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synced 2025-03-14 11:20:07 +08:00
Inspired by these [two](a1ebe07bea
) [bugs](0891555be5
) in my code due to the lack of those i have found fixed in my code: * `kIsIterationInvariant` - `* state.iterations()` The value is constant for every iteration, and needs to be **multiplied** by the iteration count. * `kAvgIterations` - `/ state.iterations()` The is global over all the iterations, and needs to be **divided** by the iteration count. They play nice with `kIsRate`: * `kIsIterationInvariantRate` * `kAvgIterationsRate`. I'm not sure how meaningful they are when combined with `kAvgThreads`. I guess the `kIsThreadInvariant` can be added, too, for symmetry with `kAvgThreads`.
207 lines
7.4 KiB
207 lines
7.4 KiB
#undef NDEBUG
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../src/re.h"
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"
#define CONCAT2(x, y) x##y
#define CONCAT(x, y) CONCAT2(x, y)
#define ADD_CASES(...) int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = ::AddCases(__VA_ARGS__)
#define SET_SUBSTITUTIONS(...) \
int CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = ::SetSubstitutions(__VA_ARGS__)
enum MatchRules {
MR_Default, // Skip non-matching lines until a match is found.
MR_Next, // Match must occur on the next line.
MR_Not // No line between the current position and the next match matches
// the regex
struct TestCase {
TestCase(std::string re, int rule = MR_Default);
std::string regex_str;
int match_rule;
std::string substituted_regex;
std::shared_ptr<benchmark::Regex> regex;
enum TestCaseID {
// Add a list of test cases to be run against the output specified by
// 'ID'
int AddCases(TestCaseID ID, std::initializer_list<TestCase> il);
// Add or set a list of substitutions to be performed on constructed regex's
// See 'output_test_helper.cc' for a list of default substitutions.
int SetSubstitutions(
std::initializer_list<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> il);
// Run all output tests.
void RunOutputTests(int argc, char* argv[]);
// ========================================================================= //
// ------------------------- Results checking ------------------------------ //
// ========================================================================= //
// Call this macro to register a benchmark for checking its results. This
// should be all that's needed. It subscribes a function to check the (CSV)
// results of a benchmark. This is done only after verifying that the output
// strings are really as expected.
// bm_name_pattern: a name or a regex pattern which will be matched against
// all the benchmark names. Matching benchmarks
// will be the subject of a call to checker_function
// checker_function: should be of type ResultsCheckFn (see below)
#define CHECK_BENCHMARK_RESULTS(bm_name_pattern, checker_function) \
size_t CONCAT(dummy, __LINE__) = AddChecker(bm_name_pattern, checker_function)
struct Results;
typedef std::function<void(Results const&)> ResultsCheckFn;
size_t AddChecker(const char* bm_name_pattern, ResultsCheckFn fn);
// Class holding the results of a benchmark.
// It is passed in calls to checker functions.
struct Results {
// the benchmark name
std::string name;
// the benchmark fields
std::map<std::string, std::string> values;
Results(const std::string& n) : name(n) {}
int NumThreads() const;
double NumIterations() const;
typedef enum { kCpuTime, kRealTime } BenchmarkTime;
// get cpu_time or real_time in seconds
double GetTime(BenchmarkTime which) const;
// get the real_time duration of the benchmark in seconds.
// it is better to use fuzzy float checks for this, as the float
// ASCII formatting is lossy.
double DurationRealTime() const {
return NumIterations() * GetTime(kRealTime);
// get the cpu_time duration of the benchmark in seconds
double DurationCPUTime() const {
return NumIterations() * GetTime(kCpuTime);
// get the string for a result by name, or nullptr if the name
// is not found
const std::string* Get(const char* entry_name) const {
auto it = values.find(entry_name);
if (it == values.end()) return nullptr;
return &it->second;
// get a result by name, parsed as a specific type.
// NOTE: for counters, use GetCounterAs instead.
template <class T>
T GetAs(const char* entry_name) const;
// counters are written as doubles, so they have to be read first
// as a double, and only then converted to the asked type.
template <class T>
T GetCounterAs(const char* entry_name) const {
double dval = GetAs<double>(entry_name);
T tval = static_cast<T>(dval);
return tval;
template <class T>
T Results::GetAs(const char* entry_name) const {
auto* sv = Get(entry_name);
CHECK(sv != nullptr && !sv->empty());
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *sv;
T out;
ss >> out;
return out;
// Macros to help in result checking. Do not use them with arguments causing
// side-effects.
// clang-format off
#define _CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, getfn, var_type, var_name, relationship, value) \
CONCAT(CHECK_, relationship) \
(entry.getfn< var_type >(var_name), (value)) << "\n" \
<< __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << (entry).name << ":\n" \
<< __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " \
<< "expected (" << #var_type << ")" << (var_name) \
<< "=" << (entry).getfn< var_type >(var_name) \
<< " to be " #relationship " to " << (value) << "\n"
// check with tolerance. eps_factor is the tolerance window, which is
// interpreted relative to value (eg, 0.1 means 10% of value).
#define _CHECK_FLOAT_RESULT_VALUE(entry, getfn, var_type, var_name, relationship, value, eps_factor) \
CONCAT(CHECK_FLOAT_, relationship) \
(entry.getfn< var_type >(var_name), (value), (eps_factor) * (value)) << "\n" \
<< __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << (entry).name << ":\n" \
<< __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " \
<< "expected (" << #var_type << ")" << (var_name) \
<< "=" << (entry).getfn< var_type >(var_name) \
<< " to be " #relationship " to " << (value) << "\n" \
<< __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " \
<< "with tolerance of " << (eps_factor) * (value) \
<< " (" << (eps_factor)*100. << "%), " \
<< "but delta was " << ((entry).getfn< var_type >(var_name) - (value)) \
<< " (" << (((entry).getfn< var_type >(var_name) - (value)) \
/ \
((value) > 1.e-5 || value < -1.e-5 ? value : 1.e-5)*100.) \
<< "%)"
#define CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, var_type, var_name, relationship, value) \
_CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, GetAs, var_type, var_name, relationship, value)
#define CHECK_COUNTER_VALUE(entry, var_type, var_name, relationship, value) \
_CHECK_RESULT_VALUE(entry, GetCounterAs, var_type, var_name, relationship, value)
#define CHECK_FLOAT_RESULT_VALUE(entry, var_name, relationship, value, eps_factor) \
_CHECK_FLOAT_RESULT_VALUE(entry, GetAs, double, var_name, relationship, value, eps_factor)
#define CHECK_FLOAT_COUNTER_VALUE(entry, var_name, relationship, value, eps_factor) \
_CHECK_FLOAT_RESULT_VALUE(entry, GetCounterAs, double, var_name, relationship, value, eps_factor)
// clang-format on
// ========================================================================= //
// --------------------------- Misc Utilities ------------------------------ //
// ========================================================================= //
namespace {
const char* const dec_re = "[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?";
} // end namespace