
This commit is contained in:
社会易姐QwQ 2021-06-11 01:47:28 +08:00
parent 555f7ae056
commit 3acd3e2167
5 changed files with 4034 additions and 883 deletions

View File

@ -29,31 +29,31 @@ message NoReply {}
// -
message ViewReq {
// 稿avid(av/bv任选其一)
int64 aid = 1;
// 稿bvid(av/bv任选其一)
string bvid = 2;
string from = 3;
// AI trackid
string trackid = 4;
// 广
string adExtra = 5;
// ()
int32 qn = 6;
// ()
int32 fnver = 7;
// ()
int32 fnval = 8;
// 使()
int32 forceHost = 9;
// 4K()
int32 fourk = 10;
// spm
string spmid = 11;
// spm
string fromSpmid = 12;
// 稿avid(av/bv任选其一)
int64 aid = 1;
// 稿bvid(av/bv任选其一)
string bvid = 2;
string from = 3;
// AI trackid
string trackid = 4;
// 广
string adExtra = 5;
// ()
int32 qn = 6;
// ()
int32 fnver = 7;
// ()
int32 fnval = 8;
// 使()
int32 forceHost = 9;
// 4K()
int32 fourk = 10;
// spm
string spmid = 11;
// spm
string fromSpmid = 12;
int32 autoplay = 13;
bilibili.app.archive.middleware.v1.PlayerArgs playerArgs = 14;
@ -390,21 +390,21 @@ enum ECode {
// P信息
message ViewPage {
// P基本信息
bilibili.app.archive.v1.Page page = 1;
// P对应的音频稿件
Audio audio = 2;
// P弹幕信息
DM dm =3;
string downloadTitle = 4;
// P完整标题(+P标题)
string downloadSubtitle = 5;
// P基本信息
bilibili.app.archive.v1.Page page = 1;
// P对应的音频稿件
Audio audio = 2;
// P弹幕信息
DM dm =3;
string downloadTitle = 4;
// P完整标题(+P标题)
string downloadSubtitle = 5;
// 稿
message Audio {
string title = 1;
// url
string coverUrl = 2;
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ message DM {
// UP主扩展信息 ("OnwerExt")
message OnwerExt {
OfficialVerify officialVerify = 1;
Live live = 2;
@ -451,8 +451,8 @@ message OnwerExt {
message OfficialVerify {
// 0: 1:
// 0: 1:
int32 type = 1;
string desc = 2;
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ message OfficialVerify {
message Live {
// UID
// UID
int64 mid = 1;
// id
int64 roomid = 2;
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ message Live {
message Vip {
int32 type = 1;
int64 dueDate = 2;
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ message VipLabel {
message ReqUser {
// UP
// UP
int32 attention = 1;
// UP是否关注用户
int32 guestAttention = 2;
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ message ReqUser {
// TAG信息
message Tag {
// TAD id
// TAD id
int64 id = 1;
// TAG名
string name = 2;
@ -543,13 +543,13 @@ message Tag {
// TAG图标信息
message TIcon {
// TAG图标url
// TAG图标url
string icon = 1;
message Season {
string allowDownload = 1;
// ssid
int64 seasonId = 2;
@ -579,8 +579,8 @@ message Season {
message UserSeason {
// 0: 1:
// 0: 1:
string attention = 1;
@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ message SeasonPlayer{
message ElecRank {
repeated ElecRankItem list = 1;
int64 count = 2;
@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ message ElecRank {
message ElecRankItem {
// url
// url
string avatar = 1;
string nickname = 2;
@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ message ElecRankItem {
// 稿
message History {
// P cid
// P cid
int64 cid = 1;
// 0: -1: :
@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ message History {
message Relate {
int64 aid = 1;
// url
string pic = 2;
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ message ReasonStyle {
message PackInfo {
string title = 1;
// uri
string uri = 2;
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ message Notice {
message Button {
string title = 1;
// uri
string uri = 2;
@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ message Button {
message Dislike {
string title = 1;
string subtitle = 2;
@ -748,8 +748,8 @@ message Dislike {
message DislikeReasons {
// 1: 3:TAG 4:UP主
// 1: 3:TAG 4:UP主
int64 id = 1;
// UP主mid
int64 mid = 2;
@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ message DislikeReasons {
message PlayerIcon {
// url
// url
