修改【readme】 添加【安卓端登录】appsec 添加大量【proto结构文件】

This commit is contained in:
SocialSisterYi 2021-02-03 00:02:04 +08:00
parent adfb20f144
commit 07d0396bbc
33 changed files with 7848 additions and 1578 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<p align="center">
<img src="https://sm.ms/image/gQzJ5Vl2xcrwfL3" width="250" height="200">
<img src="imgs/Mylogo.png" width="250" height="200">
<h1 align="center">哔哩哔哩-API收集整理</h1>
<p align="center">
@ -190,17 +190,27 @@ B站专栏同步推出[《B站api研究记》](https://www.bilibili.com/read/rea
**--Project_by [社会易姐QwQ](https://space.bilibili.com/293793435)**
# 相关协议基础
protobuf序列格式[传送门](https://www.jianshu.com/p/a24c88c0526a )
# 交流
<img src="imgs/up_face.jpg" width="100" height="100">
**--by [社会易姐QwQ](https://space.bilibili.com/293793435)**
不了解protobuf的请移步[传送门](https://www.jianshu.com/p/a24c88c0526a )
# 发电

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.account.fission.v1;
service Fission {
rpc entrance (EntranceReq) returns (EntranceReply);
rpc window (WindowReq) returns (WindowReply);
message EntranceReq {
message EntranceReply {
string icon = 1;
string name = 2;
string url = 3;
AnimateIcon animateIcon = 4;
message WindowReq {
message WindowReply {
int32 type = 1;
string url = 2;
string reportData = 3;
message AnimateIcon {
string icon = 1;
string json = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.ad.v1;
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
message AdAutoPlayVideoDto {
int64 avid = 1;
int64 cid = 2;
int64 page = 3;
string from = 4;
string url = 5;
string cover = 6;
bool autoPlay = 7;
bool btnDycColor = 8;
// ms
int32 btnDycTime = 9;
int64 bizId = 10;
repeated string process0Urls = 11;
repeated string play3SUrls = 12;
repeated string play5SUrls = 13;
int32 orientation = 14;
message AdBusinessMarkDto {
int32 type = 1;
string text = 2;
string textColor = 3;
string textColorNight = 4;
string bgColor = 5;
string bgColorNight = 6;
string borderColor = 7;
string borderColorNight = 8;
string imgUrl = 9;
int32 imgHeight = 10;
int32 imgWidth = 11;
string bgBorderColor = 12;
message AdButtonDto {
int32 type = 1;
string text = 2;
string jumpUrl = 3;
string reportUrls = 4;
string dlsucCallupUrl = 5;
message AdCardDto {
int32 cardType = 1;
string title = 2;
string desc = 3;
string extraDesc = 4;
string longDesc = 5;
//, 广
string shortTitle = 6;
string danmuTitle = 7;
int32 danmuHeight = 8;
int32 danmuWidth = 9;
int32 danmuLife = 10;
int32 danmuBegin = 11;
string danmuColor = 12;
string danmuH5Url = 13;
/// 广icon
string danmuIcon = 14;
int32 foldTime = 15;
string adTag = 16;
repeated AdCoverDto covers = 17;
string jumpUrl = 18;
string imaxLandingPageJsonString = 19;
string callupUrl = 20;
//univeral link域名
string universalApp = 21;
string oriPrice = 22;
int32 curPrice = 23;
string priceDesc = 24;
string priceSymbol = 25;
// "1000"
string goodsCurPrice = 26;
// "¥1002"
string goodsOriPrice = 27;
AdGoodDto good = 28;
//? 100
int32 rank = 29;
int32 hotScore = 30;
AdButtonDto button = 31;
string adverLogo = 32;
string adverName = 33;
string adverPageUrl = 34;
repeated string videoBarrage = 35;
AdBusinessMarkDto adTagStyle = 36;
AdAutoPlayVideoDto video = 37;
AdFeedbackPanelDto feedbackPanel = 38;
int64 adverMid = 39;
int64 adverAccountId = 40;
string duration = 41;
repeated QualityInfo qualityInfos = 42;
string dynamicText = 43;
AdverDto adver = 44;
message AdContentExtraDto {
string layout = 1;
repeated string showUrls = 2;
repeated string clickUrls = 3;
repeated string danmuListShowUrls = 4;
repeated string danmuListClickUrls = 5;
repeated string danmuDetailShowUrls = 6;
repeated string danmuTrolleyAddUrls = 7;
bool useAdWebV2 = 8;
repeated string openWhitelist = 9;
AppPackageDto downloadWhitelist = 10;
AdCardDto card = 11;
// ms
int32 reportTime = 12;
//app store
int32 appstorePriority = 13;
int32 salesType = 14;
int32 preloadLandingpage = 15;
bool specialIndustry = 16;
string specialIndustryTips = 17;
bool enableDownloadDialog = 18;
bool enableShare = 19;
int32 upzoneEntranceType = 20;
int32 upzoneEntranceReportId = 21;
AdShareInfoDto shareInfo = 22;
string topviewPicUrl = 23;
string topviewVideoUrl = 24;
int32 clickArea = 25;
int64 shopId = 26;
int64 upMid = 27;
string trackId = 28;
int32 enableStoreDirectLaunch = 29;
message AdCoverDto {
string url = 1;
int32 loop = 2;
string jumpUrl = 3;
// click_urls使
repeated string reportUrls = 4;
int32 imageHeight = 5;
int32 imageWidth = 6;
message AdDto {
int64 creativeId = 1;
string adCb = 2;
AdContentExtraDto extra = 3;
int32 cmMark = 4;
int64 topViewId = 5;
int32 creativeType = 6;
int32 cardType = 7;
int32 creativeStyle = 8;
int32 isAd = 9;
CreativeDto creativeContent = 10;
message AdFeedbackPanelDto {
string panelTypeText = 1;
repeated AdFeedbackPanelModuleDto feedbackPanelDetail = 2;
message AdFeedbackPanelModuleDto {
int32 moduleId = 1;
//icon url
string iconUrl = 2;
int32 jumpType = 3;
string jumpUrl = 4;
string text = 5;
AdSecondFeedbackPanelDto secondaryPanel = 6;
message AdGoodDto {
int64 itemId = 1;
int64 skuId = 2;
int64 shopId = 3;
int64 skuNum = 4;
message AdOgvEpDto {
int64 epid = 1;
// "荐"
bool hasRecommend = 2;
message AdSecondFeedbackPanelDto {
int32 reasonId = 1;
string text = 2;
message AdShareInfoDto {
string title = 1;
string subtitle = 2;
string imageUrl = 3;
message AdsControlDto {
int32 hasDanmu = 1;
repeated int64 cids = 2;
//ogv ep
repeated AdOgvEpDto eps = 3;
message AdverDto {
int64 adverId = 1;
string adverLogo = 2;
string adverName = 3;
int32 adverType = 4;
string adverPageUrl = 5;
string adverDesc = 6;
message AppPackageDto {
//, bytes
int64 size = 1;
string displayName = 2;
string apkName = 3;
string url = 4;
//bili schema url
string biliUrl = 5;
string md5 = 6;
string icon = 7;
string devName = 8;
string authUrl = 9;
string authName = 10;
string version = 11;
string updateTime = 12;
message CreativeDto {
string title = 1;
string description = 2;
string imageUrl = 3;
string imageMd5 = 4;
string url = 5;
string clickUrl = 6;
string showUrl = 7;
int64 videoId = 8;
string thumbnailUrl = 9;
string thumbnailUrlMd5 = 10;
string logoUrl = 11;
string logoMd5 = 12;
string username = 13;
message QualityInfo {
string icon = 1;
string text = 2;
message SourceContentDto {
string requestId = 1;
//广source ID
int32 sourceId = 2;
//广resource ID
int32 resourceId = 3;
bool isAdLoc = 4;
//, 0
google.protobuf.Int32Value serverType = 5;
string clientIp = 6;
//广, , 0
google.protobuf.Int32Value cardIndex = 7;
int32 index = 8;
AdDto adContent = 9;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.api.player.v1;
service Heartbeat {
rpc mobile (HeartbeatReq) returns (HeartbeatReply);
message HeartbeatReq {
int64 serverTime = 1;
string session = 2;
int64 mid = 3;
int64 aid = 4;
int64 cid = 5;
string sid = 6;
int64 epid = 7;
string type = 8;
int32 subType = 9;
int32 quality = 10;
int64 totalTime = 11;
int64 pausedTime = 12;
int64 playedTime = 13;
int64 videoDuration = 14;
string playType = 15;
int64 networkType = 16;
int64 lastPlayProgressTime = 17;
int64 maxPlayProgressTime = 18;
int32 from = 19;
string fromSpmid = 20;
string spmid = 21;
string epidStatus = 22;
string playStatus = 23;
string userStatus = 24;
int64 actualPlayedTime = 25;
int32 autoPlay = 26;
int64 listPlayTime = 27;
int64 detailPlayTime = 28;
message HeartbeatReply {
int64 ts = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.api.probe.v1;
service Probe {
rpc testCode (CodeReq) returns (CodeReply);
rpc testReq (ProbeReq) returns (ProbeReply);
rpc testStream (ProbeStreamReq) returns (ProbeStreamReply);
rpc testSub (ProbeSubReq) returns (ProbeSubReply);
message CodeReq {
int64 code = 1;
message CodeReply {
message ProbeReq {
int64 mid = 1;
string buvid = 2;
message ProbeReply {
string content = 1;
int64 timestamp = 2;
message ProbeStreamReq {
int64 mid = 1;
int64 sequence = 2;
message ProbeStreamReply {
int64 sequence = 1;
int64 timestamp = 2;
string content = 3;
message ProbeSubReq {
int64 buvid = 1;
message ProbeSubReply {
int64 messageId = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.archive.v1;
message Arc{
int64 aid = 1;
int64 videos = 2;
int32 typeId = 3;
string typeName = 4;
//1: 2:
int32 copyright = 5;
string pic = 6;
string title = 7;
int64 pubdate = 8;
int64 ctime = 9;
string desc = 10;
int32 state = 11;
//0: 10000:
int32 access = 12;
int32 attribute = 13;
string tag = 14;
repeated string tags = 15;
int64 duration = 16;
int64 missionId = 17;
int64 orderId = 18;
string redirectUrl = 19;
int64 forward = 20;
Rights rights = 21;
Author author = 22;
Stat stat = 23;
string reportResult = 24;
string dynamic = 25;
//稿1P cid
int64 firstCid = 26;
Dimension dimension = 27;
repeated StaffInfo staffInfo = 28;
int64 seasonId = 29;
int64 attributeV2 = 30;
message Author{
int64 mid = 1;
string name = 2;
string face = 3;
message Dimension{
int64 width = 1;
int64 height = 2;
//0: 1:
int64 rotate = 3;
message Page{
int64 cid = 1;
int32 page = 2;
//vupload:B站 qq: hunan:
string from = 3;
string part = 4;
int64 duration = 5;
string vid = 6;
string desc = 7;
string webLink = 8;
Dimension dimension = 9;
message Rights{
int32 bp = 1;
int32 elec = 2;
int32 download = 3;
int32 movie = 4;
int32 pay = 5;
int32 hd5 = 6;
int32 noReprint = 7;
int32 autoplay = 8;
int32 ugcPay = 9;
int32 isCooperation = 10;
int32 ugcPayPreview = 11;
int32 noBackground = 12;
message StaffInfo{
int64 mid = 1;
string title = 2;
int64 attribute = 3;
message Stat{
int64 aid = 1;
int32 view = 2;
int32 danmaku = 3;
int32 reply = 4;
int32 fav = 5;
int32 coin = 6;
int32 share = 7;
int32 nowRank = 8;
int32 hisRank = 9;
int32 like = 10;
int32 dislike = 11;

