
731 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

feat: 各种接口补充与错误修正 (#1066) * fix(video/ unclosed xml tags * feat(video/ uuid not really random * feat: short link * feat: login/moral/exp log * feat: v_voucher * feat: upload video cover & post * feat(creativecenter/ upload octet-stream * feat(creativecenter/ update some notes * feat(clientinfo/ another from live * feat: live web heartbeat * feat: update popular series & precious * fix(creativecenter/ mistakes in example * feat: merge duplicate fav info * feat( missing link to webmask * feat(search/ word_type * feat(login/login_action): recovery old api * feat(video/ series operation * feat: video season operation * feat: add & mod some links * feat(search/ up to date * feat: web home header image * feat(misc/sign/ demo for nodejs * feat(creativecenter/ x-upos-auth validity period * feat: add referer & buvid3 to request header * feat: customer service message heartbeat & upload * feat(customerservice/ upload code 1200201 * feat(video/ click/web/h5 * feat(video/ view count desc * feat: laser2 * feat: wbi_key in bili_ticket * fix: typo & unclosed XML tags * feat(misc/sign/v_voucher): cookie x-bili-gaia-vtoken * feat(search/ square * feat(video/ fold archive_stat/stat * feat(fav/ resource/infos invalid type 21 * feat: /x/activity/subject/info * feat: lottery * feat(docs/misc/ remove some unnecessary fields * feat(creativecenter/ types/predict * fix(video/ invalid end tag * feat: app version upgrade * feat(creativecenter/ tag/recommend #528 * feat(user/ navnum * feat: /x/activity/page/list * feat(comment/ desc about pagination_str * feat(comment/ update example * feat(dynamic/ #1082 * fix(comment/ -352 not -412 * feat: #700 * feat(video/ #606 & cv949156 * feat(message/ single_unread freq * feat: getUserWallet * fix: broken form * feat(Layout.vue): copyright to 2024 * feat: /x/topic/pub/rcmd/search * feat: #425 * feat(misc/ rtc/getTimestamp * fix(misc/ missing end tag * feat: #745 * feat(dynamic/ update feed/all * feat(danmaku/ #220 * feat(live/ gethistory from cv8186413 * fix(danmaku/ missing end tag
2024-08-21 19:02:39 +08:00
# 合集管理
关于用户空间的合集及视频列表参见 [合集和视频列表信息](../video/
## 获取合集列表
*请求方式: GET*
认证方式: Cookie (SESSDATA)
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | --------- | ----------- | ----------------- |
| pn | num | 页码 | 必要 | 默认为 1 |
| ps | num | 每页数量 | 必要 | 默认为 30 |
| order | str | 排序方式 | 不必要 | 创建时间: ctime<br />修改时间: mtime |
| sort | str | 排序方式 | 不必要 | 创建时间: asc<br />修改时间: desc |
| draft | num | 1 | 不必要 | 作用尚不明确 |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------- | ---- | -------- | ---- |
| code | num | 返回值 | 0成功 |
| message | str | 错误信息 | |
| ttl | num | 1 | |
| data | obj | 信息本体 | |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| --------- | ---- | ------------ | ---- |
| seasons | arr | 合集列表 | |
| tip | obj | 内容 `title` `url` 均为空 | |
| total | num | 合集总数 | |
| play_type | num | 1 | 作用尚不明确 |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| --------- | ---- | ------------ | ---- |
| season | obj | 合集信息 | |
| course | null | | |
| checkin | obj | 审核信息? | |
| seasonStat | obj | 合集统计信息 | |
| sections | obj | 小节列表 | |
| part_episodes | arr | 合集视频列表 | |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| --------- | ---- | ------------ | ---- |
| id | num | 合集 ID | |
