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2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
# 视频观看数据上报
## 上报观看进度(双端)
**正文参数( application/x-www-form-urlencoded **
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ---------- | ---- | ------------------------ | -------------- | --------------------- |
| access_key | str | APP登录Token | APP方式必要 | |
| aid | num | 稿件avid | 必要 | |
| cid | num | 视频cid | 必要 | 用于识别分P |
| progress | num | 观看进度 | 非必要 | 单位为秒<br />默认为0 |
| platform | str | 平台标识 | 非必要 | 可为android |
| csrf | str | CSRF Token位于cookie | Cookie方式必要 | |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------- | ---- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| code | num | 返回值 | 0成功 <br />-101账号未登录<br />-111csrf校验失败<br />-400请求错误 |
| message | str | 错误信息 | 默认为0 |
| ttl | num | 1 | |
curl '' \
--data-urlencode 'aid=13662970' \
--data-urlencode 'cid=126654047' \
--data-urlencode 'progress=1248' \
--data-urlencode 'platform=android' \
--data-urlencode 'csrf=xxx' \
-b 'SESSDATA=xxx'
curl '' \
--data-urlencode 'access_key=xxx' \
--data-urlencode 'aid=13662970' \
--data-urlencode 'cid=126654047' \
--data-urlencode 'progress=1248' \
--data-urlencode 'platform=android'
"code": 0,
"message": "0",
"ttl": 1
## 上报视频播放心跳web端
feat: 各种接口补充与错误修正 (#1066) * fix(video/ unclosed xml tags * feat(video/ uuid not really random * feat: short link * feat: login/moral/exp log * feat: v_voucher * feat: upload video cover & post * feat(creativecenter/ upload octet-stream * feat(creativecenter/ update some notes * feat(clientinfo/ another from live * feat: live web heartbeat * feat: update popular series & precious * fix(creativecenter/ mistakes in example * feat: merge duplicate fav info * feat( missing link to webmask * feat(search/ word_type * feat(login/login_action): recovery old api * feat(video/ series operation * feat: video season operation * feat: add & mod some links * feat(search/ up to date * feat: web home header image * feat(misc/sign/ demo for nodejs * feat(creativecenter/ x-upos-auth validity period * feat: add referer & buvid3 to request header * feat: customer service message heartbeat & upload * feat(customerservice/ upload code 1200201 * feat(video/ click/web/h5 * feat(video/ view count desc * feat: laser2 * feat: wbi_key in bili_ticket * fix: typo & unclosed XML tags * feat(misc/sign/v_voucher): cookie x-bili-gaia-vtoken * feat(search/ square * feat(video/ fold archive_stat/stat * feat(fav/ resource/infos invalid type 21 * feat: /x/activity/subject/info * feat: lottery * feat(docs/misc/ remove some unnecessary fields * feat(creativecenter/ types/predict * fix(video/ invalid end tag * feat: app version upgrade * feat(creativecenter/ tag/recommend #528 * feat(user/ navnum * feat: /x/activity/page/list * feat(comment/ desc about pagination_str * feat(comment/ update example * feat(dynamic/ #1082 * fix(comment/ -352 not -412 * feat: #700 * feat(video/ #606 & cv949156 * feat(message/ single_unread freq * feat: getUserWallet * fix: broken form * feat(Layout.vue): copyright to 2024 * feat: /x/topic/pub/rcmd/search * feat: #425 * feat(misc/ rtc/getTimestamp * fix(misc/ missing end tag * feat: #745 * feat(dynamic/ update feed/all * feat(danmaku/ #220 * feat(live/ gethistory from cv8186413 * fix(danmaku/ missing end tag
2024-08-21 19:02:39 +08:00
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
默认间隔15秒一次, 亦可记录播放历史
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
该接口较为复杂, 且参数计算方法均为推测, 实际过程不明, 可能含有错误, 若要正式使用可以把已播放的持续时间全都设为相同值
