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2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
# 私信
## 未读私信数
feat: 各种接口补充与错误修正 (#1066) * fix(video/ unclosed xml tags * feat(video/ uuid not really random * feat: short link * feat: login/moral/exp log * feat: v_voucher * feat: upload video cover & post * feat(creativecenter/ upload octet-stream * feat(creativecenter/ update some notes * feat(clientinfo/ another from live * feat: live web heartbeat * feat: update popular series & precious * fix(creativecenter/ mistakes in example * feat: merge duplicate fav info * feat( missing link to webmask * feat(search/ word_type * feat(login/login_action): recovery old api * feat(video/ series operation * feat: video season operation * feat: add & mod some links * feat(search/ up to date * feat: web home header image * feat(misc/sign/ demo for nodejs * feat(creativecenter/ x-upos-auth validity period * feat: add referer & buvid3 to request header * feat: customer service message heartbeat & upload * feat(customerservice/ upload code 1200201 * feat(video/ click/web/h5 * feat(video/ view count desc * feat: laser2 * feat: wbi_key in bili_ticket * fix: typo & unclosed XML tags * feat(misc/sign/v_voucher): cookie x-bili-gaia-vtoken * feat(search/ square * feat(video/ fold archive_stat/stat * feat(fav/ resource/infos invalid type 21 * feat: /x/activity/subject/info * feat: lottery * feat(docs/misc/ remove some unnecessary fields * feat(creativecenter/ types/predict * fix(video/ invalid end tag * feat: app version upgrade * feat(creativecenter/ tag/recommend #528 * feat(user/ navnum * feat: /x/activity/page/list * feat(comment/ desc about pagination_str * feat(comment/ update example * feat(dynamic/ #1082 * fix(comment/ -352 not -412 * feat: #700 * feat(video/ #606 & cv949156 * feat(message/ single_unread freq * feat: getUserWallet * fix: broken form * feat(Layout.vue): copyright to 2024 * feat: /x/topic/pub/rcmd/search * feat: #425 * feat(misc/ rtc/getTimestamp * fix(misc/ missing end tag * feat: #745 * feat(dynamic/ update feed/all * feat(danmaku/ #220 * feat(live/ gethistory from cv8186413 * fix(danmaku/ missing end tag
2024-08-21 19:02:39 +08:00
注: 该接口默认每 2 分钟请求一次
2024-07-20 18:38:49 +08:00
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ----------- | ---- | ---- | ------ | ---- |
| build | num | 0 | 不必要 | ? |
| mobi_app | str | web | 不必要 | ? |
| unread_type | num | 0 | 不必要 | ? |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------- | ---- | -------- | --------------------------- |
2024-07-20 18:38:49 +08:00
| code | num | 返回值 | 0成功<br />-101账号未登录 |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| message | str | 错误信息 | 默认为ok |
| ttl | num | 1 | |
| data | obj | 信息本体 | |
`data` 对象:
2024-07-20 18:38:49 +08:00
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ----------------------- | ---- | ----------------------- | ---- |
| unfollow_unread | num | 未关注用户未读私信数 | |
| follow_unread | num | 已关注用户未读私信数 | |
| unfollow_push_msg | num | 未关注用户推送消息数? | |
| dustbin_push_msg | num | 已拦截的推送消息数? | |
| dustbin_unread | num | 已拦截的未读消息数? | |
| biz_msg_unfollow_unread | num | 未订阅的未读系统通知数? | |
| biz_msg_follow_unread | num | 已订阅的未读系统通知数? | |
| custom_unread | num | 自定义未读消息数? | |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
curl '' \
-b 'SESSDATA=xxx'
2024-07-20 18:38:49 +08:00
"code": 0,
"msg": "ok",
"message": "ok",
"data": {
"unfollow_unread": 1,
"follow_unread": 6,
"unfollow_push_msg": 0,
"dustbin_push_msg": 0,
"dustbin_unread": 0,
"biz_msg_unfollow_unread": 0,
"biz_msg_follow_unread": 1,
"custom_unread": 0
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
## 发送私信web端
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------ | ------ | -------------------------------------- |
| msg[sender_uid] | num | 发送者mid | 必要 | |
| msg[receiver_id] | num | 接收者mid | 必要 | |
| msg[receiver_type] | num | 1 | 必要 | 固定为1 |