string url1 = 1;
// hash
string hash1 = 2;
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ message AssetMsg {
// bgm音频
message Bgm {
// auid
// auid
int64 sid = 1;
// mid
int64 mid = 2;
@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ message Bgm {
message Staff {
// mid
// mid
int64 mid = 1;
string title = 2;
@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ enum SeasonType {
// UGC视频合集信息
message UgcSeason {
// id
// id
int64 id = 1;
string title = 2;
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ message UgcSeason {
message UgcSeasonStat {
// id
// id
int64 seasonId = 1;
int32 view = 2;
@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ message UgcSeasonStat {
message Section {
// id
// id
int64 id = 1;
string title = 2;
@ -972,7 +972,7 @@ message Section {
message Episode {
// id
// id
int64 id = 1;
// 稿avid
int64 aid = 2;
@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ message Interaction {
// 稿
message Honor {
// url
// url
string icon = 1;
// url
string iconNight = 2;
@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ message Node {
// 稿-
message ViewProgressReq{
// 稿avid
// 稿avid
int64 aid = 1;
// cid
int64 cid = 2;
@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@ message ViewProgressReq{
// 稿-
message ViewProgressReply{
VideoGuide videoGuide = 1;
// Chronos灰度管理
Chronos chronos = 2;
@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@ message Chronos {
message VideoGuide{
repeated Attention attention = 1;
repeated CommandDm commandDms = 2;
@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ message OperationCard{
message CommandDm{
// id
// id
int64 id = 1;
// cid
int64 oid = 2;

View File

@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.main.community.reply.v1;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
service Reply {
rpc MainList(MainListReq) returns (MainListReply);
rpc DetailList(DetailListReq) returns (DetailListReply);
rpc DialogList(DialogListReq) returns (DialogListReply);
rpc previewList (PreviewListReq) returns (PreviewListReply);
rpc SearchItemPreHook(SearchItemPreHookReq) returns (SearchItemPreHookReply);
rpc SearchItem(SearchItemReq) returns (SearchItemReply);
message MainListReq {
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
CursorReq cursor = 3;
string extra = 4;
string adExtra = 5;
int64 rpid = 6;
message MainListReply {
CursorReply cursor = 1;
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 2;
SubjectControl subjectControl = 3;
ReplyInfo upTop = 4;
ReplyInfo adminTop = 5;
ReplyInfo voteTop = 6;
Notice notice = 7;
Lottery lottery = 8;
Activity activity = 9;
UpSelection upSelection = 10;
CM cm = 11;
message DetailListReq {
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
int64 root = 3;
int64 rpid = 4;
CursorReq cursor = 5;
DetailListScene scene = 6;
message DetailListReply {
CursorReply cursor = 1;
SubjectControl subjectControl = 2;
ReplyInfo root = 3;
Activity activity = 4;
message DialogListReq {
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
int64 root = 3;
int64 rpid = 4;
CursorReq cursor = 5;
message DialogListReply {
CursorReply cursor = 1;
SubjectControl subjectControl = 2;
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 3;
Activity activity = 4;
message PreviewListReq {
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
CursorReq cursor = 3;
message PreviewListReply {
CursorReply cursor = 1;
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 2;
SubjectControl subjectControl = 3;
ReplyInfo upTop = 4;
ReplyInfo adminTop = 5;
ReplyInfo voteTop = 6;
message SearchItemPreHookReq {
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
message SearchItemPreHookReply {
string placeholderText = 1;
string backgroundText = 2;
repeated SearchItemType orderedType = 3;