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------------------------- | ---- | ------------------------------ | ------ | ------- |
| w_start_ts | num | 参见请求正文同名无`w_`前缀参数 | 非必要 | UNIX 秒级时间戳 |
| w_mid | num | 参见请求正文同名无`w_`前缀参数 | 非必要 | |
| w_aid | num | 参见请求正文同名无`w_`前缀参数 | 非必要 | |
| w_dt | num | 2 | 非必要 | |
| w_realtime | num | 参见请求正文同名无`w_`前缀参数 | 非必要 | 单位 秒 |
| w_playedtime | num | 参见请求正文同名无`w_`前缀参数 | 非必要 | 单位 秒 |
| w_real_played_time | num | 参见请求正文同名无`w_`前缀参数 | 非必要 | 单位 秒 |
| w_video_duration | num | 参见请求正文同名无`w_`前缀参数 | 非必要 | 单位 秒 |
| w_last_play_progress_time | num | 参见请求正文同名无`w_`前缀参数 | 非必要 | 单位 秒 |
| web_location | num | 网页位置 | 非必要 | 视频详情页播放器: 1315873 |
| w_rid | num | WBI 签名 | 非必要 | 参见[WBI 签名](docs/misc/sign/ |
| wts | num | UNIX 秒级时间戳 | 非必要 | 参见[WBI 签名](docs/misc/sign/ |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
**正文参数( application/x-www-form-urlencoded **
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ----------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| aid | num | 稿件avid | 必要(可选) | avid与bvid任选一个(网页端请求默认仅使用aid) |
| bvid | str | 稿件bvid | 必要(可选) | avid与bvid任选一个 |
| cid | num | 视频cid | 非必要 | 用于识别分P |
| epid | num | 番剧epid | 非必要 | |
| sid | num | 番剧ssid | 非必要 | |
| mid | num | 当前用户mid | 非必要 | |
| played_time | num | 视频播放进度 | 非必要 | 单位 秒<br />播放完成为 -1 |
| realtime | num | 本轮页面会话真实播放时间 | 非必要 | 单位 秒 |
| real_played_time | num | 本轮页面会话真实视频播放持续时间 | 非必要 | 单位 秒 |
| refer_url | str | 与请求头 Referer 字段相同 | 非必要 | |
| quality | num | 视频清晰度 | 非必要 | 参见[qn视频清晰度标识](视频清晰度标识) |
| video_duration | num | 视频时长 | 非必要 | 单位 秒 |
| last_play_progress_time | num | play_time 与 本轮页面会话开始时 played_time 之和 | 非必要 | 单位 秒 |
| max_play_progress_time | num | 本轮页面会话所有最大 last_play_progress_time 与 本轮页面会话开始时 played_time 之和 | 非必要 | 单位 秒 |
| start_ts | num | 开始播放时刻 | 非必要 | 时间戳 |
| type | num | 视频类型 | 非必要 | 3投稿视频<br />4剧集<br />10课程 |
| sub_type | num | 剧集副类型 | 非必要 | 0: 普通投稿视频<br />1番剧<br />2电影<br />3纪录片<br />4国创<br />5电视剧<br />7综艺 |
| dt | num | 2 | 非必要 | |
| outer | num | 0 | 非必要 | |
| spmid | str | 333.788.0.0 | 非必要 | 作用尚不明确 |
feat: 各种接口补充与错误修正 (#1066) * fix(video/ unclosed xml tags * feat(video/ uuid not really random * feat: short link * feat: login/moral/exp log * feat: v_voucher * feat: upload video cover & post * feat(creativecenter/ upload octet-stream * feat(creativecenter/ update some notes * feat(clientinfo/ another from live * feat: live web heartbeat * feat: update popular series & precious * fix(creativecenter/ mistakes in example * feat: merge duplicate fav info * feat( missing link to webmask * feat(search/ word_type * feat(login/login_action): recovery old api * feat(video/ series operation * feat: video season operation * feat: add & mod some links * feat(search/ up to date * feat: web home header image * feat(misc/sign/ demo for nodejs * feat(creativecenter/ x-upos-auth validity period * feat: add referer & buvid3 to request header * feat: customer service message heartbeat & upload * feat(customerservice/ upload code 1200201 * feat(video/ click/web/h5 * feat(video/ view count desc * feat: laser2 * feat: wbi_key in bili_ticket * fix: typo & unclosed XML tags * feat(misc/sign/v_voucher): cookie x-bili-gaia-vtoken * feat(search/ square * feat(video/ fold archive_stat/stat * feat(fav/ resource/infos invalid type 21 * feat: /x/activity/subject/info * feat: lottery * feat(docs/misc/ remove some unnecessary fields * feat(creativecenter/ types/predict * fix(video/ invalid end tag * feat: app version upgrade * feat(creativecenter/ tag/recommend #528 * feat(user/ navnum * feat: /x/activity/page/list * feat(comment/ desc about pagination_str * feat(comment/ update example * feat(dynamic/ #1082 * fix(comment/ -352 not -412 * feat: #700 * feat(video/ #606 & cv949156 * feat(message/ single_unread freq * feat: getUserWallet * fix: broken form * feat(Layout.vue): copyright to 2024 * feat: /x/topic/pub/rcmd/search * feat: #425 * feat(misc/ rtc/getTimestamp * fix(misc/ missing end tag * feat: #745 * feat(dynamic/ update feed/all * feat(danmaku/ #220 * feat(live/ gethistory from cv8186413 * fix(danmaku/ missing end tag