View File

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.archive.v1;
message Author{
int64 mid = 1;//UID
string name = 2;//
string face = 3;//url
message Dimension{
int64 width = 1;//
int64 height = 2;//
int64 rotate = 3;//
message Page{
int64 cid = 1;//cid
int32 page = 2;//P
string from = 3;//
string part = 4;
int64 duration = 5;
string vid = 6;
string desc = 7;
string webLink = 8;
Dimension dimension = 9;//
message Rights{
int32 bp = 1;
int32 elec = 2;
int32 download = 3;
int32 movie = 4;
int32 pay = 5;
int32 hd5 = 6;
int32 noReprint = 7;
int32 autoplay = 8;
int32 ugcPay = 9;
int32 isCooperation = 10;
int32 ugcPayPreview = 11;
int32 noBackground = 12;
message StaffInfo{
int64 mid = 1;//UID
string title = 2;//
int64 attribute = 3;//
message Stat{
int64 aid = 1;//avid
int32 view = 2;//
int32 danmaku = 3;//
int32 reply = 4;//
int32 fav = 5;//
int32 coin = 6;//
int32 share = 7;//
int32 nowRank = 8;//
int32 hisRank = 9;//
int32 like = 10;//
int32 dislike = 11;//
message Arc{
int64 aid = 1; //稿avid
int64 videos = 2; //稿P数
int32 typeId = 3; //tid
string typeName = 4; //
int32 copyright = 5; //稿
string pic = 6; //稿url
string title = 7; //稿
int64 pubdate = 8;
int64 ctime = 9;
string desc = 10; //
int32 state = 11; //稿
int32 access = 12;
int32 attribute = 13; //
string tag = 14;
repeated string tags = 15;
int64 duration = 16; //
int64 missionId = 17; //id
int64 orderId = 18;
string redirectUrl = 19; //url
int64 forward = 20;
Rights rights = 21;
Author author = 22; //UP主信息
Stat stat = 23; //
string reportResult = 24;
string dynamic = 25; //
int64 firstCid = 26; //1P cid
Dimension dimension = 27; //1P
repeated StaffInfo staffInfo = 28; //
int64 seasonId = 29;
int64 attributeV2 = 30;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,955 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.card.v1;
message AdInfo {
int64 creativeId = 1;
int32 creativeType = 2;
int32 cardType = 3;
CreativeContent creativeContent = 4;
string adCb = 5;
int64 resource = 6;
int32 source = 7;
string requestId = 8;
bool isAd = 9;
int64 cmMark = 10;
int32 index = 11;
bool isAdLoc = 12;
int32 cardIndex = 13;
string clientIp = 14;
bytes extra = 15;
int32 creativeStyle = 16;
message Args {
int32 type = 1;
int64 upId = 2;
string upName = 3;
int32 rid = 4;
string rname = 5;
int64 tid = 6;
string tname = 7;
string trackId = 8;
string state = 9;
int32 convergeType = 10;
int64 aid = 11;
message Avatar {
string cover = 1;
string text = 2;
string uri = 3;
int32 type = 4;
string event = 5;
string eventV2 = 6;
int32 defalutCover = 7;
message Base {
string cardType = 1;
string cardGoto = 2;
string goto = 3;
string param = 4;
string cover = 5;
string title = 6;
string uri = 7;
ThreePoint threePoint = 8;
Args args = 9;
PlayerArgs playerArgs = 10;
int64 idx = 11;
AdInfo adInfo = 12;
Mask mask = 13;
string fromType = 14;
repeated ThreePointV2 threePointV2 = 15;
repeated ThreePointV3 threePointV3 = 16;
Button descButton = 17;
ThreePointV4 threePointV4 = 18;
message Bubble {
string bubbleContent = 1;
int32 version = 2;
int64 stime = 3;
message Button {
string text = 1;
string param = 2;
string uri = 3;
string event = 4;
int32 selected = 5;
int32 type = 6;
string eventV2 = 7;
Relation relation = 8;
message Card {
oneof itemCase {
SmallCoverV5 smallCoverV5 = 1;
LargeCoverV1 largeCoverV1 = 2;
ThreeItemAllV2 threeItemAllV2 = 3;
ThreeItemV1 threeItemV1 = 4;
HotTopic hotTopic = 5;
DynamicHot dynamicHot = 6;
MiddleCoverV3 middleCoverV3 = 7;
LargeCoverV4 largeCoverV4 = 8;
PopularTopEntrance popularTopEntrance = 9;
RcmdOneItem rcmdOneItem = 10;
message CreativeContent {
string title = 1;
string description = 2;
int64 videoId = 3;
string username = 4;
string imageUrl = 5;
string imageMd5 = 6;
string logUrl = 7;
string logMd5 = 8;
string url = 9;
string clickUrl = 10;
string showUrl = 11;
message DislikeReason {
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
message DynamicHot {
Base base = 1;
string topLeftTitle = 2;
string desc1 = 3;
string desc2 = 4;
string moreUri = 5;
string moreText = 6;
repeated string covers = 7;
string coverRightText = 8;
ReasonStyle topRcmdReasonStyle = 9;
message EntranceItem {
string goto = 1;
string icon = 2;
string title = 3;
string moduleId = 4;
string uri = 5;
int64 entranceId = 6;
Bubble bubble = 7;
int32 entranceType = 8;
message HotTopic {
Base base = 1;
string desc = 2;
repeated HotTopicItem items = 3;
message HotTopicItem {
string cover = 1;
string uri = 2;
string param = 3;
string name = 4;
message HotwordEntrance {
int64 hotwordId = 1;
string hotText = 2;
string h5Url = 3;
string icon = 4;
message LargeCoverV1 {
Base base = 1;
string coverGif = 2;
Avatar avatar = 3;
string coverLeftText1 = 4;
string coverLeftText2 = 5;
string coverLeftText3 = 6;
string coverBadge = 7;
string topRcmdReason = 8;
string bottomRcmdReason = 9;
string desc = 10;
int32 officialIcon = 11;
int32 canPlay = 12;
ReasonStyle topRcmdReasonStyle = 13;
ReasonStyle bottomRcmdReasonStyle = 14;
ReasonStyle rcmdReasonStyleV2 = 15;
ReasonStyle leftCoverBadgeStyle = 16;
ReasonStyle rightCoverBadgeStyle = 17;
string coverBadge2 = 18;
LikeButton likeButton = 19;
int32 titleSingleLine = 20;
string coverRightText = 21;
message LargeCoverV4 {
Base base = 1;
string coverLeftText1 = 2;
string coverLeftText2 = 3;
string coverLeftText3 = 4;
string coverBadge = 5;
int32 canPlay = 6;
Up up = 7;
string shortLink = 8;
string shareSubtitle = 9;
string playNumber = 10;
string bvid = 11;
string subParam = 12;
message LikeButton {
int64 aid = 1;
int32 count = 2;
bool showCount = 3;
string event = 4;
int32 selected = 5;
string eventV2 = 6;
message Mask {
Avatar avatar = 1;
Button button = 2;
message MiddleCoverV3 {
Base base = 1;
string desc1 = 2;
string desc2 = 3;
ReasonStyle coverBadgeStyle = 4;
message PlayerArgs {
int32 isLive = 1;
int64 aid = 2;
int64 cid = 3;
int32 subType = 4;
int64 roomId = 5;
int64 epId = 7;
int32 isPreview = 8;
string type = 9;
int64 duration = 10;
int64 seasonId = 11;
message PopularTopEntrance {
Base base = 1;
repeated EntranceItem items = 2;
message RcmdOneItem {
Base base = 1;
ReasonStyle topRcmdReasonStyle = 2;
SmallCoverRcmdItem item = 3;
message ReasonStyle {
string text = 1;
string textColor = 2;
string bgColor = 3;
string borderColor = 4;
string iconUrl = 5;
string textColorNight = 6;
string bgColorNight = 7;
string borderColorNight = 8;
string iconNightUrl = 9;
int32 bgStyle = 10;
string uri = 11;
string iconBgUrl = 12;
string event = 13;
string eventV2 = 14;
int32 rightIconType = 15;
string leftIconType = 16;
message Relation {
int32 status = 1;
int32 isFollow = 2;
int32 isFollowed = 3;
message SharePlane {
string title = 1;
string shareSubtitle = 2;
string desc = 3;
string cover = 4;
int64 aid = 5;
string bvid = 6;
map<string,bool> shareTo = 7;
string author = 8;
int64 authorId = 9;
string shortLink = 10;
string playNumber = 11;
message SmallCoverRcmdItem {
string title = 1;
string cover = 2;
string uri = 3;
string param = 4;
string goto = 5;
string coverRightText1 = 6;
string rightDesc1 = 7;
string rightDesc2 = 8;
string coverGif = 9;
int32 rightIcon1 = 10;
int32 rightIcon2 = 11;
message SmallCoverV5 {
Base base = 1;
string coverGif = 2;
Up up = 3;
string coverRightText1 = 4;
string rightDesc1 = 5;
string rightDesc2 = 6;
ReasonStyle rcmdReasonStyle = 7;
HotwordEntrance hotwordEntrance = 8;
ReasonStyle cornerMarkStyle = 9;
int32 rightIcon1 = 10;
int32 rightIcon2 = 11;
ReasonStyle leftCornerMarkStyle = 12;
message ThreeItemAllV2 {
Base base = 1;
ReasonStyle topRcmdReasonStyle = 2;
repeated TwoItemHV1Item item = 3;
message ThreeItemV1 {
Base base = 1;
int32 titleIcon = 2;
string moreUri = 3;
string moreText = 4;
repeated ThreeItemV1Item items = 5;
message ThreeItemV1Item {
Base base = 1;
string coverLeftText = 2;
int32 coverLeftIcon = 3;
string desc1 = 4;
string desc2 = 5;
string badge = 6;
message ThreePoint {
repeated DislikeReason dislikeReasons = 1;
repeated DislikeReason feedbacks = 2;
int32 watchLater = 3;
message ThreePointV2 {
string title = 1;
string subtitle = 2;
repeated DislikeReason reasons = 3;
string type = 4;
int64 id = 5;
message ThreePointV3 {
string title = 1;
string selectedTitle = 2;
string subtitle = 3;
repeated DislikeReason reasons = 4;
string type = 5;
int64 id = 6;
int32 selected = 7;
string icon = 8;
string selectedIcon = 9;
string url = 10;
int32 defaultId = 11;
message ThreePointV4 {
SharePlane sharePlane = 1;
WatchLater watchLater = 2;
message TwoItemHV1Item {
string title = 1;
string cover = 2;
string uri = 3;
string param = 4;
Args args = 5;
string goto = 6;
string coverLeftText1 = 7;
int32 coverLeftIcon1 = 8;
string coverRightText = 9;
message Up {
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
string desc = 3;
Avatar avatar = 4;
int32 officialIcon = 5;
Button descButton = 6;
string cooperation = 8;
message WatchLater {
int64 aid = 1;
string bvid = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.interfaces.v1;
import "bilibili/app/playurl/v1.proto";
service History {
rpc search (SearchReq) returns (SearchReply);
rpc latestHistory (LatestHistoryReq) returns (LatestHistoryReply);
rpc historyTab (HistoryTabReq) returns (HistoryTabReply);
rpc delete (DeleteReq) returns (NoReply);
rpc cursorV2 (CursorV2Req) returns (CursorV2Reply);
rpc cursor (CursorReq) returns (CursorReply);
rpc clear (ClearReq) returns (NoReply);
service Search {
rpc suggest3 (SuggestionResult3Req) returns (SuggestionResult3Reply);