调整部分接口描述与错误修复 (#1088) * fix(search/ cookie buvid3 * feat(login/login_action/ more sms desc * fix: typo * feat(live/ add ps for getRoomBaseInfo * fix(danmaku/ broken form * chore: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated * feat(comment/ reply/wbi/main param next * feat(misc/ get buvid3 only * fix: broken links & wrong code type * feat: close all img & br tags * feat(login/ missing demo links * feat(dynamic/ /lottery_svr/v1/lottery_svr/lottery_notice * fix(video/ share cookie buvid3 * feat: deprecated stat & attribute * feat(dynamic/ reaction * feat(misc/sign/ header * feat(dynamic/ update detail params & example * feat(APP_widget/ /x/v2/version * feat(video/ update view * feat(docs/ remove channel * feat(search/ search/type -1200 * feat(user/ audio * feat(video/ /x/player/wbi/v2 * feat(audio/ update web/url * feat(comment/ state * fix(user/ wrong guard_level desc * feat(live/ DANMU_MSG * fix(user/medals): wrong guard_level & guard_icon desc * feat(live/ format & add more 'cmd' * feat(live/ add more 'cmd' * feat(live/ add tips for non-login users * feat(video/ need_login_subtitle --------- Co-authored-by: 社会易姐QwQ <>
2024-09-19 23:17:33 +08:00
| msg[msg_type] | num | 消息类型 | 必要 | 1:发送文字<br />2:发送图片<br />5:撤回消息 |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| msg[msg_status] | num | 0 | 非必要 | |
| msg[dev_id] | string | 372778FD-E359-461D-86A3-EA2BCC6FF52A | 必要 | **获取方式在下面** |
| msg[timestamp] | num | 时间戳(秒) | 必要 | |
2023-09-29 17:41:19 +08:00
| msg[new_face_version] | num | 表情包版本 | 非必要 | **详见下表** |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| msg[content] | 发送文字时str<br />撤回消息时num | 消息内容 | 必要 | **详见下表** |
| csrf | str | CSRF Token位于cookie | 必要 | |
const deviceid = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, (function (name) {
let randomInt = 16 * Math.random() | 0;
return ("x" === name ? randomInt : 3 & randomInt | 8).toString(16).toUpperCase()
代码来自 [andywang425/BLTH](
public class Util{
private String getDevId() {
char[] b = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};
char[] s = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if ('-' == s[i] || '4' == s[i]) {
int randomInt = (int) (16 * Math.random());
if ('x' == s[i]) {
s[i] = b[randomInt];
} else {
s[i] = b[3 & randomInt | 8];
return new String(s);
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------- | ---- | -------- | ---- |
| content | str | 私信内容 | |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| -------- | ---- | -------- | :-------------------------------------------- |
| url | str | 图片url | 默认为B站相簿图片上传通道<br />也可用三方图床 |
| width | num | 图片的宽 | 单位:像素(非必要) |
| height | num | 图片的高 | 单位:像素(非必要) |
| type | str | 图片格式 | (非必要) |
| original | num | 1 | **作用未知**(非必要) |
调整部分接口描述与错误修复 (#1088) * fix(search/ cookie buvid3 * feat(login/login_action/ more sms desc * fix: typo * feat(live/ add ps for getRoomBaseInfo * fix(danmaku/ broken form * chore: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated * feat(comment/ reply/wbi/main param next * feat(misc/ get buvid3 only * fix: broken links & wrong code type * feat: close all img & br tags * feat(login/ missing demo links * feat(dynamic/ /lottery_svr/v1/lottery_svr/lottery_notice * fix(video/ share cookie buvid3 * feat: deprecated stat & attribute * feat(dynamic/ reaction * feat(misc/sign/ header * feat(dynamic/ update detail params & example * feat(APP_widget/ /x/v2/version * feat(video/ update view * feat(docs/ remove channel * feat(search/ search/type -1200 * feat(user/ audio * feat(video/ /x/player/wbi/v2 * feat(audio/ update web/url * feat(comment/ state * fix(user/ wrong guard_level desc * feat(live/ DANMU_MSG * fix(user/medals): wrong guard_level & guard_icon desc * feat(live/ format & add more 'cmd' * feat(live/ add more 'cmd' * feat(live/ add tips for non-login users * feat(video/ need_login_subtitle --------- Co-authored-by: 社会易姐QwQ <>
2024-09-19 23:17:33 +08:00
| size | num | 文件大小 | 单位:千字节(非必要)<br />__向上取整__ |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
该参数为数值,为目标消息的` msg_key `
