update 【gRPC API】 proto files

This commit is contained in:
社会易姐QwQ 2022-02-05 18:34:14 +08:00
parent 9c467bbebc
commit e572a207de
17 changed files with 3722 additions and 1422 deletions

View File

@ -1,858 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.dynamic.common;
import "bilibili/app/dynamic/v2/dynamic.proto";
message AtGroup {
int32 group_type = 1;
string group_name = 2;
repeated AtItem items = 3;
enum AtGroupType {
message AtItem {
int64 uid = 1;
string name = 2;
string face = 3;
int32 fans = 4;
int32 official_verify_type = 5;
message AtListReq {
int64 uid = 1;
message AtListRsp {
repeated AtGroup groups = 1;
message AtSearchReq {
int64 uid = 1;
string keyword = 2;
enum AttachCardType {
message BottomBusiness {
int64 rid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
enum ContentType {
TEXT = 1; //
AT = 2; //
LOTTERY = 3; //
VOTE = 4; //
TOPIC = 5; //
GOODS = 6; //
BV = 7; //
AV = 8; //
EMOJI = 9; //
USER = 10; //
CV = 11; //
VC = 12; //
WEB = 13; //
TAOBAO = 14; //
MAIL = 15; //
OGV_SEASON = 16; //
OGV_EP = 17; //
message CreateActivity {
int64 activity_id = 1;
int32 activity_state = 2;
int32 is_new_activity = 3;
int32 action = 4;
message CreateAttachCard {
CreateGoodsCard goods = 1;
CreateCommonAttachCard common_card = 2;
message CreateCheckResp {
PublishSetting setting = 1;
UpPermission permission = 2;
ShareChannel share_info = 3;
PublishYellowBar yellow_bar = 4;
PlusRedDot plus_red_dot = 5;
message CreateCommonAttachCard {
int32 type = 1;
int64 biz_id = 2;
int32 reserve_source = 3;
int32 reserve_lottery = 4;
message CreateContent {
repeated CreateContentItem contents = 1;
message CreateContentItem {
string raw_text = 1;
int32 type = 2;
string biz_id = 3;
GoodsContent goods = 4;
message CreateDynVideo {
string relation_from = 1;
int32 biz_from = 3;
int32 copyright = 4;
int32 no_public = 5;
int32 no_reprint = 6;
string source = 7;
string cover = 8;
string title = 9;
int64 tid = 10;
string tag = 11;
string desc = 12;
int64 desc_format_id = 13;
int32 open_elec = 14;
int32 dtime = 15;
repeated DynVideoMultiP videos = 16;
DynVideoWatermark watermark = 17;
int64 mission_id = 18;
string dynamic = 19;
string dynamic_extension = 20;
string dynamic_ctrl = 21;
string dynamic_from = 22;
int64 lottery_id = 23;
DynVideoVote vote = 24;
bool up_selection_reply = 25;
bool up_close_reply = 26;
bool up_close_danmu = 27;
int64 up_from = 28;
int64 duration = 29;
message CreateDynVideoResult {
int64 aid = 1;
string message = 2;
DynVideoSubmitActBanner submitact_banner = 3;
DynVideoPushIntro push_intro = 4;
message CreateGoodsCard {
repeated string item_id = 1;
enum CreateInitCheckScene {
message CreateOption {
int32 up_choose_comment = 1;
int32 close_comment = 2;
int32 fold_exclude = 3;
int32 audit_level = 4;
int32 sync_to_comment = 5;
VideoShareInfo video_share_info = 6;
CreateActivity activity = 7;
message CreatePic {
string img_src = 1;
double img_width = 2;
double img_height = 3;
double img_size = 4;
repeated CreatePicTag img_tags = 5;
message CreatePicTag {
int64 item_id = 1;
int64 tid = 2;
int64 mid = 3;
string text = 4;
string text_string = 5;
int64 type = 6;
int64 source_type = 7;
string url = 8;
string schema_url = 9;
string jump_url = 10;
int64 orientation = 11;
int64 x = 12;
int64 y = 13;
string poi = 14;
message CreateResp {
int64 dyn_id = 1;
string dyn_id_str = 2;
int64 dyn_type = 3;
int64 dyn_rid = 4;
bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.DynamicItem fake_card = 5;
CreateDynVideoResult video_result = 6;
enum CreateScene {
message CreateTag {
ExtLbs lbs = 1;
BottomBusiness sdk_game = 2;
BottomBusiness diversion = 3;
message CreateTopic {
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
message DynIdentity {
int64 dyn_id = 1;
DynRevsId revs_id = 2;
message DynRevsId {
int64 dyn_type = 1;
int64 rid = 2;
message DynVideoEditor {
int64 cid = 1;
int32 upfrom = 2;
string filters = 3;
string fonts = 4;
string subtitles = 5;
string bgms = 6;
string stickers = 7;
string videoup_stickers = 8;
string trans = 9;
string makeups = 10;
string surgerys = 11;
string videofxs = 12;
string themes = 13;
string cooperates = 14;
string rhythms = 15;
string effects = 16;
string backgrounds = 17;
string videos = 18;
string sounds = 19;
string flowers = 20;
string cover_templates = 21;
string tts = 22;
string openings = 23;
bool record_text = 24;
string vupers = 25;
string features = 26;
string bcut_features = 27;
int32 audio_record = 28;
int32 camera = 29;
