mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 23:20:29 +08:00
Some benchmarks are particularly sensitive and they run in less than a nanosecond. In order for the console reporter to provide meaningful output for such benchmarks it needs to be able to display the times using more resolution than a single nanosecond. This patch changes the console reporter to print at least three significant digits for all results. Unlike the initial attempt, this patch does not align the decimal point.
506 lines
16 KiB
506 lines
16 KiB
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include <sstream>
#include <streambuf>
#include "../src/benchmark_api_internal.h"
#include "../src/check.h" // NOTE: check.h is for internal use only!
#include "../src/re.h" // NOTE: re.h is for internal use only
#include "output_test.h"
// ========================================================================= //
// ------------------------------ Internals -------------------------------- //
// ========================================================================= //
namespace internal {
namespace {
using TestCaseList = std::vector<TestCase>;
// Use a vector because the order elements are added matters during iteration.
// std::map/unordered_map don't guarantee that.
// For example:
// SetSubstitutions({{"%HelloWorld", "Hello"}, {"%Hello", "Hi"}});
// Substitute("%HelloWorld") // Always expands to Hello.
using SubMap = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>;
TestCaseList& GetTestCaseList(TestCaseID ID) {
// Uses function-local statics to ensure initialization occurs
// before first use.
static TestCaseList lists[TC_NumID];
return lists[ID];
SubMap& GetSubstitutions() {
// Don't use 'dec_re' from header because it may not yet be initialized.
// clang-format off
static std::string safe_dec_re = "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?";
static std::string time_re = "([0-9]+[.])?[0-9]+";
static SubMap map = {
{"%float", "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?"},
// human-readable float
{"%hrfloat", "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?"},
{"%int", "[ ]*[0-9]+"},
{" %s ", "[ ]+"},
{"%time", "[ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+ns"},
{"%console_report", "[ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+ns [ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+ns [ ]*[0-9]+"},
{"%console_time_only_report", "[ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+ns [ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+ns"},
{"%console_us_report", "[ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+us [ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+us [ ]*[0-9]+"},
{"%console_us_time_only_report", "[ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+us [ ]*" + time_re + "[ ]+us"},
{"%csv_report", "[0-9]+," + safe_dec_re + "," + safe_dec_re + ",ns,,,,,"},
{"%csv_us_report", "[0-9]+," + safe_dec_re + "," + safe_dec_re + ",us,,,,,"},
"[0-9]+," + safe_dec_re + "," + safe_dec_re + ",ns," + safe_dec_re + ",,,,"},
"[0-9]+," + safe_dec_re + "," + safe_dec_re + ",ns,," + safe_dec_re + ",,,"},
"[0-9]+," + safe_dec_re + "," + safe_dec_re + ",ns," + safe_dec_re +
"," + safe_dec_re + ",,,"},
{"%csv_label_report_begin", "[0-9]+," + safe_dec_re + "," + safe_dec_re + ",ns,,,"},
{"%csv_label_report_end", ",,"}};
// clang-format on
return map;
std::string PerformSubstitutions(std::string source) {
SubMap const& subs = GetSubstitutions();
using SizeT = std::string::size_type;
for (auto const& KV : subs) {
SizeT pos;
SizeT next_start = 0;
while ((pos = source.find(KV.first, next_start)) != std::string::npos) {
next_start = pos + KV.second.size();
source.replace(pos, KV.first.size(), KV.second);
return source;
void CheckCase(std::stringstream& remaining_output, TestCase const& TC,
TestCaseList const& not_checks) {
std::string first_line;
bool on_first = true;
std::string line;
while (remaining_output.eof() == false) {
std::getline(remaining_output, line);
if (on_first) {
first_line = line;
on_first = false;
for (const auto& NC : not_checks) {
<< "Unexpected match for line \"" << line << "\" for MR_Not regex \""
<< NC.regex_str << "\""
<< "\n actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\""
<< "\n started matching near: " << first_line;
if (TC.regex->Match(line)) return;
CHECK(TC.match_rule != MR_Next)
<< "Expected line \"" << line << "\" to match regex \"" << TC.regex_str
<< "\""
<< "\n actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\""
<< "\n started matching near: " << first_line;
CHECK(remaining_output.eof() == false)
<< "End of output reached before match for regex \"" << TC.regex_str
<< "\" was found"
<< "\n actual regex string \"" << TC.substituted_regex << "\""
<< "\n started matching near: " << first_line;
void CheckCases(TestCaseList const& checks, std::stringstream& output) {
std::vector<TestCase> not_checks;
for (size_t i = 0; i < checks.size(); ++i) {
const auto& TC = checks[i];
if (TC.match_rule == MR_Not) {
CheckCase(output, TC, not_checks);
class TestReporter : public benchmark::BenchmarkReporter {
TestReporter(std::vector<benchmark::BenchmarkReporter*> reps)
: reporters_(reps) {}
virtual bool ReportContext(const Context& context) {
bool last_ret = false;
bool first = true;
for (auto rep : reporters_) {
bool new_ret = rep->ReportContext(context);
CHECK(first || new_ret == last_ret)
<< "Reports return different values for ReportContext";
first = false;
last_ret = new_ret;
return last_ret;
void ReportRuns(const std::vector<Run>& report) {
for (auto rep : reporters_) rep->ReportRuns(report);
void Finalize() {
for (auto rep : reporters_) rep->Finalize();
std::vector<benchmark::BenchmarkReporter*> reporters_;
} // namespace
} // end namespace internal
// ========================================================================= //
// -------------------------- Results checking ----------------------------- //
// ========================================================================= //
namespace internal {
// Utility class to manage subscribers for checking benchmark results.
