Session小胡 60a0c5d1a2
feat: 各种接口补充与错误修正 (#1066)
* fix(video/ unclosed xml tags

* feat(video/ uuid not really random

* feat: short link

* feat: login/moral/exp log

* feat: v_voucher

* feat: upload video cover & post

* feat(creativecenter/ upload octet-stream

* feat(creativecenter/ update some notes

* feat(clientinfo/ another from live

* feat: live web heartbeat

* feat: update popular series & precious

* fix(creativecenter/ mistakes in example

* feat: merge duplicate fav info

* feat( missing link to webmask

* feat(search/ word_type

* feat(login/login_action): recovery old api

* feat(video/  series operation

* feat: video season operation

* feat: add & mod some links

* feat(search/ up to date

* feat: web home header image

* feat(misc/sign/ demo for nodejs

* feat(creativecenter/ x-upos-auth validity period

* feat: add referer & buvid3 to request header

* feat: customer service message heartbeat & upload

* feat(customerservice/ upload code 1200201

* feat(video/ click/web/h5

* feat(video/ view count desc

* feat: laser2

* feat: wbi_key in bili_ticket

* fix: typo & unclosed XML tags

* feat(misc/sign/v_voucher): cookie x-bili-gaia-vtoken

* feat(search/ square

* feat(video/ fold archive_stat/stat

* feat(fav/ resource/infos invalid type 21

* feat: /x/activity/subject/info

* feat: lottery

* feat(docs/misc/ remove some unnecessary fields

* feat(creativecenter/ types/predict

* fix(video/ invalid end tag

* feat: app version upgrade

* feat(creativecenter/ tag/recommend #528

* feat(user/ navnum

* feat: /x/activity/page/list

* feat(comment/ desc about pagination_str

* feat(comment/ update example

* feat(dynamic/ #1082

* fix(comment/ -352 not -412

* feat: #700

* feat(video/ #606 & cv949156

* feat(message/ single_unread freq

* feat: getUserWallet

* fix: broken form

* feat(Layout.vue): copyright to 2024

* feat: /x/topic/pub/rcmd/search

* feat: #425

* feat(misc/ rtc/getTimestamp

* fix(misc/ missing end tag

* feat: #745

* feat(dynamic/ update feed/all

* feat(danmaku/ #220

* feat(live/ gethistory from cv8186413

* fix(danmaku/ missing end tag
2024-08-21 19:02:39 +08:00

2.3 KiB
Raw Blame History

获取 buvid3 / buvid4 / b_nut

接口获取 buvid3 / buvid4

请求方式: GET



字段 类型 内容 备注
code num 返回值 0成功
message str 信息 ok: 成功
data obj 数据本体


字段 类型 内容 备注
b_3 str buvid3 需手动存放至 cookie 中
b_4 str buvid4 同上


注: 建议自行生成, 不要复制本处示例的 buvid3 / buvid4.

curl -G ''
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "b_3": "D9656DA8-9BEF-F464-5B72-C4849AFD336379044infoc",
    "b_4": "F6E0FD4B-520C-1902-4F7B-E461D8D1F5AB79044-024072309-666onEZSnlHVPjoRp4kDYg=="
  "message": "ok"

从响应头获取 buvid3 / b_nut

使用 GETHEAD 方法请求, 且请求头中 User-Agent 字段不包含 curl python awa 等敏感子字符串, 且相同 User-Agent 字段不得短时多次请求. 在响应头中的 Set-Cookie 字段中, 即可找到 buvid3b_nut.

若不带任何 Cookie 请求, 则 b_nut 为响应生成时刻的 UNIX 秒级时间戳. 若请求 Cookie 仅带有 buvid3, 则 b_nut100. 若请求 Cookie 仅带有 b_nut, 则与不带任何 Cookie 的响应相同. 若请求 Cookie 仅带有 buvid3b_nut, 则响应无 Set-Cookie 字段. 若请求 Cookie 带有其他字段, 无影响.


curl -I "" -A "awa"
HTTP/2 200 
date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:38:43 GMT
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
support: nantianmen
set-cookie: buvid3=805E4894-96A2-0684-6F00-C6EA1FFB911023315infoc; path=/; expires=Sat, 26 Jul 2025 06:38:43 GMT;
set-cookie: b_nut=1721975923; path=/; expires=Sat, 26 Jul 2025 06:38:43 GMT;
vary: Origin,Accept-Encoding
idc: shjd
expires: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:38:42 GMT
cache-control: no-cache
x-cache-webcdn: MISS from blzone01
x-cache-time: 0
x-save-date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 06:38:43 GMT