num | 返回值 | 0:成功 |
result | obj | 搜索建议结果 | |
stoken | str | ??? | 作用尚不明确 |
字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
tag | array | 套了个娃 |
项 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
0 | obj | 第1建议关键词 | |
n | obj | 第(n+1)建议关键词 | 按照相关程度与热度顺序 |
9 | obj | 第10建议关键词 | 最后一项 |
字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
value | str | 关键词内容 | |
ref | num | 0 | 作用尚不明确 |
name | str | 显示内容 | 带有 <em class="suggest_high_light"> 的 XML 标签 |
spid | num | 5 | 作用尚不明确 |
type | str | 空 |
获取关于 洛天依
curl -G 'https://s.search.bilibili.com/main/suggest' \
--data-urlencode 'term=洛天依'
"exp_str": "106301_106700",
"code": 0,
"result": {
"tag": [
"value": "洛天依",
"term": "洛天依",
"ref": 0,
"name": "<em class=\"suggest_high_light\">洛天依</em>",
"spid": 5,
"type": ""
"value": "洛天依十二周年",
"term": "洛天依十二周年",
"ref": 0,
"name": "<em class=\"suggest_high_light\">洛天依</em>十二周年",
"spid": 5,
"type": ""
"value": "洛天依演唱会",
"term": "洛天依演唱会",
"ref": 0,
"name": "<em class=\"suggest_high_light\">洛天依</em>演唱会",
"spid": 5,
"type": ""
"value": "洛天依手办",
"term": "洛天依手办",
"ref": 0,
"name": "<em class=\"suggest_high_light\">洛天依</em>手办",
"spid": 5,
"type": ""
"value": "洛天依歌曲",
"term": "洛天依歌曲",
"ref": 0,
"name": "<em class=\"suggest_high_light\">洛天依</em>歌曲",
"spid": 5,
"type": ""
"value": "洛天依童话镇",
"term": "洛天依童话镇",
"ref": 0,
"name": "<em class=\"suggest_high_light\">洛天依</em>童话镇",
"spid": 5,
"type": ""
"value": "洛天依东京不太热",
"term": "洛天依东京不太热",
"ref": 0,
"name": "<em class=\"suggest_high_light\">洛天依</em>东京不太热",
"spid": 5,
"type": ""
"value": "洛天依霜雪千年",
"term": "洛天依霜雪千年",
"ref": 0,
"name": "<em class=\"suggest_high_light\">洛天依</em>霜雪千年",
"spid": 5,
"type": ""
"value": "洛天依生日会",
"term": "洛天依生日会",
"ref": 0,
"name": "<em class=\"suggest_high_light\">洛天依</em>生日会",
"spid": 5,
"type": ""
"value": "洛天依生日",
"term": "洛天依生日",
"ref": 0,
"name": "<em class=\"suggest_high_light\">洛天依</em>生日",
"spid": 5,
"type": ""
"stoken": "4020133863501304726"