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
调整部分接口描述与错误修复 (#1088) * fix(search/ cookie buvid3 * feat(login/login_action/ more sms desc * fix: typo * feat(live/ add ps for getRoomBaseInfo * fix(danmaku/ broken form * chore: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated * feat(comment/ reply/wbi/main param next * feat(misc/ get buvid3 only * fix: broken links & wrong code type * feat: close all img & br tags * feat(login/ missing demo links * feat(dynamic/ /lottery_svr/v1/lottery_svr/lottery_notice * fix(video/ share cookie buvid3 * feat: deprecated stat & attribute * feat(dynamic/ reaction * feat(misc/sign/ header * feat(dynamic/ update detail params & example * feat(APP_widget/ /x/v2/version * feat(video/ update view * feat(docs/ remove channel * feat(search/ search/type -1200 * feat(user/ audio * feat(video/ /x/player/wbi/v2 * feat(audio/ update web/url * feat(comment/ state * fix(user/ wrong guard_level desc * feat(live/ DANMU_MSG * fix(user/medals): wrong guard_level & guard_icon desc * feat(live/ format & add more 'cmd' * feat(live/ add more 'cmd' * feat(live/ add tips for non-login users * feat(video/ need_login_subtitle --------- Co-authored-by: 社会易姐QwQ <>
2024-09-19 23:17:33 +08:00
| code | num | 返回值 | 0成功 |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| message | str | 错误信息 | 默认为ok |
| ttl | num | | 默认为1 |
| data | obj | 主体 | 出错时为空 |
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------------- | ---- | ---------- | ------------ |
| msg_key| num | 消息唯一id | |
| msg_content | str | 发送的消息 | |
| key_hit_infos | obj | | 作用尚不明确 |
> up主你好
> 催更[doge]
curl '' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[sender_uid]=293793435' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[receiver_id]=1' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[receiver_type] =1' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[msg_type]=1' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[dev_id] =372778FD-E359-461D-86A3-EA2BCC6FF52A' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[timestamp] =1626181379' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[content]={"content":"up主你好\n催更[doge]"}' \
--data-urlencode 'csrf=xxx' \
-b 'SESSDATA=xxx'
调整部分接口描述与错误修复 (#1088) * fix(search/ cookie buvid3 * feat(login/login_action/ more sms desc * fix: typo * feat(live/ add ps for getRoomBaseInfo * fix(danmaku/ broken form * chore: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated * feat(comment/ reply/wbi/main param next * feat(misc/ get buvid3 only * fix: broken links & wrong code type * feat: close all img & br tags * feat(login/ missing demo links * feat(dynamic/ /lottery_svr/v1/lottery_svr/lottery_notice * fix(video/ share cookie buvid3 * feat: deprecated stat & attribute * feat(dynamic/ reaction * feat(misc/sign/ header * feat(dynamic/ update detail params & example * feat(APP_widget/ /x/v2/version * feat(video/ update view * feat(docs/ remove channel * feat(search/ search/type -1200 * feat(user/ audio * feat(video/ /x/player/wbi/v2 * feat(audio/ update web/url * feat(comment/ state * fix(user/ wrong guard_level desc * feat(live/ DANMU_MSG * fix(user/medals): wrong guard_level & guard_icon desc * feat(live/ format & add more 'cmd' * feat(live/ add more 'cmd' * feat(live/ add tips for non-login users * feat(video/ need_login_subtitle --------- Co-authored-by: 社会易姐QwQ <>
2024-09-19 23:17:33 +08:00
> <img src="" style="zoom:50%;" />
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
curl '' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[sender_uid]=293793435' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[receiver_id]=1' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[receiver_type] =1' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[msg_type]=2' \
--data-urlencode 'msg[content]={"url":}' \
--data-urlencode 'csrf_token=xxx' \
-b 'SESSDATA=xxx'
## 私信消息记录
此接口有设计缺陷,能够获取已经撤回,无法显示(如 发送私信 中msg[msg_type]:3的消息