int32 speed = 30;
int32 camera_rotate = 31;
int32 screen_record = 32;
int32 default_end = 33;
int32 duration = 34;
int32 pic_count = 35;
int32 video_count = 36;
int32 shot_duration = 37;
string shot_game = 38;
bool highlight = 39;
int32 highlight_cnt = 40;
int32 pip_count = 41;
message DynVideoHotAct {
int64 act_id = 1;
int64 etime = 2;
int64 id = 3;
string pic = 4;
int64 stime = 5;
string title = 6;
string link = 7;
message DynVideoMultiP {
string title = 1;
string filename = 2;
int64 cid = 3;
DynVideoEditor editor = 4;
message DynVideoPushIntro {
int32 show = 1;
string text = 2;
message DynVideoSubmitActBanner {
string hotact_text = 1;
string hotact_url = 2;
repeated DynVideoHotAct list = 3;
message DynVideoVote {
int64 vote_id = 1;
string vote_title = 2;
int32 top_for_reply = 3;
message DynVideoWatermark {
int32 state = 1;
int32 type = 2;
int32 position = 3;
message ExtLbs {
string address = 1;
int64 distance = 2;
int64 type = 3;
string poi = 4;
LbsLoc location = 5;
string show_title = 6;
string title = 7;
string show_distance = 8;
message GetUidByNameReq {
repeated string names = 1;
message GetUidByNameRsp {
map<string, int64> uids = 1;
message GoodsContent {
int32 source_type = 1;
int64 item_id = 2;
int64 shop_id = 3;
message LaunchedActivity {
string module_title = 1;
repeated LaunchedActivityItem activities = 2;
ShowMoreLaunchedActivity show_more = 3;
message LaunchedActivityItem {
int64 activity_id = 1;
string activity_name = 2;
int32 activity_state = 3;
message LbsLoc {
double lat = 1;
double lng = 2;
message MetaDataCtrl {
string platform = 1;
string build = 2;
string mobi_app = 3;
string buvid = 4;
string device = 5;
string from_spmid = 6;
string from = 7;
string trace_id = 8;
int32 teenager_mode = 9;
int32 cold_start = 10;
string version = 11;
int32 network = 12;
string ip = 13;
message PlusRedDot {
int64 plus_has_red_dot = 1;
message Program {
string title = 1;
string desc = 2;
string cover = 3;
string target_url = 4;
string icon = 5;
string program_text = 6;
string jump_text = 7;
message PublishSetting {
int32 min_words_to_article = 1;
int32 max_words_to_article = 2;
int32 upload_size = 3;
message PublishYellowBar {
string text = 1;
string url = 2;
string icon = 3;
message RepostInitCheck {
DynIdentity repost_src = 1;
string share_id = 2;
int32 share_mode = 3;
enum ReserveSource {
message ShareChannel {
string share_origin = 1;
string oid = 2;
string sid = 3;
repeated ShareChannelItem share_channels = 4;
message ShareChannelItem {
string name = 1;
string picture = 2;
string share_channel = 3;
ShareReserve reserve = 4;
message ShareReserve {
string title = 1;
string desc = 2;
string qr_code_icon = 3;
string qr_code_text = 4;
string qr_code_url = 5;
string name = 6;
string face = 7;
ShareReservePoster poster = 8;
ShareReserveLottery reserve_lottery = 9;
message ShareReserveLottery {
string icon = 1;
string text = 2;
message ShareReservePoster {
string url = 1;
double width = 2;
double height = 3;
message ShareResult {
int64 share_enable = 1;
string toast = 2;
message ShowMoreLaunchedActivity {
string button_text = 1;
string jump_url = 2;
message Sketch {
string title = 1;
string desc_text = 2;
string text = 3;
int64 biz_id = 4;
int64 biz_type = 5;
string cover_url = 6;
string target_url = 7;
message UpPermission {
repeated UpPermissionItem items = 1;
LaunchedActivity launched_activity = 2;
ShareResult share_result = 3;
message UpPermissionItem {
int32 type = 1;
int32 permission = 2;
string title = 3;
string subtitle = 4;
string icon = 5;
string jump_url = 6;
string toast = 7;
int64 has_red_dot = 8;
enum UpPermissionType {
message UserCreateMeta {
MetaDataCtrl app_meta = 1;
LbsLoc loc = 2;
int32 repost_mode = 3;
message VideoShareInfo {
int64 cid = 1;
int32 part = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.dynamic;
import "bilibili/app/dynamic/v2/dynamic.proto";
// at分组信息
message AtGroup {
AtGroupType group_type = 1;
string group_name = 2;
// items
repeated AtItem items = 3;
// at分组类型
enum AtGroupType {
// at返回单条信息
message AtItem {
// mid
int64 uid = 1;
string name = 2;
string face = 3;
int32 fans = 4;
int32 official_verify_type = 5;
// at列表-
message AtListReq {
// mid
int64 uid = 1;
// at列表-
message AtListRsp {
repeated AtGroup groups = 1;
// at搜索-
message AtSearchReq {
// mid
int64 uid = 1;
string keyword = 2;
enum AttachCardType {
ATTACH_CARD_UGC = 3; // ugc视频卡
ATTACH_CARD_UP_TOPIC = 15; // up主话题活动
message BottomBusiness {
// id
int64 rid = 1;