message SearchReq {
string keyword = 1;
int64 pn = 2;
string business = 3;
message SearchReply {
repeated CursorItem items = 1;
bool hasMore = 2;
Page page = 3;
message LatestHistoryReq {
string business = 1;
PlayerPreloadParams playerPreload = 2;
message LatestHistoryReply {
CursorItem items = 1;
string scene = 2;
message HistoryTabReq {
string business = 1;
HistorySource source = 2;
string keyword = 3;
message HistoryTabReply {
repeated CursorTab tab = 1;
message DeleteReq {
HisInfo hisInfo = 1;
message CursorV2Req {
Cursor cursor = 1;
string business = 2;
PlayerPreloadParams playerPreload = 3;
bilibili.app.playurl.v1.PlayerArgs playerArgs = 4;
message CursorV2Reply {
repeated CursorItem items = 1;
Cursor cursor = 2;
bool hasMore = 3;
message CursorReq {
Cursor cursor = 1;
string business = 2;
PlayerPreloadParams playerPreload = 3;
message CursorReply {
repeated CursorItem items = 1;
repeated CursorTab tab = 2;
Cursor cursor = 3;
bool hasMore = 4;
message ClearReq {
string business = 1;
message NoReply {
message SuggestionResult3Req {
string keyword = 1;
int32 highlight = 2;
int32 teenagersMode = 3;
message SuggestionResult3Reply {
string trackid = 1;
repeated ResultItem list = 2;
string expStr = 3;
message CardArticle {
repeated string covers = 1;
string name = 2;
int64 mid = 3;
bool displayAttention = 4;
string badge = 5;
Relation relation = 6;
message CardCheese {
string cover = 1;
int64 progress = 2;
int64 duration = 3;
string subtitle = 4;
message CardLive {
string cover = 1;
string name = 2;
int64 mid = 3;
string tag = 4;
int32 ststus = 5;
bool displayAttention = 6;
Relation relation = 7;
message CardOGV {
string cover = 1;
int64 progress = 2;
int64 duration = 3;
string subtitle = 4;
message CardUGC {
string cover = 1;
int64 progress = 2;
int64 duration = 3;
string name = 4;
int64 mid = 5;
bool displayAttention = 6;
int64 cid = 7;
int32 page = 8;
string subtitle = 9;
Relation relation = 10;
string bvid = 11;
int64 videos = 12;
string shortLink = 13;
string shareSubtitle = 14;
int64 view = 15;
message Cursor {
int64 max = 1;
int32 maxTp = 2;
message CursorItem {
oneof cardItemCase {
CardUGC cardUGC = 1;
CardOGV cardOGV = 2;
CardArticle cardArticle = 3;
CardLive cardLive = 4;
CardCheese cardCheese = 5;
string title = 6;
string uri = 7;
int64 viewAt = 8;
int64 kid = 9;
int64 oid = 10;
string business = 11;
int32 tp = 12;
DeviceType dt = 13;
bool hasShare = 14;
message CursorTab {
string business = 1;
string name = 2;
string router = 3;
bool focus = 4;
enum DT {
Unknown_VALUE = 0;
Phone_VALUE = 1;
Pad_VALUE = 2;
message DeviceType {
DT type = 1;
string icon = 2;
message HisInfo {
string business = 1;
int64 kid = 2;
enum HistorySource {
history_VALUE = 0;
shopping_VALUE = 1;
message OfficialVerify {
int32 type = 1;
string desc = 2;
message Page {
int64 pn = 1;
int64 total = 2;
message PlayerPreloadParams {
int64 qn = 1;
int64 fnver = 2;
int64 fnval = 3;
int64 forceHost = 4;
int64 fourk = 5;
message ReasonStyle {
string text = 1;
string textColor = 2;
string textColorNight = 3;
string bgColor = 4;
string bgColorNight = 5;
string borderColor = 6;
string borderColorNight = 7;
int32 bgStyle = 8;
message Relation {
int32 status = 1;
int32 isFollow = 2;
int32 isFollowed = 3;
message ResultItem {
string from = 1;
string title = 2;
string keyword = 3;
int32 position = 4;
string cover = 5;
double coverSize = 6;
string sugType = 7;
int32 termType = 8;
string goto = 9;
string uri = 10;
OfficialVerify officialVerify = 11;
string param = 12;
int64 mid = 13;
int32 fans = 14;
int32 level = 15;
int32 archives = 16;
int64 ptime = 17;
string seasonTypeName = 18;
string area = 19;
string style = 20;
string label = 21;
double rating = 22;
int32 vote = 23;
repeated ReasonStyle badges = 24;
string styles = 25;
int64 moduleId = 26;
string liveLink = 27;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.playurl.v1;
service PlayURL {
rpc playConf (PlayConfReq) returns (PlayConfReply);
rpc playConfEdit (PlayConfEditReq) returns (PlayConfEditReply);
rpc playURL (PlayURLReq) returns (PlayURLReply);
rpc playView (PlayViewReq) returns (PlayViewReply);
rpc project (ProjectReq) returns (ProjectReply);
message PlayConfReq {
message PlayConfReply {
PlayAbilityConf playConf = 1;
message PlayConfEditReq {
repeated PlayConfState playConf = 1;
message PlayConfEditReply {
message PlayURLReq {
int64 aid = 1;
int64 cid = 2;
int64 qn = 3;
int32 fnver = 4;
int32 fnval = 5;
//0: 1:flv下载 2:dash下载
uint32 download = 6;
//0:使ip 1:使http 2:使https
int32 forceHost = 7;
bool fourk = 8;
string spmid = 9;
string fromSpmid = 10;
message PlayURLReply {
uint32 quality = 1;
string format = 2;
uint64 timelength = 3;
uint32 videoCodecid = 4;
uint32 fnver = 5;
uint32 fnval = 6;
bool videoProject = 7;
repeated ResponseUrl durl = 8;
ResponseDash dash = 9;
int32 noRexcode = 10;
UpgradeLimit upgradeLimit = 11;
repeated FormatDescription supportFormats = 12;
VideoType type = 13;
message PlayViewReq {
int64 aid = 1;
int64 cid = 2;
int64 qn = 3;
int32 fnver = 4;
int32 fnval = 5;
//0: 1:flv下载 2:dash下载
uint32 download = 6;
//0:使ip 1:使http 2:使https
int32 forceHost = 7;
bool fourk = 8;
string spmid = 9;
string fromSpmid = 10;
int32 teenagersMode = 11;
CodeType preferCodecType = 12;
message PlayViewReply {
VideoInfo info = 1;
PlayAbilityConf PlayConf = 2;
UpgradeLimit upgradeLimit = 3;
Chronos chronos = 4;
PlayArcConf playArc = 5;
Event event = 6;
message ProjectReq {
int64 aid = 1;
int64 cid = 2;
int64 qn = 3;
int32 fnver = 4;
int32 fnval = 5;
//0: 1:flv下载 2:dash下载
uint32 download = 6;
//0:使ip 1:使http 2:使https
int32 forceHost = 7;
bool fourk = 8;
string spmid = 9;
string fromSpmid = 10;
int32 protocol = 11;
int32 deviceType = 12;
message ProjectReply {
PlayURLReply project = 1;
message ArcConf {
bool isSupport=1;
message Chronos {
string md5=1;
string file=2;
message CloudConf {
bool show = 1;
ConfType confType = 2;
FieldValue fieldValue = 3;
enum CodeType {
CODE264_VALUE = 1;
CODE265_VALUE = 2;
enum ConfType {
NoType_VALUE = 0;
message DashItem {
uint32 id=1;
string baseUrl=2;
repeated string backupUrl=3;
uint32 bandwidth=4;
uint32 codecid=5;
string md5=6;
uint64 size=7;
message DashVideo{
string baseUrl=1;
repeated string backupUrl=2;
uint32 bandwidth=3;
uint32 codecid=4;
string md5=5;
uint64 size=6;
uint32 audioId=7;
bool noRexcode=8;
message DolbyItem{
int32 type=1;
DashItem audio=2;
message Event{
Shake shake=1;
message FieldValue {
oneof valueCase {
bool value = 1;
message FormatDescription {
int32 quality = 1;
string format = 2;
string description = 3;
string newDescription = 4;
string displayDesc = 5;
string superscript = 6;
message PlayAbilityConf{
bool backgroundPlayDisable=1;
bool flipDisable=2;
bool castDisable=3;
bool feedbackDisable=4;
bool subtitleDisable=5;
bool playbackRateDisable=6;
bool timeUpDisable=7;
bool playbackModeDisable=8;
bool scaleModeDisable=9;
bool likeDisable=10;
bool dislikeDisable=11;
bool coinDisable=12;
bool elecDisable=13;
bool shareDisable=14;
bool screenShotDisable=15;
bool lockScreenDisable=16;
bool recommendDisable=17;
bool playbackSpeedDisable=18;
bool definitionDisable=19;
bool selectionsDisable=20;
bool nextDisable=21;
bool editDmDisable=22;
bool smallWindowDisable=23;
bool shakeDisable=24;
bool outerDmDisable=25;
bool innerDmDisable=26;
bool freyaEnterDisable=27;
bool dolbyDisable=28;
message PlayArcConf{
ArcConf backgroundPlayConf=1;
ArcConf flipConf=2;
ArcConf castConf=3;
ArcConf feedbackConf=4;
ArcConf subtitleConf=5;
ArcConf playbackRateConf=6;
ArcConf timeUpConf=7;
ArcConf playbackModeConf=8;
ArcConf scaleModeConf=9;
ArcConf likeConf=10;
ArcConf dislikeConf=11;
ArcConf coinConf=12;
ArcConf elecConf=13;
ArcConf shareConf=14;
ArcConf screenShotConf=15;
ArcConf lockScreenConf=16;
ArcConf recommendConf=17;
ArcConf playbackSpeedConf=18;
ArcConf definitionConf=19;
ArcConf selectionsConf=20;
ArcConf nextConf=21;
ArcConf editDmConf=22;
ArcConf smallWindowConf=23;
ArcConf shakeConf=24;
ArcConf outerDmConf=25;
ArcConf innerDmConf=26;
ArcConf freyaEnterConf=27;
ArcConf dolbyConf=28;
message PlayConfState {
ConfType confType = 1;
bool show = 2;
FieldValue fieldValue = 3;
enum PlayErr {
NoErr_VALUE = 0;
WithMultiDeviceLoginErr_VALUE = 1;
message PlayerArgs {
int64 qn = 1;
int64 fnver = 2;
int64 fnval = 3;
int64 forceHost = 4;
message ResponseDash {
repeated DashItem video = 1;
repeated DashItem audio = 2;
message ResponseUrl{
uint32 order = 1;
uint64 length = 2;
uint64 size = 3;
string url = 4;
repeated string backupUrl = 5;
string md5 = 6;
message SegmentVideo{
repeated ResponseUrl segment=1;
message Shake{
string file=1;
message Stream{
StreamInfo info=1;
oneof contentCase {
DashVideo dashvideo=2;
SegmentVideo segmentvideo=3;
message StreamInfo{
// qn
uint32 quality=1;
string format=2;
string description=3;
uint32 errCode=4;
Limit limit=5;
bool needVip=6;
bool needLogin=7;
bool intact=8;
bool noRexcode=9;
int64 attribute=10;
string newDescription=11;
string displayDesc=12;
string superscript=13;
message Limit{
string title=1;
string uri=2;
string msg=3;
message UpgradeButton {
string title = 1;
string link = 2;
message UpgradeLimit{
int32 code =1;
string message =2;
string image =3;
UpgradeButton button=4;
message VideoInfo{
uint32 quality=1;
string format=2;
uint64 timelength=3;
uint32 videoCodecid=4;
repeated Stream streamList=5;
repeated DashItem audio=6;
DolbyItem dolby=7;
enum VideoType {
Unknown_VALUE = 0;
MP4_VALUE = 3;