// It works by parsing the CSV output to read the results.
class ResultsChecker {
struct PatternAndFn : public TestCase { // reusing TestCase for its regexes
PatternAndFn(const std::string& rx, ResultsCheckFn fn_)
: TestCase(rx), fn(fn_) {}
ResultsCheckFn fn;
std::vector<PatternAndFn> check_patterns;
std::vector<Results> results;
std::vector<std::string> field_names;
void Add(const std::string& entry_pattern, ResultsCheckFn fn);
void CheckResults(std::stringstream& output);
void SetHeader_(const std::string& csv_header);
void SetValues_(const std::string& entry_csv_line);
std::vector<std::string> SplitCsv_(const std::string& line);
// store the static ResultsChecker in a function to prevent initialization
// order problems
ResultsChecker& GetResultsChecker() {
static ResultsChecker rc;
return rc;
// add a results checker for a benchmark
void ResultsChecker::Add(const std::string& entry_pattern, ResultsCheckFn fn) {
check_patterns.emplace_back(entry_pattern, fn);
// check the results of all subscribed benchmarks
void ResultsChecker::CheckResults(std::stringstream& output) {
// first reset the stream to the start
auto start = std::stringstream::pos_type(0);
// clear before calling tellg()
// seek to zero only when needed
if (output.tellg() > start) output.seekg(start);
// and just in case
// now go over every line and publish it to the ResultsChecker
std::string line;
bool on_first = true;
while (output.eof() == false) {
std::getline(output, line);
if (on_first) {
SetHeader_(line); // this is important
on_first = false;
// finally we can call the subscribed check functions
for (const auto& p : check_patterns) {
VLOG(2) << "--------------------------------\n";
VLOG(2) << "checking for benchmarks matching " << p.regex_str << "...\n";
for (const auto& r : results) {
if (!p.regex->Match(r.name)) {
VLOG(2) << p.regex_str << " is not matched by " << r.name << "\n";
} else {
VLOG(2) << p.regex_str << " is matched by " << r.name << "\n";
VLOG(1) << "Checking results of " << r.name << ": ... \n";
VLOG(1) << "Checking results of " << r.name << ": OK.\n";
// prepare for the names in this header
void ResultsChecker::SetHeader_(const std::string& csv_header) {
field_names = SplitCsv_(csv_header);
// set the values for a benchmark
void ResultsChecker::SetValues_(const std::string& entry_csv_line) {
if (entry_csv_line.empty()) return; // some lines are empty
auto vals = SplitCsv_(entry_csv_line);
CHECK_EQ(vals.size(), field_names.size());
results.emplace_back(vals[0]); // vals[0] is the benchmark name
auto& entry = results.back();
for (size_t i = 1, e = vals.size(); i < e; ++i) {
entry.values[field_names[i]] = vals[i];
// a quick'n'dirty csv splitter (eliminating quotes)
std::vector<std::string> ResultsChecker::SplitCsv_(const std::string& line) {
std::vector<std::string> out;
if (line.empty()) return out;
if (!field_names.empty()) out.reserve(field_names.size());
size_t prev = 0, pos = line.find_first_of(','), curr = pos;
while (pos != line.npos) {
CHECK(curr > 0);
if (line[prev] == '"') ++prev;
if (line[curr - 1] == '"') --curr;
out.push_back(line.substr(prev, curr - prev));
prev = pos + 1;
pos = line.find_first_of(',', pos + 1);
curr = pos;
curr = line.size();
if (line[prev] == '"') ++prev;
if (line[curr - 1] == '"') --curr;
out.push_back(line.substr(prev, curr - prev));
return out;
} // end namespace internal
size_t AddChecker(const char* bm_name, ResultsCheckFn fn) {
auto& rc = internal::GetResultsChecker();
rc.Add(bm_name, fn);
return rc.results.size();
int Results::NumThreads() const {
auto pos = name.find("/threads:");
if (pos == name.npos) return 1;
auto end = name.find('/', pos + 9);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << name.substr(pos + 9, end);
int num = 1;
ss >> num;
return num;
double Results::NumIterations() const {
return GetAs<double>("iterations");
double Results::GetTime(BenchmarkTime which) const {
CHECK(which == kCpuTime || which == kRealTime);
const char* which_str = which == kCpuTime ? "cpu_time" : "real_time";
double val = GetAs<double>(which_str);
auto unit = Get("time_unit");
if (*unit == "ns") {
return val * 1.e-9;
} else if (*unit == "us") {
return val * 1.e-6;
} else if (*unit == "ms") {
return val * 1.e-3;
} else if (*unit == "s") {
return val;
} else {
CHECK(1 == 0) << "unknown time unit: " << *unit;
return 0;
// ========================================================================= //
// -------------------------- Public API Definitions------------------------ //
// ========================================================================= //