// BottomBizType中
int64 type = 2;
enum ContentType {
TEXT = 1; // biz_id就是文本
AT = 2; // @biz_id是用户uid
LOTTERY = 3; // biz_id是抽奖id
VOTE = 4; // biz_id是投票id
TOPIC = 5; // biz_id是话题id
GOODS = 6; // GoodsContent结构biz_id为空
BV = 7; // bvbiz_id是bvid"BV1"
AV = 8; // avbiz_id是avid
EMOJI = 9; // biz_id为空
USER = 10; // 使
CV = 11; // biz_id是cvid
VC = 12; //
WEB = 13; // biz_id是网页链接
TAOBAO = 14; //
MAIL = 15; // biz_id是邮箱地址
OGV_SEASON = 16; // seasonbiz_id是番剧的season_id
OGV_EP = 17; // epbiz_id是番剧的epid
message CreateActivity {
int64 activity_id = 1;
int32 activity_state = 2;
int32 is_new_activity = 3;
int32 action = 4;
message CreateAttachCard {
CreateGoodsCard goods = 1;
// Match,Game,Ugc,Pugv,Reserve
CreateCommonAttachCard common_card = 2;
// -
message CreateCheckResp {
PublishSetting setting = 1;
UpPermission permission = 2;
ShareChannel share_info = 3;
PublishYellowBar yellow_bar = 4;
PlusRedDot plus_red_dot = 5;
message CreateCommonAttachCard {
AttachCardType type = 1;
// id
int64 biz_id = 2;
int32 reserve_source = 3;
int32 reserve_lottery = 4;
// -
message CreateContent {
repeated CreateContentItem contents = 1;
message CreateContentItem {
string raw_text = 1;
ContentType type = 2;
string biz_id = 3;
GoodsContent goods = 4;
message CreateDynVideo {
// 稿@
string relation_from = 1;
// 1 稿 + 2 稿 + 3 + 4 +
int32 biz_from = 3;
// 稿: 2-1-
int32 copyright = 4;
// 稿 01 0
int32 no_public = 5;
// 010 copyright = 1 no_reprint=1
int32 no_reprint = 6;
string source = 7;
// 稿, cover
string cover = 8;
// 稿
string title = 9;
// 稿ID ID
int64 tid = 10;
// 使
string tag = 11;
// 稿
string desc = 12;
// http://domain/x/app/archive/desc/format返回的desc_format值
// null就输入默认为0 +稿
int64 desc_format_id = 13;
// 稿1, 0
int32 open_elec = 14;
int32 dtime = 15;
// P聚合字段
repeated DynVideoMultiP videos = 16;
DynVideoWatermark watermark = 17;
// tag来参加活动
int64 mission_id = 18;
string dynamic = 19;
// extend_info扩展信息
string dynamic_extension = 20;
string dynamic_ctrl = 21;
string dynamic_from = 22;
// ID
int64 lottery_id = 23;
DynVideoVote vote = 24;
// , true为开
bool up_selection_reply = 25;
// up主关闭评论
bool up_close_reply = 26;
// up主关闭弹幕
bool up_close_danmu = 27;
// 稿稿
int64 up_from = 28;
int64 duration = 29;
message CreateDynVideoResult {
// 稿id
int64 aid = 1;
string message = 2;
DynVideoSubmitActBanner submitact_banner = 3;
DynVideoPushIntro push_intro = 4;
message CreateGoodsCard {
// id
repeated string item_id = 1;
enum CreateInitCheckScene {
message CreateOption {
// UP自己精选的评论
int32 up_choose_comment = 1;
int32 close_comment = 2;
int32 fold_exclude = 3;
// 100
// 100
// 0
int32 audit_level = 4;
// /
int32 sync_to_comment = 5;
VideoShareInfo video_share_info = 6;
CreateActivity activity = 7;
message CreatePic {
// URL
string img_src = 1;
double img_width = 2;
double img_height = 3;
// KB
double img_size = 4;
repeated CreatePicTag img_tags = 5;
message CreatePicTag {
int64 item_id = 1;
int64 tid = 2;
int64 mid = 3;
string text = 4;
string text_string = 5;
int64 type = 6;
int64 source_type = 7;
string url = 8;
string schema_url = 9;
string jump_url = 10;
int64 orientation = 11;
int64 x = 12;
int64 y = 13;
string poi = 14;
// -
message CreateResp {
// id
int64 dyn_id = 1;
// id str
string dyn_id_str = 2;
int64 dyn_type = 3;
// id
int64 dyn_rid = 4;
bilibili.app.dynamic.v2.DynamicItem fake_card = 5;
CreateDynVideoResult video_result = 6;
enum CreateScene {
message CreateTag {
// lbs小卡
ExtLbs lbs = 1;
// SDK发布的动态需要带上游戏小卡
BottomBusiness sdk_game = 2;
BottomBusiness diversion = 3;
message CreateTopic {
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
message DynIdentity {
// id
int64 dyn_id = 1;
// id(type+rid组合)dyn_id出现任意一个即可
DynRevsId revs_id = 2;
message DynRevsId {
int64 dyn_type = 1;
// id
int64 rid = 2;
// P视频编辑环境上报信息
message DynVideoEditor {
int64 cid = 1;
int32 upfrom = 2;
string filters = 3;
string fonts = 4;
string subtitles = 5;
// bgm
string bgms = 6;
// 3d拍摄贴纸
string stickers = 7;
// 2d投稿贴纸
string videoup_stickers = 8;
string trans = 9;
// 使
string makeups = 10;
string surgerys = 11;
// videofx
string videofxs = 12;
// 使
string themes = 13;
// 稿
string cooperates = 14;
string rhythms = 15;
// mvp特效
string effects = 16;
// mvp背景
string backgrounds = 17;
// mvp视频
string videos = 18;
// mvp音效
string sounds = 19;
// mvp花字
string flowers = 20;
// mvp封面模板
string cover_templates = 21;
// tts
string tts = 22;
// openings
string openings = 23;
bool record_text = 24;
string vupers = 25;
string features = 26;