View File

@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.playurl.v1;
message VideoInfo{
message stream{
message streamInfo{
message Limit{
string title=1;
string uri=2;
string msg=3;
uint32 quality=1;//
string format=2;//
string description=3;//
uint32 errCode=4;
Limit limit=5;
bool needVip=6;//vip
bool needLogin=7;//
bool intact=8;
bool noRexcode=9;
int64 attribute=10;
string newDescription=11;//
string displayDesc=12;//
string superscript=13;//
message DashVideo{
string baseUrl=1;//线
repeated string backupUrl=2;//
uint32 bandwidth=3;//
uint32 codecid=4;
string md5=5;//md5
uint64 size=6;//
uint32 audioId=7;
bool noRexcode=8;
message SegmentVideo{
message ResponseUrl{
uint32 order=1;
uint64 length=2;
uint64 size=3;
string url=4;
repeated string backupUrl=5;
string md5=6;
repeated ResponseUrl segment=1;
streamInfo info=1;//
DashVideo dashvideo=2;//dash流
SegmentVideo segmentvideo=3;//flv流
message DashAudio{
uint32 id=1;
string baseUrl=2;//线
repeated string backupUrl=3;//
uint32 bandwidth=4;//
uint32 codecid=5;//
string md5=6;//md5
uint64 size=7;//
message DolbyItem{
int32 type=1;
DashAudio audio=2;
uint32 quality=1;//
string format=2;//
uint64 timelength=3;//
uint32 videoCodecid=4;//
repeated stream streamList=5;//
repeated DashAudio audio=6;//
DolbyItem dolby=7;//
message PlayAbilityConf{
bool backgroundPlayDisable=1;
bool flipDisable=2;
bool castDisable=3;
bool feedbackDisable=4;
bool subtitleDisable=5;
bool playbackRateDisable=6;
bool timeUpDisable=7;
bool playbackModeDisable=8;
bool scaleModeDisable=9;
bool likeDisable=10;
bool dislikeDisable=11;
bool coinDisable=12;
bool elecDisable=13;
bool shareDisable=14;
bool screenShotDisable=15;
bool lockScreenDisable=16;
bool recommendDisable=17;
bool playbackSpeedDisable=18;
bool definitionDisable=19;
bool selectionsDisable=20;
bool nextDisable=21;
bool editDmDisable=22;
bool smallWindowDisable=23;
bool shakeDisable=24;
bool outerDmDisable=25;
bool innerDmDisable=26;
bool freyaEnterDisable=27;
bool dolbyDisable=28;
message UpgradeLimit{
message Report{
string showEventId=1;
string clickEventId=2;
string extends=3;
message ButtonInfo{
message BadgeInfo{
string text=1;
string bgColor=2;
string bgColorNight=3;
string text=1;
string textColor=2;
string textColorNight=3;
string bgColor=4;
string bgColorNight=5;
string link=6;
string actionType=7;
BadgeInfo badgeInfo=8;
Report report=9;
int32 code =1;
string message =2;
string image =3;
ButtonInfo button=4;
message Chronos{
string md5=1;
string file=2;
message PlayArcConf{
message ArcConf{
bool isSupport=1;
ArcConf backgroundPlayConf=1;
ArcConf flipConf=2;
ArcConf castConf=3;
ArcConf feedbackConf=4;
ArcConf subtitleConf=5;
ArcConf playbackRateConf=6;
ArcConf timeUpConf=7;
ArcConf playbackModeConf=8;
ArcConf scaleModeConf=9;
ArcConf likeConf=10;
ArcConf dislikeConf=11;
ArcConf coinConf=12;
ArcConf elecConf=13;
ArcConf shareConf=14;
ArcConf screenShotConf=15;
ArcConf lockScreenConf=16;
ArcConf recommendConf=17;
ArcConf playbackSpeedConf=18;
ArcConf definitionConf=19;
ArcConf selectionsConf=20;
ArcConf nextConf=21;
ArcConf editDmConf=22;
ArcConf smallWindowConf=23;
ArcConf shakeConf=24;
ArcConf outerDmConf=25;
ArcConf innerDmConf=26;
ArcConf freyaEnterConf=27;
ArcConf dolbyConf=28;
message Event{
message Shake{
string file=1;
Shake shake=1;
message PlayURLReq{
int64 aid = 1; //avid
int64 cid = 2; //cid
int64 qn = 3; //
int32 fnver = 4; //
int32 fnval = 5;
uint32 download = 6; // 0: 1:flv下载 2:dash下载
int32 forceHost = 7;
bool fourk = 8; //4K
string spmid = 9;
string fromSpmid = 10;
message PlayViewReply{
VideoInfo info = 1; //
PlayAbilityConf PlayConf = 2; //
UpgradeLimit upgradeLimit = 3;
Chronos chronos = 4;
PlayArcConf playArc = 5;
Event event = 6;
message PlayConfReq{
message PlayConfReply{
PlayAbilityConf playConf = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.show.gateway.v1;
import "bilibili/broadcast/message/main.proto";
service AppShow {
rpc getActProgress (GetActProgressReq) returns (GetActProgressReply);
message GetActProgressReq {
int64 pageID = 1;
int64 mid = 2;
message GetActProgressReply {
bilibili.broadcast.message.main.NativePageEvent event = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.show.popular.v1;
import "bilibili/app/playurl/v1.proto";
import "bilibili/app/card/v1.proto";
service Popular {
rpc index (PopularResultReq) returns (PopularReply);
message PopularResultReq {
int64 idx = 1;
int32 loginEvent = 2;
int32 qn = 3;
int32 fnver = 4;
int32 fnval = 5;
int32 forceHost = 6;
int32 fourk = 7;
sfixed32 spmid = 8;
sfixed32 lastParam = 9;
sfixed32 ver = 10;
int64 entranceId = 11;
sfixed32 locationIds = 12;
int32 sourceId = 13;
int32 flush = 14;
bilibili.app.playurl.v1.PlayerArgs playerArgs = 15;
message PopularReply {
repeated bilibili.app.card.v1.Card items = 1;
Config config = 2;
string ver = 3;
message Bubble {
string bubbleContent = 1;
int32 version = 2;
int64 stime = 3;
message Config {
string itemTitle = 1;
string bottomText = 2;
string bottomTextCover = 3;
string bottomTextUrl = 4;
repeated EntranceShow topItems = 5;
string headImage = 6;
repeated EntranceShow pageItems = 7;
int32 hit = 8;
message EntranceShow {
string icon = 1;
string title = 2;
string moduleId = 3;
string uri = 4;
Bubble bubble = 5;
int64 entranceId = 6;
string topPhoto = 7;
int32 entranceType = 8;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.show.rank.v1;
service Rank {
rpc rankAll (RankAllResultReq) returns (RankListReply);
rpc rankRegion (RankRegionResultReq) returns (RankListReply);
message RankAllResultReq {
string order = 1;
int32 pn = 2;
int32 ps = 3;
message RankRegionResultReq {
int32 rid = 1;
int32 pn = 2;
int32 ps = 3;
message RankListReply {
repeated Item items = 1;
message Item {
string title = 1;
string cover = 2;
string param = 3;
string uri = 4;
string redirectUrl = 5;
string goto = 6;
int32 play = 7;
int32 danmaku = 8;
int64 mid = 9;
string name = 10;
string face = 11;
int32 reply = 12;
int32 favourite = 13;
int64 pubDate = 14;
int32 rid = 15;
string rname = 16;
int64 duration = 17;
int32 like = 18;
int64 cid = 19;
int64 pts = 20;
string cooperation = 21;
int32 attribute = 22;
int64 follower = 23;
OfficialVerify officialVerify = 24;
repeated Item children = 25;
Relation relation = 26;
message OfficialVerify {
int32 type = 1;
string desc = 2;
message Relation {
int32 status = 1;
int32 isFollow = 2;
int32 isFollowed = 3;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.show.region.v1;
service Region {
rpc region (RegionReq) returns (RegionReply);
message RegionReq {
string lang = 1;
message RegionReply {
repeated RegionInfo regions = 1;
message RegionConfig {
string scenesName = 1;
string scenesType = 2;
message RegionInfo {
int32 tid = 1;
int32 reid = 2;
string name = 3;
string logo = 4;
string goto = 5;
string param = 6;
string uri = 7;
int32 type = 8;
int32 isBangumi = 9;
repeated RegionInfo children = 10;
repeated RegionConfig config = 11;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.space.v1;
service Space {
rpc archive (ArchiveReq) returns (ArchiveReply);
message ArchiveReq {
int64 vmid = 1;
int32 pn = 2;
int32 ps = 3;
string order = 4;
message ArchiveReply {
repeated BiliSpaceVideo item = 1;
int32 count = 2;
EpisodicButton episodicButton = 3;
repeated OrderConfig order = 4;
message Badge {
string text = 1;
string textColor = 2;
string textColorNight = 3;
string bgColor = 4;
string bgColorNight = 5;
string borderColor = 6;
string borderColorNight = 7;
int32 bgStyle = 8;
message BiliSpaceVideo {
string title = 1;
string tname = 2;
int64 duration = 3;
string cover = 4;
string uri = 5;
string param = 6;
string danmaku = 7;
int32 play = 8;
int64 ctime = 9;
bool state = 10;
bool isPopular = 11;
repeated Badge badges = 12;