2024-08-21 19:02:39 +08:00
| from_spmid | str | 播放来源? | 非必要 | 也可为空, 如: `` `333.999.0.0` |
| session | str | 会话信息? | 非必要 | 一串无分隔小写 UUID |
| extra | obj | 额外信息, 如播放器版本 | 非必要 | 如: `{"player_version":"4.8.36"}` |
| play_type | num | 播放动作 | 非必要 | 0播放中<br />1开始播放<br />2暂停<br />3继续播放<br />4: 结束播放 |
feat: 各种接口补充与错误修正 (#1066) * fix(video/ unclosed xml tags * feat(video/ uuid not really random * feat: short link * feat: login/moral/exp log * feat: v_voucher * feat: upload video cover & post * feat(creativecenter/ upload octet-stream * feat(creativecenter/ update some notes * feat(clientinfo/ another from live * feat: live web heartbeat * feat: update popular series & precious * fix(creativecenter/ mistakes in example * feat: merge duplicate fav info * feat( missing link to webmask * feat(search/ word_type * feat(login/login_action): recovery old api * feat(video/ series operation * feat: video season operation * feat: add & mod some links * feat(search/ up to date * feat: web home header image * feat(misc/sign/ demo for nodejs * feat(creativecenter/ x-upos-auth validity period * feat: add referer & buvid3 to request header * feat: customer service message heartbeat & upload * feat(customerservice/ upload code 1200201 * feat(video/ click/web/h5 * feat(video/ view count desc * feat: laser2 * feat: wbi_key in bili_ticket * fix: typo & unclosed XML tags * feat(misc/sign/v_voucher): cookie x-bili-gaia-vtoken * feat(search/ square * feat(video/ fold archive_stat/stat * feat(fav/ resource/infos invalid type 21 * feat: /x/activity/subject/info * feat: lottery * feat(docs/misc/ remove some unnecessary fields * feat(creativecenter/ types/predict * fix(video/ invalid end tag * feat: app version upgrade * feat(creativecenter/ tag/recommend #528 * feat(user/ navnum * feat: /x/activity/page/list * feat(comment/ desc about pagination_str * feat(comment/ update example * feat(dynamic/ #1082 * fix(comment/ -352 not -412 * feat: #700 * feat(video/ #606 & cv949156 * feat(message/ single_unread freq * feat: getUserWallet * fix: broken form * feat(Layout.vue): copyright to 2024 * feat: /x/topic/pub/rcmd/search * feat: #425 * feat(misc/ rtc/getTimestamp * fix(misc/ missing end tag * feat: #745 * feat(dynamic/ update feed/all * feat(danmaku/ #220 * feat(live/ gethistory from cv8186413 * fix(danmaku/ missing end tag
2024-08-21 19:02:39 +08:00
| csrf | str | CSRF Token (即 Cookie 中 bili_jct) | 非必要 | |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------- | ---- | -------- | --------------------------- |
| code | num | 返回值 | 0成功<br />-400请求错误 |
| message | str | 错误信息 | 默认为0 |
| ttl | num | 1 | |
2023-08-08 19:39:39 +08:00
curl '' \
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
--data-urlencode 'aid=2' \
--data-urlencode 'bvid=BV1xx411c7mD' \
--data-urlencode 'cid=62131' \
--data-urlencode 'played_time=60' \
--data-urlencode 'realtime=60' \
--data-urlencode 'start_ts=1592720840' \
--data-urlencode 'type=3' \
--data-urlencode 'dt=2' \
--data-urlencode 'play_type=0' \
--data-urlencode 'csrf=xxx' \
-b 'SESSDATA=xxx'