string bcut_features = 27;
int32 audio_record = 28;
int32 camera = 29;
int32 speed = 30;
int32 camera_rotate = 31;
int32 screen_record = 32;
int32 default_end = 33;
int32 duration = 34;
int32 pic_count = 35;
int32 video_count = 36;
int32 shot_duration = 37;
string shot_game = 38;
bool highlight = 39;
int32 highlight_cnt = 40;
int32 pip_count = 41;
message DynVideoHotAct {
int64 act_id = 1;
int64 etime = 2;
int64 id = 3;
string pic = 4;
int64 stime = 5;
string title = 6;
string link = 7;
// P聚合字段
message DynVideoMultiP {
// P标题
string title = 1;
// P的文件名
string filename = 2;
int64 cid = 3;
DynVideoEditor editor = 4;
message DynVideoPushIntro {
int32 show = 1;
string text = 2;
message DynVideoSubmitActBanner {
string hotact_text = 1;
string hotact_url = 2;
repeated DynVideoHotAct list = 3;
message DynVideoVote {
int64 vote_id = 1;
string vote_title = 2;
int32 top_for_reply = 3;
message DynVideoWatermark {
// 0- 1- 2-
int32 state = 1;
// 1- 2-id类型 3-logo下面
int32 type = 2;
// 1- 2- 3- 4-
int32 position = 3;
message ExtLbs {
string address = 1;
int64 distance = 2;
int64 type = 3;
string poi = 4;
LbsLoc location = 5;
string show_title = 6;
string title = 7;
string show_distance = 8;
// name取uid-
message GetUidByNameReq {
repeated string names = 1;
// name取uid-
message GetUidByNameRsp {
// k: v:mid
map<string, int64> uids = 1;
message GoodsContent {
// 12
int32 source_type = 1;
// id
int64 item_id = 2;
// id
int64 shop_id = 3;
// UP已经创建的活动列表
message LaunchedActivity {
// "已创建的活动"
string module_title = 1;
repeated LaunchedActivityItem activities = 2;
// 5
ShowMoreLaunchedActivity show_more = 3;
// UP已经创建的活动详情
message LaunchedActivityItem {
// id
int64 activity_id = 1;
string activity_name = 2;
// 线
// 0线 1线
int32 activity_state = 3;
message LbsLoc {
double lat = 1;
double lng = 2;
message MetaDataCtrl {
string platform = 1;
// build号
string build = 2;
string mobi_app = 3;
// buvid
string buvid = 4;
string device = 5;
// spmid
string from_spmid = 6;
string from = 7;
// trace_id
string trace_id = 8;
int32 teenager_mode = 9;
// 0: 1:
int32 cold_start = 10;
string version = 11;
// Unknown=0 WIFI=1 WWAN=2
int32 network = 12;
// ip地址
string ip = 13;
message PlusRedDot {
int64 plus_has_red_dot = 1;
message Program {
string title = 1;
string desc = 2;
string cover = 3;
string target_url = 4;
// icon
string icon = 5;
string program_text = 6;
string jump_text = 7;
message PublishSetting {
// 使utf-16
int32 min_words_to_article = 1;
// 使utf-16
int32 max_words_to_article = 2;
// gif上传的最大值MB
int32 upload_size = 3;
message PublishYellowBar {
string text = 1;
string url = 2;
string icon = 3;
message RepostInitCheck {
DynIdentity repost_src = 1;
string share_id = 2;
int32 share_mode = 3;
enum ReserveSource {
message ShareChannel {
// "dynamic"
string share_origin = 1;
// id
string oid = 2;
// id,
string sid = 3;
repeated ShareChannelItem share_channels = 4;
message ShareChannelItem {
string name = 1;
string picture = 2;
string share_channel = 3;
ShareReserve reserve = 4;
message ShareReserve {
string title = 1;
// +
string desc = 2;
// icon
string qr_code_icon = 3;
string qr_code_text = 4;
string qr_code_url = 5;
string name = 6;
string face = 7;
ShareReservePoster poster = 8;
ShareReserveLottery reserve_lottery = 9;
message ShareReserveLottery {
string icon = 1;
string text = 2;
message ShareReservePoster {
string url = 1;
double width = 2;
double height = 3;
message ShareResult {
int64 share_enable = 1;
string toast = 2;
// UP已经创建的活动列表中的展示更多按钮详情
message ShowMoreLaunchedActivity {
string button_text = 1;
string jump_url = 2;
// (sketch结构)
message Sketch {
// 30
string title = 1;
// 233
string desc_text = 2;
// 使233
string text = 3;
// id表示
int64 biz_id = 4;
int64 biz_type = 5;
string cover_url = 6;
string target_url = 7;
message UpPermission {
repeated UpPermissionItem items = 1;
LaunchedActivity launched_activity = 2;
ShareResult share_result = 3;
message UpPermissionItem {
// enum UpPermissionType
int32 type = 1;
// UP是否有权限
// 1-2-使
int32 permission = 2;
string title = 3;
string subtitle = 4;
// url地址
string icon = 5;
// permission=1
string jump_url = 6;
// permission=2使
string toast = 7;
int64 has_red_dot = 8;
enum UpPermissionType {
// app/web发布meta信息
message UserCreateMeta {
// meta信息
MetaDataCtrl app_meta = 1;
LbsLoc loc = 2;
// 1- 2-
int32 repost_mode = 3;
message VideoShareInfo {
int64 cid = 1;
int32 part = 2;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.dynamic.gw;