string coverRight = 13;
string bvid = 14;
bool isSteins = 15;
bool isUgcpay = 16;
bool isCooperation = 17;
message EpisodicButton {
string text = 1;
string uri = 2;
message OrderConfig {
string title = 1;
string value = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.splash.v1;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
service Splash {
rpc list (SplashReq) returns (SplashReply);
message SplashReq {
int32 width = 1;
int32 height = 2;
string birth = 3;
string adExtra = 4;
string network = 5;
message SplashReply {
int32 maxTime = 1;
int32 minInterval = 2;
int32 pullInterval = 3;
repeated SplashItem list = 4;
repeated ShowStrategy show = 5;
message ShowStrategy {
int32 id = 1;
int64 stime = 2;
int64 etime = 3;
message SplashItem {
int32 id = 1;
int32 type = 2;
int32 cardType = 3;
int32 duration = 4;
int64 beginTime = 5;
int64 endTime = 6;
string thumb = 7;
string hash = 8;
string logoUrl = 9;
string logoHash = 10;
string videoUrl = 11;
string videoHash = 12;
int32 videoWidth = 13;
int32 videoHeight = 14;
string schema = 15;
string schemaTitle = 16;
string schemaPackageName = 17;
repeated string schemaCallupWhiteList = 18;
int32 skip = 19;
string uri = 20;
string uriTitle = 21;
int32 source = 22;
int32 cmMark = 23;
string adCb = 24;
int64 resourceId = 25;
string requestId = 26;
string clientIp = 27;
bool isAd = 28;
bool isAdLoc = 29;
google.protobuf.Any extra = 30;
int64 cardIndex = 31;
int64 serverType = 32;
int64 index = 33;
string clickUrl = 34;
string showUrl = 35;
int32 timeTarget = 36;
int32 encryption = 37;
bool enablePreDownload = 38;
bool enableBackgroundDownload = 39;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.app.wall.v1;
service Wall {
rpc ruleInfo (RuleRequest) returns (RulesReply);
message RuleRequest {
message RulesReply {
map<string,RulesInfo> rulesInfo = 1;
message RuleInfo {
bool tf = 1;
string m = 2;
string a = 3;
string p = 4;
message RulesInfo {
repeated RuleInfo rulesInfo = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.broadcast.message.main;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
service NativePage {
rpc watchNotify (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (NativePageEvent);
service Resource {
rpc topActivity (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (TopActivityReply);
message NativePageEvent {
int64 pageID = 1;
repeated EventItem items = 2;
message TopActivityReply {
TopOnline online = 1;
string hash = 2;
message Animate {
string icon = 1;
string json = 2;
string svg = 3;
int32 loop = 4;
message CommandDm {
int64 id = 1;
int64 oid = 2;
int64 mid = 3;
int32 type = 4;
string command = 5;
string content = 6;
int32 state = 7;
int32 progress = 8;
string ctime = 9;
string mtime = 10;
string extra = 11;
string idStr = 12;
message DanmakuElem {
int64 id = 1;
int32 progress = 2;
int32 mode = 3;
int32 fontsize = 4;
uint32 color = 5;
string midHash = 6;
string content = 7;
int64 ctime = 8;
string action = 9;
int32 pool = 10;
string idStr = 11;
message DanmukuEvent {
DanmakuElem elems = 1;
message EventItem {
int64 itemID = 1;
string type = 2;
int64 num = 3;
string displayNum = 4;
string webKey = 5;
int64 dimension = 6;
message RedDot {
int32 type = 1;
int32 number = 2;
message TopOnline {
int32 type = 1;
string icon = 2;
string uri = 3;
string uniqueId = 4;
Animate animate = 5;
RedDot redDot = 6;
string name = 7;
int64 interval = 8;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.cheese.gateway.player.v1;
import public "bilibili/app/playurl_v1.proto";
import "bilibili/app/playurl/v1.proto";
service PlayURL {
rpc PlayView (playViewReq) returns (PlayViewReply);
enum CodeType{
CODE264 = 1;
CODE265 = 2;
message PlayAbilityConf{
bool backgroundPlayDisable=1;
@ -36,30 +48,54 @@ message PlayAbilityConf{
message playViewReq{
enum CodeType{
CODE264 = 1;
CODE265 = 2;
int64 epid = 1; //epid
int64 cid = 2; //cid
int64 qn = 3; //
int64 epid = 1;
int64 cid = 2;
int64 qn = 3;
int32 fnver = 4;
int32 fnval = 5; //
uint32 download = 6; // 0: 1:flv下载 2:dash下载
int32 fnval = 5;
//0: 1:flv下载 2:dash下载
uint32 download = 6;
//0:使ip 1:使http 2:使https
int32 forceHost = 7;
bool fourk = 8; //4K
bool fourk = 8;
string spmid = 9;
string fromSpmid = 10;
int32 teenagersMode = 11;
CodeType codetype = 12; //
CodeType codetype = 12;
bool isPreview = 13;
message PlayViewReply{
bilibili.app.playurl.v1.VideoInfo info = 1; //
PlayAbilityConf PlayConf = 2; //
bilibili.app.playurl.v1.VideoInfo info = 1;
PlayAbilityConf PlayConf = 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.community.service.dm.v1;
message DanmakuAIFlag{
repeated DanmakuFlag dmFlags = 1;
message DanmakuElem{
int64 id = 1;
int32 progress = 2;
int32 mode = 3;
int32 fontsize = 4;
uint32 color = 5;
//UID hash
string midHash = 6;
string content = 7;
int64 ctime = 8;
int32 weight = 9;
string action = 10;
int32 pool = 11;
string idStr = 12;
//0: 4: 16:?
int32 attr = 13;
message DanmakuFlag{
int64 dmid = 1;
uint32 flag = 2;
message DanmakuFlagConfig{
int32 recFlag = 1;
string recText = 2;
int32 recSwitch = 3;
message DanmuDefaultPlayerConfig{
bool playerDanmakuUseDefaultConfig = 1;
bool playerDanmakuAiRecommendedSwitch = 4;
int32 playerDanmakuAiRecommendedLevel = 5;
bool playerDanmakuBlocktop = 6;
bool playerDanmakuBlockscroll = 7;
bool playerDanmakuBlockbottom = 8;
bool playerDanmakuBlockcolorful = 9;
bool playerDanmakuBlockrepeat = 10;
bool playerDanmakuBlockspecial = 11;
float playerDanmakuOpacity = 12;
float playerDanmakuScalingfactor = 13;
float playerDanmakuDomain = 14;
int32 playerDanmakuSpeed = 15;
bool inlinePlayerDanmakuSwitch = 16;
message DanmuPlayerConfig{
bool playerDanmakuSwitch = 1;
bool playerDanmakuSwitchSave = 2;
bool playerDanmakuUseDefaultConfig = 3;
bool playerDanmakuAiRecommendedSwitch = 4;
int32 playerDanmakuAiRecommendedLevel = 5;
bool playerDanmakuBlocktop = 6;
bool playerDanmakuBlockscroll = 7;
bool playerDanmakuBlockbottom = 8;
bool playerDanmakuBlockcolorful = 9;
bool playerDanmakuBlockrepeat = 10;
bool playerDanmakuBlockspecial = 11;
float playerDanmakuOpacity = 12;
float playerDanmakuScalingfactor = 13;
float playerDanmakuDomain = 14;
int32 playerDanmakuSpeed = 15;
bool playerDanmakuEnableblocklist = 16;
bool inlinePlayerDanmakuSwitch = 17;
int32 inlinePlayerDanmakuConfig = 18;
message DanmuPlayerDynamicConfig{
int32 progress = 1;
float playerDanmakuDomain = 2;
message DanmuPlayerViewConfig{
DanmuDefaultPlayerConfig danmukuDefaultPlayerConfig = 1;
DanmuPlayerConfig danmukuPlayerConfig = 2;
repeated DanmuPlayerDynamicConfig danmukuPlayerDynamicConfig = 3;
message InlinePlayerDanmakuSwitch{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuAiRecommendedLevel{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuAiRecommendedSwitch{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuBlockbottom{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuBlockcolorful{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuBlockrepeat{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuBlockscroll{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuBlockspecial{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuBlocktop{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuDomain{
float value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuEnableblocklist{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuOpacity{
float value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuScalingfactor{
float value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuSpeed{
int32 value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuSwitch{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuSwitchSave{
bool value = 1;
message PlayerDanmakuUseDefaultConfig{
bool value = 1;
message Response{
