Henrique Bucher fbc6efa9b5
Refactoring of PerfCounters infrastructure (#1559)
* Refactoring of PerfCounters infrastructure

The main feature in this pull request is the removal of the static
sharing of PerfCounters and instead creating them at the top
`RunBenchmarks()`  function where all benchmark runners are created. A
single PerfCountersMeasurement object is created and then shared with
all the new BenchmarkRunners objects, one per existing benchmark.

Other features conflated here in this PR are:
- Added BENCHMARK_DONT_OPTIMIZE macro in global scope
- Removal of the `IsValid()` query, being replaced by checking the
  number of remaining counters after validity tests
- Refactoring of all GTests to reflect the changes and new semantics
- extra comments throughout the new code to clarify intent

It was extremely hard to separate all those features in different PRs
as requested since they are so interdependent on each other so I'm just
pushing them altogether and asking for forgiveness.

This PR comes replacing PRs 1555 and 1558 which have been closed.

* Fixed whitespace issue with clang-format

My clang-format insists in deleting this single white space on line 601
while Github's clang format breaks when it is added. I had to disable
format-on-save to check-in this revert change.
I'm using clang 14.0.6.
2023-03-07 10:27:52 +00:00

500 lines
18 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "benchmark_runner.h"
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#include "benchmark_api_internal.h"
#include "internal_macros.h"
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include "check.h"
#include "colorprint.h"
#include "commandlineflags.h"
#include "complexity.h"
#include "counter.h"
#include "internal_macros.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "perf_counters.h"
#include "re.h"
#include "statistics.h"
#include "string_util.h"
#include "thread_manager.h"
#include "thread_timer.h"
namespace benchmark {
namespace internal {
MemoryManager* memory_manager = nullptr;
namespace {
static constexpr IterationCount kMaxIterations = 1000000000;
const double kDefaultMinTime =
std::strtod(::benchmark::kDefaultMinTimeStr, /*p_end*/ nullptr);
BenchmarkReporter::Run CreateRunReport(
const benchmark::internal::BenchmarkInstance& b,
const internal::ThreadManager::Result& results,
IterationCount memory_iterations,
const MemoryManager::Result* memory_result, double seconds,
int64_t repetition_index, int64_t repeats) {
// Create report about this benchmark run.
BenchmarkReporter::Run report;
report.run_name =;
report.family_index = b.family_index();
report.per_family_instance_index = b.per_family_instance_index();
report.error_occurred = results.has_error_;
report.error_message = results.error_message_;
report.report_label = results.report_label_;
// This is the total iterations across all threads.
report.iterations = results.iterations;
report.time_unit = b.time_unit();
report.threads = b.threads();
report.repetition_index = repetition_index;
report.repetitions = repeats;
if (!report.error_occurred) {
if (b.use_manual_time()) {
report.real_accumulated_time = results.manual_time_used;
} else {
report.real_accumulated_time = results.real_time_used;
report.cpu_accumulated_time = results.cpu_time_used;
report.complexity_n = results.complexity_n;
report.complexity = b.complexity();
report.complexity_lambda = b.complexity_lambda();
report.statistics = &b.statistics();
report.counters = results.counters;
if (memory_iterations > 0) {
assert(memory_result != nullptr);
report.memory_result = memory_result;
report.allocs_per_iter =
memory_iterations ? static_cast<double>(memory_result->num_allocs) /
: 0;
internal::Finish(&report.counters, results.iterations, seconds,
return report;
// Execute one thread of benchmark b for the specified number of iterations.
// Adds the stats collected for the thread into manager->results.
void RunInThread(const BenchmarkInstance* b, IterationCount iters,
int thread_id, ThreadManager* manager,
PerfCountersMeasurement* perf_counters_measurement) {
internal::ThreadTimer timer(
? internal::ThreadTimer::CreateProcessCpuTime()