package bilibili.dynamic.gateway;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";

View File

@ -2,22 +2,22 @@ syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.main.dynamic.feed.v1;
import "bilibili/dynamic/common.proto";
import "bilibili/dynamic/common/dynamic.proto";
service Feed {
rpc CreateInitCheck(CreateInitCheckReq) returns (bilibili.dynamic.common.CreateCheckResp);
rpc CreateInitCheck(CreateInitCheckReq) returns (bilibili.dynamic.CreateCheckResp);
rpc SubmitCheck(SubmitCheckReq) returns (SubmitCheckRsp);
rpc CreateDyn(CreateDynReq) returns (bilibili.dynamic.common.CreateResp);
rpc GetUidByName(bilibili.dynamic.common.GetUidByNameReq) returns (bilibili.dynamic.common.GetUidByNameRsp);
rpc AtList(bilibili.dynamic.common.AtListReq) returns (bilibili.dynamic.common.AtListRsp);
rpc AtSearch(bilibili.dynamic.common.AtSearchReq) returns (bilibili.dynamic.common.AtListRsp);
rpc CreateDyn(CreateDynReq) returns (bilibili.dynamic.CreateResp);
// name取uid
rpc GetUidByName(bilibili.dynamic.GetUidByNameReq) returns (bilibili.dynamic.GetUidByNameRsp);
// at用户推荐列表
rpc AtList(bilibili.dynamic.AtListReq) returns (bilibili.dynamic.AtListRsp);
// at用户搜索列表
rpc AtSearch(bilibili.dynamic.AtSearchReq) returns (bilibili.dynamic.AtListRsp);
rpc ReserveButtonClick(ReserveButtonClickReq) returns (ReserveButtonClickResp);
@ -34,34 +34,34 @@ service Feed {
rpc CreatePageInfos(CreatePageInfosReq) returns (CreatePageInfosRsp);
// -
message CreateDynReq {
bilibili.dynamic.common.UserCreateMeta meta = 1;
bilibili.dynamic.common.CreateContent content = 2;
int32 scene = 3;
repeated bilibili.dynamic.common.CreatePic pics = 4;
bilibili.dynamic.common.DynIdentity repost_src = 5;
bilibili.dynamic.common.CreateDynVideo video = 6;
// meta信息
bilibili.dynamic.UserCreateMeta meta = 1;
bilibili.dynamic.CreateContent content = 2;
bilibili.dynamic.CreateScene scene = 3;
repeated bilibili.dynamic.CreatePic pics = 4;
bilibili.dynamic.DynIdentity repost_src = 5;
bilibili.dynamic.CreateDynVideo video = 6;
// 2048 2049
int64 sketch_type = 7;
bilibili.dynamic.Sketch sketch = 8;
bilibili.dynamic.Program program = 9;
bilibili.dynamic.CreateTag dyn_tag = 10;
bilibili.dynamic.CreateAttachCard attach_card = 11;
bilibili.dynamic.CreateOption option = 12;
bilibili.dynamic.common.Sketch sketch = 8;
bilibili.dynamic.common.Program program = 9;
bilibili.dynamic.common.CreateTag dyn_tag = 10;
bilibili.dynamic.common.CreateAttachCard attach_card = 11;
bilibili.dynamic.common.CreateOption option = 12;
bilibili.dynamic.common.CreateTopic topic = 13;
bilibili.dynamic.CreateTopic topic = 13;
string upload_id = 14;
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ message CreateInitCheckReq {
int32 scene = 1;
bilibili.dynamic.common.MetaDataCtrl meta = 2;
bilibili.dynamic.MetaDataCtrl meta = 2;
bilibili.dynamic.common.RepostInitCheck repost = 3;
bilibili.dynamic.RepostInitCheck repost = 3;
@ -205,9 +205,9 @@ enum ReserveButtonStatus {
message SubmitCheckReq {
bilibili.dynamic.common.CreateContent content = 1;
bilibili.dynamic.CreateContent content = 1;
repeated bilibili.dynamic.common.CreatePic pics = 2;
repeated bilibili.dynamic.CreatePic pics = 2;

View File

@ -23,3 +23,228 @@ service GalleryInterface {
rpc GetLastPolicy (GetLastPolicyReq) returns (GetLastPolicyReply);
message AgreePolicyReply {
message AgreePolicyReq {
PolicyType policy_type = 1;
string version = 2;
message BasicInfoReply {
string customer_service_url = 1;
string agreement_url = 2;
string privacy_url = 3;
repeated Link links = 4;
message BasicInfoReq {
int64 mid = 1;
message Display {
string bg_theme_light = 1;
string bg_theme_night = 2;
string nft_poster = 3;
string nft_raw = 4;
enum GT14Status {
LT14 = 0; //
GE14 = 1; //
UNKNOWN_GT14 = 2; //
message GetLastPolicyReply {
string short_desc = 1;
string detail_jump = 2;
string version = 3;
message GetLastPolicyReq {
PolicyType policy_type = 1;
message GetUserInfoReply {
int64 mid = 1;
string name = 2;
string address = 3;
string avatar_url = 4;
string help_url = 5;
message GetUserInfoReq {
int64 mid = 1;
message Link {
string name = 1;
string link_url = 2;
string track_event_id = 3;
message ListNFTByMidReply {
repeated NFT nfts = 1;
int64 anchor_id = 2;
bool end = 3;
message ListNFTByMidReq {
int64 mid = 1;
string category = 2;
string biz_type = 3;
int64 anchor_id = 4;
int64 page_size = 5;
message ListOrderByMidReply {
repeated Order orders = 1;
int64 anchor_id = 2;
bool end = 3;
message ListOrderByMidReq {