int32 code = 1;
string message = 2;
message SubtitleItem{
int64 id = 1;
string idStr = 2;
string lan = 3;
string lanDoc = 4;
string subtitleUrl = 5;
UserInfo author = 6;
message UserInfo{
int64 mid = 1;
string name = 2;
string sex = 3;
string face = 4;
string sign = 5;
int32 rank = 6;
message VideoMask{
int64 cid = 1;
//0:web端 1:app端
int32 plat = 2;
int32 fps = 3;
int64 time = 4;
string maskUrl = 5;
message VideoSubtitle{
string lan = 1;
string lanDoc = 2;
repeated SubtitleItem subtitles = 3;
message DmPlayerConfigReq{
int64 ts = 1;
PlayerDanmakuSwitch switch = 2;
PlayerDanmakuSwitchSave switchSave = 3;
PlayerDanmakuUseDefaultConfig useDefaultConfig = 4;
PlayerDanmakuAiRecommendedSwitch aiRecommendedSwitch = 5;
PlayerDanmakuAiRecommendedLevel aiRecommendedLevel = 6;
PlayerDanmakuBlocktop blocktop = 7;
PlayerDanmakuBlockscroll blockscroll = 8;
PlayerDanmakuBlockbottom blockbottom = 9;
PlayerDanmakuBlockcolorful blockcolorful = 10;
PlayerDanmakuBlockrepeat blockrepeat = 11;
PlayerDanmakuBlockspecial blockspecial = 12;
PlayerDanmakuOpacity opacity = 13;
PlayerDanmakuScalingfactor scalingfactor = 14;
PlayerDanmakuDomain domain = 15;
PlayerDanmakuSpeed speed = 16;
PlayerDanmakuEnableblocklist enableblocklist = 17;
InlinePlayerDanmakuSwitch inlinePlayerDanmakuSwitch = 18;
message DmSegMobileReq{
int64 pid = 1;
int64 oid = 2;
//1: 2:
int32 type = 3;
int64 segmentIndex = 4;
int32 teenagersMode = 5;
message DmSegMobileReply{
repeated DanmakuElem elems = 1;
//0: 1:
int32 state = 2;
DanmakuAIFlag aiFlag = 3;
message DmViewReq{
int64 pid = 1;
int64 oid = 2;
//1: 2:
int32 type = 3;
string spmid = 4;
int32 isHardBoot = 5;
message DmViewReply{
//0: 1:
bool closed = 1;
VideoMask mask = 2;
VideoSubtitle subtitle = 3;
repeated string specialDms = 4;
DanmakuFlagConfig aiFlag = 5;
DanmuPlayerViewConfig playerConfig = 6;
int32 sendBoxStyle = 7;
bool allow = 8;
string checkBox = 9;
string checkBoxShowMsg = 10;
string textPlaceholder = 11;
string inputPlaceholder = 12;
repeated string reportFilterContent = 13;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.main.community.reply.v1;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
service Reply {
rpc MainList(MainListReq) returns (MainListReply);
rpc DetailList(DetailListReq) returns (DetailListReply);
rpc DialogList(DialogListReq) returns (DialogListReply);
rpc SearchItemPreHook(SearchItemPreHookReq) returns (SearchItemPreHookReply);
rpc SearchItem(SearchItemReq) returns (SearchItemReply);
enum Mode{
message CursorReq{
int64 next = 1;
int64 prev = 2;
Mode mode = 4;
message CursorReply{
int64 next = 1;
int64 prev = 2;
bool isBegin = 3;
bool isEnd = 4;
Mode mode = 5;
enum SearchItemType{
enum DetailListScene{
REPLY = 0;
message SearchItemCursorReq{
int64 next = 1;
SearchItemType itemType = 2;
message SearchItemCursorReply{
bool hasNext = 1;
int64 next = 2;
message Member{
int64 mid = 1;
string name = 2;
string sex = 3;
string face = 4;
int64 level = 5;
int64 officialVerifyType = 6;
int64 vipType = 7;
int64 vipStatus = 8;
int64 vipThemeType = 9;
string vipLabelPath = 10;
string garbPendantImage = 11;
string garbCardImage = 12;
string garbCardImageWithFocus = 13;
string garbCardJumpUrl = 14;
string garbCardNumber = 15;
string garbCardFanColor = 16;
bool garbCardIsFan = 17;
string fansMedalName = 18;
int64 fansMedalLevel = 19;
int64 fansMedalColor = 20;
message Emote{
//1: 2:
int64 size = 1;
string url = 2;
message Topic{
string link = 1;
int64 id = 2;
message Url{
string title = 1;
int64 state = 2;
string prefixIcon = 3;
string appUrlSchema = 4;
string appName = 5;
string appPackageName = 6;
string clickReport = 7;
message Vote{
int64 id = 1;
string title = 2;
int64 count = 3;
message Content{
string message = 1;
map<string,Member> menber = 2;
map<string,Emote> emote = 3;
map<string,Topic> topic = 4;
map<string,Url> url = 5;
Vote vote = 6;
message ReplyControl{
//0: 1: 2:
int64 action = 1;
bool upLike = 2;
bool upReply = 3;
bool showFollowBtn = 4;
bool isAssist = 5;
string labelText = 6;
bool following = 7;
bool followed = 8;
bool blocked = 9;
bool hasFoldedReply = 10;
bool isFoldedReply = 11;
bool isUpTop = 12;
bool isAdminTop = 13;
bool isVoteTop = 14;
int64 maxLine = 15;
bool invisible = 16;
message ReplyInfo{
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 1;
int64 id = 2;
int64 oid = 3;
int64 type = 4;
int64 mid = 5;
int64 root = 6;
int64 parent = 7;
int64 dialog = 8;
int64 like = 9;
int64 ctime = 10;
int64 count = 11;
Content content = 12;
Member member = 13;
ReplyControl replyControl = 14;
message SubjectControl{
int64 upMid = 1;
bool isAssist = 2;
bool readOnly = 3;
bool hasVoteAccess = 4;
bool hasLotteryAccess = 5;
bool hasFoldedReply = 6;
string bgText = 7;
bool upBlocked = 8;
bool hasActivityAccess = 9;
bool showTitle = 10;
bool showUpAction = 11;
int64 switcherType = 12;
bool inputDisable = 13;
string rootText = 14;
string childText = 15;
int64 count = 16;
string title = 17;
message Notice{
int64 id = 1;
string content = 2;
string link = 3;
message Lottery{
int64 lotteryId = 1;
int64 lotteryStatus = 2;
int64 lotteryMid = 3;
int64 lotteryTime = 4;
int64 oid = 5;
int64 type = 6;
int64 ctime = 7;
Content content = 8;
Member member = 9;
ReplyControl replyControl = 10;
message Activity{
int64 activityId = 1;
int64 activityState = 2;
string activityPlaceholder = 3;
message UpSelection{
int64 pendingCount = 1;
int64 ignoreCount = 2;
message CM{
google.protobuf.Any sourceContent = 1;
message ArticleSearchItem{
string title = 1;
string upNickname = 2;
repeated string covers = 3;
message GoodsSearchItem{
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
string price = 3;
string income = 4;
string img = 5;
string label = 6;
enum VideoItemCase{
UGC = 2;
PGC = 3;
message UGCVideoSearchItem{
string title = 1;
string upNickname = 2;
int64 duration = 3;
string cover = 4;
message PGCVideoSearchItem{
string title = 1;
string category = 2;
string cover = 3;
message VideoSearchItem{
VideoItemCase type = 1;
UGCVideoSearchItem UGCVideo = 2;
PGCVideoSearchItem PGCVideo = 3;
enum ItemCase{
GOODS = 2;
VIDEO = 3;
message SearchItem{
string url = 1;
GoodsSearchItem goods = 2;
VideoSearchItem video = 3;
ArticleSearchItem article = 4;
message SearchItemReplyExtraInfo{
string eventId = 1;
message MainListReq{
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
CursorReq cursor = 3;
string extra = 4;
string adExtra = 5;
int64 rpid = 6;
message MainListReply{
CursorReply cursor = 1;
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 2;
SubjectControl subjectControl = 3;
ReplyInfo upTop = 4;
ReplyInfo adminTop = 5;
ReplyInfo voteTop = 6;
Notice notice = 7;
Lottery lottery = 8;
Activity activity = 9;
UpSelection upSelection = 10;
CM cm = 11;
message DetailListReq{
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
int64 root = 3;
int64 rpid = 4;
CursorReq cursor = 5;
DetailListScene scene = 6;
message DetailListReply{
CursorReply cursor = 1;
SubjectControl subjectControl = 2;
ReplyInfo root = 3;
Activity activity = 4;
message DialogListReq{
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
int64 root = 3;
int64 rpid = 4;
CursorReq cursor = 5;
message DialogListReply{
CursorReply cursor = 1;
SubjectControl subjectControl = 2;
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 3;
Activity activity = 4;
message SearchItemPreHookReq{
int64 oid = 1;
int64 type = 2;
message SearchItemPreHookReply{
string placeholderText = 1;
string backgroundText = 2;
repeated SearchItemType orderedType = 3;
message SearchItemReq{
SearchItemCursorReq cursor = 1;
int64 oid = 2;
int64 type = 3;
string keyword = 4;
message SearchItemReply{
SearchItemCursorReply cursor = 1;
repeated SearchItem items = 2;
SearchItemReplyExtraInfo extra = 3;