message SearchItemReq {
SearchItemCursorReq cursor = 1;
int64 oid = 2;
int64 type = 3;
string keyword = 4;
message SearchItemReply {
SearchItemCursorReply cursor = 1;
repeated SearchItem items = 2;
SearchItemReplyExtraInfo extra = 3;
enum Mode {
message CursorReq {
int64 next = 1;
int64 prev = 2;
Mode mode = 4;
message CursorReply {
int64 next = 1;
int64 prev = 2;
bool isBegin = 3;
bool isEnd = 4;
Mode mode = 5;
enum SearchItemType {
enum DetailListScene {
REPLY = 0;
message SearchItemCursorReq {
int64 next = 1;
SearchItemType itemType = 2;
message SearchItemCursorReply {
bool hasNext = 1;
int64 next = 2;
message Member {
int64 mid = 1;
string name = 2;
string sex = 3;
string face = 4;
int64 level = 5;
int64 officialVerifyType = 6;
int64 vipType = 7;
int64 vipStatus = 8;
int64 vipThemeType = 9;
string vipLabelPath = 10;
string garbPendantImage = 11;
string garbCardImage = 12;
string garbCardImageWithFocus = 13;
string garbCardJumpUrl = 14;
string garbCardNumber = 15;
string garbCardFanColor = 16;
bool garbCardIsFan = 17;
string fansMedalName = 18;
int64 fansMedalLevel = 19;
int64 fansMedalColor = 20;
message Emote {
//1: 2:
int64 size = 1;
string url = 2;
message Topic {
string link = 1;
int64 id = 2;
message Url {
string title = 1;
int64 state = 2;
string prefixIcon = 3;
string appUrlSchema = 4;
string appName = 5;
string appPackageName = 6;
string clickReport = 7;
message Vote {
int64 id = 1;
string title = 2;
int64 count = 3;
message Content {
string message = 1;
map<string,Member> menber = 2;
map<string,Emote> emote = 3;
map<string,Topic> topic = 4;
map<string,Url> url = 5;
Vote vote = 6;
message ReplyControl {
//0: 1: 2:
int64 action = 1;
bool upLike = 2;
bool upReply = 3;
bool showFollowBtn = 4;
bool isAssist = 5;
string labelText = 6;
bool following = 7;
bool followed = 8;
bool blocked = 9;
bool hasFoldedReply = 10;
bool isFoldedReply = 11;
bool isUpTop = 12;
bool isAdminTop = 13;
bool isVoteTop = 14;
int64 maxLine = 15;
bool invisible = 16;
message ReplyInfo {
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 1;
int64 id = 2;
int64 oid = 3;
int64 type = 4;
int64 mid = 5;
int64 root = 6;
int64 parent = 7;
int64 dialog = 8;
int64 like = 9;
int64 ctime = 10;
int64 count = 11;
Content content = 12;
Member member = 13;
ReplyControl replyControl = 14;
message SubjectControl {
int64 upMid = 1;
bool isAssist = 2;
bool readOnly = 3;
bool hasVoteAccess = 4;
bool hasLotteryAccess = 5;
bool hasFoldedReply = 6;
string bgText = 7;
bool upBlocked = 8;
bool hasActivityAccess = 9;
bool showTitle = 10;
bool showUpAction = 11;
int64 switcherType = 12;
bool inputDisable = 13;
string rootText = 14;
string childText = 15;
int64 count = 16;
string title = 17;
message Notice {
int64 id = 1;
string content = 2;
string link = 3;
message Lottery {
int64 lotteryId = 1;
int64 lotteryStatus = 2;
int64 lotteryMid = 3;
int64 lotteryTime = 4;
int64 oid = 5;
int64 type = 6;
int64 ctime = 7;
Content content = 8;
Member member = 9;
ReplyControl replyControl = 10;
message Activity {
int64 activityId = 1;
int64 activityState = 2;
string activityPlaceholder = 3;
message UpSelection {
int64 pendingCount = 1;
int64 ignoreCount = 2;
message CM {
google.protobuf.Any sourceContent = 1;
message ArticleSearchItem {
string title = 1;
string upNickname = 2;
repeated string covers = 3;
message GoodsSearchItem {
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
string price = 3;
string income = 4;
string img = 5;
string label = 6;
enum VideoItemCase {
UGC = 2;
PGC = 3;
message UGCVideoSearchItem {
string title = 1;
string upNickname = 2;
int64 duration = 3;
string cover = 4;
message PGCVideoSearchItem {
string title = 1;
string category = 2;
string cover = 3;
message VideoSearchItem {
VideoItemCase type = 1;
UGCVideoSearchItem UGCVideo = 2;