: internal::ThreadTimer::Create());
State st =
b->Run(iters, thread_id, &timer, manager, perf_counters_measurement);
BM_CHECK(st.error_occurred() || st.iterations() >= st.max_iterations)
<< "Benchmark returned before State::KeepRunning() returned false!";
MutexLock l(manager->GetBenchmarkMutex());
internal::ThreadManager::Result& results = manager->results;
results.iterations += st.iterations();
results.cpu_time_used += timer.cpu_time_used();
results.real_time_used += timer.real_time_used();
results.manual_time_used += timer.manual_time_used();
results.complexity_n += st.complexity_length_n();
internal::Increment(&results.counters, st.counters);
double ComputeMinTime(const benchmark::internal::BenchmarkInstance& b,
const BenchTimeType& iters_or_time) {
if (!IsZero(b.min_time())) return b.min_time();
// If the flag was used to specify number of iters, then return the default
// min_time.
if (iters_or_time.tag == BenchTimeType::ITERS) return kDefaultMinTime;
return iters_or_time.time;
IterationCount ComputeIters(const benchmark::internal::BenchmarkInstance& b,
const BenchTimeType& iters_or_time) {
if (b.iterations() != 0) return b.iterations();
// We've already concluded that this flag is currently used to pass
// iters but do a check here again anyway.
BM_CHECK(iters_or_time.tag == BenchTimeType::ITERS);
return iters_or_time.iters;
} // end namespace
BenchTimeType ParseBenchMinTime(const std::string& value) {
BenchTimeType ret;
if (value.empty()) {
ret.tag = BenchTimeType::TIME;
ret.time = 0.0;
return ret;
if (value.back() == 'x') {
const char* iters_str = value.c_str();
char* p_end;
// Reset errno before it's changed by strtol.
errno = 0;
IterationCount num_iters = std::strtol(iters_str, &p_end, 10);
// After a valid parse, p_end should have been set to
// point to the 'x' suffix.
BM_CHECK(errno == 0 && p_end != nullptr && *p_end == 'x')
<< "Malformed iters value passed to --benchmark_min_time: `" << value
<< "`. Expected --benchmark_min_time=<integer>x.";
ret.tag = BenchTimeType::ITERS;
ret.iters = num_iters;
return ret;
const char* time_str = value.c_str();
bool has_suffix = value.back() == 's';
if (!has_suffix) {
BM_VLOG(0) << "Value passed to --benchmark_min_time should have a suffix. "
"Eg., `30s` for 30-seconds.";
char* p_end;
// Reset errno before it's changed by strtod.
errno = 0;
double min_time = std::strtod(time_str, &p_end);
// After a successful parse, p_end should point to the suffix 's',
// or the end of the string if the suffix was omitted.
BM_CHECK(errno == 0 && p_end != nullptr &&
((has_suffix && *p_end == 's') || *p_end == '\0'))
<< "Malformed seconds value passed to --benchmark_min_time: `" << value
<< "`. Expected --benchmark_min_time=<float>x.";
ret.tag = BenchTimeType::TIME;
ret.time = min_time;
return ret;
const benchmark::internal::BenchmarkInstance& b_,
PerfCountersMeasurement* pcm_,
BenchmarkReporter::PerFamilyRunReports* reports_for_family_)
: b(b_),
min_time(ComputeMinTime(b_, parsed_benchtime_flag)),
min_warmup_time((!IsZero(b.min_time()) && b.min_warmup_time() > 0.0)
? b.min_warmup_time()
: FLAGS_benchmark_min_warmup_time),
warmup_done(!(min_warmup_time > 0.0)),
repeats(b.repetitions() != 0 ? b.repetitions()
: FLAGS_benchmark_repetitions),
has_explicit_iteration_count(b.iterations() != 0 ||
parsed_benchtime_flag.tag ==
pool(b.threads() - 1),
? ComputeIters(b_, parsed_benchtime_flag)
: 1),
perf_counters_measurement_ptr(pcm_) {
run_results.display_report_aggregates_only =
(FLAGS_benchmark_report_aggregates_only ||
run_results.file_report_aggregates_only =
if (b.aggregation_report_mode() != internal::ARM_Unspecified) {
run_results.display_report_aggregates_only =
(b.aggregation_report_mode() &
run_results.file_report_aggregates_only =
(b.aggregation_report_mode() & internal::ARM_FileReportAggregatesOnly);
BM_CHECK(FLAGS_benchmark_perf_counters.empty() ||
(perf_counters_measurement_ptr->num_counters() == 0))
<< "Perf counters were requested but could not be set up.";
BenchmarkRunner::IterationResults BenchmarkRunner::DoNIterations() {
BM_VLOG(2) << "Running " << << " for " << iters << "\n";
std::unique_ptr<internal::ThreadManager> manager;