TestCase::TestCase(std::string re, int rule)
: regex_str(std::move(re)),
regex(std::make_shared<benchmark::Regex>()) {
std::string err_str;
regex->Init(substituted_regex, &err_str);
CHECK(err_str.empty()) << "Could not construct regex \"" << substituted_regex
<< "\""
<< "\n originally \"" << regex_str << "\""
<< "\n got error: " << err_str;
int AddCases(TestCaseID ID, std::initializer_list<TestCase> il) {
auto& L = internal::GetTestCaseList(ID);
L.insert(L.end(), il);
return 0;
int SetSubstitutions(
std::initializer_list<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> il) {
auto& subs = internal::GetSubstitutions();
for (auto KV : il) {
bool exists = false;
KV.second = internal::PerformSubstitutions(KV.second);
for (auto& EKV : subs) {
if (EKV.first == KV.first) {
EKV.second = std::move(KV.second);
exists = true;
if (!exists) subs.push_back(std::move(KV));
return 0;
void RunOutputTests(int argc, char* argv[]) {
using internal::GetTestCaseList;
benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);
auto options = benchmark::internal::GetOutputOptions(/*force_no_color*/ true);
benchmark::ConsoleReporter CR(options);
benchmark::JSONReporter JR;
benchmark::CSVReporter CSVR;
struct ReporterTest {
const char* name;
std::vector<TestCase>& output_cases;
std::vector<TestCase>& error_cases;
benchmark::BenchmarkReporter& reporter;
std::stringstream out_stream;
std::stringstream err_stream;
ReporterTest(const char* n, std::vector<TestCase>& out_tc,
std::vector<TestCase>& err_tc,
benchmark::BenchmarkReporter& br)
: name(n), output_cases(out_tc), error_cases(err_tc), reporter(br) {
} TestCases[] = {
{"ConsoleReporter", GetTestCaseList(TC_ConsoleOut),
GetTestCaseList(TC_ConsoleErr), CR},
{"JSONReporter", GetTestCaseList(TC_JSONOut), GetTestCaseList(TC_JSONErr),
{"CSVReporter", GetTestCaseList(TC_CSVOut), GetTestCaseList(TC_CSVErr),
// Create the test reporter and run the benchmarks.
std::cout << "Running benchmarks...\n";
internal::TestReporter test_rep({&CR, &JR, &CSVR});
for (auto& rep_test : TestCases) {
std::string msg = std::string("\nTesting ") + rep_test.name + " Output\n";
std::string banner(msg.size() - 1, '-');
std::cout << banner << msg << banner << "\n";
std::cerr << rep_test.err_stream.str();
std::cout << rep_test.out_stream.str();
internal::CheckCases(rep_test.error_cases, rep_test.err_stream);
internal::CheckCases(rep_test.output_cases, rep_test.out_stream);
std::cout << "\n";
// now that we know the output is as expected, we can dispatch
// the checks to subscribees.
auto& csv = TestCases[2];
// would use == but gcc spits a warning
CHECK(std::strcmp(csv.name, "CSVReporter") == 0);
int SubstrCnt(const std::string& haystack, const std::string& pat) {
if (pat.length() == 0) return 0;
int count = 0;
for (size_t offset = haystack.find(pat); offset != std::string::npos;
offset = haystack.find(pat, offset + pat.length()))
return count;
static char ToHex(int ch) {
return ch < 10 ? static_cast<char>('0' + ch)
: static_cast<char>('a' + (ch - 10));
static char RandomHexChar() {
static std::mt19937 rd{std::random_device{}()};
static std::uniform_int_distribution<int> mrand{0, 15};
return ToHex(mrand(rd));
static std::string GetRandomFileName() {
std::string model = "test.%%%%%%";
for (auto & ch : model) {
if (ch == '%')
ch = RandomHexChar();
return model;
static bool FileExists(std::string const& name) {
std::ifstream in(name.c_str());
return in.good();
static std::string GetTempFileName() {
// This function attempts to avoid race conditions where two tests
// create the same file at the same time. However, it still introduces races
// similar to tmpnam.
int retries = 3;
while (--retries) {
std::string name = GetRandomFileName();
if (!FileExists(name))
return name;
std::cerr << "Failed to create unique temporary file name" << std::endl;
std::string GetFileReporterOutput(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::vector<char*> new_argv(argv, argv + argc);
assert(static_cast<decltype(new_argv)::size_type>(argc) == new_argv.size());
std::string tmp_file_name = GetTempFileName();
std::cout << "Will be using this as the tmp file: " << tmp_file_name << '\n';
std::string tmp = "--benchmark_out=";
tmp += tmp_file_name;
argc = int(new_argv.size());
benchmark::Initialize(&argc, new_argv.data());
// Read the output back from the file, and delete the file.
std::ifstream tmp_stream(tmp_file_name);
std::string output = std::string((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(tmp_stream)),
return output;