PGCVideoSearchItem PGCVideo = 3;
enum ItemCase {
GOODS = 2;
VIDEO = 3;
message SearchItem {
string url = 1;
GoodsSearchItem goods = 2;
VideoSearchItem video = 3;
ArticleSearchItem article = 4;
message SearchItemReplyExtraInfo {
string eventId = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.main.community.reply.v1;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
service Reply {
rpc MainList(MainListReq) returns (MainListReply);
rpc DetailList(DetailListReq) returns (DetailListReply);
rpc DialogList(DialogListReq) returns (DialogListReply);
rpc PreviewList (PreviewListReq) returns (PreviewListReply);
// item前置发布接口
rpc SearchItemPreHook(SearchItemPreHookReq) returns (SearchItemPreHookReply);
rpc SearchItem(SearchItemReq) returns (SearchItemReply);
// 广
message CM {
// 广()
google.protobuf.Any sourceContent = 1;
// -
message DialogListReq {
// id
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
// rpid
int64 root = 3;
// rpid
int64 rpid = 4;
CursorReq cursor = 5;
// -
message DialogListReply {
CursorReply cursor = 1;
SubjectControl subjectControl = 2;
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 3;
Activity activity = 4;
enum DetailListScene {
REPLY = 0;
// -
message DetailListReq {
// id
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
// rpid
int64 root = 3;
// rpid
int64 rpid = 4;
CursorReq cursor = 5;
DetailListScene scene = 6;
// -
message DetailListReply {
CursorReply cursor = 1;
SubjectControl subjectControl = 2;
// ()
ReplyInfo root = 3;
Activity activity = 4;
// -
message MainListReq {
// id
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
CursorReq cursor = 3;
// json
string extra = 4;
// 广json
string adExtra = 5;
// rpid
int64 rpid = 6;
// -
message PreviewListReq {
// id
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
CursorReq cursor = 3;
message ReplyExtra {
int64 season_id = 1;
int64 season_type = 2;
int64 ep_id = 3;
bool is_story = 4;
// -
message PreviewListReply {
CursorReply cursor = 1;
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 2;
SubjectControl subjectControl = 3;
// UP置顶评论
ReplyInfo upTop = 4;
ReplyInfo adminTop = 5;
ReplyInfo voteTop = 6;
// -
message MainListReply {
CursorReply cursor = 1;
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 2;
SubjectControl subjectControl = 3;
// UP置顶评论
ReplyInfo upTop = 4;
ReplyInfo adminTop = 5;
ReplyInfo voteTop = 6;
Notice notice = 7;
Lottery lottery = 8;
Activity activity = 9;
UpSelection upSelection = 10;
// 广
CM cm = 11;
Effects effects = 12;
message Effects {
string preloading = 1;
message UpSelection {
int64 pendingCount = 1;
int64 ignoreCount = 2;
message Notice {
int64 id = 1;
string content = 2;
string link = 3;
message Activity {
// id
int64 activityId = 1;
// -1: 1:线
int64 activityState = 2;
string activityPlaceholder = 3;
message Lottery {
// id
int64 lotteryId = 1;
// 0: 1: 2:
int64 lotteryStatus = 2;
// mid
int64 lotteryMid = 3;
int64 lotteryTime = 4;
int64 oid = 5;
int64 type = 6;
int64 ctime = 7;
Content content = 8;
Member member = 9;
ReplyControl replyControl = 10;
enum Mode {
message CursorReq {
int64 next = 1;
int64 prev = 2;
Mode mode = 4;
message CursorReply {
int64 next = 1;
int64 prev = 2;
bool isBegin = 3;
bool isEnd = 4;
// 2: 3:
Mode mode = 5;
// mode在切换按钮上的展示文案
string mode_text = 6;
message SubjectControl {
// UP主mid
int64 upMid = 1;
bool isAssist = 2;
bool readOnly = 3;
bool hasVoteAccess = 4;
bool hasLotteryAccess = 5;
bool hasFoldedReply = 6;
string bgText = 7;
// UP拉黑
bool upBlocked = 8;
bool hasActivityAccess = 9;
bool showTitle = 10;
// UP主操作标志
bool showUpAction = 11;
int64 switcherType = 12;
bool inputDisable = 13;
string rootText = 14;
string childText = 15;
int64 count = 16;
string title = 17;
string giveup_text = 18;
message ReplyInfo {