int64 mid = 1;
int64 anchor_id = 2;
int64 page_size = 3;
message NFT {
string nft_id = 1;
string item_name = 2;
string serial_number = 3;
string issuer = 4;
Display display = 5;
string detail_url = 6;
NFTStatus nft_status = 7;
int64 item_id = 8;
enum NFTStatus {
NORMAL = 1; //
DOING = 2; //
message Order {
string item_name = 1;
string serial_number = 2;
string tx_hash = 3;
string tx_time = 4;
string issuer = 5;
string issue_time = 6;
string token_id = 7;
Display display = 8;
string contract_address = 9;
string hash_jump = 10;
string contract_jump = 11;
bool disable_browser_jump = 12;
enum PolicyAgreeStatus {
UNSIGNED = 0; //
ACCEPTED = 1; //
EXPIRED = 2; //
enum PolicyType {
WALLET = 1; //
SALE = 2; //
message UserCheckReply {
int32 policy_status = 1;
int32 gt14 = 2;
message UserCheckReq {
int64 mid = 1;
int32 policy_type = 2;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ package bilibili.pgc.gateway.player.v1;
import "bilibili/app/playurl/v1/playurl.proto";
// PlayURL
service PlayURL {
rpc PlayView (PlayViewReq) returns (PlayViewReply);
@ -14,6 +14,105 @@ service PlayURL {
rpc LivePlayView (LivePlayViewReq) returns (LivePlayViewReply);
message BusinessInfo {
bool is_preview = 1;
bool bp = 2;
// drm使用
string marlin_token = 3;
message Event {
Shake shake = 1;
message LivePlayInfo {
int32 current_qn = 1;
repeated QualityDescription quality_description = 2;
repeated ResponseDataUrl durl = 3;
// -
message LivePlayViewReply {
RoomInfo room_info = 1;
LivePlayInfo play_info = 2;
// -
message LivePlayViewReq {
// epid
int64 ep_id = 1;
// 0,10000: 400: 250: 150: 80:
uint32 quality = 2;
// 0: 2:hevc 4:dash 8:p2p, 16:
uint32 ptype = 3;
// https
bool https = 4;
// 0: 1:
uint32 play_type = 5;
// 0: 1:OTT设备
int32 device_type = 6;
message PlayAbilityConf {
bool background_play_disable = 1; //
bool flip_disable = 2; //
bool cast_disable = 3; //
bool feedback_disable = 4; //
bool subtitle_disable = 5; //
bool playback_rate_disable = 6; //
bool time_up_disable = 7; //
bool playback_mode_disable = 8; //
bool scale_mode_disable = 9; //
bool like_disable = 10; //
bool dislike_disable = 11; //
bool coin_disable = 12; //
bool elec_disable = 13; //
bool share_disable = 14; //
bool screen_shot_disable = 15; //
bool lock_screen_disable = 16; //
bool recommend_disable = 17; //
bool playback_speed_disable = 18; //
bool definition_disable = 19; //
bool selections_disable = 20; //
bool next_disable = 21; //
bool edit_dm_disable = 22; //
bool small_window_disable = 23; //
bool shake_disable = 24; //
bool outer_dm_disable = 25; //
bool inner_dm_disable = 26; //
bool freya_enter_disable = 27; //
bool dolby_disable = 28; //
bool freya_full_disable = 29; //
bool skip_oped_switch_disable = 30; //
// -
message PlayViewReply {
bilibili.app.playurl.v1.VideoInfo video_info = 1;
PlayAbilityConf play_conf = 2;
BusinessInfo business = 3;
Event event = 4;
// -
message PlayViewReq {
// epid
@ -48,6 +147,11 @@ message PlayViewReq {
int64 room_id = 14;
// -
message ProjectReply {
bilibili.app.playurl.v1.PlayURLReply project = 1;
// -
message ProjectReq {
// epid
@ -78,105 +182,31 @@ message ProjectReq {
// 0: 1:OTT设备
int32 device_type = 12;
bool use_new_project_code = 13;
// -
message PlayViewReply {
bilibili.app.playurl.v1.VideoInfo video_info = 1;
PlayAbilityConf play_conf = 2;
BusinessInfo business = 3;
Event event = 4;
message QualityDescription {
int32 qn = 1;
string desc = 2;
message Event {
Shake shake = 1;
message Shake {
string file = 1;
message BusinessInfo {
bool is_preview = 1;
bool bp = 2;
// drm使用
string marlin_token = 3;
message PlayAbilityConf {
bool background_play_disable = 1; //
bool flip_disable = 2; //
bool cast_disable = 3; //
bool feedback_disable = 4; //
bool subtitle_disable = 5; //
bool playback_rate_disable = 6; //
bool time_up_disable = 7; //
bool playback_mode_disable = 8; //
bool scale_mode_disable = 9; //
bool like_disable = 10; //
bool dislike_disable = 11; //
bool coin_disable = 12; //
bool elec_disable = 13; //
bool share_disable = 14; //
bool screen_shot_disable = 15; //
bool lock_screen_disable = 16; //
bool recommend_disable = 17; //
bool playback_speed_disable = 18; //
bool definition_disable = 19; //
bool selections_disable = 20; //
bool next_disable = 21; //
bool edit_dm_disable = 22; //
bool small_window_disable = 23; //
bool shake_disable = 24; //
bool outer_dm_disable = 25; //
bool inner_dm_disable = 26; //
bool freya_enter_disable = 27; //
bool dolby_disable = 28; //