View File

@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.main.community.reply.v1;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
message CursorReq{
enum Mode{
int64 next = 1;
int64 prev = 2;
Mode mode = 3; //
message CursorReply{
enum Mode{
int64 next = 1;
int64 prev = 2;
bool isBegin = 3;
bool isEnd = 4;
Mode mode = 5;
enum SearchItemType{
message SearchItemCursorReq{
int64 next = 1;
SearchItemType itemType = 2;
message SearchItemCursorReply{
bool hasNext = 1;
int64 next = 2;
message Member{
int64 mid = 1; //UID
string name = 2; //
string sex = 3; //
string face = 4; //url
int64 level = 5; //
int64 officialVerifyType = 6; //
int64 vipType = 7; //
int64 vipStatus = 8; //
int64 vipThemeType = 9;
string vipLabelPath = 10;
string garbPendantImage = 11; //url
string garbCardImage = 12; //url
string garbCardImageWithFocus = 13;
string garbCardJumpUrl = 14;//url
string garbCardNumber = 15;//id
string garbCardFanColor = 16;//id显示颜色
bool garbCardIsFan = 17;//
string fansMedalName = 18;
int64 fansMedalLevel = 19;
int64 fansMedalColor = 20;
message Content{
message Emote{
int64 size = 1;// 1: 2:
string url = 2;//url
message Topic{
string link = 1;
int64 id = 2;
message Url{
string title = 1; //
int64 state = 2;
string prefixIcon = 3; //url
string appUrlSchema = 4;
string appName = 5;
string appPackageName = 6;
string clickReport = 7;
message Vote{
int64 id = 1;
string title = 2;
int64 count = 3;
string message = 1; //
map<string,Member> menber = 2; //at到的用户信息
map<string,Emote> emote = 3; //
map<string,Topic> topic = 4; //
map<string,Url> url = 5; //
Vote vote = 6;
message ReplyControl{
int64 action = 1; // 0: 1: 2:
bool upLike = 2; //UP觉得很赞
bool upReply = 3; //UP回复
bool showFollowBtn = 4; //
bool isAssist = 5;
string labelText = 6;
bool following = 7; //
bool followed = 8; //
bool blocked = 9;
bool hasFoldedReply = 10;
bool isFoldedReply = 11;
bool isUpTop = 12; //UP置顶
bool isAdminTop = 13; //
bool isVoteTop = 14; //
int64 maxLine = 15; //
bool invisible = 16;
message ReplyInfo{
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 1; //
int64 id = 2; //rpid
int64 oid = 3; //id
int64 type = 4; //id
int64 mid = 5; //UID
int64 root = 6; //rpid
int64 parent = 7; //rpid
int64 dialog = 8; //rpid
int64 like = 9; //
int64 ctime = 10; //
int64 count = 11; //
Content content = 12; //
Member member = 13; //
ReplyControl replyControl = 14; //
message SubjectControl{
int64 upMid = 1; //UP主UID
bool isAssist = 2;
bool readOnly = 3;
bool hasVoteAccess = 4;
bool hasLotteryAccess = 5;
bool hasFoldedReply = 6;
string bgText = 7; //
bool upBlocked = 8;
bool hasActivityAccess = 9;
bool showTitle = 10;
bool showUpAction = 11;
int64 switcherType = 12;
bool inputDisable = 13;
string rootText = 14; //
string childText = 15;
int64 count = 16; //
string title = 17; //
message Notice{
int64 id = 1;
string content = 2;
string link = 3;
message Lottery{
int64 lotteryId = 1;
int64 lotteryStatus = 2;
int64 lotteryMid = 3;
int64 lotteryTime = 4;
int64 oid = 5;
int64 type = 6;
int64 ctime = 7;
Content content = 8;
Member member = 9;
ReplyControl replyControl = 10;
message Activity{
int64 activityId = 1;
int64 activityState = 2;
string activityPlaceholder = 3;
message UpSelection{
int64 pendingCount = 1;
int64 ignoreCount = 2;
message CM{
google.protobuf.Any sourceContent = 1;
message SearchItem{
message ArticleSearchItem{
string title = 1;
string upNickname = 2;
repeated string covers = 3;
message GoodsSearchItem{
int64 id = 1;
string name = 2;
string price = 3;
string income = 4;
string img = 5;
string label = 6;
message VideoSearchItem{
enum VideoItemCase{
UGC = 2;
PGC = 3;
message UGCVideoSearchItem{
string title = 1;
string upNickname = 2;
int64 duration = 3;
string cover = 4;
message PGCVideoSearchItem{
string title = 1;
string category = 2;
string cover = 3;
VideoItemCase type = 1;
UGCVideoSearchItem UGCVideo = 2;
PGCVideoSearchItem PGCVideo = 3;
enum ItemCase{
GOODS = 2;
VIDEO = 3;
string url = 1;
GoodsSearchItem goods = 2;
VideoSearchItem video = 3;
ArticleSearchItem article = 4;
message SearchItemReplyExtraInfo{
string eventId = 1;
message MainListReq{
int64 oid = 1; //id
int64 type = 2; //
CursorReq cursor = 3; //
string extra = 4;
string adExtra = 5;
int64 rpid = 6;
message MainListReply{
CursorReply cursor = 1; //
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 2; //
SubjectControl subjectControl = 3; //
ReplyInfo upTop = 4; //UP置顶评论
ReplyInfo adminTop = 5; //
ReplyInfo voteTop = 6; //
Notice notice = 7;
Lottery lottery = 8; //
Activity activity = 9;
UpSelection upSelection = 10;
CM cm = 11;
message DetailListReq{
enum DetailListScene{
REPLY = 0; //
MSG_FEED = 1; //
int64 oid = 1; //id
int64 type = 2; //
int64 root = 3; //rpid
int64 rpid = 4; //rpid
CursorReq cursor = 5; //
DetailListScene scene = 6; //
message DetailListReply{
CursorReply cursor = 1; //
SubjectControl subjectControl = 2; //
ReplyInfo root = 3; //()
Activity activity = 4;
message DialogListReq{
int64 oid = 1; //id
int64 type = 2; //
int64 root = 3; //rpid
int64 rpid = 4; //rpid
CursorReq cursor = 5; //
message DialogListReply{
CursorReply cursor = 1; //
SubjectControl subjectControl = 2; //
repeated ReplyInfo replies = 3; //
Activity activity = 4;
message SearchItemPreHookReq{
int64 oid = 1; //id
int64 type = 2; //
message SearchItemPreHookReply{
string placeholderText = 1;
string backgroundText = 2;
repeated SearchItemType orderedType = 3;
message SearchItemReq{
SearchItemCursorReq cursor = 1; //
int64 oid = 2; //id
int64 type = 3; //
string keyword = 4; //
message SearchItemReply{
SearchItemCursorReply cursor = 1;
repeated SearchItem items = 2;
SearchItemReplyExtraInfo extra = 3;

View File

@ -1,20 +1,46 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.metadata.device;
message Device{
int32 appId = 1;
int32 build = 2;
string buvid = 3;
string mobiApp = 4;
string platform = 5;
string device = 6;
string channel = 7;
string brand = 8;
string model = 9;
string osver = 10;
string fpLocal = 11;
string fpRemote = 12;
string versionName = 13;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,30 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.metadata.locale;
message LocaleIds{
string language = 1;
string script = 2;
string region = 3;
message LocaleIds{
string language = 1;
string script = 2;
string region = 3;
message Locale {
LocaleIds c_locale = 1;
LocaleIds s_locale = 2;
string sim_code = 3;
string timezone = 4;

View File

@ -1,23 +1,28 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.metadata;
message Metadata{
string accessKey = 1;
string mobiApp = 2;
string device = 3;
int32 build = 4;
string channel = 5;
string buvid = 6;
string platform = 7;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
message Status{
int32 code = 1; //
string message = 2; //
repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 3; //