manager.reset(new internal::ThreadManager(b.threads()));
// Run all but one thread in separate threads
for (std::size_t ti = 0; ti < pool.size(); ++ti) {
pool[ti] = std::thread(&RunInThread, &b, iters, static_cast<int>(ti + 1),
manager.get(), perf_counters_measurement_ptr);
// And run one thread here directly.
// (If we were asked to run just one thread, we don't create new threads.)
// Yes, we need to do this here *after* we start the separate threads.
RunInThread(&b, iters, 0, manager.get(), perf_counters_measurement_ptr);
// The main thread has finished. Now let's wait for the other threads.
for (std::thread& thread : pool) thread.join();
IterationResults i;
// Acquire the measurements/counters from the manager, UNDER THE LOCK!
MutexLock l(manager->GetBenchmarkMutex());
i.results = manager->results;
// And get rid of the manager.
// Adjust real/manual time stats since they were reported per thread.
i.results.real_time_used /= b.threads();
i.results.manual_time_used /= b.threads();
// If we were measuring whole-process CPU usage, adjust the CPU time too.
if (b.measure_process_cpu_time()) i.results.cpu_time_used /= b.threads();
BM_VLOG(2) << "Ran in " << i.results.cpu_time_used << "/"
<< i.results.real_time_used << "\n";
// By using KeepRunningBatch a benchmark can iterate more times than
// requested, so take the iteration count from i.results.
i.iters = i.results.iterations / b.threads();
// Base decisions off of real time if requested by this benchmark.
i.seconds = i.results.cpu_time_used;
if (b.use_manual_time()) {
i.seconds = i.results.manual_time_used;
} else if (b.use_real_time()) {
i.seconds = i.results.real_time_used;
return i;
IterationCount BenchmarkRunner::PredictNumItersNeeded(
const IterationResults& i) const {
// See how much iterations should be increased by.
// Note: Avoid division by zero with max(seconds, 1ns).
double multiplier = GetMinTimeToApply() * 1.4 / std::max(i.seconds, 1e-9);
// If our last run was at least 10% of FLAGS_benchmark_min_time then we
// use the multiplier directly.
// Otherwise we use at most 10 times expansion.
// NOTE: When the last run was at least 10% of the min time the max
// expansion should be 14x.
const bool is_significant = (i.seconds / GetMinTimeToApply()) > 0.1;
multiplier = is_significant ? multiplier : 10.0;
// So what seems to be the sufficiently-large iteration count? Round up.
const IterationCount max_next_iters = static_cast<IterationCount>(
std::lround(std::max(multiplier * static_cast<double>(i.iters),
static_cast<double>(i.iters) + 1.0)));
// But we do have *some* limits though..
const IterationCount next_iters = std::min(max_next_iters, kMaxIterations);
BM_VLOG(3) << "Next iters: " << next_iters << ", " << multiplier << "\n";
return next_iters; // round up before conversion to integer.
bool BenchmarkRunner::ShouldReportIterationResults(
const IterationResults& i) const {
// Determine if this run should be reported;
// Either it has run for a sufficient amount of time
// or because an error was reported.
return i.results.has_error_ ||
i.iters >= kMaxIterations || // Too many iterations already.
i.seconds >=
GetMinTimeToApply() || // The elapsed time is large enough.
// CPU time is specified but the elapsed real time greatly exceeds
// the minimum time.
// Note that user provided timers are except from this test.
((i.results.real_time_used >= 5 * GetMinTimeToApply()) &&
double BenchmarkRunner::GetMinTimeToApply() const {
// In order to re-use functionality to run and measure benchmarks for running
// a warmup phase of the benchmark, we need a way of telling whether to apply
// min_time or min_warmup_time. This function will figure out if we are in the
// warmup phase and therefore need to apply min_warmup_time or if we already
// in the benchmarking phase and min_time needs to be applied.
return warmup_done ? min_time : min_warmup_time;
void BenchmarkRunner::FinishWarmUp(const IterationCount& i) {
warmup_done = true;
iters = i;
void BenchmarkRunner::RunWarmUp() {
// Use the same mechanisms for warming up the benchmark as used for actually
// running and measuring the benchmark.
IterationResults i_warmup;