bool freya_full_disable = 29; //
// -
message ProjectReply {
bilibili.app.playurl.v1.PlayURLReply project = 1;
// -
message LivePlayViewReq {
// epid
int64 ep_id = 1;
// 0,10000: 400: 250: 150: 80:
uint32 quality = 2;
// 0: 2:hevc 4:dash 8:p2p, 16:
uint32 ptype = 3;
// https
bool https = 4;
// 0: 1:
uint32 play_type = 5;
// 0: 1:OTT设备
int32 device_type = 6;
// -
message LivePlayViewReply {
RoomInfo room_info = 1;
LivePlayInfo play_info = 2;
message ResponseDataUrl {
string url = 1;
// stream类型,
// Value| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
// --------------------------------------------
// desc | mask | p2p | dash | hevc | only-audio
uint32 stream_type = 2;
// p2p的cdn厂商,
// | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
// -----------------------------------------------
// CDN | hw | bdy | bsy | ws | txy | qn | js | bvc
uint32 ptag = 3;
@ -191,6 +221,16 @@ message RoomInfo {
RoomShowInfo show = 4;
// -
message RoomShowInfo {
int64 short_id = 1;
int64 popularity_count = 8;
int64 live_start_time = 10;
// -
message RoomStatusInfo {
@ -218,45 +258,8 @@ message RoomStatusInfo {
int64 room_shield = 9;
// -
message RoomShowInfo {
int64 short_id = 1;
int64 popularity_count = 8;
int64 live_start_time = 10;
message LivePlayInfo {
int32 current_qn = 1;
repeated QualityDescription quality_description = 2;
repeated ResponseDataUrl durl = 3;
message QualityDescription {
int32 qn = 1;
string desc = 2;
message ResponseDataUrl {
string url = 1;
// stream类型,
// Value| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
// --------------------------------------------
// desc | mask | p2p | dash | hevc | only-audio
uint32 stream_type = 2;
// p2p的cdn厂商,
// | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1
// -----------------------------------------------
// CDN | hw | bdy | bsy | ws | txy | qn | js | bvc
uint32 ptag = 3;
message Shake {
string file = 1;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.polymer.contract;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
service Contract {
rpc AddContract(AddContractReq) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
message AddContractReq {
CommonReq common = 1;
int64 mid = 2;
int64 up_mid = 3;
int64 aid = 4;
message CommonReq {
string platform = 1;
int32 build = 2;
string buvid = 3;
string mobi_app = 4;
string device = 5;
string ip = 6;
string spmid = 7;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.polymer.demo;
message HelloWorldReq {
string content = 1;
message HelloWorldResp {
string data = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.polymer.list;
service List {
rpc FavoriteTab(FavoriteTabReq) returns (FavoriteTabReply);
rpc CheckAccount(CheckAccountReq) returns (CheckAccountReply);
message CheckAccountReply {
bool is_new = 1;
message CheckAccountReq {
int64 uid = 1;
string periods = 2;
message FavoriteTabItem {
string name = 1;
string uri = 2;
string type = 3;
message FavoriteTabReply {
repeated FavoriteTabItem items = 1;
message FavoriteTabReq {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.tv.interfaces.dm.v1;
message CommandDmOtt {
int64 id = 1;
int64 oid = 2;
int64 mid = 3;
int32 type = 4;
string command = 5;
string content = 6;
int32 state = 7;
int32 progress = 8;
string ctime = 9;
string mtime = 10;
string extra = 11;
string id_str = 12;
message CommandDmsOttReply {
repeated CommandDmOtt command_dms_ott = 1;
message CommandDmsOttReq {
int64 aid = 1;
int64 cid = 2;
int64 mid = 3;
// ai云屏蔽列表
message DanmakuAIFlag {
// ai云屏蔽条目
repeated DanmakuFlag dm_flags = 1;
message DanmakuElem {
// dmid
int64 id = 1;
// (ms)
int32 progress = 2;
int32 mode = 3;
int32 fontsize = 4;
uint32 color = 5;
// mid hash
string midHash = 6;
string content = 7;
int64 ctime = 8;
// :[1,10]
int32 weight = 9;
string action = 10;
int32 pool = 11;
// dmid str
string idStr = 12;
// (bin求AND)
// bit0: bit1: bit2:
int32 attr = 13;
// ai云屏蔽条目
message DanmakuFlag {
int64 dmid = 1; // dmid
uint32 flag = 2; //
message DanmakuFlagConfig {
int32 rec_flag = 1;
string rec_text = 2;
int32 rec_switch = 3;
message DanmuDefaultPlayerConfig {
bool player_danmaku_use_default_config = 1; // 使
bool player_danmaku_ai_recommended_switch = 4; //
int32 player_danmaku_ai_recommended_level = 5; //
bool player_danmaku_blocktop = 6; //
bool player_danmaku_blockscroll = 7; //
bool player_danmaku_blockbottom = 8; //
bool player_danmaku_blockcolorful = 9; //
bool player_danmaku_blockrepeat = 10; //
bool player_danmaku_blockspecial = 11; //