View File

@ -1,25 +1,61 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.metadata.network;
enum Type{
WIFI = 1; //wifi
CELLULAR = 2; //
OFFLINE = 3; //线
ETHERNET = 5; //
OTHERNET = 4; //
WIFI = 1;
enum Tf{
enum TFType {
U_CARD = 1;
U_PKG = 2;
C_CARD = 3;
C_PKG = 4;
T_CARD = 5;
T_PKG = 6;
message Network{
Type type = 1; //
//Tf tf = 2;
int32 tf = 2;
Type type = 1;
TFType tf = 2;
string oid = 3;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,30 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.metadata.restriction;
enum ModeType{
message Restriction {
bool teenagers_mode = 1;
bool lessons_mode = 2;
ModeType mode = 3;
bool review = 4;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.pgc.gateway.player.v2;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
enum CodeType{
CODE264 = 1;
CODE265 = 2;
message Limit{
string title=1;
string uri=2;
string msg=3;
message streamInfo{
// qn
uint32 quality=1;
string format=2;
string description=3;
uint32 errCode=4;
Limit limit=5;
bool needVip=6;
bool needLogin=7;
bool intact=8;
bool noRexcode=9;
int64 attribute=10;
string newDescription=11;
string displayDesc=12;
string superscript=13;
message DashVideo{
string baseUrl=1;
repeated string backupUrl=2;
uint32 bandwidth=3;
uint32 codecid=4;
string md5=5;
uint64 size=6;
uint32 audioId=7;
bool noRexcode=8;
message ResponseUrl{
uint32 order = 1;
uint64 length = 2;
uint64 size = 3;
string url = 4;
repeated string backupUrl = 5;
string md5 = 6;
message SegmentVideo{
repeated ResponseUrl segment=1;
message stream{
streamInfo info=1;
DashVideo dashvideo=2;
SegmentVideo segmentvideo=3;
message DashAudio{
uint32 id=1;
string baseUrl=2;
repeated string backupUrl=3;
uint32 bandwidth=4;
uint32 codecid=5;
string md5=6;
uint64 size=7;
message DolbyItem{
int32 type=1;
DashAudio audio=2;
message VideoInfo{
uint32 quality=1;
string format=2;
uint64 timelength=3;
uint32 videoCodecid=4;
repeated stream streamList=5;
repeated DashAudio audio=6;
DolbyItem dolby=7;
message PlayAbilityConf{
bool backgroundPlayDisable=1;
bool flipDisable=2;
bool castDisable=3;
bool feedbackDisable=4;
bool subtitleDisable=5;
bool playbackRateDisable=6;
bool timeUpDisable=7;
bool playbackModeDisable=8;
bool scaleModeDisable=9;
bool likeDisable=10;
bool dislikeDisable=11;
bool coinDisable=12;
bool elecDisable=13;
bool shareDisable=14;
bool screenShotDisable=15;
bool lockScreenDisable=16;
bool recommendDisable=17;
bool playbackSpeedDisable=18;
bool definitionDisable=19;
bool selectionsDisable=20;
bool nextDisable=21;
bool editDmDisable=22;
bool smallWindowDisable=23;
bool shakeDisable=24;
bool outerDmDisable=25;
bool innerDmDisable=26;
bool freyaEnterDisable=27;
bool dolbyDisable=28;
message PlayViewBusinessInfo{
bool isPreview=1;
bool bp=2;
string marlinToken=3;
message Shake{
string file=1;
message Event{
Shake shake=1;
message Report{
string showEventId=1;
string clickEventId=2;
string extends=3;
message BadgeInfo{
string text=1;
string bgColor=2;
string bgColorNight=3;
message ButtonInfo{
string text=1;
string textColor=2;
string textColorNight=3;
string bgColor=4;
string bgColorNight=5;
string link=6;
string actionType=7;
BadgeInfo badgeInfo=8;
Report report=9;
message DialogConfig{
bool isShowCover=1;
bool isOrientationEnable=2;
bool isNestedScrollEnable=3;
bool isForceHalfscreenEnable=4;
message TextInfo{
string text=1;
string textColor=2;
string textColorNight=3;
message ImageInfo{
string url=1;
message Dialog{
int64 code=1;
string msg=2;
string type=3;
string styleType=4;
DialogConfig config=5;
TextInfo title=6;
TextInfo subtitle=7;
ImageInfo image=8;
repeated ButtonInfo button=9;
ButtonInfo bottomDesc=10;
Report report=11;
int32 countDownSec=12;
message Toast{
string text=1;
ButtonInfo button=2;
message CouponTextInfo{
string positivePreview=1;
string section=2;
message CouponToast{
CouponTextInfo textInfo=1;
ButtonInfo button=2;
message Coupon{
string couponToken=1;
int64 type=2;
string value=3;
string useDesc=4;
string title=5;
string desc=6;
string payButtonText=7;
string payButtonTextLineThrough=8;
string realAmount=9;
google.protobuf.Timestamp expireTime=10;
message PopWin{
string title=1;
repeated Coupon coupon=2;
repeated ButtonInfo button=3;
string bottomText=4;
message CouponInfo{
CouponToast toast=1;
PopWin popWin=2;
message EndPage{
Dialog dialog=1;
bool hide=2;
message ViewInfo{
Dialog dialog=1;
Toast toast=2;
CouponInfo couponInfo=3;
repeated int64 demandNoPayEpids=4;
EndPage endPage=5;
message playViewReq{
int64 epid = 1;
int64 cid = 2;
int64 qn = 3;
int32 fnver = 4;
int32 fnval = 5;
//0: 1:flv下载 2:dash下载
uint32 download = 6;
int32 forceHost = 7;
bool fourk = 8;
string spmid = 9;
string fromSpmid = 10;
int32 teenagersMode = 11;
CodeType codetype = 12;
bool isPreview = 13;
int64 roomId = 14;
bool isNeedViewInfo = 15;
message PlayViewReply{
VideoInfo info=1;
PlayAbilityConf PlayConf=2;
PlayViewBusinessInfo Business=3;
Event event=4;
ViewInfo viewInfo=5;

View File

@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.pgc.gateway.player.v2;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message playViewReq{
enum CodeType{
CODE264 = 1;
CODE265 = 2;
int64 epid = 1; //epid
int64 cid = 2; //cid
int64 qn = 3; //
int32 fnver = 4;
int32 fnval = 5; //
uint32 download = 6; // 0: 1:flv下载 2:dash下载
int32 forceHost = 7;
bool fourk = 8; //4K
string spmid = 9;
string fromSpmid = 10;
int32 teenagersMode = 11;
CodeType codetype = 12; //
bool isPreview = 13;
int64 roomId = 14;
bool isNeedViewInfo = 15;
message VideoInfo{
message stream{
message streamInfo{
message Limit{
string title=1;
string uri=2;
string msg=3;
uint32 quality=1;//
string format=2;//
string description=3;//
uint32 errCode=4;
Limit limit=5;
bool needVip=6;//vip
bool needLogin=7;//
bool intact=8;
bool noRexcode=9;
int64 attribute=10;
string newDescription=11;//
string displayDesc=12;//
string superscript=13;//
message DashVideo{
string baseUrl=1;//线
repeated string backupUrl=2;//
uint32 bandwidth=3;//
uint32 codecid=4;
string md5=5;//md5
uint64 size=6;//
uint32 audioId=7;
bool noRexcode=8;
message SegmentVideo{
message ResponseUrl{
uint32 order=1;
uint64 length=2;
uint64 size=3;
string url=4;
repeated string backupUrl=5;
string md5=6;
repeated ResponseUrl segment=1;
streamInfo info=1;//
DashVideo dashvideo=2;//dash流
SegmentVideo segmentvideo=3;//flv流
message DashAudio{
uint32 id=1;
string baseUrl=2;//线
repeated string backupUrl=3;//
uint32 bandwidth=4;//
uint32 codecid=5;//
string md5=6;//md5
uint64 size=7;//
message DolbyItem{
int32 type=1;
DashAudio audio=2;
uint32 quality=1;//
string format=2;//
uint64 timelength=3;//
uint32 videoCodecid=4;//
repeated stream streamList=5;//
repeated DashAudio audio=6;//
DolbyItem dolby=7;//
message PlayAbilityConf{
bool backgroundPlayDisable=1;
bool flipDisable=2;
bool castDisable=3;
bool feedbackDisable=4;
bool subtitleDisable=5;
bool playbackRateDisable=6;
bool timeUpDisable=7;
bool playbackModeDisable=8;
bool scaleModeDisable=9;
bool likeDisable=10;
bool dislikeDisable=11;
bool coinDisable=12;
bool elecDisable=13;
bool shareDisable=14;
bool screenShotDisable=15;
bool lockScreenDisable=16;
bool recommendDisable=17;
bool playbackSpeedDisable=18;
bool definitionDisable=19;
bool selectionsDisable=20;
bool nextDisable=21;
bool editDmDisable=22;
bool smallWindowDisable=23;
bool shakeDisable=24;
bool outerDmDisable=25;
bool innerDmDisable=26;
bool freyaEnterDisable=27;
bool dolbyDisable=28;
message PlayViewBusinessInfo{
bool isPreview=1;
bool bp=2;
string marlinToken=3;
message Event{
message Shake{
string file=1;
Shake shake=1;
message ViewInfo{
message Report{
string showEventId=1;
string clickEventId=2;
string extends=3;
message ButtonInfo{
message BadgeInfo{
string text=1;
string bgColor=2;
string bgColorNight=3;
string text=1;
string textColor=2;
string textColorNight=3;
string bgColor=4;
string bgColorNight=5;
string link=6;
string actionType=7;
BadgeInfo badgeInfo=8;
Report report=9;
message Dialog{
message DialogConfig{
bool isShowCover=1;
bool isOrientationEnable=2;
bool isNestedScrollEnable=3;
bool isForceHalfscreenEnable=4;
message TextInfo{
string text=1;
string textColor=2;
string textColorNight=3;
message ImageInfo{
string url=1;
int64 code=1;
string msg=2;
string type=3;
string styleType=4;
DialogConfig config=5;
TextInfo title=6;
TextInfo subtitle=7;
ImageInfo image=8;
repeated ButtonInfo button=9;
ButtonInfo bottomDesc=10;
Report report=11;
int32 countDownSec=12;
message Toast{
string text=1;
ButtonInfo button=2;
message CouponInfo{
message CouponToast{
message CouponTextInfo{
string positivePreview=1;
string section=2;
CouponTextInfo textInfo=1;
ButtonInfo button=2;
message PopWin{
message Coupon{
string couponToken=1;
int64 type=2;
string value=3;
string useDesc=4;
string title=5;
string desc=6;
string payButtonText=7;
string payButtonTextLineThrough=8;
string realAmount=9;
google.protobuf.Timestamp expireTime=10;
string title=1;
repeated Coupon coupon=2;
repeated ButtonInfo button=3;
string bottomText=4;
CouponToast toast=1;
PopWin popWin=2;
message EndPage{
Dialog dialog=1;
bool hide=2;
Dialog dialog=1;
Toast toast=2;
CouponInfo couponInfo=3;
repeated int64 demandNoPayEpids=4;
EndPage endPage=5;
message PlayViewReply{
VideoInfo info=1;//
PlayAbilityConf PlayConf=2;//
PlayViewBusinessInfo Business=3;
Event event=4;
ViewInfo viewInfo=5;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.rpc;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
@ -6,7 +7,12 @@ import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
message Status{
int32 code = 1; //
string message = 2; //
repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 3; //
int32 code = 1;
string message = 2;
repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 3;

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Token有效期为1月更改密码或过期失效
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| aae92bc66f3edfab | af125a0d5279fd576c1b4418a3e8276d | PC | 投稿工具 | |
| bb3101000e232e27 | 36efcfed79309338ced0380abd824ac1 | | | |
| bca7e84c2d947ac6 | | 安卓 | 客户端 | 登录专用 |
| bca7e84c2d947ac6 | 60698ba2f68e01ce44738920a0ffe768 | 安卓 | 客户端 | 登录专用 |
| cc578d267072c94d | | 安卓 | 轻视频 | |
| cc8617fd6961e070 | | 安卓 | 漫画 | |
| iVGUTjsxvpLeuDCf | aHRmhWMLkdeMuILqORnYZocwMBpMEOdt | 安卓 | 客户端 | 取流专用 |