| title | str | 合集标题 | |
| desc | str | 合集描述 | |
| cover | str | 合集封面 URL | |
| isEnd | num | 是否已完结? | 0: 未完结 |
| mid | num | 合集作者 ID | |
| isAct | num | 是否为活动合集? | 0: 否 |
| is_pay | num | 是否付费? | 0: 否 |
| state | num | 合集状态? | 0: 正常显示<br />-6: 正在审核 |
| partState | num | 合集分段状态? | 0 |
| signState | num | 合集签名状态? | 0 |
| rejectReason | str | 合集拒绝原因? | |
| ctime | num | 创建时间 | |
| mtime | num | 修改时间 | |
| no_section | num | 是否设小节 | 1: 不设小节 |
| forbid | num | 合集是否禁止? | 0: 否 |
| protocol_id | str | 空 | |
| ep_num | num | 0 | |
| season_price | num | 合集价格? | 0: 免费 |
| is_opened | num | 是否公开? | 1: 公开 |
| has_charging_pay | num | 是否充电付费? | 0: 否 |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| --------- | ---- | ------------ | ---- |
| status | num | 状态? | 0: 正常显示 |
| status_reason | str | 状态原因? | |
| season_status | num | 合集审核状态? | 1: 审核通过 |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| --------- | ---- | ------------ | ---- |
| view | num | 播放量 | |
| danmaku | num | 弹幕数 | |
| reply | num | 评论数 | |
| fav | num | 收藏数 | |
| coin | num | 硬币数 | |
| share | num | 分享数 | |
| nowRank | num | 当前排名? | |
| hisRank | num | 历史最高排名? | |
| like | num | 点赞数 | |
| subscription | num | 订阅数 | |
| vt | num | 0 | |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| --------- | ---- | ------------ | ---- |
| sections | arr | 小节列表 | 套了个娃 |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| --------- | ---- | ------------ | ---- |
| id | num | 小节 ID | |
| type | num | 1 | |
| seasonId | num | 合集 ID | |
| title | str | 小节标题 | |
| order | num | 排序 | |
| state | num | 状态? | 0: 正常 |
| partState | num | 合集分段状态? | 0: 正常 |
| rejectReason | str | 拒绝原因? | |
| ctime | num | 创建时间 | |
| mtime | num | 修改时间 | |
| epCount | num | 视频数量 | |
| cover | str | 封面 URL | |
| has_charging_pay | num | 是否充电付费? | 0: 否 |
| Episodes | null | | |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| --------- | ---- | ------------ | ---- |
| id | num | 合集内视频 ID | |
| title | str | 视频标题 | |
| aid | num | 视频 aid | |
| bvid | str | 视频 bvid | |
| cid | num | 视频 cid | |
| seasonId | num | 合集 ID | |
| sectionId | num | 小节 ID | |
| order | num | 排序编号 | |
| videoTitle | str | 空 | |
| archiveTitle | str | 空 | |
| archiveState | num | 0 | |
| rejectReason | str | 拒绝理由? | |
| state | num | 0 | |
| cover | str | 封面 URL | |
| is_free | num | 是否免费? | 0: 免费 |
| aid_owner | bool | false | |
| charging_pay | num | 充电付费? | 0: 否 |
curl -G '' \
--data-urlencode 'pn=1' \
--data-urlencode 'ps=30' \
-b "SESSDATA=xxx"
"code": 0,
"message": "0",
"ttl": 1,
"data": {
"seasons": [
"season": {
"id": 3541247,
"title": "🍥Debian",
"desc": "这里是泽生折腾 Debian GNU/Linux 的珍贵影像记录喵~",
"cover": "",
"isEnd": 0,
"mid": 645769214,
"isAct": 0,
"is_pay": 0,
"state": 0,
"partState": 0,
"signState": 0,
"rejectReason": "",
"ctime": 1722573640,
"mtime": 1722577206,
"no_section": 1,
"forbid": 0,
"protocol_id": "",
"ep_num": 0,
"season_price": 0,
"is_opened": 1,
"has_charging_pay": 0
"course": null,
"checkin": {
"status": 0,
"status_reason": "",
"season_status": 1
"seasonStat": {
"view": 6793,
"danmaku": 21,
"reply": 93,
"fav": 64,
"coin": 26,
"share": 12,
"nowRank": 0,
"hisRank": 0,
"like": 141,
"subscription": 0,
"vt": 0
"sections": {
"sections": [
"id": 3954033,
"type": 1,
"seasonId": 3541247,
"title": "正片",
"order": 1,