float player_danmaku_opacity = 12; //
float player_danmaku_scalingfactor = 13; //
float player_danmaku_domain = 14; //
int32 player_danmaku_speed = 15; //
bool inline_player_danmaku_switch = 16; //
int32 player_danmaku_senior_mode_switch = 17; //
message DanmuPlayerConfig {
bool player_danmaku_switch = 1; //
bool player_danmaku_switch_save = 2; //
bool player_danmaku_use_default_config = 3; // 使
bool player_danmaku_ai_recommended_switch = 4; //
int32 player_danmaku_ai_recommended_level = 5; //
bool player_danmaku_blocktop = 6; //
bool player_danmaku_blockscroll = 7; //
bool player_danmaku_blockbottom = 8; //
bool player_danmaku_blockcolorful = 9; //
bool player_danmaku_blockrepeat = 10; //
bool player_danmaku_blockspecial = 11; //
float player_danmaku_opacity = 12; //
float player_danmaku_scalingfactor = 13; //
float player_danmaku_domain = 14; //
int32 player_danmaku_speed = 15; //
bool player_danmaku_enableblocklist = 16; //
bool inline_player_danmaku_switch = 17; //
int32 inline_player_danmaku_config = 18; //
int32 player_danmaku_ios_switch_save = 19; //
message DanmuPlayerDynamicConfig {
int32 progress = 1;
float player_danmaku_domain = 14;
message DanmuPlayerViewConfig {
DanmuDefaultPlayerConfig danmuku_default_player_config = 1;
DanmuPlayerConfig danmuku_player_config = 2;
repeated DanmuPlayerDynamicConfig danmuku_player_dynamic_config = 3;
// -
message DmSegMobileReply {
repeated DanmakuElem elems = 1;
// 0: 1:
int32 state = 2;
// ai评分值
DanmakuAIFlag ai_flag = 3;
// -
message DmSegMobileReq {
// 稿avid/epid
int64 pid = 1;
// cid/cid
int64 oid = 2;
// 1: 2:
int32 type = 3;
// (6min)
int64 segment_index = 4;
int32 teenagers_mode = 5;
int64 from = 6;
// -
message DmViewReply {
// 0: 1:
bool closed = 1;
VideoMask mask = 2;
VideoSubtitle subtitle = 3;
// url(bfs)
repeated string special_dms = 4;
DanmakuFlagConfig ai_flag = 5;
DanmuPlayerViewConfig player_config = 6;
int32 send_box_style = 7;
bool allow = 8;
// check box
string check_box = 9;
// check box
string check_box_show_msg = 10;
string text_placeholder = 11;
string input_placeholder = 12;
// -
message DmViewReq {
// 稿avid/epid
int64 pid = 1;
// cid/cid
int64 oid = 2;
// 1: 2:
int32 type = 3;
// spm
string spmid = 4;
int32 is_hard_boot = 5;
int64 from = 6;
message SubtitleItem {
// id
int64 id = 1;
// id str
string id_str = 2;
string lan = 3;
string lan_doc = 4;
// url
string subtitle_url = 5;
UserInfo author = 6;
message UserInfo {
// mid
int64 mid = 1;
string name = 2;
string sex = 3;
// url
string face = 4;
string sign = 5;
int32 rank = 6;
message VideoMask {
// cid
int64 cid = 1;
// 0:web端 1:
int32 plat = 2;
int32 fps = 3;
int64 time = 4;
// url
string mask_url = 5;
message VideoSubtitle {
string lan = 1;
string lanDoc = 2;
repeated SubtitleItem subtitles = 3;

View File

@ -2,8 +2,37 @@ syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.vega.deneb.v1;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
service VegaDenebRPC {
rpc MessagePulls (MessagePullsReq) returns (MessagePullsReply);
message MessagePullsReply {
repeated google.protobuf.Any data = 1;
int32 pn = 2;
int32 ps = 3;
int64 count = 4;
bool has_next = 5;
message MessagePullsReq {
int64 start_seq_id = 1;
int64 end_seq_id = 2;
int32 pn = 3;
int32 ps = 4;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package pgc.biz;
message RoomProto {
repeated string room_id = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package pgc.gateway.vega.v1;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
service Vega {
rpc CreateTunnel (VegaFrame) returns (VegaFrame);
service VegaFrameDoc {
rpc Auth (AuthReq) returns (AuthResp);
rpc Heartbeat (HeartbeatReq) returns (HeartbeatResp);
rpc MessageAck (MessageAckReq) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
rpc Subscribe (SubscribeReq) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
message AuthReq {
message AuthResp {
message FrameOption {
int64 vega_id = 1;
string req_id = 2;
int64 sequence = 3;
bool is_ack = 4;
Status status = 5;
string ack_origin = 6;
int64 mid = 7;
message HeartbeatReq {
message HeartbeatResp {
message MessageAckReq {
string vega_id = 1;
string req_id = 2;
string origin = 3;
string target_path = 4;
message SubscribeReq {
repeated TargetPath target_paths = 1;
message TargetPath {
string key = 1;
google.protobuf.Any subs = 2;
message VegaFrame {
FrameOption options = 1;
string route_path = 2;
google.protobuf.Any body = 3;
google.protobuf.Any sub_biz = 4;