| 参数名 | 类型 | 内容 | 必要性 | 备注 |
| ------ | ---- | -------- | ------------ | ------------------ |
| sender_device_id | num | 发送者设备 | 可选 | 1 |
| talker_id | num | 聊天对象的UID | 必要 | -------------- |
| session_type | num | 聊天对象的类型 | 必要 | 1为用户2为粉丝团 |
| size | num | 列出消息条数 | 可选 | 默认是20最大为200 |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| build | num | 未知 | 可选 | 默认是0 |
| mobi_app | str | 设备 | 可选 | web |
| begin_seqno | num | 开始的序列号 | 可选 | 默认0为全部 |
| end_seqno | num | 结束的序列号 | 可选 | 默认0为全部 |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| 字段 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------- |
| code | num | 返回值 | 0成功 <br />-400请求错误 |
| msg | str | 错误信息 | 默认为0 |
| message | str | 错误信息 | 默认为0 |
| ttl | num | 1 | |
| data | array | 数据列表 | |
| 项 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ---- | ---- | ------------- | ---- |
| messages | array | 聊天记录列表 | |
| has_more | num | 0 | |
2023-09-15 18:28:44 +08:00
| min_seqno | num | 所有消息最小的序列号(最早) | |
| max_seqno | num | 所有消息最大的序列号(最晚) | |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| e_infos | array | 聊天表情列表 | |
| 项 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ---- | ---- | ------------- | ---- |
| sender_uid | num | 发送者uid | 注意名称是sender_uid |
| receiver_type | num | 与session_type对应 | 1为用户2为粉丝团 |
| receiver_id | num | 接收者uid | 注意名称是receiver_id |
调整部分接口描述与错误修复 (#1088) * fix(search/ cookie buvid3 * feat(login/login_action/ more sms desc * fix: typo * feat(live/ add ps for getRoomBaseInfo * fix(danmaku/ broken form * chore: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated * feat(comment/ reply/wbi/main param next * feat(misc/ get buvid3 only * fix: broken links & wrong code type * feat: close all img & br tags * feat(login/ missing demo links * feat(dynamic/ /lottery_svr/v1/lottery_svr/lottery_notice * fix(video/ share cookie buvid3 * feat: deprecated stat & attribute * feat(dynamic/ reaction * feat(misc/sign/ header * feat(dynamic/ update detail params & example * feat(APP_widget/ /x/v2/version * feat(video/ update view * feat(docs/ remove channel * feat(search/ search/type -1200 * feat(user/ audio * feat(video/ /x/player/wbi/v2 * feat(audio/ update web/url * feat(comment/ state * fix(user/ wrong guard_level desc * feat(live/ DANMU_MSG * fix(user/medals): wrong guard_level & guard_icon desc * feat(live/ format & add more 'cmd' * feat(live/ add more 'cmd' * feat(live/ add tips for non-login users * feat(video/ need_login_subtitle --------- Co-authored-by: 社会易姐QwQ <>
2024-09-19 23:17:33 +08:00
| msg_type | num | 消息类型 | 1:文字消息<br />2:图片消息<br />5:撤回的消息<br />12、13:通知 |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| content | str | 消息内容 | 此处存在设计缺陷 |
2023-09-15 18:28:44 +08:00
| msg_seqno | num | 消息序列号,保证按照时间顺序从小到大 | |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| timestamp | num | 消息发送时间戳 | |
| at_uids | array | 未知 | |
| msg_key | num | 未知 | |
| msg_status | num | 消息状态 | 0 |
| notify_code |str | 未知 | |
2023-09-29 17:41:19 +08:00
| new_face_version |num | 表情包版本 | 0或者没有是旧版此时b站会自动转换成新版表情包例如`[doge]` -> `[tv_doge]`1是新版 |
2023-02-22 01:00:06 +08:00
| 项 | 类型 | 内容 | 备注 |
| ---- | ---- | ------------- | ---- |
| text | str | 表情名称 | |
| uri | str | 表情链接 | |
| size | num | 表情尺寸 | 1 |
curl '' \
-b 'SESSDATA=xxx'
"code": 0,
"msg": "0",
"message": "0",
"ttl": 1,
"data": {
"messages": [
"sender_uid": 2239814,
"receiver_type": 1,
"receiver_id": 123,
"msg_type": 1,
"content": "{\"content\":\"[口罩]\"}",
"msg_seqno": 309675413389322,
"timestamp": 1654154093,
"at_uids": [
"msg_key": 7104537732714964358,
"msg_status": 0,
"notify_code": "",
"new_face_version": 1
"sender_uid": 2239814,
"receiver_type": 1,
"receiver_id": 123,
"msg_type": 5,
"content": "{\"content\":\"1\"}",
"msg_seqno": 308302399586307,
"timestamp": 1654072255,
"at_uids": [
"msg_key": 7104186240789226795,
"msg_status": 0,
"notify_code": ""
"has_more": 0,
"min_seqno": 308188515844097,
"max_seqno": 309675413389322,
"e_infos": [
"text": "[口罩]",
"url": "",
"size": 1