"state": 0,
"partState": 0,
"rejectReason": "",
"ctime": 1722573640,
"mtime": 1722577206,
"epCount": 2,
"cover": "",
"has_charging_pay": 0,
"Episodes": null
"part_episodes": [
"id": 77260687,
"title": "Linux小寄巧: 原地卸载内核然后尝试救活!",
"aid": 1906473802,
"bvid": "BV1MU411S7iJ",
"cid": 1625992822,
"seasonId": 3541247,
"sectionId": 3954033,
"order": 1,
"videoTitle": "",
"archiveTitle": "",
"archiveState": 0,
"rejectReason": "",
"state": 0,
"cover": "",
"is_free": 0,
"aid_owner": false,
"charging_pay": 0
"id": 77260688,
"title": "十多年前的电脑运行Debian12的启动过程",
"aid": 1956170305,
"bvid": "BV1Ay411i7Ph",
"cid": 1607067247,
"seasonId": 3541247,
"sectionId": 3954033,
"order": 2,
"videoTitle": "",
"archiveTitle": "",
"archiveState": 0,
"rejectReason": "",
"state": 0,
"cover": "",
"is_free": 0,
"aid_owner": false,
"charging_pay": 0
"season": {
"id": 3541327,
"title": "BACollect",
"desc": "",
"cover": "",
"isEnd": 0,
"mid": 645769214,
"isAct": 0,
"is_pay": 0,
"state": 0,
"partState": 0,
"signState": 0,
"rejectReason": "",
"ctime": 1722574656,
"mtime": 1722574658,
"no_section": 1,
"forbid": 0,
"protocol_id": "",
"ep_num": 0,
"season_price": 0,
"is_opened": 1,
"has_charging_pay": 0
"course": null,
"checkin": {
"status": 0,
"status_reason": "",
"season_status": 0
"seasonStat": {
"view": 0,
"danmaku": 0,
"reply": 0,
"fav": 0,
"coin": 0,
"share": 0,
"nowRank": 0,
"hisRank": 0,
"like": 0,
"subscription": 0,
"vt": 0
"sections": {
"sections": [
"id": 3954127,
"type": 1,
"seasonId": 3541327,
"title": "正片",
"order": 1,
"state": 0,
"partState": 0,
"rejectReason": "",
"ctime": 1722574656,
"mtime": 1722574656,
"epCount": 0,
"cover": "",
"has_charging_pay": 0,
"Episodes": null
"part_episodes": null
"tip": {
"title": "",
"url": ""
"total": 2,
"play_type": 1
## 创建合集
> ttps://
*请求方式: POST*
认证方式: Cookie (SESSDATA)
注: 有人工审核
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| title | str | 合集标题 | 必要 | |
| desc | str | 合集简介 | 不必要 | |
| cover | str | 封面图 | 必要 | 从 [上传封面](上传封面) 处获取 |
| season_price | num | 0 | 不必要 | 作用尚不明确 |
| csrf | str | CSRF Token (即 Cookies 中 bili_jct ) | 必要 | |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------- | ---- | -------- | ---- |
| code | num | 返回值 | 0成功 |
| message | str | 错误信息 | |
| ttl | num | 1 | |
| data | num | 合集 ID | |
curl -X POST '' \
--data-urlencode 'title=🍥Debian' \
--data-urlencode 'desc=这里是泽生折腾 Debian GNU/Linux 的珍贵影像记录喵~' \
--data-urlencode 'cover=' \
--data-urlencode 'season_price=0' \
--data-urlencode 'csrf=xxx' \
-b 'SESSDATA=xxx; bili_jct=xxx'
"code": 0,
"message": "0",
"ttl": 1,
"data": 3541247
## 添加视频到合集
*请求方式: POST*
认证方式: Cookie (SESSDATA)
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| csrf | str | CSRF Token (即 Cookies 中 bili_jct ) | 必要 | |
**正文参数 (application/json):**
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| episode | array | 视频列表 | 必要 | |
| section_id | num | 合集小节 ID | 必要 | |
`episode` 数组中的对象:
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ----- | --- | ---- | ----- | --- |
| aid | num | 视频 aid | 必要 | |
| cid | num | 稿件 cid | 必要 | |
| title | str | 合集内单集标题 | 必要 | |
| charging_pay | num | 0 | 不必要 | 作用尚不明确 |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------- | ---- | -------- | ---- |
| code | num | 返回值 | 0成功 |
| message | str | 错误信息 | |
| ttl | num | 1 | |
假设您已经把请求有效荷载放在 `payload.json` 文件中:
"sectionId": 3954033,
"episodes": [
"title": "Linux小寄巧: 原地卸载内核然后尝试救活!",
"aid": 1906473802,
"cid": 1625992822,
"charging_pay": 0
"title": "十多年前的电脑运行Debian12的启动过程",
"aid": 1956170305,
"cid": 1607067247,
"charging_pay": 0
curl -X POST --url '' \
--url-query 'csrf=xxx' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @payload.json \
-b 'SESSDATA=xxx; bili_jct=xxx'
"code": 0,
"message": "0",
"ttl": 1
## 编辑合集小节
*请求方式: POST*
认证方式: Cookie (SESSDATA)
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| csrf | str | CSRF Token (即 Cookies 中 bili_jct) | 必要 | |
**正文参数 (application/json):**
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| section | obj | 小节信息 | 必要 | |
| sorts | array | 排序列表 | 必要 | |
`section` 对象:
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| id | num | 小节 ID | 必要 | |
| seasonId | num | 合集 ID | 必要 | |
| title | str | 小节标题 | 必要 | |
| type | num | 1 | 必要 | |
`sorts` 数组中的对象:
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| id | num | 合集内视频 ID | 必要 | |
| order | num | 排序位置 | 必要 | |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------- | ---- | -------- | ---- |
| code | num | 返回值 | 0成功 |
| message | str | 错误信息 | |
| ttl | num | 1 | |
假设您已经把请求有效荷载放在 `payload.json` 文件中:
"section": {
"id": 3954033,
"type": 1,
"seasonId": 3541247,
"title": "正片"
"sorts": [
"id": 77260687,
"sort": 1
"id": 77260688,
"sort": 2
curl -X POST --url '' \
--url-query 'csrf=xxx' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @payload.json \
-b 'SESSDATA=xxx; bili_jct=xxx'
"code": 0,
"message": "0",
"ttl": 1
## 编辑合集信息
*请求方式: POST*
认证方式: Cookie (SESSDATA)
注: 也有人工审核
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| csrf | str | CSRF Token (即 Cookies 中 bili_jct) | 必要 | |
**正文参数 (application/json):**
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| season | obj | 合集信息 | 必要 | |
| sorts | array | 排序列表 | 必要 | |
`season` 对象:
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| id | num | 合集 ID | 必要 | |
| title | str | 合集标题 | 必要 | |
| cover | str | 封面图 | 必要 | 从 [上传封面](上传封面) 处获取 |
| desc | str | 合集简介 | 不必要 | |
| season_price | num | 0 | 不必要 | 作用尚不明确 |
| isEnd | num | 是否完结 | 不必要 | 0未完结<br />1完结 |
`sorts` 数组中的对象:
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------ | ---- |
| id | num | 小节 ID | 必要 | |
| sort | num | 排序位置 | 必要 | |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------- | ---- | -------- | ---- |
| code | num | 返回值 | 0成功 |
| message | str | 错误信息 | |
| ttl | num | 1 | |
假设您已经把请求有效荷载放在 `payload.json` 文件中:
"season": {
"cover": "",
"id": 3541327,
"title": "IWILLBEDEL"
"sorts": [
"id": 3954127,
"sort": 1
curl -X POST --url '' \
--url-query 'csrf=xxx' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @payload.json \
-b 'SESSDATA=xxx; bili_jct=xxx'
"code": 0,
"message": "0",
"ttl": 1
## 删除合集
*请求方式: POST*
认证方式: Cookie (SESSDATA)
**正文参数 (application/x-www-form-urlencoded):**
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ----- | --- | ---- | ----- | --- |
| id | num | 合集 ID | 必要 | |
| csrf | str | CSRF Token (即 Cookie 中 bili_jct) | 必要 | |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| code | num | 返回值 | 0成功 |
| message | str | 错误信息 | |
| ttl | num | 1 | |
删除合集 `id=3541327`
curl -X POST '' \
--data-urlencode 'id=3541327' \
--data-urlencode 'csrf=xxx' \
-b 'SESSDATA=xxx; bili_jct=xxx'
"code": 0,
"message": "0",
"ttl": 1