"code": 0,
"message": "0",
"ttl": 1
feat: 各种接口补充与错误修正 (#1066) * fix(video/ unclosed xml tags * feat(video/ uuid not really random * feat: short link * feat: login/moral/exp log * feat: v_voucher * feat: upload video cover & post * feat(creativecenter/ upload octet-stream * feat(creativecenter/ update some notes * feat(clientinfo/ another from live * feat: live web heartbeat * feat: update popular series & precious * fix(creativecenter/ mistakes in example * feat: merge duplicate fav info * feat( missing link to webmask * feat(search/ word_type * feat(login/login_action): recovery old api * feat(video/ series operation * feat: video season operation * feat: add & mod some links * feat(search/ up to date * feat: web home header image * feat(misc/sign/ demo for nodejs * feat(creativecenter/ x-upos-auth validity period * feat: add referer & buvid3 to request header * feat: customer service message heartbeat & upload * feat(customerservice/ upload code 1200201 * feat(video/ click/web/h5 * feat(video/ view count desc * feat: laser2 * feat: wbi_key in bili_ticket * fix: typo & unclosed XML tags * feat(misc/sign/v_voucher): cookie x-bili-gaia-vtoken * feat(search/ square * feat(video/ fold archive_stat/stat * feat(fav/ resource/infos invalid type 21 * feat: /x/activity/subject/info * feat: lottery * feat(docs/misc/ remove some unnecessary fields * feat(creativecenter/ types/predict * fix(video/ invalid end tag * feat: app version upgrade * feat(creativecenter/ tag/recommend #528 * feat(user/ navnum * feat: /x/activity/page/list * feat(comment/ desc about pagination_str * feat(comment/ update example * feat(dynamic/ #1082 * fix(comment/ -352 not -412 * feat: #700 * feat(video/ #606 & cv949156 * feat(message/ single_unread freq * feat: getUserWallet * fix: broken form * feat(Layout.vue): copyright to 2024 * feat: /x/topic/pub/rcmd/search * feat: #425 * feat(misc/ rtc/getTimestamp * fix(misc/ missing end tag * feat: #745 * feat(dynamic/ update feed/all * feat(danmaku/ #220 * feat(live/ gethistory from cv8186413 * fix(danmaku/ missing end tag
2024-08-21 19:02:39 +08:00
## 开始观看视频 (web端)
*请求方式: POST*
认证方式: Cookie (SESSDATA)
该接口亦被用于计算播放量, 播放量更新不是实时的
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| w_aid | num | 稿件 aid | 不必要 | |
| w_part | num | 视频分 P 编号 | 不必要 | |
| w_ftime | num | 点击时间戳? | 不必要 | UNIX 秒级时间戳 |
| w_stime | num | 开始播放时间戳? | 不必要 | UNIX 秒级时间戳 |
| w_type | num | 视频类型 | 不必要 | 见[上报视频播放心跳web端](#上报视频播放心跳web端) |
| web_location | num | 网页位置? | 不必要 | 1315873 |
| w_rid | num | WBI 签名 | 不必要 | 参见[WBI 签名](docs/misc/sign/ |
| wts | num | UNIX 秒级时间戳 | 不必要 | 参见[WBI 签名](docs/misc/sign/ |
**正文参数 (application/x-www-form-urlencoded):**
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| mid | num | 当前用户 mid | 不必要 | |
| aid | num | 稿件 aid | 必要 | |
| cid | num | 视频 cid | 不必要 | |
| part | num | 视频分 P 编号 | 不必要 | |
| lv | num | 当前用户等级 | 不必要 | |
| ftime | num | 同 URL 参数中带有 `w_` 前缀的同名参数 | 不必要 | |
| stime | num | 同 URL 参数中带有 `w_` 前缀的同名参数 | 不必要 | |
| type | num | 视频类型 | 不必要 | 见[上报视频播放心跳web端](#上报视频播放心跳web端) |
| sub_type | num | 视频子类型 | 不必要 | 见[上报视频播放心跳web端](#上报视频播放心跳web端) |
| referer_url | str | 与请求头 Referer 字段相同 | 不必要 | |
| outer | num | 0 | 不必要 | |
| spmid | str | 333.788.0.0 | 不必要 | 作用尚不明确 |
| from_spmid | str | 播放来源? | 不必要 | 见[上报视频播放心跳web端](#上报视频播放心跳web端) |
| session | str | 会话信息? | 不必要 | 一串无分隔小写 UUID |
| csrf | str | CSRF Token (即 Cookie 中 bili_jct) | 不必要 | |
|code|num|返回值|0成功<br />-400请求错误|
|message|str|错误信息|默认为 `0`|
curl '' \
--data-urlencode 'aid=2' \
"code": 0,
"message": "0",
"ttl": 1