// Dont use the iterations determined in the warmup phase for the actual
// measured benchmark phase. While this may be a good starting point for the
// benchmark and it would therefore get rid of the need to figure out how many
// iterations are needed if min_time is set again, this may also be a complete
// wrong guess since the warmup loops might be considerably slower (e.g
// because of caching effects).
const IterationCount i_backup = iters;
for (;;) {
i_warmup = DoNIterations();
const bool finish = ShouldReportIterationResults(i_warmup);
if (finish) {
// Although we are running "only" a warmup phase where running enough
// iterations at once without measuring time isn't as important as it is for
// the benchmarking phase, we still do it the same way as otherwise it is
// very confusing for the user to know how to choose a proper value for
// min_warmup_time if a different approach on running it is used.
iters = PredictNumItersNeeded(i_warmup);
assert(iters > i_warmup.iters &&
"if we did more iterations than we want to do the next time, "
"then we should have accepted the current iteration run.");
void BenchmarkRunner::DoOneRepetition() {
assert(HasRepeatsRemaining() && "Already done all repetitions?");
const bool is_the_first_repetition = num_repetitions_done == 0;
// In case a warmup phase is requested by the benchmark, run it now.
// After running the warmup phase the BenchmarkRunner should be in a state as
// this warmup never happened except the fact that warmup_done is set. Every
// other manipulation of the BenchmarkRunner instance would be a bug! Please
// fix it.
if (!warmup_done) RunWarmUp();
IterationResults i;
// We *may* be gradually increasing the length (iteration count)
// of the benchmark until we decide the results are significant.
// And once we do, we report those last results and exit.
// Please do note that the if there are repetitions, the iteration count
// is *only* calculated for the *first* repetition, and other repetitions
// simply use that precomputed iteration count.
for (;;) {
i = DoNIterations();
// Do we consider the results to be significant?
// If we are doing repetitions, and the first repetition was already done,
// it has calculated the correct iteration time, so we have run that very
// iteration count just now. No need to calculate anything. Just report.
// Else, the normal rules apply.
const bool results_are_significant = !is_the_first_repetition ||
has_explicit_iteration_count ||
if (results_are_significant) break; // Good, let's report them!
// Nope, bad iteration. Let's re-estimate the hopefully-sufficient
// iteration count, and run the benchmark again...
iters = PredictNumItersNeeded(i);
assert(iters > i.iters &&
"if we did more iterations than we want to do the next time, "
"then we should have accepted the current iteration run.");
// Oh, one last thing, we need to also produce the 'memory measurements'..
MemoryManager::Result* memory_result = nullptr;
IterationCount memory_iterations = 0;
if (memory_manager != nullptr) {
// TODO(vyng): Consider making BenchmarkReporter::Run::memory_result an
// optional so we don't have to own the Result here.
// Can't do it now due to cxx03.
memory_result = &memory_results.back();
// Only run a few iterations to reduce the impact of one-time
// allocations in benchmarks that are not properly managed.
memory_iterations = std::min<IterationCount>(16, iters);
std::unique_ptr<internal::ThreadManager> manager;
manager.reset(new internal::ThreadManager(1));
RunInThread(&b, memory_iterations, 0, manager.get(),
// Ok, now actually report.
BenchmarkReporter::Run report =
CreateRunReport(b, i.results, memory_iterations, memory_result, i.seconds,
num_repetitions_done, repeats);
if (reports_for_family) {
if (!report.error_occurred) reports_for_family->Runs.push_back(report);
RunResults&& BenchmarkRunner::GetResults() {
assert(!HasRepeatsRemaining() && "Did not run all repetitions yet?");
// Calculate additional statistics over the repetitions of this instance.
run_results.aggregates_only = ComputeStats(run_results.non_aggregates);
return std::move(run_results);
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace benchmark