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 1;
// rpid
int64 id = 2;
// id
int64 oid = 3;
int64 type = 4;
// UID
int64 mid = 5;
// rpid
int64 root = 6;
// rpid
int64 parent = 7;
// rpid
int64 dialog = 8;
int64 like = 9;
int64 ctime = 10;
int64 count = 11;
Content content = 12;
Member member = 13;
ReplyControl replyControl = 14;
message Content {
string message = 1;
map<string,Member> menber = 2;
map<string,Emote> emote = 3;
map<string,Topic> topic = 4;
map<string,Url> url = 5;
Vote vote = 6;
message ReplyControl {
// 0: 1: 2:
int64 action = 1;
// UP觉得很赞
bool upLike = 2;
// UP回复
bool upReply = 3;
bool showFollowBtn = 4;
bool isAssist = 5;
string labelText = 6;
bool following = 7;
bool followed = 8;
bool blocked = 9;
bool hasFoldedReply = 10;
bool isFoldedReply = 11;
// UP置顶
bool isUpTop = 12;
bool isAdminTop = 13;
bool isVoteTop = 14;
int64 maxLine = 15;
bool invisible = 16;
// up签订契约
bool is_contractor = 17;
bool is_note = 18;
message Url {
string title = 1;
int64 state = 2;
// url
string prefixIcon = 3;
string appUrlSchema = 4;
string appName = 5;
string appPackageName = 6;
// id
string clickReport = 7;
message Topic {
// url
string link = 1;
// id
int64 id = 2;
message Emote {
// 1: 2:
int64 size = 1;
// url
string url = 2;
message Vote {
// id
int64 id = 1;
string title = 2;
int64 count = 3;
message Member {
// mid
int64 mid = 1;
string name = 2;
string sex = 3;
// url
string face = 4;
int64 level = 5;
int64 officialVerifyType = 6;
// 0: 1: 2:
int64 vipType = 7;
int64 vipStatus = 8;
int64 vipThemeType = 9;
// url
string vipLabelPath = 10;
// url
string garbPendantImage = 11;
// url
string garbCardImage = 12;
// url
string garbCardImageWithFocus = 13;
// url
string garbCardJumpUrl = 14;
// id
string garbCardNumber = 15;
// id显示颜色
string garbCardFanColor = 16;
bool garbCardIsFan = 17;
string fansMedalName = 18;
int64 fansMedalLevel = 19;
int64 fansMedalColor = 20;
string vip_nickname_color = 21;
// 0: 1: 2:绿
int32 vip_avatar_subscript = 22;
string vip_label_text = 23;
string vip_label_theme = 24;
enum SearchItemType {
enum SearchItemVideoSubType {
UGC = 0;
PGC = 1;
// item前置发布-
message SearchItemPreHookReq {
// id
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
// item前置发布-
message SearchItemPreHookReply {
string placeholderText = 1;
string backgroundText = 2;
// tab栏的顺序
repeated SearchItemType orderedType = 3;
// -
message SearchItemReq {
SearchItemCursorReq cursor = 1;
int64 oid = 2;
int64 type = 3;
string keyword = 4;
message SearchItemReplyExtraInfo {
string eventId = 1;
// -
message SearchItemReply {
SearchItemCursorReply cursor = 1;
repeated SearchItem items = 2;
SearchItemReplyExtraInfo extra = 3;
message SearchItemCursorReq {
int64 next = 1;
// tab类型
SearchItemType itemType = 2;
message SearchItemCursorReply {
bool hasNext = 1;
int64 next = 2;
message SearchItem {
string url = 1;
oneof item {
GoodsSearchItem goods = 2;
VideoSearchItem video = 3;
ArticleSearchItem article = 4;
message GoodsSearchItem {
// id
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
string price = 3;
string income = 4;
string img = 5;
string label = 6;
message VideoSearchItem {
SearchItemVideoSubType type = 1;
oneof video_item {
// UGC视频
UGCVideoSearchItem ugc = 2;
// PGC视频
PGCVideoSearchItem pgc = 3;
// UGC视频项目
message UGCVideoSearchItem {
string title = 1;
// UP主昵称
string upNickname = 2;
// ()
int64 duration = 3;
string cover = 4;
// PGC视频项目
message PGCVideoSearchItem {
string title = 1;
string category = 2;
string cover = 3;
message ArticleSearchItem {
string title = 1;
// UP主昵称
string upNickname = 2;
repeated string covers = 3;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
# grpc接口定义protobuf结构体
- `comp_proto.bat`---win递归批量编译脚本
- `conp_proto.sh`---linux递归编译脚本
1. proto结构体文件按照包名分类同级放在同一目录中